WHAT IS A MAINE CAT - By Dora B Champion

We have been asked many times what a Maine cat is and why it is not so valuable as the Angora or Persian. Possibly 20 years ago they were as good as any other imported longhaired cat, as they came from all parts of the world on the trading vessels, and had the breed and different colors been kept apart and bred scientifically they might today equal our imported Persians, but they were not. Those that were not crossed with the ordinary short-haired cat, were bred without any regard to keeping the different colors: pure blacks, blues, whites, tabbies and oranges were crossed indiscriminately with the result that today the Maine cat is in most cases little or no good for breeding purposes, as crossed with thoroughbred Persians, the result is usually a litter of many colors patched with white.

I am not saying that there are not good specimens of the long-haired variety, to be found among the Maine cats, as I well remember seeing when first coming to this country a second prize winner at a show which I thought might easily have won. When inquiring of the judge why it did not, he remarked, "It is only a Maine cat, and the first prize winner has just been imported from England.” At a properly managed show these facts should not be known by the judge, then probably the Maine cat would have been given the premier position, and it would have been left to the breeder’s discretion whether they bred from the first prize winner without a known pedigree or the second prize winner with a pedigree traceable for generations. My advice is always the latter.

Breed from pedigree as far as possible. This is the only quick way to success. You had far better purchase the worst kitten from a litter of pedigreed stock than buy the best of a litter from practically unknown ancestry, as the former when mated to a good cat will produce stock far better than itself, whereas the latter, no matter how well crossed, will always disappoint you as the kittens will seldom be even as good as the parents.

One can give no advice how to mate these cats, as what is a good cross with a thoroughbred Persian cannot be applied here. If you know your cat to be bred from many colors do not breed from it, but if you know absolutely nothing of the pedigree why then try your cat and in a few cases it may be a success.

Reprinted from the New York Evening Journal by permission of W. R. Hearst.
Copyright, 1907, by American Journal-Examiner.

However tenderly you may love your pet animal — doggie, pussie or marmoset — try to use good taste and common sense in the expression of that sentiment. Love and sympathy for animals is a beautiful trait.

Christ spoke of the Great Father as “noting the sparrow's fall." It is told of Buddha that he found a bruised and bleeding young lamb being taken to the King’s palace for sacrifice. He carried the poor creature tenderly in his arms and pleaded with the King to stop the sacrifice. And he won the King to pass an edict forbidding further sacrifices.
We cannot be too considerate, too, kind, too loving toward our dumb kin ; but we can be ridiculous, profane, disgusting and absurd in our way of showing how we love animals.


It is disgusting to hear a woman speak of herself as the “mother" of a cat or dog. No animal appreciates this word or is made more comfortable or happier by hearing it. A four-footed pet is just as well pleased to be told that his mistress loves him as to be told “mother loves her itty, pitty, doggie, woggy!"

There are names registered among fanciers for the mothers of animals. No woman would be pleased to hear herself spoken of by one of these names. Why, then, should she place herself in a position by calling the pet animal “mother’s precious baby," to suggest a class of female animal to the listener? Next to a human baby there is no small creature so lovable to me as a baby kitten. I have loved hundreds of them up to cathood. But 1 would not enjoy thinking of myself as a mother cat, nor do I believe the kittens have missed any care or affection on my part because I made this reservation.

It would seem that a woman who had ever been the mother of a baby could not call herself mother to an animal; yet I hear them doing it daily. A beautiful girl caused two young men to regard her with an expression of disgust when she called her ugly-faced dog her “precious sweetheart.” Sweetheart is a pretty word, and it seemed dragged down and cheapened by its application to a homely dog.

Besides the tasteless and extravagant language which women use about animals, they frequently cross over the line of decency in showing their grief for a dead pet.


Showy and expensive funerals for human beings are relics of barbarism. But when they are bestowed upon animals they indicate arrested development or early stages of paresis in the “mourner.” Bury your pet animal tenderly and shed tears upon his grave, dear madam, and plant a rose bush over him if you wish. But do not send out engraved cards of invitation to his funeral, nor waste precious dollars on an elaborate casket or wear crape to show how you mourn him. You only make yourself ridiculous and travesty sacred things. Life is too great and beautiful to regard is at ruined by the loss of a pet animal.

That these pets get a wonderful hold upon our affections I know from personal experience, and that the death of a loving animal makes a lonesome spot in a heart and a household, I fully understand. But in life and in death animals should not be made to usurp the place of human beings. No four-footed creature is made happier by having its owner forget the proprieties or the decencies of life in its treatment, and many sensible people are annoyed and pained by such exhibitions of lack of taste. Cultivate sense and reason in your love of pets.


We were much disappointed not to have been present at the meeting called to present the Doctor with the testimonial from the members of the Atlantic Club. By courtesy of Miss Hopkins, the Secretary, we are able to give a report of the meeting.
May 28th, 1907.

My dear Mr. Jones:
We were sorry, indeed, that you were unable to arrange to be one of the merry company that mysteriously gathered in the Reception Room of the Bryant Park Studio Building on Thursday evening last in connection with the Atlantic Cat Club’s testimonial to their retiring Secretary, Dr. Ottolengui.

The good fellowship and bubbling enthusiasm existent at that meeting were sufficient to show, at least, that all Catdom is not made up of bickerings — a fact we are happy to chronicle in view of our English contemporary’s remarks in a late issue in regard to their American cousins!

Mrs. Wm. S. Hofstra with her usual ease of manner presided at the meeting : no presentation speech was made ; she simply said she felt how vain it were to try and put into a limited number of words the regret we all felt at Dr. Ottolengui’s retiring from the very active field he has so faithfully filled for eight years; but, that we might express our appreciation in some more tangible form we hoped he would accept the offering of the Club — a table service consisting of two handsome silver comports and rose vases — with every assurance that it was given in all sincerity of feeling. One of the ladies present then rose and said that while she had been accused of being so narrow that she couldn’t cast a life-sized shadow, all present would doubtless bear her out in the statement that for once she had been sufficiently broad to have successfully hidden (back of her chair) the silver treasures.

Dr. Ottolengui was quite unprepared for all this, thinking the meeting purely a business one, but with the gift he has always had, soon found words with which to express his pleasure and gratification. He intimated that before the meeting he had almost made up his mind to retire from the Fancy — but that now, he had fullv decided not to! Unlike many, he said, too, he had always been given to thirteens and Fridays and the like, and that this, the thirteenth tear of his married life had been crowded with just such gratifying events, which proves that thirteen is lucky.

Telegrams and letters of regret from out of town members were read, and at something like eleven-fifteen (for time flies in pleasant company) the meeting adjourned, leaving with all a pleasant memory for the long summer months.
Yours very truly,
Laura Gould Hopkins, Cor. Sec.


Let me suggest that I have found that one spoonful of comb honey to two spoonfuls of warm water is excellent for sore eyes or skin eruption.

My silver Persian cat Czarina is so motherly that although she has six young kittens of her own she goes about the house and yard picking up the other kittens and carrying them up one and two flights of stairs and puts them in her basket with her own kittens. When she has Hilda's kittens, Hilda goes for them, singles out her own and brings them back, but the Lady Margaret so appreciates the assistance and attention, that if one of hers has been overlooked she takes it herself up the stairs, drops it in Czarina’s basket and often stays helping in the care of the entire family. There are often in the basket ten and eleven kittens and two mothers.

A few days ago Lady Margaret was chased by a dog and her foot so badly chewed that a part of it came off. She has had the best of care and is now doing well but if she were a human being, instead of “only a cat." she could not show more appreciation for all our care and attention.

The Black Short-Haired Cattery Incorporated
Of Oradell, N.J. offers an ideal home for pets — cats, dogs, birds, etc. 10 cents in stamps will bring you full information as to charges, accommodations. etc.


The regular monthly meeting was held at Highland Park, June 11th. The attendance was good and some visitors were entertained. The principal business was voting in some new members and appointing a committee consisting of Mrs. Wm. A Petas, Mrs. E. L. Brace, Mrs. E. W. Miller, to make arrangements for the semi-annual meeting to be held at Genesee Park, next month. At this meeting it is hoped and expected that many of the out of town members will be present. Last year this meeting was so successful that it will probably become a rule of the club to hold their semi-annual meeting in this way.

The Lockehaven Club is in a prosperous condition and are constantly adding to their membership. It is a rare thing to have a meeting and not have new names proposed.

