Dr. A. C. Daniels’ Warranted Veterinary Medicines And How To Use Them
The Causes, Symptoms and Treatmeni of the Diseases for which They are used

Home Treatment for Cats and Kittens

Revised Edition
Copyright. 1917 [Lapsed], by Dr. A. C. Daniels (Inc.)
This Book is Dedicated to the Cat, a Much-Abused Animal.

All Rights Reserved
Revised 1933

Every Package is Warranted to Please the User, or Money Refunded Without Argument
DR. A. C. DANIELS (Inc.)
Large Manufacturers of Veterinary Medicines, for Home Treatment of Dumb Animals
172 and 174 Milk and 87 Central Sts., Boston, Mass.


For more than a quarter of a century Dr. A. C. Daniels’ Veterinary Medicines have been the favorite handy home remedies for doctoring Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Swine, Dogs, Cats and Poultry. These specific remedies are prepared in our own laboratory and under our personal supervision, with the greatest care, regardless of the expense, and they are as near perfection as we can make them. These medicines are not “Patent Medicines”; each and every one is founded upon established veterinary formulas used in our daily practice. As a consequence we are enabled to warrant any package of Dr. Daniels' Remedies to be all that is claimed for it or we refund the money.

For the security of our patrons against substitution we have the portrait and signature of Dr. A. C. Daniels registered as our trade mark imprinted upon every carton or package. Remember substitutes are not Dr. Daniels’.

For the convenience of our patrons we make an effort to establish in every city and town one or more agents to enable quick assistance to those in distress. If, however, your town has no-one acting as our distributor we promise prompt response from our home office. Send your order direct to us and we will promptly forward by express or parcel post. Please use care in your full address, thus saving possible errors. Our Veterinary Department will furnish free advice to those purchasing any of our remedies.

For goods, book or other information, write to the nearest agent or Boston Office.
DR. A. C. DANIELS, Inc., Boston, Mass.

For free Veterinary advice, write to our Veterinary Department
DR. A. C. DANIELS, Inc.172 Milk Street, Boston. Mass., U. S. A.

Home Treamtment for Cats and Kittens


CATS, to be a pleasure to look upon and to fill that friendly feeling in the mind and loving spot in the heart, must be in good health and form. Success with cats, whether for exhibition, breeding or home comfort, depends upon the condition in which they are kept and the care bestowed upon them. The Persian and Angora cats are recognized as superior pets among women; not only are they popular as pets, but their raising and breeding is profitable as an occupation. Pedigree is of the utmost importance in obtaining the best results.


The Angora cat is closely related to the Persian, and comes from the province of Angora, in western Asia. The Angora should have a small head, with a rather short, well-defined nose. The eyes should be large and full, and should harmonize in color with the coat. The ears should be large, with a tuft of hair at the tip. They do not look large, as they are imbedded in long fur, which covers the head and neck. The body should be long and graceful, covered with long, silky hair, hanging in tufts and clusters, with a slight tendency to woolliness at the base of the hairs. The legs should be somewhat short, and the tail long and curving toward the end. The hair on the tail should be long at the base and shorter toward the end of the tail. Colors of Angoras are varied, they being black, dark slate colored, blues, whites, fawns, reds, and mottled grays. The black Angoras and dark slate colors should have orange eyes, and they, with the blues and the whites, are the most valued.


The majority of cat owners cannot tell whether they have an Angora or a Persian cat, but with a little study they can soon learn to tell the difference, as they differ from each other in many details. The head of the Persian is larger, ears less pointed, although they also have tufts of hair at their points. The eyes are large and full. The Persian is larger in the body, broader and stronger loins. The tail is longer, turns up at the tip, and has the greater growth of hair at the end of the tail, instead of at the base, as in the Angora. The colors of the Persian cats are white, black, blue, chinchilla, and smoke. A great many people have long-haired cats that are tortoise-shell and tabby color, and think they have full-blooded Persians or Angoras; but this is not so, as the best authorities claim that the tortoise-shell and the dark-marked tabby are not Persian cat colors, and are obtained by crossing with the short- haired tortoise-shell and also with the English tabby. The most valued color in the Persian is black, then light slate or blue, then the mixed colors of black and orange, but the latter should not be so distinctly blotched as to be called a tortoise-shell, nor banded enough to be called a tabby. The reason why the tortoise-shell and the tabby are never so well marked in the long-haired cats as they are in the short-haired ones, is because the longer hairs of the former blend with one another and do not allow so distinct a line of demarcation.


These cats are of many varieties, but are made so by their color, although we find certain deviations of conformation correspond with certain varieties of color. The tabby is the most common cat of the short haired, and is known as the red tabby, blue or silver tabby, the spotted tabby, the brown tabby. The spotted tabby is sometimes called the cat with the leopard spots, while the banded tabby is commonly called the tiger cat.

The Manx cat differs from the ordinary cat only in being tailless, or nearly so; when they have a very short stub, it should be boneless. Once in a while a genuine Manx cat will be found with an extremely long tail, ten or eleven inches in length. The hind legs are proportionately longer and somewhat heavy, and when the cat runs or jumps has somewhat of the action of a rabbit. The Manx cat varies in color, running to tabbies and mixed colors. A white Manx cat is practically unknown, and black ones are extremely rare. The Manx cat is really a monstrosity, having been developed by inbreeding of some freak of nature in the form of a cat which inhabited the Island of Man, the original home of the breed.



The gestation period is from fifty-six to sixty-three days. After mating your queen, be sure to keep her comfortable, well-fed and happy, and do not let her be annoyed or teased in any way. A few days before the kittens are due, coax her to the quiet, darkened place you have selected for her. Have a box or basket, with a piece of old comforter or bedspread for a bed, and a white cloth used as a covering that may be easily kept clean. Stroke and pet her only in this place. After the kittens come, feed the mother, eggs, cream and breakfast food for two days, after which she may be allowed daily portions of four ounces of raw beef mixed with softened bread. Kittens are blind when born and quite helpless; they should not be handled, but kept in semi-darkness for nine or ten days, when their eyes will open, and they will probably begin helping themselves. Watch to see that each little one has a place to nurse, else the strong ones will soon crowd the weaker to starvation. If too many, destroy part of the litter, but be sure and keep at least one, to adjust the milk supply and to avoid milk fever in the mother. Kittens may be weaned when three weeks old, but a little later is better.


Put a little warm milk into a saucer, and dip their noses into the milk, which they will lap off and quickly learn to eat. At first they should be fed six tjmes a day; at four months, feed five times; at six months, four times; and later three meals a day. Many full-grown cats require but two meals a day, at regular hours.

When one is raising cats, or has a number, have open-air pens, separately wired-in and portable, so as to be easily moved about the grounds, with properly ventilated cat house or sleeping quarters, warm, dry and free from draughts, plenty of sun in cold weather and shade from the hot sun in summer. When boxes are used for sleeping, they should be raised from the ground and well covered to prevent draughts, and clean straw or a rug used for bedding. The rug, especially during kitten time, is best. Be sure it is always dry. Dampness is very bad for the cat. Thoroughly cleanse the house every week with a solution of Dr. Daniels’ Carbo-Negus. Do not wash the cat too often; they generally keep themselves properly; cleaned, if they have good housing. In mange or skin trouble, washing becomes important. Fresh air and cleanliness are just as important with the cat as other animals. Exercise is especially necessary for cats in city homes, and the Catnip Ball is a desirable aid in this direction.

