Electronic versions of early cat books and supplemental information about authors. These are the full texts of several of the books used in researching the "Retrospective" series of articles.
Anon. - Cats as Society Pets (1904)
Anon. - Diseases of Cats and Dogs and Their Treatment (1893)
Anon. - Discourse on the Death of Poesjenel (1776, English and Dutch text)
Baldwin, William - Beware the Cat (1561) (One of the earliest novels written in English, modern version & original text)
Barton, Frank Townend - The Cat, Its Points: and Management in Health and Disease (1908)
Beeton, Samuel Orchart - Cats, from Beeton's Book of Poultry and Domestic Animals (c. 1870)
Booth Simmons, Eleanor - Cats (1935)
Brehm, Alfred Edmund - Cats (from "Life of Animals") (1895)
Brooke, H.C. - The Abyssinian Cat (1930)
Broderip, W.J. - Zoological Recreations: Cats (1849)
Buckworth-Herne-Soame, Evelyn - Cats, Long-haired and Short (1933)
Bungartz, Jean - Katzenrassen / Cat Breeds (1897)
Bungartz, Jean - Illustriertes Katzenbuch (in German, 1896)
Bungartz, Jean - The Illustrated Book of the Cat (1896) (English)
Bungartz, Jean - The Illustrated Book of Cats, 1896 (PDF)
Cat, Domestic - Encyclopaedia Americana, 1920
Cat - Encyclopaedia Britannica, Eleventh Edition
Celty, Ellen & Ray, Anna - Feeding and Care of the Domestic and Long-Hair Cat (1922)
Champion, Dorothy Bevill - Everybody's Cat Book (1909)
Champfleury - The Cat Past and Present (Trans. Cashel Hoey, 1885)
Champion, Dorothy Bevill - What is a Maine Cat (1907)
Chance, Mrs W - A Book of Cats (1898)
Clark, Marvin R - Pussy and her Language (1895)
Cornish-Bond, Mabel - Cat Raising as a Business (1901)
Cust, Mary Anne (Lady) - The Cat - History and Diseases (1856)
Daniels, Dr. A. C.: The Cat Doctor: Home Treatment for Cats and Kittens; published by the author (1917, Revised 1933)
Dassey, Abel - The Cat - Physiology, Breeds, Diseases & Remedies (1921)
Dassey, Abel - Le Chat - Physiologie, Races, Maladies & Remedes (1921) (French PDF)
Dechambre, E - Cat Breeds (Translated excerpts from Encyclopedia Feline (1957))
Denham, Helen & Sidney - Child of the Gods (1951)
Deshoulieres, Antoinette - Les Amours de Grisette (1678) (French PDF)
Deshoulieres, Antoinette - The Loves of Grisette (1678) (English)
Deshoulieres, Antoinette - Les Amours de Grisette & Le Mort de Cochon (1906) (French PDF)
Deshoulieres, Antoinette - The Passions of Grisette & The Death of Cochon (1906) (English)
de Vega, Lope - Gatomaquia/Gatomachia (The War of the Cats) (1634)
de Voogt, Gos - The Cat, from 'Our Domestic Animals, Their Habits, Intelligence and Usefulness' (1907)
Elkington, W M - The Cult of the Cat (1900)
Forbush, E.H. - The Domestic Cat, Bird Killer, Mouser And Destroyer Of Wild Life, Means Of Utilizing And Controlling It (1916)
France, Sydney W. - Siamese Cats (1949)
Gautier, Theophile - Cats (Excerpts from "My Household of Pets." (1882))
Gay, Jean-Jules - Cats, Extracts From Rare and Curious Pieces (1866)
Gay, Jean-Jules - Cats, Extracts From Rare and Curious Pieces (1866) (English PDF)
Gay, Jean-Jules - Les Chats, Extraites de Pieces Rare et Curieuses (1866) (French PDF)
Grogan, Laura - Pure Persian Pussies (And Others) For Pets Or Show (Woman at Home, 1913)
Gustav, Michel- Book of Cats (1870)
Gustav, Michel- Book of Cats (1870) (English PDF)
Gustav, Michel- Book of Cats (1870) (German PDF)
Hale, E.M. - The Cat and its Diseases (1885)
Hart, Elsie - Fit for a Queen (about transporting cats by rail) (1949)
House, C.A. - Cats: Show and Pet, Their Varieties, Breeding and Management (1912)
Hudson, W.H. - Do Cats Think? (1921)
Huidekoper, Rush Shippen - The Cat (1895)
James, Robert Kent (1898) - The Angora Cat, How to Breed, Train and Keep It.