Nothing is better for sore eyes than boracic lotion, but the fact is not always known or remembered that the efficacy of this preparation is entirely dependent upon its being used at the proper strength. The right proportion is four grains of boracic acid to one oz. (or two tablespoonfuls) of water. This prescription was given to us by one of our first oculists, who was also a great lover of animals. The lotion should be used just warm, never hot, and allowed to trickle freely into the eye. — Our Cats.


The annual meeting of the Southern California National Cat Club (Incorporated) was held April 23, 1907. The following were elected on the board of directors for the coming year. Mr. J. C. Girton, Mrs. Emma Girton, Dr. J. H. Kriechbaum, Mrs. Helen A. Kriechbaum, Mr. W. L. Wolfe, Mrs. Margaret Wolfe, Mr. N. A. Wolcott, Mrs. Elizabeth M. K. Wolcott and Mr. E. H. Rvdall.

The officers elected by the new Board of Directors were: President, Mrs. Helen A. Kriechbaum; Vice-President, Mrs. Elizabeth M. K. Wolcott; Secretary, Mrs. Margaret Wolfe; Treasurer, Mr. J. C. Girton. Mrs. Margaret Wolfe, Sectv.


At the regular meeting of the Beresford Cat Club of America, held May 25th, 1907, Mrs. C. H. Lane resigned as president and also as member of the club. Miss Lucy C. Johnstone resigned from the Board of Directors also from the club. At a special meeting held June 1st. 1907, these resignations were accepted, and Mrs. Locke has consented to again assume the duties of president and as active head of the club. Miss Louise L. Fergus was appointed director in Miss Johnstone's place.
Annie L. Besse, Secty.


Dear Mr. Jones:
Yours of April 15th, has come and as I have just returned from a week in England I will very gladly tell your readers of my visit there. Unfortunately I was too late for the show season due largely to my very late return from the United States but I saw, nevertheless much that was interesting.

My first visit was to Mrs. Clark, the Russian Specialist to whom I had sent my own two Russian queens, “Bellina” and “Olivette” for mating with her famous stud “Peter the Gt.” (Grand- sire to Mrs.Sage’s winning stud "Peterkin”) and "Prince of Bath” another celebrated cat who has, however, no progeny that I know of in America. Mrs. Clark's kennels are charmingly situated on the hillside that forms her garden. Some are single, some in groups, but all face the warm exposure are well raised above the ground and perfectly drained and ventilated. Besides the Russians I saw “Lobengula,” a magnificent Smoke male, Long Hair sired by the late “Ch. Teufel,” and two delightful Silver queens "Ellaline of the Spheres” and “Ashbrittle Pearl.” Mrs. Clark has also a fine Smoke queen “Chandia Nil” half sister to “Lobengula" and full sister to a smoke queen owned by Mrs. Sinkins named “Snippet."

To return to short-hairs again, Mrs. Clark has some fine specimens of Silver Abyssinians of Mrs. Cox’s breeding, Mrs. Cox's Abyssinians being among the best known in England, if not indeed the very best. They are a fascinating breed and one I hope some day to see more of in the United States. Mrs. Cox is also very strong in Russians, being the owner of “Bayard,” “Olga” and “Odessa,” all well known Russians registered in the A. C. A. Stud book in connection with Mrs. Sage's “Peterkin” and the two females "Bellina” and “Olivette” belonging to myself.

The following day saw me at Bossington, the home of the far-famed "James II.” “James,” I understand has retired into private life and is now making himself famous as a sire. I saw a number of his progeny, youngsters about six months old and some older cats, among them a splendid female just mated back to her father and a young male not quite a year old who is going back with me to America one of these days either as property of the Cattery or of some fortunate purchaser. Mrs. Collingwood too has an Abyssinian, a splendid male, light brown in color, also a fine blue longhaired queen called “The Dolly Afloat,” a cat who has been doing some good winning this last year, including special for best head at Harrogate. Mrs. Collingwood is noted at present also I believe for the best strain of brown tabby short-hairs. Her Ch. “Flash Jack,” being one of the best known cats on the bench today and his daughter “Flash Lassie” a wonder for soundness of color and perfection of markings. Mrs. Collingwood has also a wonderful black male, “Mr. Sparelegg" by name, a cat I have long wanted for the Cattery but of whom his mistress is too fond to allow him to leave his happy home even for the show bench. I have, however, been lucky enough to secure his services for a black queen that I have with Mrs. Collingwood and am expecting the resulting litter to be a fine one.

Interest in Long-Haired Silvers took me to Bexley Heath, where I met for the first time the Misses Bartlett and their fine lot of cats. I saw many generations of Silvers at Bexley Heath and none but with emerald eyes — "Silver Sultan," “Silver Halo," “Silver Dawn," etc. That I could not see Mrs. Bonny, whose Chs. "Dame Fortune" I and II are also wonderful short-haired tabbies, from whose progeny I have heard that Lady Decies has been adding to her stock ; Mrs. Middleton, also a connoisseur in Russians and secretary of the S. H. Cat Society of Gt. Britain, and many others that I had hoped to see was a great disappointment but on the whole my trip was satisfactory and well worth the fatigue of the journey.


Several years ago at the close of one of the shows in Rochester one cat, with four kittens with eyes not opened and one-half grown orange tabby male were left uncalled for. The editor of the Journal called on the woman who had entered them to see why she did not take them away and she said.

“I do not want them, if they do not want them at the show they can chloroform them." The editor took them home and this was really the foundation of the Crystal Cat Refuge.

The tortoiseshell mother was sent to a friend in Boston the kittens did not all live, but those that did were given homes but Quizy, the orange, became the pet of the place. Finally when it became necessary to break up the home he was sent to Elgin, Ill., to a lady that we knew was a devoted cat lover and the editor had the privilege of seeing him last winter, took him to a gallery and had this picture taken. He did not take kindly to the camera as can plainly be seen by the unhappy face in the picture.

He is the king of the house and nothing is too good for him. To provide this one cat with the home he has and see how well he is kept is well worth all the labor and trouble that the Refuge caused in the several years it was allowed to run.


An illustrated monthly magazine published In the interest of cats. Filled with things that Cat lovers, Cat owners and Cat breeders will want to know.
Entered as second class matter at the Post Office at Rochester, N.Y.
Subscription price. One Dollar per Year in Advance.
Sample copies, ten cents. Foreign Subscriptions, $1.25. Subscriptions may be sent for three or six months at above rates.
English Subscribers please remit by International Money
Address all Communications and make all drafts and money orders payable to C. H. JONES, 414 E. & B. Building, Rochester, N.Y., U.S.A.

We wish to issue the July number of the Journal by the 15th of July, and if there is anything in the way of news or advertising you wish in that number sent it in by the 5th of July.

We have been made glad by the reports of nearly every breeder with whom we have had any reports over the general good health of their stock this spring. Whether this is due to the cool weather we cannot say but we know it is a fact. The editor is recovering from an eight week's attack of his old enemy, bronchitis, and he wishes to say that if he at any time has shown any peevishness in any of his correspondence the party receiving the letter must try and have charity. He never believed that sickness was any excuse for a manifestation of ugly temper but, as this is the usual excuse for crankiness of any special mean sort he is falling back on the old excuse.

Some dog owners seem to have an idea, that a long pedigree makes a “well bred dog." We do not think this but we think that good manners are necessary as well as the long pedigree. When the dog is owned by a man who himself has no breeding how can the dog be expected to have any? Many a person walking around on their hind legs seem to think it is a smart thing to set a dog on a cat. While the dog might by nature, be a fine animal, by the lack of good breeding in the owner he becomes a cur the same as the master for no man with the slightest mark of a gentlemen would think of coaxing his dog to make the life of a helpless cat miserable.

We have received front Mrs. Harry Burns of Manilla, New South Wales, a copy of the Sidney Mail in which her cattery is illustrated and some comments made regarding her beautiful cats. It is stated that she is raising nothing but the very best stock and has no difficulty in disposing of all that she has for sale. We feel that this lady must have an interest in cats that is more than on the surface when in renewing her subscription for the Journal she sends a contribution towards paying the Refuge debt and a hope that this work may continue. We hope at some future time to be able to show pictures of some of her cats.

Mrs. Bell of Toronto, says: “Some people say that cats have no intelligence or memory, yet Sib, a blue short-haired cat belonging to Mrs. D’Arcy Hinds returned to his home after an absence of eight months.

Boracic ointment is an efficient and safe application for any sore place.


Amongst cat fanciers spring is the busiest season of the year. A few remarks on the breeding of Persian cats may come in useful, especially to novices in the fancy. In selecting a male cat for stud purposes, it is well to be guided a good deal by the size of head and limbs. Take note of the width between the ears, which should be nearer three, than two inches. Beware of a long nose and pointed face. Tall ears are most undesirable. It also spoils a cat’s appearance if the ears are very wide open at the base. Ear tufts are a great addition to the beauty of a Persian cat.