The average life of the cat is from twelve to fifteen years.


Don’t use a comb to clean your cat, except for fleas or lice — a brush or bath mitten is better. Washing a cat is quite a problem; it should be done with patience and care, using Dr. Daniels’ Floating Shampoo Soap, with a few drops of Carbo-Negus. Moisten the coat, beginning with the hindquarters and tail, rub the shampoo soap thoroughly into the coat, then take the animal at the top of the neck by the skin, and dip into a tub of tepid water (into which you have put half teaspoonful of Carbo-Negus to a gallon of water), hind feet first; gently pat with the hand all over, and rinse off. Wrap the cat in a towel and gently press out and absorb the excess water. Put the cat into a basket of straw in a warm place, and after thoroughly drying, use a soft brush to smooth the coat. If troubled with fleas or lice, use Dr. Daniels’ Liquid Flea Drive, with a fine comb, or Dr, Daniels’ Flea Powder, as directed on the package.


Feeding of cats in the city living under close confinement should have considerable attention and care. The feeding dishes should always be clean. Stale bread, crackers, water biscuit, oatmeal biscuit and similar food may be added to fresh milk; sour milk produces diarrhoea and digestive trouble. Vegetables should be fed freely, especially asparagus and celery. Meat may be given once a day, and is a good addition to the diet. Mutton is better than beef, and in the raw condition is often better liked. Boiled liver is recommended occasionally, but not as a regular diet. Fish is a favorite food of the cat, and should always be given fresh. Many cats prefer it cooked. Fresh drinking water should at all times be kept in a convenient place for their use, and Summit Brand Catnip for their health.

The cat in the country cares largely for itself, as it feeds on mice, birds and natural prey, and can always find sufficient for its wants in the kitchen. Being at liberty to roam and exercise at will, little attention may be given to its welfare. The cat is extremely clean by nature, and when housed, provision should be made for its convenience. A small box or galvanized pan should be placed in a well-ventilated, out-of- the-way corner, filled one or two inches deep with clean sawdust or earth and changed .frequently. One should also provide in a sunny place, when possible, a basket filled with clean straw; some use flannel cushion, but straw is better, as it allows the animal to roll and by its own efforts keep the coat in a clean and better condition. Keep the filling, whatever it may be, absolutely clean. When fleas and insects trouble, use Dr. Daniels' Flea Powder on the cat and in the bedding; Dr. Daniels’ Carbo- Negus in solution for cleaning and disinfecting pens, boxes and surroundings.

DESTRUCTION OF CATS frequently becomes a necessity, but a person can be humane in this work, and one is always right in properly destroying crippled, extremely old, homeless cats or a superfluous number of kittens, rather than to turn these over to the possibilities of cruelty, neglect and starvation; but let us remember to do this work in the proper way.
THE PROPER WAY. — When in the case of newly-born kittens, place them in a small tin box, as air tight as possible, with a sponge wet with chloroform. Adult cats require more effort; they can be secured under or in a tub or box, as near air tight as possible, into which put a sponge or cloth saturated with chloroform.

WHENEVER A CAT BECOMES ILL, it seeks dark quarters, loses the appetite, nose becomes hot, coat dry and harsh, sleeps most of the time, and when in pain evinces it by crying. If any of these conditions are noted, read this book carefully, study the symptoms closely, as some of these symptoms are evident in one or more of the different diseases to which cats and kittens are subject. Therefore, it is very essential to fully understand the circumstances, in order to properly treat the trouble. Green grass is a natural remedy for cats when attacked by digestive troubles, and when at liberty, if possible, they will help themselves. Grass may be easily grown even in the city flat; by sowing a little grass seed in a common soap box filled with loam, and placing the box in a warm, sunny window, or other protected place, and watering occasionally. The soil can be renovated and replenished as occasion requires.

ADMINISTERING MEDICINES TO CATS requires patience and judgment. In pill, capsule or powder form the medicine may be concealed in a small piece of meat or fish. Cats are very suspicious of odors and often will not take the medicine this way, then grasp the head from behind until the thumb covers the jaw on one side the second finger on the other; keep the first finger on top of the head between the ears; gently lift the head with the fingers of the other hand, open the mouth by pulling down the lower jaw, drop the pill or capsule as far back in the mouth as possible, pushing it down the throat with the finger or the rubber end of a lead pencil. Liquid which the cat may not eat, take the head in the same way, and with the thumb and fingers of the other hand, draw back the lips, making a small pocket; put the liquid into the pocket still holding the head up a moment for the liquid to run between the teeth into the mouth and throat. Another way is to take a piece of cloth, cut a hole in the centre of it just large enough to push the animal’s head through, forming a sack by folding the corners of the cloth along the sides of the body, holding it firmly in place so the feet cannot be used, and then an assistant can give the medicine as above directed. Remember the cat cannot swallow if you continue to hold the mouth open.

Cats generally like and readily eat, as they would their food, many of Dr. Daniels’ Special Cat Medicines.

HIP-BATH. — Have a foot tub or similar receptacle with warm water about as hot as one can bear the hand in. Place the cat in the water, keeping in a sitting position so as to completely cover the region of the kidneys. Continue the bath as long as the cat can be comfortably kept therein.

PROTECTING JACKET.— For covering the cat when required in treating distemper, pneumonia, fevers, skin diseases, etc. A piece of cotton, woollen cloth or flannel, long and wide enough to well cover the body of the cat; arrange holes in each corner for the legs, and tapes or buttons on the edges; stand the cat into the cloth, allowing the legs to go through the holes; bring it up around the body, fastening the ends together over the back. This will keep the animal warm and prevent licking or scratching when external applications are required.

STEAMING THE CAT in bronchitis, catarrh of the head and similar affection, can be easily done by arranging the steaming matter over an alcohol or kerosene stove or lamp, placing the cat upon the chair seat and enveloping the whole with a blanket. The steaming solution can be medicated by adding either vinegar, turpentine or other pungent medicaments. A certain amount of fresh air is necessary, and this can be provided by lifting the blanket a little from the floor, from time to time.


ABDOMINAL CONSUMPTION. — Considered incurable; it may be helped or life prolonged by the use of Dr. Daniels’ Bronchial Drops given in fifteen-drop doses, every four hours, and Dr. Daniels’ Emulsion.

ABORTION. — Not frequently occurring in cats.
Treatment. — Apply camphorated oil to the glands to reduce inflammation. Giving Dr. Daniels’ Katonic or Tonic Pills three times daily is generally beneficial. If possible syringe out the uterus.

ABSCESS AND SORES.— Frequently caused by accidents.
Treatment depends upon circumstances and conditions. In general, cleanliness is an important condition to maintain for the successful treatment of abscess. Dr. Daniels’ Effervescent Wash is recommended as a disinfectant and cleanser. Every individual case should be treated as the condition indicates. Poultices and operations are frequently necessary.