Jennings, John - Domestic or Fancy Cats (1893)
Jennings, John - Domestic and Fancy Cats (1901)
Johonnot, James - Book of Cats and Dogs (1888)
Jumaud, Philippe - Cat Breeds (1925, Thesis) (English)
Jumaud, Philippe - Cat Breeds (1925, Thesis) (French PDF)
Jumaud, P & Larieux, E - The Cat: Breeds, Breeding, Diseases (1926)
Jumaud, Philippe - Cat Breeds, 3rd Edn (1930)
Jumaud, Philippe - Cat Breeds, 4th Edn (1935)
Jumaud, Philippe - Letters and Miscellaneous Writings
Landrin, Alexandre - The Cat: Zoology, Origins, History, Behaviour, Habits, Races, Anatomy, Illnesses, Jurisprudence (1894 (English)
Landrin, Alexandre - The Cat: Zoology, Origins, History, Behaviour, Habits, Races, Anatomy, Illnesses, Jurisprudence (1894) (English PDF)
Lane, Charles Henry - Rabbits, Cats and Cavies (1903) - section on cats
Loir, Dr & Mrs - The Chat, Its Usefulness, Destruction of Rats (1931)
Loir, Dr & Mrs - The Chat, Its Usefulness, Destruction of Rats (1931) (English PDF)
Loir, Dr & Mme - Le Chat, Son Utilite, La Destruction des Rats (1931) (French PDF)
Kellogg, Mrs S E - A Few Hints on Show Etiquette (1915)
Lautard, Henri - Animal Lovers, or Sympathy Towards Animals; Psychology of Dogs, Cats, Horses (Excerpts) (1909)
Magerl, Dr - Angora Cats, Breeding, Care And Diseases, German Standard And Pattern Description (1927) (English)
Magerl, Dr - Angora Cats, Breeding, Care And Diseases, German Standard And Pattern Description (1927) (English PDF)
Marks, Anne - The Cat in History, Legend and Art (1909)
Mayo, Nelson - The Cat, from Diseases of Animals (1913)
Megnin, Paul -Our Friend the Cat (1899)
Megnin, Paul -Our Friend the Cat (1899) (English PDF)
Megnin, Paul -Our Friend the Cat (1899) (French PDF)
Meulle, Alfred - The Cat - History, Characteristics, Breeds (1939)
Meulle, Alfred - The Cat - Historique, Characteres, Races (1939) (French PDF)
Mivart, Sir George - The Cat (1881) (abridged)
Moncrif (F. A. Paradis de Moncrif) - Story of Cats (1727)
Moncrif (F. A. Paradis de Moncrif) - Story of Cats (1727) (English PDF)
Moncrif Parodies by his Contemporaries (1720s - 1730s)
Moussu, R - Cats, Breeding and Diseases (1938) (English)
Moutonnet, J-J - The Galeid, or the Natural Cat, a Poem (1798) (English)
Moutonnet, J-J - The Galeid, or the Natural Cat, a Poem (1798) (French, PDF)
Oldfield Howey, Mary - The Cat in the Mysteries of Religion and Magic (1930)
Panton, J. E. - Cats and Kittens, or "In Defence of the Cat" (1890)
Percheron, Gaston - The Cat, Natural History, Health and Illnesses (1885) (English)
Percheron, Gaston - The Cat, Natural History, Health and Illnesses (1885) (English PDF)
Platt, Charles - Things You Don't Know About Cats (1924)
Platt, Charles - Things You Don't Know About cats (1924, PDF)
Platt, Charles - Mieaou! (1934)
Pocock, R.I. - On English Domestic Cats (1907)
Prodromos, Theodoros - The War of Cats and Mice (12th Century, English)
Prodromos, Theodoros - Katomyomachia (12th Century, Greek, PDF)
Rajberti, Giovanni - Sul Gatto (1845) (Italian PDF (with added illustrations))
Rajberti, Giovanni - Sul Gatto (1845) (English (with added illustrations))
Raton, M (pseudonym) - Reasoned Treatise on Domestic Cat Training (1835) (English (with added illustrations))
Raton, M (pseudonym) - Traite Raisonne sur l Education du Chat Domestique (1835)
Reney, Marcel - Our Friends the Cats (1947) (English)