In wishing to breed good Persian kittens it is very necessary to first consider the points of our female cat. It is not always the most noted sire or the greatest prize winner that is the most desirable mate for a particular queen. We must mate according to the good points in one and the defects in the other, and thus we may attain to something as near perfection as possible. If the queen is wanting in breadth of skull and shortness of face, try to remedy and counterbalance these defects by finding a stud cat with these points strongly developed. Deep orange eyes which are so much sought after in black and blue Persians, quite as often re-appear in a litter of which one only of the parents has been thus favored.

Blue Persians should only be mated with blues. If crossed with silvers, the result is not satisfactory for kittens that are needed for the show pen, as very frequently they will be silver smokes, which though exceedingly pretty for pets, are of no value from a fancier’s point of view. Brown tabbies may be mated to orange and also black cats, but a cross with smokes, blues, or whites should be avoided.

An orange female can safely be mated to a cream or a blue, and unless a silver is mated to its own color, then a smoke is the best alternative. A good rule for novices to follow is always to mate self-colored cats with selfs, and tabbies with tabbies.

The best time for cats to have their families is from April till June, then the young kittens have all the summer before them and they can enjoy plenty of out-door air and exercise. Highly-bred Persian cats should not be allowed to have more than two litters in the year, and it is very important that the family should be in perfect health when sent to a stud cat. — From the Country Side.

From Miss Elizabeth Fordyce, “I gave one of the tape worm capsules to my kitten and she improved right away.”

THE MANX CAT - by C. M. Bush

There once was a cat from the Isle of Man,
And a dignified cat was he;
When the other kittens their fun began,
And chased their tails and frolicked and ran,
He shook his head
And severely said:
“Such frolics are not for me!”

“But, why," said I to the stately cat,
“Do you never join the fun?
If you always sit and mope like that
Each day you'll grow more sleepy and fat —
Come, don’t be a snail,
Go, chase your tail!”
Said he; “I AIN’T GOT NONE.”
— Philadelphia North American.

A HOME FOR THE HOMELESS - By Elizabeth Ogilvie

Mrs. Lewis was very angry. That anyone could be so inhuman; she wondered how people with no more heart and conscience could live and prosper. Ever since she came to Cedar Island two years before, she had witnessed this appalling thing; now was the time to make a protest. She went down to the boat landing, untied her boat, picked up the oars and shoved off; she had formed a plan in her mind and was going to put it into action.

She stopped at the first cottage, left the boat and hurriedly came up the steps; “Good morning, Mrs. Graham, when are you going back to the city?”

“We will go tomorrow and I am so glad you called, Mrs. Lewis, I want to thank you for the flowers you sent when Jessie was ill, it was so kind and neighborly of you.”

"You are very welcome, Mrs. Graham, I stopped to ask if you are going to take your cats back to the city with you?”

“O no, of course not, we can't do that, they are just ‘common’ cats, you know; they would be a dreadful nuisance in the city, we will leave them here.”

For an instant Mrs. Lewis was speechless — “Can I have them, Mrs. Graham?”

“Why certainlv, but I can't see what you want of any more cats, you have so many now.”

“Well ves, I have ten, but, when I first came to Cedar Island, I had only one, but last fall when the cottagers went away, they were so cruel as to leave their pet cats, that their children amused themselves with all summer alone to starve; I took them in and as a result I have a large family. I am going to every cottage on the island and offer to keep their cats until next summer, if they care to pay me for giving them care through the long winter, for you know, I stay all the year, I will accept it, otherwise I will care for them at my own expense.”

”O well, I don’t think I could pay you for looking after a few cats, but if you want them you are welcome to them.”

“Why don't you chloroform them before you go, Mrs. Graham?”

“Me! do such a horrible thing as that, I am surprised at you, Mrs. Lewis. I am entirely too tender hearted to do such a thing, as that, why, I can't see how you could even suggest it to me.”

“I have a bag here and I will take the cats back with me now. Five, did you say? And how pretty they are, a mother and four little kittens.” Mrs. Lewis said good morning and goodbye to her flitting' neighbor, and rowed to the next cottage, the same scene was gone through only here they had two cats and a kitten; she made the rounds and returned with twenty cats, little, big, spotted, striped, maltese, white and black.

On reaching home she put them into a large cage fitted up with comfortable places to sleep, and gave them all they would eat. In a few days, when all danger of their straying away was over, she let them have their liberty — such a sight! They were so happy and contented, it was a pleasure to watch them. Mrs. Lewis noticed one very peculiar looking kitten ; its fur was long and shaggy and of a beautiful silvery gray color. She took this one into the house and closely examined it feeling sure it was not just a common cat, she named him Douglas.

When the cold weather came on a warm shed was provided for all the cats, but Douglas preferred to stay out in the cold. One day Mrs. Lewis noticed what a fine coat of long, silky fur he had and how very beautiful he was. The next summer when the cottagers and hotel guests arrived, they had much to say regarding Mrs. Lewis’ Cat Refuge. Among the guests was a man who was much in love with pets of all kinds, his home was in Boston.

As soon as he saw Douglas, he wanted to buy him for his little daughter, who was an invalid, and offered Mrs. Lewis fifty dollars for him; she consented to sell him and counting the cost of keeping the cats through the winter at twenty-five dollars, she felt not only repaid in money but in the comfort that comes from doing a kindly act. “Unto the least of one of these."

And so we leave Douglas, the pet and companion of a gentle, little invalid, and Mrs. Lewis happy in doing her part to care for God's helpless creatures. May the Home for the Homeless live long and prosper.

* * *

At this time of the year when many are changing their addresses it will be a favor if you will give us your new address. Many do not know that while letters are forwarded papers are not, unless postage is left to pay for so doing. This fact makes us lots of trouble. Some subscribers will move away expecting their Journals to follow them the same as their letters and then after a time they write saying that they are not receiving the paper. We always send the missing numbers although we are in no way responsible.


A Persian kitten died in New York a few days ago, despite all modern science could do to save it. And when its little life faded away the shadow of a tragedy fell upon the household. It was as though a human life had gone out, and the grief was real and poignant. Let not those scoff who deem the bereavement of these good folk morbid or hysterical. The pet was an influence which made for affection, kindness and consideration. The attachment for it brought out nothing that was not best, and in the affection bestowed upon the kitten the family were united in a common joy.

A cat or a dog has often meant more to the happiness of a family than men with small hearts will ever be able to imagine. There is something so sublime in the devotion of a dumb beast that the highest praise that can be said of a man is that he loved or befriended with brute-like devotion. He who is kind to animals is sure to have a warm heart for his fellows.

Now a Persian kitten is a mere baby cat, if you will, and scarcely worth the consideration of so many words, but this case deals with human hearts as well and is therefore, direct in its appeal. To those who loved her, Pussy looked like a bundle of silver floss. Her eyes were like green jade, large and wide apart, and, as sunlight and shadow touched them, they were shot with gold or deepened into sapphire, calm and deep as the summer seas when the winds are asleep. Her belly was as white as the hermit snow on unsealed mountain peaks, and her long, bushy tail swayed in the rhythm of her moods like the fan of a beauty conscious of her charms.

Her little feet were broad and rounded, with long tufts of silken fur between the “toes,” as though she were shod for continual winter. Thin as a wafer were her ears, faintly pink, like the rose of dawn that the sea shell holds. Her face came to a point in a delicate, patrician chin, and the nose, a tiny point lipped with black, showed much of the long years of breeding that lined her down to a flesh and blood toy.

When the morning hour arrived she woke her mistress by a method so poetic that it must have come down through the lost; years from the joyous time of Hafiz, who saw in the world about him nothing but beauty and love. To arouse her mistress she gently touched the eyelids of the sleeper with her tongue —kissed sleep from the eyes that loved to behold her.

She seemed as much a stranger in the surroundings of a modern flat as though she were a veiled lady from a harem. One looked on her sensuous beauty and thought of the magnificent tiled palaces of Susa and Persepolis; of symbolism wrought in weavings which consumed a lifetime; of rare carvings, cunning inlayings and wonderfully illuminated manuscripts; of the groves and gardens of Shiraz, where wise Sa'di made song and wisdom which find a renewing spring in the birth of each year of the newest century.

The love of animals is one of the most beautiful traits in us humans. Woman's very make-up gives her aptitudes for love and affection. Whether she give affection to an inanimate keepsake or artistic creation; whether it be to a horse, a dog or a cat, there is something comforting in the fact, something humanizing and tender. The heart is not a prison to hold healthful emotions which will wither for lack of light and freedom, and withering, finally destroy the shell that prisons them.