AMPUTATION. - A matter, for veterinary assistance.

ANAEMIA.— This condition, arises from poverty of blood, occasioned by neglect, lack of, or improper, food, lack of pure air and light. It frequently follows a debilitating disease. Cats kept in cellars, warehouses, and similar dark places, breed frequently, the kittens being anaemic.
Symptoms — The visible mucous membranes, especially the conjunctiva, and the gums, become pale, extremities cold, pulse feeble, and the animal listless and depressed, mewing in a weak manner; scanty, secretions and excretions.
Treatment. — Cleanliness and sanitary conditions should be established at once. V. M. Capsules Tonic Pills and Emulsion should be given as directed on the package, feeding easily-digested and nourishing diet. Later, allow plenty of fresh raw meat, beef kidneys, fish and vegetables.

APOPLEXY. — Not often affecting cats, although old, plethoric and obese animals violently excited or suffering from extreme constipation may have an attack.
Symptoms. —Sudden insensibility, heavy snoring, respiration slow, intermittent pulse; fixed, staring, bloodshot eyes, widely-dilated pupils, teeth tightly closed, frothy saliva oozing from the mouth and nose.
Treatment. — Recurring attacks prevented by care and diet and keeping the bowels open and regular. Dr. Daniels' Katonic is an excellent tonic and should be given.

APPETITE IMPAIRED. —Always examine teeth, mouth and throat when animal is off feed, and look for symptoms of gastric or other stomach troubles, which should be treated as they arise.
Treatment.— Give Dr. Daniels’ Katonic or Tonic Pills, and a varied diet, and be sure to remove all food not eaten after each feeding, V. M. Capsules give zest and appetite.

ASTHMA. — Cannot be cured, but may be much relieved. For relief give Dr. Daniels’ Bronchial Drops. Prevent constipation by giving Dr. Daniels’ Tasteless Laxative, in doses of one or two teaspoonfuls. If spasms occur, give. Dr. Daniels’ Nervide and Fit Remedy.

BLADDER, INFLAMMATION OF (CYSTITIS). — Retention of urine, or constant dripping.
Symptoms. — Tenderness in the region of bladder, with heat and fullness, frequently trying to urinate, straddling, crouching gait, feverish and great thirst, stands with arched back.
Treatment. — Give Dr. Daniels’ Calcytitis, warm gruel and mucilaginous drinks, hot hip-baths. Sometimes in retention of urine your veterinary will be required in a surgical way. Danilax may help.

BLOODY URINE.—Give Dr. Daniels’ Calcytitis as directed on the package, and warm gruel and mucilaginous drinks.

BONES IN THE MOUTH OR THROAT. — When a cat has a persistent choking cough, making effort to discharge something, pawing at its mouth, examination should be made. Of course, a veterinary would be a handy friend at such times. If, however, he cannot be had, and a piece of bone is discovered low down in the throat, give a little H-B-O. Don’t pinch or manipulate the throat — you will do more injury than good. Of course, if one can see the obstacle and reach it with the fingers or pincers, it can be easily extracted, but in most cases the services of a veterinary are necessary.

BOWELS, INFLAMMATION OF (ENTERITIS). — Produced by irritating poisons, stoppage, worms, and bacteria.
Symptoms often lead one to confound this trouble with colic. A careful diagnosis is therefore important, as much of the treatment for colic is directly opposed to the successful treatment of enteritis. .The pain in colic is intermittent, while in enteritis it is continuous, constipation (or the reverse, with mucoid and bloody, evacuations), an offensive vomit, great restlessness and thirst. Finally, abdominal extension takes place, sunken eyes, running down of pulse, low temperature, icy cold mouth, and cold extremities. Short, difficult respiration and a peculiar odor indicate the approach of death.
Treatment. — Place the patient on a soft bed; apply to the abdomen, flannel cloth wrung out in hot mustard water, or, better still, Dr. A. C. Daniels’ Liniment Powder in hot solution. The application must be continued for some time and kept continuously hot, after which rub dry and cover with warm, dry woolen cloths. Keep in place with the jacket (see page 8). Give Dr. Daniels’ Chorea and Pain Remedy as directed on package, and Dr. Daniels’ Anti-Vomit Tablets. If constipation continues, enemas of warm soap suds with a few drops of paregoric added are often beneficial. Give Dr.Daniels’ Emulsion twice a day as directed.

BRONCHITIS. —- Caused by exposure and dampness, neglected cold, inflamed mucous membranes of the bronchi, inhaling lime or other irritants.
Symptoms. — Irritable cough, discharges from nose and throat, frothy discharge from mouth, at times tinged with blood. Elevated temperature, quick, wheezing breath, rapidly-beating heart. By applying ear to throat or chest one can hear a peculiar rattle in the breathing. The cat, unless relieved shortly, succumbs to exhaustion.
Treatment. — Put in a room, and steam (see page 9). Give Dr. Daniels’ Bronchial Drops as directed on the package, as it allays the inflammation and causes the excess accumulation of mucous to drivel from the mouth. One can apply a hot poultice of Antiphlogestine to the chest, better results being obtained by clipping off the hair. Use a jacket to keep it in place (see page 8). A limited diet of warm broths, meat juice, beef tea and, warm milk. Dr. Daniels’ Emulsion and Katonic, as directed on tile package, for the appetite and digestion should be given. Maintain an even temperature, pure, fresh air in plenty, without draughts. The protecting jacket should be removed and the patient wiped dry every night and morning with a brush or cloth, and new poultice applied.
Caution. — Do not confound bronchitis with asthma, distemper, worms and other troubles with similar symptoms, for each of them requires different treatment; hence your diagnosis is of great importance.

BRONCHOCELE (GOITRE).— Swelling of the glands of the throat or neck.
Treatment. — Clip off the hair and apply Dr. Daniels’ Goitre Remedy daily until the bunch has been absorbed or breaks. In some instances the swelling may be punctured and cleansed with Dr. Daniels’ Effervescent Wash, and Goitre Remedy injected. Allow a liberal and nourishing diet and Dr. Daniels’ Katonic for a stimulant to the stomach.
[Note: a bronchocele is a segment of bronchus that is filled with mucus and completely enclosed so the mucus cannot drain out.]

BRUISES. — Hot fomentations of Carbo-Negus in solution or perhaps a poultice may be required. Dr. Daniels' Liniment Powder in hot water is excellent for relieving soreness and pain.

BURNS AND SCALDS. — Apply Dr. Daniels’ Wonder Worker Lotion freely, and cover with cotton or a bandage.

CUTS AND SORES (ORDINARY).—Apply the Wonder Worker Lotion, and bandage when necessary.

CALCULI (GRAVEL).— Not common in cats. It is often advisable to consult your veterinary in such cases.
Symptoms. — Bloody urine, pain, colicky spells, back arched, restlessness.
Treatment. — Give Dr. Daniels’ Calcytitis and mucilaginous drinks, with soft foods, and if not relieved consult your veterinary or write us for special information.