Reney, Marcel - Our Friends the Cats (1947) (English PDF)
Repplier, Agnes - The Cat (1912)
Repplier, Agnes - The Fireside Sphinx (1901)
About Agnes Repplier, author of The Fireside Sphinx
Ross, Charles Henry - The Book of Cats (1868) - anecdotes and breeds
Rule, Philip M - The Cat: Its Natural History; Domestic Varieties; Management And Treatment
Saunders, Charles - Rabbit & Cat Diseases (Cat section only)
Schwangart, F. - On Racial Constitution and Breeding of the Housecat (1932)
(First English translation of "Zur Rassebildung und Rassez chtung der Hauskatze")
Schwangart, F. - On Racial Constitution and Breeding of the Housecat (1932) PDF
(First English translation of "Zur Rassebildung und Rassez chtung der Hauskatze")
Schwangart, F. - Overview and Description of the Domestic Cat Breeds (1952)
(First English translation)
Schwangart, F. - Overview and Description of the Domestic Cat Breeds (1952) (PDF)
(First English translation)
Schwangart, F. - Pawpad Markings and Related Items in the Systematics and Ecology of Genus Felis (1943) (First English translation)
Schwangart, F. - Scientific Papers on Domestic Cats (Excerpts) (1930s)
Schwangart, F. - South American Bush, Mountain and Steppe Cats (1941) (First English translation)
Senour, Caro - Captain Kidd & Sinbad the Sailore (1908) (with a "who's who" of famous show cats)
Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate - Domesticated Animals, Their Relation to Man and to His Advancement in Civilization (Cat section only)
The Life and Times of Frances Simpson
Frances Simpson and Selfridge's Cat and Dog Salon
Frances Simpson article in "Living London" (1902)
Frances Simpson articles in "The Queen" (1900s)
Frances Simpson Miscellaneous Articles in Newspapers & Journals (1900s)
Frances Simpson article in "Living London" (1902)
Simpson, Frances - The Book of the Cat (1903)
Simpson, Frances - Cats and All About Them (1902)
Simpson, Frances - Cats For Pleasure and Profit (1909)
Simpson, Frances - Cats For Pleasure and Profit (4th Edn, 1928)
Smith, Laura Alex - The Cats of Celebrities (Lady's Realm 1898)
Soderberg, P.M., - Cat Breeding and General Management (1948)
Stables, Gordon - The Domestic Cat (1876)
Stables, Gordon - Cats, Their Points and Characteristics (1877)
Stables, Gordon - Cats, Their Humane and Rational Treatment (1883, Chambers Journal)
Stables, Gordon - Shireen and Her Friends - Pages from the Life of a Persian Cat (1894)
Stickland Gates, Georgina - The Modern Cat, Her Mind and Manner, An Introduction to Comparative Psychology (1928)
Taine, Hyppolyte - Life And Philosophical Opinions of a Cat (1858)
Taine, Hyppolyte - Vie Et Opinions Philosophiques d un Chat (1858) (Francais/Anglais - French/English PDF)
van der Werff, W.J. - Our Cats (1923)
van Ufford, Quarles - Manual for the Treatment of the Cat (1934)
von Metzsch-Schilbach, Wolf - The Book of Cats; Breeds and Breeding, Behaviour and Characteristics (1926) (English)
von Metzsch-Schilbach, Wolf - The Book of Cats; Breeds and Breeding, Behaviour and Characteristics (1926) (English PDF)
von Vechten, Carl- The Tiger in the House (with French passages translated) (1922)
Wade, Phyl- The Siamese Cat (1934)
Wain, Louis- The Domestic Cat (article, 1902)
Ward Lock - Dogs and Cats and How to Manage Them (1882)
Weir, Harrison - Our Cats and All ABout Them (2nd Edn, 1892)