* * *

In sending a list of sales lately Miss Abby Clark says: “The moral is, when you wish to sell your kittens advertise them in the Cat Journal.”

* * *


The proper housing of valuable Persian cats is one of the most essential subjects for a novice to consider, and one requiring both careful thought and attention. There is no doubt that of all domestic animals the cat is the most difficult to keep healthy and happy in the unnatural condition of total or partial confinement.

Belonging to the ferae, its original and savage nature still shows glimpses not wholly tamed, in its independence of character, and its love of roaming. Then, again, its civilized side betrays a keen appreciation of the comforts to be found in its home life.

The household pet that enjoys its freedom to go in and out at pleasure to climb trees, and anon to lie purring its contentment on the hearthrug is a creature that seldom, if ever, ails anything. But, alas! those fanciers who keep cattery cats can tell another tale. There is an old saying that a cat has nine lives, but truly the complaints to which our pedigree Persians are subject are more in number than the lives with which they are accredited.

To establish a cattery, therefore, that shall be a pleasure and a pride to the owner and not a source of worry and grief, caused by perpetual illness among the inmates, it is very necessary at the outset to study the chief needs of cat nature.

First, let the cattery have a bright aspect, with as much sunshine as possible. Cats and kittens are sun worshippers, and truly sunshine is the life of growing things and the greatest destroyer of disease germs. It is easy enough in the heat of summer to provide temporary shelters. If space is no object, then have a good-sized wired-in run, with every inducement for plenty of exercise, such as well-branched, dead trees sunk in the ground, some posts, shelves and benches.
The sleeping house should be well raised from the earth, and have a cosey box or basket filled with straw or hay, wherein puss may make hei nest at night. It is well to have some grass in the run, for this is the natural medicine for cats, and goes a long way to keep them in health.

It is advisable, if possible to select a spot for a cattery not too far from the house. It saves trouble, and is more convenient especially in wet weather. Cats are lovers of company : they also like to observe and see all that passes to and fro, to exchange greetings with the gardener, the maids and the tradespeople coming to the door, and thus to have some outside interest in life. Cats become dull and stupid if shut out of sight in some backyard. Cats that live in out-of-door catteries, despite the somewhat unnatural existence, are yet much healthier than those who live in heated rooms, where even with every care and attention the atmosphere cannot always be pure and sweet.

It is quite certain that Persian cats and kittens born and bred in outside houses always have much longer and thicker coats. It is the damp of our English climate in the winter that tries all animals, and in constructing the sleeping house care must be taken to have the floor raised and the roof water-proof.

Needless to say, the cattery should be kept scrupulously clean and sweet. Avoid using strong disinfectants, the smell of which cats abhor, and do not elect to start a cattery unless you yourself intend to bestow both time and trouble upon it and its inmates. To be a cat fancier it requires also to be a cat lover.

The inexperienced should note one or two points before sending a queen upon a visit. The fee should accompany the cat. The fee is for the mating, and not for the boarding of a queen for an indefinite period, with the payment of carriage, etc. If your queen visits a proved sire, and the result is unsatisfactory, in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred the fault lies at her door. But although the owner of the stud cat has already fulfilled his part of the bargain, a second mating is usually allowed. But it should be taken as a favor. Neither does the stud fee constitute a life insurance policy, and render the owner of the sire responsible for the health of your queen up to the time she kittens, and for the kittens’ health until sold. Neither does it constitute an obligation to sell at a good price any kittens that may be the result of the mating. Cat fanciers, taken as a whole, are very generous, and always ready to help each other, but novices should be careful not to make too many demands upon this generosity, and must expect to take their fair share of loss and risk. — Our Cats.


Six kittens were recently added to the feline population by “Phoebe Snow,” the pet cat of the ferryman who tends the little rowboat ferry across the “gap” in the Lackawanna Railroad yards in Hoboken, N. J. Some days later one of the little ones died. All Saturday Phoebe appeared downcast, and in the afternoon started on a hunt for rats. She has a record as a rat catcher, so the ferryman was not surprised, when, a few minutes later, she deposited a big wharf rat at his feet. Phoebe again disappeared, and returned a moment later with a baby rat tenderly carried in her teeth. Straight by the ferryman she marched and over to the basket where her five kittens lay, and beside them she placed the young rat. As an experiment, the rat was taken from Phoebe several times, but on each occasion she deserted her kittens long enough to find the missing youngster and return with it to the basket. —Philadelphia North American.

* * *


Keep a pedigree record of your kittens. It is much easier done if you have a blank that is printed for this purpose. We furnish them at 15c per dozen or 25 for 25 cents. Order from The Cat Journal office. What more appropriate gift could you make to a cat loving friend than The Cat Journal for one year.

* * *


My mistress is giving me trouble,
It really irritates me,
To see her.
She is suffering and making a fuss,
Just because she has a little corn
On her lower left hand corner;
Which she calls her toe.
It is really distressing,
To hear her language.
At times, my sensitive soul is shocked.
To see her suffer.
It surely were much better
To follow the style.
And put her out of her misery,
Then I would not be bothered,
With her wails of anguish,
And ungrammatical expressions.

I will put her to sleep.
Or in other words.
1 will see that she is killed
It sounds so much better
Although very foolish.
To say "put to sleep."
Then I will have no more annovance,
I will not have to bother with her at all,
In any matter whatever.
And that will be a good thing.
I might let her live,
But I am lazy and do not like the bother.
It is so easy to stop her breath,
Then there will be no more trouble.

I know she has been a faithful friend,
A loving, good mistress,
But I really must have relief
From this fret.
It can be done so easily.
I know some think that I should bear with her,
And give her a chance,
But they are sentimental people.
She may not want to die.
Probably does not.
She does not know
How much better off she will be dead.
For then she will have no trouble
With any of her corners.
That is certainly better for her.
And a whole lot easier for me.

She may know what I am going to do.
I don't care
She cannot help herself for I am stronger.
She may holler,
I don’t mind that a bit.
I will soon smother her.
After it is over
I will not have to see her limping.
I will not have to wait on her.
I will not have to see her cry,
I will not have to feed her,
I can then go on my vacation.
After she is dead she will not care.
I will pretend that I do,
And weep some to fool the neighbors,
But in my heart I am glad that it is over.

* * *


Debt reported unpaid - $303 63
Miss Grace M. Dutcher - $5 00
Mrs. Wm. Brandreth - 50c
Mrs. N. V. Dunning - 50c
Cash - 5 00
From Cyrus, a yellow and white Angora - $5 00
Total = $16 00
Still unpaid on debt - $287 63

* * *

The Black Short-Haired Cattery is now prepared to supply customers with anything they may wish for their cats and dogs. Sectease, Shredded wheat, all Spratt’s articles. Backus Crates and novelties of many kinds.

* * *


Mrs. Wm. Chapman who raises so many fine brown tabbies, says her fifteen kittens are all in fine shape.

Mr. Hall of Omaha, in a letter announcing his marriage, says: "The latch string will always be out for all cat lovers."

Miss Agnes Sosling of Bermuda is the owner of a beautiful silver Persian son of Jack Frost, that she is very proud of.

Miss Cathcart will sail for the United States on July 3d by steamship America, and will stay at the Cattery in Oradell, for a month or six weeks.

The Journal office received a call from Miss Hattie Green one of the old time subscribers. She carried away with her a copy of the Immortality of Animals, by Dr. E. D. Buckner.

The Black Shorthaired Cattery is having many visitors. It is an interesting place to go if you are interested in cats. Only a short distance from New York, Oradell, New Jersey.

Mr. Gerald Gray of Bermuda has a fine orange and white that he purchased from Miss Poole of New York, also a beautiful female that came from that well known fancier Miss Coxe of Toronto, Canada.

Mrs. L. C. Cross, of Emporia, Kans., in sending a list of births in her kennels says, that she has always raised every kitten littered in her place. Mrs. Cross is also a breeder of Hereford cattle and Berkshire swine.

Mrs. Dykhouse reports that all of her young stock is in fine condition. One of the kittens from her newly imported queen has deep blue eyes and a fine head and shows every sign of being something out of the ordinary.

Mrs. Luella Hodges, has bought of Mrs. E. F. Holmes of Pittsburg, the black queen Manoa from Strongheart ex Laura. Mona has been bred to Abdul Moka and Mrs. Hodges hopes to get her favorite color from the mating — smoke.