CANCER, MAMMARY. — Afflicting the glands, presenting a knotty, irregular, glazed surface. Ulcerations and sinuses are present with cysts. In each case excision of the gland is necessary, and your veterinary is required.
[Note: a sinus is a sac or cavity in any organ or tissue]

CANKER OF THE EAR.— Indicated by the tendency to rub the affected ear on the floor and scratching it. In severe cases the glands of the throat are affected. Carefully syringe or swab the ear with a solution of Dr. Daniels’ Effervescent Wash, using a swab made of absorbent cotton on the end of a match or toothpick; thoroughly cleanse and dry the ear, then dust or blow into it with a quill or straw, a portion of Dr. Daniels’ Germicidal Powder. Repeating this treatment daily for a week or ten days will generally overcome the trouble. Ulcerations are sometimes present, and these should be touched carefully with nitrate of silver. Always use warm washes for ear troubles.

CATARACT. — Requires the services of the veterinary surgeon. The eye can be put to rest by using Dr. A. C. Daniels’ Eye Lotion, but it is not intended to restore the sight or remove the cataract.

CATARRH OR COLD IN THE HEAD. — Recognized by watery discharge from the eyes and nose, sneezing, dullness, seeking quiet in a warm place and frequently coughing.
Treatment. — Steam the head (see page 9), cleanse the nose and apply in each nostril a small portion of Dr. Daniels’ Nasal Balm, repeating the treatment several times a day; give doses of Dr Daniels’ Bronchial Drops as directed ort the package, keep warm and comfortable; feed should be warm milk, broths and whatever is most favored by the animal. Dr. Daniels’ Katonic is an excellent aid to digestion.

CATNIP. - Another article of necessity to the cat. Dr. Daniels’ Summit Brand Catnip is a combination of the finest quality of New England catnip and health-giving herbs, and can be had of most any druggist or will be mailed.

COLIC. — May arise from indigestion, obstruction, fermented food, worms, etc. Kittens are often affected by the acidity of the mother’s milk. The attacks come on suddenly, belly drawn up, bloated condition, mewing and showing signs of pain. Restless and continuously moving about to change position. Do not confound the bloated abdomen seen in colic with the enlarged abdomen of ascites or dropsy, as with dropsy they do not exhibit so much pain.
Treatment.—Give Dr. Daniels’ Chorea and Pain Remedy, one drop in teaspoonful of milk at intervals of ten minutes for half an hour. Then give a teaspoonful of Dr. Daniels’ Danilax Laxative. If this should occur while the cat is nursing kittens, and the kittens should be affected, remove to a foster mother, if possible, or treat the mother with ten grains of bicarbonate of soda in a desertspoonful of water. After acute symptoms have subsided give Dr. Daniels’ Katonic for digestion.

CONSTIPATION. — Associated with various ills. Torpid Condition of bowels, bad breath, vomiting and other serious complications.
Treatment. — Correct the cause and give Dr. Daniels' Danilax Laxative and Dr. Daniels’ Emulsion as directed on the package. Feed a liquid or soft diet, giving a little boiled liver, occasionally, to prevent this condition.

CONVULSIONS. — These are common in the exceedingly fat house pet and principally due to long or chronic constipation. The teeth are clenched; saliva from the mouth; bloodshot eyes, fixed or staring; breathing heavy like snoring.
Treatment.—Give Dr. Daniels’ Nervide and Fit Remedy as directed on the package. Carefully apply chloroform or ether to nose, and rub the gums with a little brandy, whiskey or alcohol. Apply hot-water bag to spine. Feed a low diet and give Dr. Daniels’ Tasteless Laxative if required. Dr. Daniels’ Katonic will be found an excellent tonic.

COUGH — The husky sort, often seen in aged cats, usually results from an attack of bronchitis. In such cases protect as much as possible from severe exposure, and give Dr. Daniels’ Bronchial Drops and Katonic as directed on package.

CYST IN THE EAR. — This is quite common, the ear hot and sensitive, with a baggy, dropsical appearance.
Treatment.— Make hot application of Carbo-Negus in solution, then open the swelling at the lowest pendent part, toward the base of the ear. Evacuate the pus. Cleanse and heal with Dr. Daniels’ Wonder Worker Lotion.

DIARRHOEA. — Quite frequently troubles the cat and is caused by improper feeding (sometimes too much, again none at all), sour foods, putrid meat, too much liver and sour milk, worms and poisons.
Treatment.— Give Dr. Daniels’ Diarrhoea Tablets at night. In the morning give Anti-Vomit Tablets every two hours until six have been given, repeating the treatment every day until relieved.

DISTEMPER (OFTEN CALLED INFLUENZA). — This is a constitutional disease, contagious and often accompanied by catarrhal affections, respiratory and stomach disorders, pneumonia and other serious complications. The one trouble most to be feared from neglected treatment of distemper is pneumonia.
Symptoms. — Elevated temperature, dull appearance, shivering, sneezing, coughing and vomiting. Nose is hot and watery. Mucous discharge from eyes, which often becomes purulent. Breathing short and labored. A sickly and offensive odor emanates from the body.
Treatment. — Keep the animal warm. Make a jacket to cover body, abdomen and chest (see page 8); the four holes at the corners of jacket for the legs will allow an easy adjustment. This prevents a chill from a sudden change of temperature and allows the cat to partake of fresh air, which is very important. Keep the animal out of draughts. Keep eyes clean by frequently washing with Dr. Daniels’ Eye Lotion. Cleanse the nostrils and apply a small portion of Dr. Daniels’ Nasal Balm to them several times a day. Internally give Dr. Daniels’ Acobel Wafers as directed. Encourage the eating of anything the animal prefers. Try milk and eggs, fish, Malted Milk. Dr. Daniels’ Katonic or Tonic Pills, as the name implies, is a stimulant and a tonic to the appetite. If debilitated give Dr. Daniels’ Emulsion. Dr. Daniels’ Acobel Wafers can be dissolved in a teaspoonful of water or milk. V. M. Capsules are wonderful in this ill.

DROPSY. — An enlarged abdomen with an anaemic appearance, the gums and membranous linings pale and bloodless, scant urine, hard breathing, dislikes lying down.
Treatment. — Dr. Daniels’ Blood Remedy, Emulsion, and olive oil; the latter can be used freely. Tapping is sometimes resorted to for relief.

DYSENTERY. — Give alternately Dr. Daniels’ Diarrhoea Tablets; and Anti-Vomit Tablets with mucilaginous drinks or gruels, browned flour in scalded milk; keep warm and comfortable; cleanliness is of much importance. A few doses of Chorea and Pain Remedy often prove beneficial.

ECZEMA. — A skin ill frequently affecting the face, neck, and spreading to the legs and body along the back down to the root of the tail.
Treatment.— Begin with the diet; if too fat, change and cut down the feed; if in a run down condition, give more food and build up the condition. Give Danilax for the bowels, Daniels’ Sulphur Tablets dissolved in water or milk as an aid in cooling the blood. In many cases of so-called Mange, the application of Daniels’ Skin Ointment will be sufficient. When used it should be worked well into the skin. Other cases Dermitite applied to the skin one day, followed the next 2 days by applications of vaseline, continue in this manner until relieved.