Whittington, Dick (Miss Higgins) - The Cat Manual (1902)
Winslow, Helen M - Concerning Cats (1900)
Williams, Mrs. Leslie - The Cat: Its Care and Management (1908)
Woodroffe-Hill, J - The Diseases of the Cat (1901)
Various - 18th Century Miscellany of Cats
Various - "Popular Science Magazine" Articles (1890s)
Various - "Vida Domestica Magazine" Articles, translated (1900s)
Various - "Vie a la Campagne Magazine" Articles, translated (1900s)
Various - His Highness the Cat (Son Altesse Le Chat, Vie a la Campagne 1935), translated.
Various - His Highness the Cat (Son Altesse Le Chat, Vie a la Campagne 1935), translated (PDF)
Various - The Perfect Dog and Cat Veterinarian (Vie a la Campagne 1924), translated.
1700s Naturalists' Texts Referring to Cats
1800 - 1850 Naturalists' Texts Referring to Cats
1851 - 1899 Naturalists' Texts Referring to Cats
1900s Naturalists' Texts Referring to Cats
1900s - Early Scientific Papers About Cat Genetics.
The Cat Journal. June 1907.
Thomson, William - Great Cats I Have Known (1896) (a hunting memoir)
Some I would like to track down to go online:
Cats: Their Points and Classification. By W. Gordon Stables, London, Dean & Son. (might be a variant of "Cats, Their Points and Characteristics"
Diehl, J. E.: The Domestic Cat: different breeds and varieties, how to keep and rear them, together with a treatise of their diseases - with symptoms and remedies for them; Associated Fanciers; Philadelphia; 1899. Pamphlet.
Hasse, Dr. Georges - Nos Chats / Onze Katten, 1929 (Belgian publication)
Petrucci, Gualtiero: I Gatti (Italian). I have a review of this, but not the book itself.
Charles Baker was an English instructor of the deaf notable for writing some of the earliest school text books suited to deaf children. "Baker's Scientific Class Book," drew contents from the writings of experts in various scientific topics. It comprised 560 pages of close printing illustrated with over 300 wood-cuts and cost 3 shillings and sixpence. This proved too expensive for many schools, so he divided it into the four-volume "Series of Consecutive Lessons." Although the books were self-contained, each volume, subject and lesson was founded on those that preceded it. Where a topic seemed to contradict biblical teachings, Baker added a commentary to reconcile the material with Christian teachings.
I've owned and been fascinated by "Animals, Their Nature And Uses" since I was 6 years old, and despite my childish attempt to colour some of the illustrations, the fragile book survived over 40 years in my care (with only one missing sheet). I scanned it so that it could be safely sealed and stored. I then located two of the remaining three volumes, both for my own interest and to put them all online for others to enjoy.
Man, His Frame and Wants Book I in the "Series of Consecutive Lessons".
Animals, Their Nature and Uses Book II in the "Series of Consecutive Lessons".
Plants, the Earth, and Minerals Book III in the "Series of Consecutive Lessons".
Cosmography, National and Social Life - Book IV in the "Series of Consecutive Lessons". (I haven't located a copy of this yet.)
The Circle of Knowledge - Teacher's Handbook With Footnotes and additional teaching material.
A Biography of Charles Baker from the American Annals of the Deaf and Dumb.
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