Mrs. Luella Hodges gave up all her cats when she went south last winter but is now buying again and expects to breed some more good ones. It is hard to "down” the love for this animal and when one goes "out” they are soon back again.

Mrs. F. E. Holmes and Mrs. Gydeman of Pittsburg are visiting Mrs. Richard Hardy. They brought with them a litter of kittens for Mrs. Hardy to sell for them as their home is broken up and they are on their way west. This gives Mrs. Hardy 19 kittens.

Miss Abby Clark, of Carthage, Ind., has sent her last kitten to Mrs. Brenneman of Philadelphia and will not have any more for some time. She is regretting the fact that she has not a “stack” of them to use to supply the demand created by her advertisement in the Journal.

Mrs. Wells of Palmyra, N.Y., proprietor of the Van Rensselaer Cattery, and for several years one of the Journal force, is just recovering from a very severe illness. This has been a tedious sickness for she could not lie down and for several weeks has been obliged to sit in a chair, night and day, with her feet elevated.

It is interesting to note that Mr. and Mrs. Hill in starting their married life do so with love for animals, especially cats. This goes far towards making a married relation congenial. Mrs. Hill starts her Cattery with Prince Royal, Lady Peggy and their beautiful white kittens, White Cloud, Minnehaha and Cora D.

In a letter received from Jas. E. Gorham of California, he says: "I bought of Dr. Clair E. Bowen, of Buffalo, her silver king Radium, and of Mrs. Dykehouse, Bonny Thorne and Pill Perkins, bought through the ads in the Journal” Then he adds in a P.S. “Both of these ladies are all right.”

Mrs. Alfred Jackson, president of the Lockehaven Cat Club of Rochester, is to have Mrs. Hardy’s Strongheart, for an indefinite time. She has had built for him a fine building and run so he will not miss the accommodations to which he has been accustomed. Strongheart is a fine cat and he will have a good home with Mrs. Jackson.

Mr. and Mrs. Burland have just returned to their home in Canada. Mr. Burland has spent most of the winter in Paris. He left Canada last November with his son and returned by the way of New York last February, to meet Mrs. Burland and together they have spent the rest of the winter at the beautiful island of Bermuda, Mrs. Burland’s old home.

Cards have been received at the Journal office, announcing the marriage of Sir. Paul T. Hill to Miss Bertha Mae Markham both of Omaha. They are both very much interested in cats and are movers in forming the new Cat Club at Omaha. The sincere congratulations of the Journal office force is extended to them in this new relation and we hope that their influence may be more than doubled for the benefit of the cat.

LOCKEHAVEN CAT CLUB NOTES - by Mrs. Alfred Jackson

Mrs. Hardy's Strongheart has been confided to the care of Mrs. Jackson for an indefinite time.

Dr. and Mrs. Urquhart have purchased a beautiful home on Monroe Ave., Rochester, near the home of Mrs. Jackson, a fact that both ladies appreciate.

The Lockehaven will keep up their regular meetings during the summer as is their regular custom. This holds the interest of the members.

Miss Cathcart will return from France early in July, sailing July 3d and we are hoping that she will be able to attend our semi-annual meeting.

Mrs. Jackson has purchased a fine smoke kitten from Miss Agnes Williams of Orange, N. J., out of Cigarette and Saratoga Mag, from’ which she is hoping great things.

Mrs. Jackson is expecting a visit from Mrs. Ottolengui sometime this month and the members of the club are planning many pleasant outings to make her visit as enjoyable as possible.

Miss Cathcart is preparing to do a large importing business in connection with the Short Haired Cattery at Oradell, N. J., and will bring with her from Europe on her return in July quite a number of fine cats.

The first picnic of the L.C.C. for the season, was held June 11th at the beautiful Highland Park where the wonderful display of lilacs and Chinese Azalias were beheld in their full perfection. Mr. and Mrs. Clark were the visitors of the day. Three new members were proposed and accepted.

Mrs. Sage’s Peterkin is now enjoying the new run that he is able to have in his new home. He regrets that the pickets in the fence back of the lot which are about 12 feet high are sharp on the top so he is unable to sit on them instead of on the limb of an apple tree It is the unattainable in a cat's life, that is always desirable, the same as it is in the life of a human being.

Mrs. Mary S. Sage, Superintendent of Humane Instruction, in the Rochester, N. Y. schools and the owner of the famous short haired Russian male Peterkin, has lately moved into a home where she can have a large run for him. This run is completed and Peterkin is having the time of his life. There are four large apple trees with low branches and he utilizes them for resting places to good advantage.

Mrs. Sage, of the Humane Society, has closed her lectures for the season and will have a much needed rest. Her work is largely among the children, lecturing with a sterioptican and giving the children lessons in kindness and consideration to animals of all kinds. Her audience is composed many times of very small children and she has no difficulty in holding their attention.

We deeply regret the withdrawal of Mrs. George Gould of Ithaca, from the cat fancy. Mrs. Gould has decided to move to Massachusetts, leaving all her family of choice cats behind. We will miss Mrs. Gould as she was a wise breeder and a good sportswoman, taking a defeat in a graceful manner with the - determination to win next time. We hope that Sousa will fall into the hands of someone who will fully appreciate his fine qualities.

ATLANTIC CLUB NOTES From Laura Gould Hopkins, Cor. Sec'y.

Mr. Robert Scully reports a flattering family of blue kittens, all quite light, by his imported blue queen and "Bobbie Burns." Mrs. Franklin Gray Carrie is expecting an interesting family by her "Jacko," by Miss Johnson's "Famo. " Mrs. Carrie is now enjoying the benefits of her country home.

Miss Hopkins is quite light-hearted these days with a dainty family of white kits, three males and a female, by her "White Aigrette" and Miss Johnson’s “Famo.” The Misses Ward report “Oyama" the promising young novice of the late January show, as being in really fine condition, playful as a kitten, happy as a sand boy, and the sire of some lovely kittens.

Mrs. F. Y. Mathis told us at the presentation meeting many things in connection with an early October show, at Danbury. Conn. We are all hoping we can go, and that we can all have blue ribbons. If life were without hope — eh?

Dr. and Mrs. R. Ottolengui visited Chicago where Mrs. Ottolengui will spend a few weeks, the Doctor returning to his professional duties in New York, after receiving an honorary degree of L.D.D. conferred upon him there.

Mrs. Brian Brown is now enjoying the loveliness of her summer home "Good Ground” where she says her cats and kits are flourishing. She is the fortunate possessor of a lovely, blue eyed female kitten ex Oberon and Kenna.

Miss J R. Kroeh is making extensive improvements in her kennels, with every encouragement for doing so her "Chorister” is getting quite boastful of his blue eyed white kits, and we did see some promising blues.

Miss Laura Gould Hopkins and Miss Marion Johnson recently had the pleasure of an hour or two with Mrs. William Henry Alexander, at Llewellyn Park. Aside from Mrs. Alexander’s personal charm it was really a pleasure to see all the lovely cat family. Miss Macy’s "King Winter" a lovely fellow, seemed quite happy and care free in his comfortable quarters there.

BERESFORD CAT CLUB NOTES By Anne E. Besse, Cor. Sec’y.

Dr. and Mrs. Ottolengui were in Chicago recently on business.

The club is already planning for their show of the coming winter.

Mrs. Locke will soon go to her summer cottage at Wequotonsing, Mich. Mrs. L. C. Manning of Freeport, attended the meeting of the club held June first. Mrs. W. Eaines Colburn has lost her Siamese female, recently imported by Mrs. Locke. Mrs. C. G. Snow is soon to make a trip east in the interest of the Chicago Refuges for animals.

A large open air dog show is being planned for the benefit of the South Side Dog and Cat Refuges.

Mrs. L. J. Manning of Freeport is to have Mrs. Colburn's chinchilla Silver Sprite for a time. Mrs. Elbert Besse recently shipped a very handsome orange male kitten to Miss Pauline Sellers, Ohio.

In the absence of the president and first vice-president, Dr. Edith T. Norton, ably presided at the May meeting of the club.

Dr. Ottolengui found time to hold converse while in Chicago with a number of the principal fanciers regarding the fancy in the east and the west.

A picnic party composed of members of the club and the Tortoiseshell Society enjoved themselves immensely at the home of Miss Isabelle Adams on Decoration day. A ball game in the afternoon, and music in the evening, with a sumptuous supper sandwiched between made it a most festive occasion.

The subject of a bazaar, on a large scale, was broached at the last meeting, a number promising to donate articles, or procure them from friends during the summer. Any non-resident member or friend who will send us some little article for this purpose, either useful or beautiful, will be gratefully remembered.