For washing Cats, use Dr. Daniels’ Veterinary Soap, it is especially useful.

Dr. Daniels’ V. M. Capsules, Tonic Pills and Katonic are aids to condition.

EPILEPSY. — Unconsciousness associated with spasmodic movements resulting from tumors, morbid conditions, irritations of intestines, parasites in the brain or its coverings, fright, anger and excitement.
Symptoms. — The cat runs wildly about, staggers, falls down, mews, saliva drips from the mouth, breathes hard and becomes insensible. Suddenly recovers as if nothing had happened.
Treatment. — If from worms, give worm treatment (see page 25). Hold the animal firmly, protect the eyes from light, and maintain as far as possible the normal position. Avoid injuring while in convulsions. Examine the mouth of the kitten particularly if teething. Avoid the cause of excitement if such exists. Give Dr. Daniels’ Nervide and Fit Remedy, dissolved in a teaspoonful of water, morning and night, and continue this for an extended period. Let the diet be of a laxative and nutritive character. V. M. Capsules and Tonic Pills daily.

EYES. — When the nictitating membrane is seen to cover the eyes more than usual, looks white or inflamed, or resembling scum covering the eyes, it generally signifies worms or stomach trouble, treatment of which is given under their different heads. When the eyes are troubled with a mucous discharge they should be washed with Dr. Daniels’ Eye Lotion.

FLEAS on the cat are a great nuisance and inimical to the health and comfort of the cat. The flea is with us more or less about all the time. It is well therefore to know something of the life history of the flea; from the egg to the worm, to the chrysalis, to the flea, is four stages.

The eggs are deposited upon the outer hairs of the pet, very small white particles, easily taken for specks of dust when seen upon the chair cushions, clothes or rugs, they easily fall or are brushed off but these must be gathered and burned or destroyed in boiling water. It is well to accustom the cat to sleeping in one particular place upon dark piece of cloth or paper, to catch the falling eggs. The cloth or paper may from time to time be folded up and the eggs destroyed. The worm and chrysalis stages are very delicate and are easily destroyed explaining why so few of the thousands of eggs become live fleas.

The floor, furniture, carpets and rugs, should be kept thoroughly clean. To rid the cat of fleas see pages 27-28.

FRACTURES.— Bring bones into position, splint and bandage. Better call your veterinary, if possible.

FROST BITE.— Disinfect with Dr. Daniels’ Effervescent Wash and heal with Wonder Worker Lotion.

Home Tremtment for Cats and Kittens

Symptoms.— Vomiting, impossible to retain food of any kind, bowels sometimes constipated and at other times loose. Temperature elevated, quick breathing, furred tongue and great thirst, lying on one side or flat on the belly, shivering and growing worse rapidly, unless promptly relieved. If one presses the region of the stomach, pain is manifested by mewing or crying.
Treatment.— Apply hot cloths, wet in Dr. Daniels’ Liniment Powder in solution, over the stomach and abdomen, keeping them hot continuously. Cold milk, if they can retain it, can be given in small quantities. Ice cream may be allowed or a lump of ice to lap. Give three or four doses, one drop each to a teaspoonful of milk, of Dr. Daniels’ Chorea and Pain Remedy at intervals of fifteen minutes and Dr. Daniels’ Anti-Vomit Tablets as directed. The diet should be soft and bland, warm milk with one-third lime water; isinglass or arrowroot may be added to the milk. The food at first should be given every thirty minutes, a teaspoonful at a time until eight or ten have been given, as the stomach oftentimes will not retain large quantities; gradually increase the feed, returning to properly-proportioned diet. Dr. Daniels’ Katonic stimulates the appetite and aids digestion.

GASTRO ENTERITIS. — A combination of stomach and bowel trouble. Attacks young cats frequently. Arises from improper food, bad atmosphere, foreign substances, septic irritants. The young kitten should not be fed like or equal to the grown cat. A kitten diet should be the rule with kittens. When they are allowed to eat excessive quantities of undesirable food, it often becomes a decomposed mass in the stomach and acts as an irritant. Impure food and water, contaminated milk and unsanitary conditions cause a sort of septic poisoning and gastro enteritis.
Treatment. —- Hot fomentations or poultice applied to the .abdomen, as in gastritis. Dissolve one of Dr. Daniels’ Mouth Wash Tablets in one ounce of water and swab the mouth and gums two or three times daily, allowing a drop or two of the Wash to be swallowed. Give Dr. Daniels’ Anti-Vomit Tablets every three or four hours as directed on the package. If diarrhoea is persistent give Dr. Daniels’ Diarrhoea Tablets. Feed liquid and mucilaginous foods. Katonic aids the stomach action and should be given. Sanitary conditions should be maintained by using Dr. Daniels’ Carbo-Negus, as it is an excellent disinfectant; give V. M. Capsules and Tonic Pills.

GLANDERS. — Cats having glanders should be killed.

HEPATITIS (INFLAMMATION OF THE LIVER).— Arises from an extreme condition of plethora and overfeeding, with too rich and stimulating food, sweets, intense heat, a blow, kick or accident, excessive use of certain poisonous medicines and drugs.
Symptoms. — Vomiting of, a yellow, frothy matter, evacuations clay color or extremely yellow. If jaundice is present, membranes of eyes and mouth take on a yellow tinge, and in more severe cases the skin of the entire belly becomes saffron color. This disease is often accompanied by a severe cough, which is characterized by its peculiar tendency to make the animal seem to cough all over. Chronic hepatitis is attended with enlargement or contraction of the liver, usually the former, the organ being hardened and more or less insensible to pain, and in such cases the cat is languid, dejected and subject to attacks of dyspepsia.
Treatment.—Give Dr. Daniels’ Liver Tablets, one daily to a kitten and two to a full-grown cat, until results have been obtained. The diet should be plain, free from sweets, unstimulating; lime water in the milk.

INDIGESTION. — Among highly-bred cats this is common. The symptoms are furred tongue, spasms, vomiting, bad breath, flatulency.
Treatment. — Add one-third lime water to the milk; give warm-water enemas; look to the teeth. These are frequently the cause. Make a change in the diet, give doses of Dr. Daniels’ Tonic Pills and Dr. Daniels’ Katonic.

INFLUENZA. — See treatment for Distemper, page 15.

ITCHING SKIN. — If fleas are the cause they must be destroyed. In many other cases dip the cat in a solution of Dr. Daniels’ Carbo-Negus once in three or four days. Where the skin shows signs of irritation apply Dr. Daniels’ Skin Ointment or Dermitite Tonic Pills for the blood.

JAUNDICE.—Give Dr. Daniels’ Liver Tablets. See Hepatitis, page 18.

LACTEAL TUMORS. — From retention of milk. Are painful and cause much after-trouble and often lead to cancer.
Treatment. — The milk should be drawn naturally when possible, or by pump; the glands rubbed with hot camphorated oil or hot solution of Dr. Daniels’ Liniment Powder. If the nipple becomes closed it should be dilated or punctured with a disinfected, blunt-pointed bodkin. Give laxative food and Dr. Daniels’ Katonic daily, with enemas when constipated.

LIVER, INFLAMMATION OF. — See Hepatitis, page 18.

MANGE. — Is a parasitic disease often difficult to overcome, and generally shows itself first on the thighs and armpits, under the belly, and on the face. It causes intense itching, and the cat scratches and rubs, causing sores; the cat becomes emaciated and sick. When you are sure the trouble is mange, paint the affected parts with Dr. Daniels’ Dermitite, full strength; allow it to remain on for a day, then apply vaseline, rub it well into the skin, the next two days, then apply the Dermitite again and then the vaseline the next two days and so on in this manner. Provide a jacket for protection of the furniture. Daniels’ Sulphur Tablets dissolved in water or milk for the blood, Danilax to keep the bowels in proper condition, Katonic or Tonic Pills to aid condition. V. M. Capsules for Vitamine contents. Skin ills are so often confounded common forms being talked of as Eczema and the various forms of Eczema as Mange, it gets the results, if each specific skin ill is properly diagnosed and properly treated.

MILK FEVER .— Have milk drawn naturally or other aid— Give enemas of warm soapy water for relief of bowels. Keep the head up in an elevated position, make hot applications to the bowels and along the spine as a stimulant. Give Acobel Wafers to reduce fever. The diet should be of a stimulating nature, including V. M. Capsules with each feed. — Katonic in the milk and Tonic Pills for aiding into condition when convalescing.

NEPHRITIS (INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS).— Resulting from injuries and other causes. Similar to bladder troubles Sometimes mistaken for rheumatism.
Treatment. — Make hot fomentations, give hip-baths. Kidney Tablets and Calcytitis, mucilaginous drinks.

NOSTOMANIA — Cats suffer from lonesomeness or home-sickness, and sometimes they become melancholy, refuse food and pine away. In cares of this kind, study the peculiarities of the animal, and use every effort to assure comfort and make the cat feel at home.

PARALYSIS. — May arise from injury to brain or spinal cord, general debility, old age, poisons such as mercury or lead, epilepsy, distemper, chronic constipation, bladder troubles, worms, etc, There is weakness and loss of locomotion and muscular twitchings.
Treatment. — Give Dr. Darnels’ Tasteless Laxative, teaspoonful to a tablespoonful according to the size of the cat. Dr. Daniels’ Tonic Pills or Dr. Daniels’ Katonic will be found very beneficial. Warm hip-baths of Dr. Daniels’ Liniment Powder in solution are often found beneficial.

PERITONITIS. — Shows colicky pain, thirst and vomiting, with a high pulse.
Treatment.—Give Dr. Daniels’ Chorea and Pain Remedy; constantly make applications to the abdomen of Dr. Daniels’ Liniment Powder in hot solution; give injections of warm, soapy water, adding a little olive oil to relieve constipation; furnish comfortable quarters, keep the_ animal warm and quiet; give small quantities of soft, liquid food, increasing the quantity as the animal shows signs of improvement.

PILES. — Regulate bowels; avoid constipation; feed for laxative condition; liberal allowance of Dr. Daniels’ Emulsion and inject a few drops of Dr. Daniels’ Wonder Worker Lotion, and saturate frequently the parts, if external, with the same.

PNEUMONIA (LUNG FEVER).—Generally caused by exposure, dampness or draughts. Often accompanies neglected cold, bronchitis or distemper.
Symptoms. — The breathing is short and a very irritating cough is sometimes present; nose hot and dry; saliva drips from the mouth. A most important symptom is sitting upon the haunches, as it is almost impossible for the animal to breathe in any other position.
Treatment.—Give Dr. Daniels’ Acobel Wafers to reduce the fever. If a cough or any irritation of the tubes, Dr. Daniels’ Bronchial Drops may be given. Maintain the strength with beef tea, meat juice, warm milk. If they will not eat, nourishing food must be forced upon them. Give as a tonic Dr. Daniels’ Katonic. Keep the animal warm with good coverings, but fresh air is desirable. Put on a jacket (see page 8), or hot, dry flannel; keep hot, covering the sides and chest; many times the hair has to be clipped off the sides and chest and counter-irritants applied. Dr. Daniels’ Oster Cocus Liniment is good for this purpose.

PUERPERAL FITS. — These occur soon after parturition. The symptoms are restlessness, suspension of milk, wild expression, greatly excited, kittens bitten, eaten or ignored; the cat suddenly grows rigid, falling down on its side. If left alone, shortly recovers.
Treatment. — Remove the kittens as quickly as possible. Give Dr. Daniels’ Nervide and Fit Remedy. Give Katonic as directed on the package for a tonic.

RABIES. — Not common to cats, but a cat with the rabies is dangerous, and when one suspects the cat thus affected the animal should be immediately confined to prevent its doing any harm, and your veterinary should be consulted.

RETENTION OF MILK. — The glands become small and soft. Drawing the teats, a scanty yellow fluid is extracted or a watery matter.
Treatment. — Frequent drawing of the nipples, a breast pump is useful for this purpose, or a nursing kitten ten days old, if it can be had; Dr. Daniels’ Acobel Wafers and Emulsion, mutton broth raw meat juice, brandy, milk and egg, Malted Milk, and broth, adding V. M. Capsules.

RHEUMATISM. - Results from exposure, and dampness. Affects the muscles, shoulders and hindquarters sometimes the joints.
Symptoms. — Severe pain, hobbly and stiff gait, joints enlarged, hot and painful. The disease frequently moves from one part to another. When rheumatism affects the loins, the back is arched, the cat moves with a dragging gait, tenderness; does not care to move, mewing when handled or examined.
Treatment. — Warm, comfortable quarters. Give Dr. Daniels’ Neurheu Tablets as directed on package; laxative diet and Katonic for aid to stomach action.

RICKETS. — Caused by faulty development and softening of the bones of young kittens, resulting from malnutrition.
Treatment. — Much depends upon a nourishing diet, such as milk, crushed oats, Malted Milk, fresh meat, fish, V. M. Capsules in the food - Tonic Pills for blood, Emulsion for condition, V. M. Capsules for mother nursing, prevents weakness and rickets.

RINGWORM. — Paint with Dr. Daniels’ Goitre Remedy, repeating daily until the worm is killed, which can be determined by the dry, scabby appearance of the affected part. Then apply Dr. Daniels’ Skin Ointment. Give laxative diet and Dr. Daniels’ Katonic as directed.

SEPTIC INFECTION - Arises from so many causes and requires so much space to give full description and information that we will only recommend Dr. Daniels’ Katonic and Tonic Pills. When possible, it is better judgment to get the advice of your veterinary or write us.

SORE THROAT.— Caused by neglected cold, diphtheria, etc.
Symptoms.— Dry cough, elevating the head when swallowing, often sitting with mouth open and tongue slightly protruding.
Treatment.— Give Dr. Daniels’ Bronchial Drops, as directed on the package.