WASHINGTON CAT CLUB - by Mildred J.S. Monroe

At the last meeting the question of organizing a cat refuge in an up-to-date sanitary manner was talked over and plans were made for the show to be held next winter. We hope to be able to decide on the dates by the next meeting.

We hope at our next show, that our northern and western friends will follow the examples of Mrs. Dykhouse, Mrs. Brace and Mrs. D’Almaine who exhibited at our last show, and the two latter gave us their helpful and encouraging presence as well.

Don 'o Dreams, Miss Tibbitt’s new blue, bids fair to be a fine large, handsome stud with deep copper eyes and will surely take some ribbons for his proud mistress at the coming show. All lovers of that beautiful color will welcome this new addition to the blacks, whites, creams, etc., already here in goodly number.

The club is anxious to obtain many non-resident members among the cat fanciers, to help us by their presence and exhibition of their cats at our shows, and earnestly requests all those who contemplate joining before the next show to send in their names at once to Miss E. L. Tibbitts, 626 A. St., N.E. Washington, D. C.

The last regular meeting of the club was held at the home of the president, Mrs. H. L. West. Two new members, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Burpee, formerly of Philadelphia, were elected. The club deems itself fortunate in having them with us and greatly appreciates their kind offer of assistance in the coming show and in other ways.

Washington is a little out of the show belt, reaching from Chicago to New York and up to Boston and Toronto and altho' our pets do not feather out so well in this warm clime and have the length of coat their northern brothers have, still Washington is full of cat lovers and quite a few fanciers, who are cat lovers as well and we take just as much pride in our small show as the Atlantic does in its larger one.

Mrs. Dr. Franz, a daughter of Dr. Niven of Canada, has come to Washington with her illustrious husband (who is one of the physicians at St. Elizabeth's hospital) and baby girl to say nothing of her beautiful "Persia” a lovely blue female Persian, daughter of Osiris and granddaughter of Albert Edward. After their return trip abroad this summer the club expects to welcome Mrs. Franz as a member, as she has promised to join.

Many of the members of the club exhibited their pets for “sweet charity’s sake" at the lawn fete given at "Friendship," the home of Mr. R. John McLean, May 17 and 18. The cats were exhibited in the animal tent, which was a part of the "County Fair.” Mrs. Wilmot s pure white neuter, Fluff, undoubtedly carried off the honors, being in perfect coat and condition. Miss Burritt had two Siamese cats, which created quite a sensation, and also Columbia Patrick and several sweet little kittens sired by him. Miss Tibbitt’s blue male kitten, Don 'o Dreams, by Dr. Niven's Albert Edward and Queen Alexandra, attracted much attention by his beauty and fine condition.


This department is under the direction of Miss Janet McIntosh of 55 School St., Manchester, New Hampshire. You may ask any question that you wish, that may be answered in this department without charge, hut if you wish an immediate answer, by mail, SEND A FEE of 75c which includes medicine. Please put in full address in every letter. It saves time and trouble.

As many have sought advice for aggravated cases of ear canker it seems wise to give further treatment. In simple ear canker pulsatilla will effect a cure. Where the disease attacks the internal ear producing such intense pain that the scratching behind the ears forms ugly sores, give a course of graphites 3X with intercurrent doses of sulphur 3 x. When there is an acute attack give aconite 1 x every 10 minutes for 3 doses. Wash the internal and external ear with 12 drops of calandula in 13 teaspoonsful of tepid water. If there is more or less of a discharge and the ear very tender to the touch give hepar sulphur not more than four times a day, and the aconite 1 x in the acute attack. If these remedies check the disease and the external skin heals, but the ear was not cleared of the dark, dirty deposit, yet less tender to the touch, go back to the pulsatilla with intercurrent doses of sulphur 30 x.

There seems to be an epidemic of premature births or kittens born weakly that soon die, and many requests for treatment with the query, why seemingly healthy mothers have this experience? In some years miscarriages are larger than in others and this fact is certainly true this year among both long and short haired cats. To all inquiries the same advice is given: Use pulsatilla during the entire period, it is all that can be suggested as being able to help or prevent an unfortunate ending to pregnancy. The cause is unknown, but if anyone has knowledge on this subject such information would be gladly received and acknowledged.

Another disease or symptom requiring further treatment is the sore chin, when there is a dark, dirty deposit that neglected becomes tender and red, working up and sometimes into the mouth. Wash with 12 drops of calandula in 12 teaspoonsful of tepid water and give sulphur 30 x once a day; when attacking the mouth mercurius vivus not oftener than three times a day.


Twenty-five entries in the above Association will be published monthly in this Journal. Application for registration in either of the books of this Association will be published and if not challenged within thirty days will be accepted as correct. In order to avoid conflict of names due to existence of other Stud Books and Registries no name will be allowed if after publication, protest is made by the owner of the cat already bearing the protested name, provided proof be afforded the said name has already be accepted for registration elsewhere.
E. K. B. Champion, (Registrar),
West New Brighton, Staten Island, N. Y.

No. 151. White Fringe, longhaired, white male, born April 1904. Sire, Frosty, imported from Turkey. Dam. Sparkle Breeder, Mrs. Lowe. Owner, Mrs. M.I. Atkins, Bridgwater, Mass.

No.. 152. Phoebe, longhaired, female, white, born June 12, 1901. Sire, unknown blue. Dam, Floss by Dandy ex Puff. Breeder and owner, Mrs. D. P. Cushing, North Middlesboro, Mass.

No. 153. Dinah Doe. longhaired, brown tabby female, born April 4, 1903. Sire, Jack Frost (white). Dam, Phoebe, sire, unknown blue ex Floss. Breeder and owner, Mrs. D. P. Cushing, No. Middlesboro, Mass.

No. 154. Nita C., longhaired female, white odd-eyed, born April 9. 1903. Sire, Jack Frost (white). Dam, Phoebe, by unknown blue ex Floss. Breeder and owner, Mrs. D. P. Cushing, No. Middlesboro. Mass.

No. 155. Prince Charming of Brooksidc, blue-eyed white male, longhaired, born March 7, 1906. Sire, White Fringe by Frosty ex Sparkle. Dam, Nita C. by Jack Frost ex Phoebe. Breeder and owner. Mrs D. P. Cushing, No. Middlesboro, Mass.

No. 156. Hulda, blue-eyed white female, longhaired, born May 12, 1902. Sire, Jack Frost (white). Dam, Floss by Dandy ex Puff. Breeder and owner, Mrs. D. P. Cushing, No. Middlesboro,

No. 157. White Plume, orange-eyed white male, longhaired, born March 20, 1906. Sire, White Tsar II by White Tsar ex Kate. Dam, White Friar's Daughter by Ch. White Friar ex Nonna. Breeder. Mrs. Champion, Staten Island. N. Y Owner, Mrs. D. P. Cushing, No. Middlesboro. Mass.

No. 158. Iani, black male Manx, born Aug. 17, 1906. Sire, Ian (Manx), Dam, Iolette (Manx). Breeder, Mrs. Callahan. Owner. H. W. Johnson.

159. Saratoga Mag, longhaired black female, born March 1, 1905. Sire, Ch. Johnnie Fawe II by Ch. Johnnie Fawe ex Dainty Diana. Dam, Miss Fudge. Breeder, Saratoga Cattery. Owner. Mrs. A. Jennings,

No. 160. Lady Babbie, longhaired black female, born April 1903. Sire, Sir Robert by Lord Albermarle ex Lady Bruin. Dam. Ch. Dolly Dutton. Breeder, Saratoga Cattery. Owner, Mrs. Jennings.

No. 161. Kris, white male, longhaired, orange-eyes, born Sept 2, 1906. Sire, Jack Grey. Dam, Fuzzy. Breeder and owner. Miss I. Bruce, New Castle, N. H.

No. 162. Champion Lady Gentian, blue female, longhaired, born Sept. 4, 1904. Sire, Ch. Saratoga Osiris by Nemophyla ex Kishna. Dam, Saratoga Isis by Lupin ex Melrose Lassie. Breeder, Saratoga Cattery. Owner, Elizabeth L. Brace. Greig St., Rochester, N. Y.

No. 163. Blue Bell Wolf, female white, orange-eved. Sire, Fritz Merkle. Dam, (Maine Cat). Breeder and owner, Mrs. A. Wolf.

No. 164. Benita, blue-eyed white female, longhaired, born Sept. 13, 1906. Sire, White Fringe by Frosty ex Sparkle. Dam, Nita C. by Jack Frost ex Phoebe. Breeder, Mrs. D. P. Cushing. Owner, Mrs. Henry S. Smith, West Barnstable, Mass.

No. 165. Fanchon, the Cricket, chinchilla female, longhaired, born Feb. 13, 1906. Sire, Jack Frost by King of the Silvers ex Silver Rime. Dam, Arlington Biji by King of the Silvers ex Blessed Damosel. Breeder, Mrs. Compton. Owner, Miss Laura Gould Hopkins, 13th St., New York.

No. 166. Ch Ladv Thelma of Romeo, shaded silver female, born Feb. 1903. Sire, Rob Roy of Arrandale by Koh-i-nor ex Girlie. Dam, Fluffie. Owner, Mrs. Dykhouse. 307 Lake Ave., Grand Rapids.

No. 167. Pan, longhaired male, masked silver, born Aug. 1, 1906. Sire, Kewlocke by Ch. Kew Laddie ex Ch. Lucy Claire. Dam, Psyche. Breeder. Mrs. Brayton Owner, Mrs. D. B. Wiswell, 398 Walnut St., Newtonville, Mass.

No. 168. Princess Charming, longhaired female, white, born Aug. 2. 1906. Sire, White Monk by White Tsar II ex Ch. Purity. Dam, Madam Jacqueminot. Breeder and owner, Mrs. Adele Mumme, 413 East 14th St., N. Y.

No. 169. Columbia Knight of Honor, longhaired, male black, born Aug. 1, 1906. Sire, Columbia Patrick. Dam, Princess of India by Lord Argent ex Melody. Owner and breeder. Miss E. L. Buritt, 38 Eve St., Washington, D.C.

No. 170. Columbia Gonzaza, male smoke, longhaired, born Aug. 1, 1906. Sire, Columbia Patrick. Dam, Princess of India by Lord Argent ex Melody. Owner and breeder. Miss L. Buritt, 38 Eye St., Washington, D.C.

No. 171. White King, longhaired, white male, yellow eves, born May 4. 1906 Sire, White Monk by White Tsar II ex Ch. Purity. Dam, Bonita. Mrs. F. G. Cavire. Owner, Mrs. Marshall J. Boot. Nutley. N. J.

No. 172. Itasca, longhaired, black male, born July 15, 1906. Sire, Tuscanna. Dam, Snow Queen. Breeder and owner, Mrs. S. B. Kohler, Mariners Harbor. S.I. N.Y.

No. 173. Bobbles, tortoiseshell female, longhaired, born Aug. 21, 1906. Sire, Torrington Fawe. Dam. Tinker Bell. Breeder. Mrs. E. Learned. Owner, Miss Josephine Campbell. 266 West 40th Street, N. Y.

No. 174. Cricket, brown tabby male, longhaired, born June 1906. Sire. Torrington Fawe. Dam, Wee Wee. Breeder and owner. Miss Josephine Campbell, 266 West 40th Street, N.Y.

No 175. Patsy, brown tabby male, longhaired. Born July 24, 1906. Sire, Canto Fawe. Dam, Betty. Owner, Mrs. Emilie A. Wagner, 830 7th Ave

* * *


In the For Sale Department, two cents a word each issue. In all other departments of the magazine advertisements using less than an inch space, one and one-half cents per word, each issue. Space by the inch, $1.00 single issue. By the year $10.00.
Two inches, one time $2.00. By the year $18.00.
One page, one month $15.00. Two months $25.00. Three months $35.00. Six months $65.00. One year, $100.00.
One-half page, one month, $8.00. Two months, $13.00. Three months, $18.00. Six months, $33.00. One year, $50.00.
One-quarter page, one month, $4.00. Three months, $10.00. Six months, $17.00. One year, $25.00.
No advertisement inserted for less than 25 cents.
Reading notices 15 cents per line each issue.
Visits and Births. Visits and Births will be published for 25 cents each, providing they do not exceed 17 words. Additional words, one and one-half cents each.
Free Visits and Births. Visits to those kings advertised at the time the visit was made or births resulting from such visit will be published free if date of visit or birth is given.

* * *

Devoted solely to the interests of the Short Haired Cat. Dues fifty cents a year. If you are a Cat Lover and desire to know more of this society, address the Secretary,
42 Greig Street, Rochester, N.Y.

* * *


Advertisements in this department two cents a word each insertion. No advertisement for less than 25 cents.

Has some very fine orange Persian kittens for sale, three six months old; two two months, one male, sired by Thyma, grandson of Mrs. Locke’s imported cat Victor. B.C.C. of A. 156. Thyma’s dam was Wilhelmina B.C.C. of A. 958 registered Stud Book Vol. 4. Have pedigree for six generations. They arc prize winners sure. For full particulars apply, R. R. 2, Springfield, Ill.

Two blue male kittens, by Rappahannock (and Cream, Washington. 1907). ex Looyah III. Prices $10.00 and $15.00.
Also black, blue and tortoise-shell kittens, grand- sire, Menelik III. Prices $5.00 to $10.00.
ALGONQUIN CA1TKRY Miss E. L. Tibbets, 626 A Street N. E.
Washington D. C.

EXCHANGE OR FOR SALE. Edelweiss, white.
His Majesty ex Diane for a silver stud. Also a blue eyed white and a litter of silver kittens by Abdul Zaphni II, out of light silver Omar II queen. $20, each at eight weeks. Proceeds of the first one sold will go to help pay the Refuge debt. Mrs. Hodges, 295 Broad St., Newark, New Jersey

FOR SALE. Cats and kittens from Robin Kew and Romaldkirk stock. Mrs. F. L, Norton, Cazenovia, N. Y.

FOR SALE. Pure white pedigreed Angora kittens, with sound hearing. E. B. Seidel, 811 Chemical Building, St. Louis. Mo.

FOR SALE Saratoga Angela, white female, golden eyes. Daughter of Osiris and Saratoga Sweetheart. Not a breeder, three years old, fine disposition. Mrs. Alfred Jackson, 143 Meigs St, Rochester, N.Y.

FOR SALE. Beautiful short haired white kittens. M. Litz, 221 N. Clinton St., Rochester, N. Y.

FOR SALE. I am offering for sale my entire stock of cats and kittens including my four beautiful studs, all winners of firsts and twenty-two specials at the Chicago show. For complete description see my King advertisement in this Journal. Reason for selling - the ill health of my husband. Mrs. Howard Alton, 4250 St. Lawrence Ave.. Chicago, Ill.

FOR SALE. Two silver tabby females, born July 1906. A beautiful tortoise and white female kitten born January 1907. Price $10., express paid. Miss M’Intosh, 55 School St., Manchester, New Hampshire.

FOR SALE. Fine orange tabby male kitten 3 months exceptionally good pedigree and points. Price reasonable. Elisabeth Fordyce, 621 4th Ave., Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

FOR SALE. Four choice orange tabby kittens by Robin Fawe and Colonial Girl. Miss Elisabeth Pyne, Milford, Mass.

FOR SALE. Prosper Le Tempest. White Persian Stud, blue eyes, took prizes in both classes entered this year, at Madison Square Garden, New York. See my quarter page advertisement in this Journal. Price $75. Mrs. Sterne A. Weaver, 61 Western Ave.. Westfield, Mass.

FOR SALE. White kittens by White Monk. Silver kittens by an Omar II queen ex Abdul Zaphir II from $10. Mrs. Hodges, 295 Broad St., Newark, New Jersey.

FOR SALE. White Persian kittens by such dams Hilda Von Pearl, The Lady Kitty Purr and the Lady Margaret. Sire Prosper Le Tempest. Price $15 to $35. Mrs. Sterrie A. Weaver, 61 Western Ave., Westfield, Mass.

FOR SALE. Twenty beautiful white Persian kittens, $6 each. Six spotted ones, $4 each. Mrs. Charles Rohm, St. Charles, Ill.

FOR SALE. Magnificent stud and five kittens. P. W. Leatherman, Anderson, Ind.

FOR SALE. Choice silver Persian kittens. Dam Czarina, Sire Silver Flash. Price $25 and $30. Mrs. Sterrie A. Weaver, 61 Western Ave.. Westfield, Mass.

FOR SALE. Two silver tabby pedigreed females, born July 1906, or will make an exchange for a solid colored, pedigreed male, except orange, same age. Miss M'Intoah, 55 School St., Manchester, _New Hampshire.

FOR SALE. A few nice kittens for pets. Very best stock. Mrs. James Baker, Manton, Mich.

FOR SALE. Teddy, large, long haired Persian tabby male. Good pedigree. No room for him, must sell. Paul T. Hill, 1108 Farnum St., Omaha, Neb.