STOMATITIS.— The mortality from this disease is very large, and it requires constant treatment and attention.
Treatment.— Look for irritated gums or faulty teeth. Dissolve one of Dr. Daniels’ Mouth Wash Tablets in one-half ounce of water, and swab the mouth and gums once or twice daily, allowing a drop or two to be swallowed. Give Dr. Daniels’ Anti-Vomit Tablets every two hours. Diet soft and bland, as warm milk with one-third teaspoonful of lime water; isinglass or arrowroot may be added to milk. Food should be given in small quantities at first, teaspoonful at a time until eight or ten such portions have been given (as at times the stomach will not retain food if given liberally), gradually returning to regular diet. Dr. Daniels’ Katonic should be given for a tonic daily, during convalescence.

TEETH.— Young kittens have twenty-six teeth, which in about six months begin to shed. These are replaced by thirty permanent ones. This change may cause pain, some fever, bad breath, diarrhoea and loss of appetite. Older cats’ teeth become worn and loose which may have a deposit of tartar, gums may be sore or ulcerated, necrosis may occur. Owners of cats and kittens should make it a practice to examine the mouths of their pets once a week, and whenever loose teeth are found remove them immediately. Tartar should be removed, sore inflamed gums should be washed and swabbed several times daily, using one drop of Daniels’ Carbo-Negus to each teaspoonful of water used. Cases of necrosis are not easily overcome, care, nursing and patience are required.

VOMITING.— Results from overloaded stomach, rapid and excessive eating after fasting, gastritis, stomatitis, gastric catarrh, irritating substances, poisons, bowel stoppage, torpid liver, diseases and obstructions lodged in the throat, but most frequently worms. If the cat is in good health look for some irritant like rat claw, or beak of bird, or ball of hair as causing the trouble. Should you notice the vomit to be of a mucoid nature, it may be associated with gastric catarrh. Mixed with blood or brownish color, gastritis. Mixed with food and other matter, intestinal. In acute gastritis, when extreme irritations exist, the cat usually vomits immediately after taking food. If the vomiting occurs from an overloaded stomach, bile, mucous poison and irritating substances, encourage the vomiting but when from gastritis give Dr. Daniels’ Anti-Vomit Tablets and Dr. Daniels’ Katonic in doses as directed on package, milk diluted with a little lime water, broths and liquid foods. During the acute stage of vomiting, whether gastritis or stomach trouble avoid giving cold water. A little ice cream or a lump of ice to lap is desirable at this time. Barley water or any mucilaginous drinks may be given.

WORMS AND HAIR BALLS— Worms are responsible for the loss of more kittens and more illness than any other trouble. Worms, besides being the direct cause of death, induce Gastritis, Diarrhoea, Colic and intestinal troubles, pot-bellied, repulsive breath, film in the eyes, dull, dry, and harsh coat, coughs, paralysis of the hind quarters, convulsions and fits, vomiting and loss of flesh and condition. Remember no cat or other animal can be kept well and in good condition if full of worms. Do not be afraid of giving a worm treatment. Therefore notice the acts and condition of your pets. You will not see all the above symptoms at once but when you notice peculiar conditions, study the animal carefully— Remember when in doubt treat for worms.

The ROUND WORM from two to four or more inches long is common and is generally found in the stomach and intestines.
Treatment— Should be immediate upon suspicion of worms, and should be administered on an empty stomach fast twelve hours or more, give Dr. Daniels’ Worm Drop Capsules or Worm Drop Liquid, follow in an hour or so with dose of Danilax Laxative, repeat the Worm treatment in ten days.

TAPE WORM— This destructive enemy of cats and kittens is quite common, and because of its peculiar construction is difficult to eradicate as it seldom comes away as a whole, but rather in small, white flat patches, having seemingly little hook like or separate joints attached which hold the sections together and the sections grow onto each other so long as the head remains in the animal, hence the importance of watching closely far the head when treating for tape worms. Whenever Tapeworm is suspected, give Dr. Daniels’ Tapeworm Treatment: Fast for 12 hours then give to kitten one, and to cat, two, teaspoonfuls of Danilax. Follow in an hour with one tablet for kitten and two for cat. In an hour after repeat the dose of Danilax. Repeat the treatment weekly until the head of the worm is discharged.

WORM KITTENS when two months old and every month thereafter until one year of age.
In all cases when treating for worms always give Danilax before and after giving any worm medicines.

HAIR BALL—Collection of Hair—The symptoms of hair ball troubles are similar to those of worms and a similar treatment is necessary. Liquid food to some extent, Dr. Daniels’ H.B.O. several times daily for three days, if not relieved a dose of Danilax may be given. In case of run down condition from worms, hair balls or ills, V. M. Capsules, Katonic, Summit Catnip and Tonic Pills will all prove valuable aids to health. In summer allow the cat to eat as much green grass as it likes. It is nature’s remedy.

Dr. Daniels’ Laxative Tablets may be given in place of Danilax if more convenient.

FISH BONE LODGED IN THROAT: One teaspoonful lemon juice given every half hour will turn bone to gelatin and allow cat to swallow it.

To clean white cat, put some blueing in hot water, make a lather on a cloth with Dr. Daniels’ Shampoo Soap, wipe off the hair (as the skin seldom gets dirty) and dry with a towel. Do this weekly and brush the coat daily.

MALE CAT can be used for stud any time after seven months of age but it is better to wait until it is a year old.

GENDER. If there is a space of thgree-quarter to 1 inch between the anus and the opening below it, it is a male kitten. If both openings are close together it is a female.

FEMALE CAT can be spayed most any age but five to seven months is the best time.

MALE CATS may be castrated at any age after they are developed but four to seven months of age is the best time.

How to get rid of them?

The Farmers’ Bulletin numbered 897, U. S. Department .of Agriculture, says: “One of the most successful ways and methods of killing fleas on Dog or Cat is to wash the animal thoroughly in a tub containing the proper proportion saponified coal tar, creosote, or stock dip of which there are several on the market.” The proper proportion not stated. “The animal should be thoroughly rubbed.”

There is no doubt about the truth of this statement: we know from experience it will kill the fleas, but how about the cat or kitten? We are quite sure from our own experience what would happen. Anyone wishing to kill fleas on cats in this way had best ascertain the “proper proportion”. The same department further says “No doubt it would be best to have a treatment, especially for use on valuable cats”. Is your Cat a valuable cat?

Hence we suggest a treatment for cats, not considering their value but especially helpful when used on Angora, Persian, Coon or long haired pets. First, we suggest a war on the fleas about the premises for generally speaking, if your cat has fleas, fleas or their eggs are more or less in the cracks and crevices of the floor, the furniture, clothing and surroundings. Here may be used the coal tar dip. Dr. Daniels’ Carbo Negus, for washing, spraying and cleaning the premises.

For the Cat, stand the animal upon a cloth or paper, pour into a shallow dish a small amount of Fleeko, with a Daniels’ Cat Comb after moistening the teeth of same with the Fleeko, thoroughly comb the coat and from time to time as the comb becomes filled with the combing, push the same into the dish of hot water, which should be at your side, thus you are not using an insecticide but simply Dr. Daniels’ Cat Comb with Dr. Daniels’ Fleeko to aid in ridding the cat of fleas. It is not the comb — it is not the Fleeko, it is not even you alone, but the combination which, if thoroughly applied, will surely bring satisfactory results.

Another and a good way — Stand the cat on a piece of cloth on the floor, big enough to envelope the cat, wet the neck and head of the animal with warm soapy water, shake into the coat Daniels’ Flea Powder or Scat Powder, rub it well in, then fold the cloth up and closely around the animal for a few minutes to keep out the air, now drop the cloth to the floor and quickly comb and brush out the stunned fleas, eggs, and nits onto the cloth. Immediately shake the combings from the cloth into the fire or submerge in boiling water. Don’t for a minute think you have killed the fleas, for they are only stunned or choked so you must remember you are not depending on the powder alone but the combination of yourself, powder, comb and finally fire or water for the killing. When you use any poison powder strong enough to kill the fleas, it is time for you to worry about the cat.

Of course there are many other methods more or less effective. If it comes to washing and in some cases it may be necessary, we recommend using Dr. Daniels’ Veterinary Soap — in the washing.

Dogs may be washed with Carbo Negus in solution without injury.


FEEDING: Remember, a cat is a carnivorous animal, and flesh and fish is its natural diet, and the nearer you can keep to the natural diet the better animal you will have. This is evidenced by the fact that cats in meat and fish markets are very seldom sick but most always fat and healthy. There are many prepared foods on the market for cats and many cats have learned to eat and like them but at the same time they are not a cat’s natural food. Cats have been known to eat olives,fruit, pickles, vegetables and various other things but still it is not natural for them to do so.

When a cat is off its food an examination should be made of the cat as it is not the food that is always to blame but some slight derangement that can easily be remedied by giving one or the other of Dr. Daniels’ medicines advised for the conditions you find. Usually a good cleaning out with either Dr. Daniels’ L. & K. Tablets or Dr. Daniels’ Danilax will suffice.
In any case where a cat will not eat and you think it needs some form of medicine be sure you find out what the trouble is before you give the cat anything except some form of physic which will never do any harm and will always be beneficial.

VITAMINS in our food are now the recognized necessity to the proper growth and heath of mankind or animals. Dr. A. C. Daniels’ V. M. Capsules are a food and not a medicine, although V. M. Capsules are put up in convenient form in small capsules, suggesting medicine, but they have remarkable food value containing in extremely concentrated form certain vitamins which are generally insufficient or lacking altogether in the ordinary feeding of the smaller animals.

V. M. Capsules given to matron, aids to the healthy conditions required at this time, permitting more and better milk and helping the young get a good start. V. M. Capsules given the kittens in their early life tends to building up the health and strength which precludes the attacks of many weakening and destructive ills. Proper vitamin feeding, housing and exercise lead to good blood, health and Strength, which is insurance against most ills. Include V. M. Capsules in the feeding for the young, the old, the sick or the well.
Dr. Daniels* V. M. Capsules will prove to you their value if you will give them a fair trial. Give them regularly to your pets to aid appetite and rundown condition and as an aid to growth and increase of bone and muscle thus preventing rickets.

Home Treatment for Cats and Kittens


Owing to the Food and Drug Department rulings we are changing the names of some of our products but the medicines are the same, in quality and effect, and should be used in the same way as heretofore.

Acobel Wafers—A special medicine for reducing fever in cat or kitten - 50 cents
Astringent Pills (Diarrhoea)—Act as an astringent upon the bowels when in a loose condition - 65 cents
Cough Syrup (Bronchial)—A soothing medicine for mitigating throat irritations in colds - 65 cents
Calcy Drops—Soothing and helpful to the urinary tract - 65 cents
Collyrium (Eye Wash)—A combination of medicines for the eyes - 50 cents
Carbo Negus—A Disinfectant and Cleaning liquid for house, kennel and stable - 35 cents, 65 cents
Danilax—A pleasant easy to give laxative in liquid form, especially useful in conjunction with Worm Medicines - 35 cents, 65 cents.
Danivom (Anti Vomit)—A stomach sedative for mitigating vomiting in Stomatitis and Gastritis - 50 cents
Dervide (Nervide)—A nerve sedative for convulsions and fit conditions - 50 cents
Dermitite—A special medicine for Sarcoptic Mange, mitigating Itching, and Superficial Skin ills - 1.00
Emulsion—A medicine for cats and kittens in run down condition, especially after giving worm medicine- 65 cents
Effer-Wash (Effervescent)—For cleansing superficial Sores, especially useful for canker of the ear - 35 cents
Fleeko—A cleaning and grooming liquid (to be used with a comb) - 50 cents
Flea Combs— We can furnish at 75c, $1.00, $1.50.
Germi Powder – For canker of the ear and dusting superficial sores. Use with Effer. Wash – 35 cents
H. B. O.—Dr. Daniels’ Famous Hair Ball medicine for cats especially those with long hair - 65 cents
Katonic—A tonic medicine the cats like. Try it on your pet. Can be given cats, sick or well - 25 cents
Laxative Tablets—A tablet useful in assisting the bowels to action - 50 cents
Nasal Balm—Head colds and sore nose - 35 cents
Scat Powder—For cleaning the coat of cats or kittens, especially Persian Angoras, to be used with comb - 35 cents
Shampoo Soap—For washing cat and kitten (get your pets used to washing) - 15 cents
Skin Ointment—For mitigating mangey itching skin - 35 cents
Sulphur Tablets—An alterative and cooling medicine - 50 cents
Tonic Pills—A tonic, appetizer and condition pill for cats and kittens - 65 cents
V. M. Capsules—The appetizer—the easy to give medicine. Cats like them - 50 cents
Worm Drop Liquid—For worms in cat or kitten - 50 cents
Worm Drop Capsules—For worms in cat or kitten - 65 cents
Tape Worm Combination—For cat and kitten – 1.00
Catnip Summit Brand—All loose leaves and blossoms - 15 cents
Catnip Mountain Brand—Leaves and blossoms - 10 cents
Catnip Mouse Kettlie’s—Toy for Cats and Kittens - 15 cents
Catnip Mouse Smith’s—Toy for Cats and Kittens - 10 cents
Catnip Ball—The Original Cat Toy in Catnip - 15 cents
Kettlie’s Gift Box—Contains Mouse, Ball and Package of Catnip - 35 cents
Wonder Worker Lotion—A healing aid for scratches, bites and abrasions—useful in treating abscess and removal of Maw Worms. This Lotion has many uses as a family liniment - 35 cents
Or. Daniels’ Golden Liniment (Oster Cocus) - This is a family liniment of superior quality and wherever and whenever a rubefacient and effective liniment is required Dr. Daniels’ Golden Liniment will prove satisfactory - 35 cents
Large sample bottle of this liniment mailed upon receipt of 10c.

Dr. Daniels’ free book on Cats will be a great help to you in caring for them and Dr. Daniels’ advice regarding your pets, can be had for the asking. Write plainly to our veterinary dept., describe your troubles, and without charge you will receive prompt reply. Dr. A. C. Daniels. Inc., 172 Milk St., Boston. Mass

Home Treatment for Cats and Kittens


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