May 1. To Mrs. Julia Dunhnm's Babbie, four silver kittens by owner’s Abdul Zaphni II.
March 20. Mrs. Weavers’ Hilda Von Pearl, three pure white kittens by Prosper Le Tempest,
April 25. Mrs. Weaver’s The Lady Margaret, five white kittens by Prosper Le Tempest.
May 24. Mrs. Weaver's Czarina by Silver Flash, six kittens.
May 5. To Mrs. J. C. Ayer's Duchess of Gainsborough, five kittens by Y Brenin Gwyn.
May 13. Paul T. Hill's Lady Peggy ex Prince Royal, three white kittens, one male, two females

Owned by Mrs. C. S. Cross, Emporia, Kans. March 10. Twinkle, two females, sired by Mr. W. R. Goodwin’s (Naperville. Ills.) Mars, 7 A.C.A.
May 9. Maxilene, three females, two males, sired by Mars.
May 32. Flutters, one female, three males, sired by Mars.


OPAL. Registered No. 621 B.C.C.C. Pure white, dark blue eyes, heavy coat, massive build, perfect hearing. Sires white kittens. E. B. Seidel, No. 811 Chemical Bldg., St. Louis, Mo.

TI-KI-PEARL. B.C.C. No. 937. White golden eyes, immense coat, ideal disposition, perfect hearing. Parents (Prince of Pearls and Fairy Pearl) blue-eyed, white imp. Eng. grandparents, blue-eyed white imp. Persia. Fee $5. Mrs. C. G. Swope, Dresden, O.

HECTOR. Pure white Persian, from Snowball by Paris. Large size, strong in vitality; throws strong kittens, mostly white. Fee, $5. MISS ALATHEA STOCKBRIDGE, 2323 Webster St., Fort Wayne, Ind.

ROBIN FAWE — Registered. Grand orange, massive frame, gorgeous copper colored eyes, fine coat, ruff and brush. Son of Champion Diana Fawe by Ch. Robin. Fee S10.oo. MRS. SARAH W. FISKE, Walcott St., Auburndale. Mass.

BOB EVANS. Handsome Blue Persian with very broad head and short nose. Sires fine kittens. Never exhibited. Home care to visitors. Fee $6.00. STOVER. 215 W. 100th St., New York City.

OYAMA. Rich orange tabby male, gorgeous copper eyes, sound chin, cobby, short face, round head, small ears and beautiful brush, ideal disposition, son of Johnny Fawe II, great grandson of ch. Robin, 1st open and best novice male and best novice, New York, 1907. Sires beautiful kittens.
CHAMPION ROBIN. Too well known for further description.
Stud fee $15 for Either, tIme of service.
Further particulars, address RUTH WARD, E. 29th St. near Ave. J., Brooklyn, N. Y.

RODERICK DHU. Fee from June 1st to Dec. 1st, $10. An imported light-blue, and a new strain of sires in America. His get of three kits at the Beresford C.C. show, ‘07, took: Best Blue Kitten, Best team sweepstakes, Best Orange Eyes. An unusual amount of bests for one litter, with the competition they had. Address, Miami Kennels, 56 Canby Bldg., Dayton, Ohio.

ABDUL ZAPHIR II. 2nd AT CLEVELAND, 1906 BAR ABDUL EX MISS MOONBEAM. Beautiful Chinchilla, green eyes, large head with tiney ears, well placed, cobby body. FEE for this season $10, and express paid. MRS. JULIA DUNHAM, Fairview Cattery, 45 Woodland Ave., Westfield, N. J.

SMOKY MOKES. At Stud — For Sale. Beautiful large black, with glorious amber eyes and glossy coat; fine ruff and brush. From Mr. Jones’ imported “Happy Day" and Mrs. Neel's “The Gentleman" ex Prince Rupert. When desired queens will be met at station and always returned there, thus avoiding express carriage. Fee at time of service. $5.00 for this year Mrs. D. E. Parsons, 28 Garfield Court, East Cleveland, Ohio.

PETIE K. Solid cream, marvelous coat, cobby shape, winner of Firsts, New York, 1907, Stamford and Danbury; also many specials. Fee, $10.
Jerry Boy, his son. Fee this year, $5.
Ping Pong. Smoke, with pure white undercoat, grand head and shape, Fee $10.
ALATHEA CATTERY, Mrs. F Y. Mathis, Noroton Heights, Conn.

IVANHOE OTHELLO (A.C.A. 305). “THE NOTED BLACK CAT." Orange eyes. Phenominal coat. Grand shape. Winner of many firsts.
Sire of Prize Whining Kittens. Fee, $10. BLANCHE P. ROBINSON,

CAYUGA LADDI. First Novice, Second Open, at Buffalo, 1906. A pure White, Blue-eyed Persian, very cobby; son of Sousa ex Diana. Fee, $10.00. MRS. J. HODGES, 195 Broad St., Newark. New Jersey.

KILRAVOCK KAT KENNELS, 196 Center St., Orange, N. J.
CHORISTER, splendid white cat, with large, expressive deep blue eyes. Parents and grandparents all blue-eyed whites, 1st Novice, 1st Open, New York, 1906. Fee $15.
BEPPO, Blue. Exceptionally fine head and type. Sires heavily coated, well shaped kittens. Fee $10.

WOTON. Imported silver tabby, Silver Sultan ex Cleopatra. Massive head, green eyes, short nose, tiny ears, very heavy coat, full ruff and short brush. A remarkable bright, active cat and sires kittens inheriting these traits. Fee, reduced to $5.00. MISS M’INTOSH, 55 School Street, Manchester, New Hampshire.

First season of this superb, massive, young silver. Enormous in bone and body. Very cobby and low on legs. Grand, round head, small ears, green eyes, and magnificent long, dense coat. First and Special for best Kitten in the show — New York 1907. "Mohican Chief was one of the sights of the Garden. He is believed to be the heaviest coated cat in the show. His fur is as thick and as long as a Highland sheep’s; his ruff is almost embarrassingly full, and his feathers run down his legs into his very toes.” — New York Tribune Jan. 4, 1907
Fee, $15.00 at Time of Service. PHOTOGRAPH ON APPLICATION. WM. W. KLINE MOHICAN CATTERIES, Sinking Springs, Pennsylvania.

DE RESZKE. Pure white Persian, brown eyes. Took first prize and special and solid Silver Spoon for BEST WHITE MALE IN HIS CLASS At Boston Cat Show, 1906. Has always sired pure white kittens. Sired bv Prince of Pearls who won several prizes at Crystal Palace and Botanical Gardens in England. Fee $10.00. G. WORTHLEY, Amesbury, Mass.

FAMO. Miss Johnson now offers a stud, “FAMO,” her white, golden-eyed Persian, winner of First, Second and Special, New York, 1907, first and only time shown. “Famo” is a grand, young cat, fine head, superb bone, perfect in points, ideal disposition. Proven sire of blue-eyed kittens. Fee $10.00. By appointment only. No. 36 West 139th Street. New York.

STRIPED KING at stud. Fee $2. Pure white shorthaired non-breeding pet female cat $5. Kittens $3 and upwards. Houdan eggs, $1.50 per sitting. FAIRLAND FARM, Bridgewater, Vt.


SIR FRIAR. Grand young white, deep blue eyes, son of imported blue-eyed Sidar, grandson of Champion White Friar. Winner of first, second and Specials, Chicago, 1906. First and four Specials, Detroit, 1906. First and 11 Specials including three Medals, also best Cat in show, Chicago, 1907. Register A.C.A. 356. Fee $15.

ARGENT LADDIE – Silver from the well-known Argent strain. Excellent type coat and disposition. Sires Chinchillas and Pale Silver Kittens. Winner of first, Special Medal, New York, 1905; second, Chicago, 1906; first and Special, Detroit, 1907; first and four Specials, Chicago, 1907. Register B.C.C. 803. Fee $15.

PEER GYNT. Smoke, magnificent type and coat. Winner of two Firsts and four Specials, also specials for best coated Cat, Detroit, 1907; also First and four Specials including two medals, Chicago, 1907. Fee $10.

PERSIMMON. Imported brown tabby, son of Miss Simpson's Champion Persimmon. Won First and two Specials, Chicago, 1907. Register B.C.C. 993. Fee $10.

Kittens for sale from the above sires - MRS. HOWARD ALTON, 4250 Lawrence St., Chicago, Ill.

* * *

CIGARETTE.Long-Haired Persian, born April 7, 1903 By Silver Glenn, ex-Champ. Cosey Fawe. The finest smoke Cat in this part of the country. Winner of the Abbots Challenge Cup. Many Firsts and Specials. AT STUD. FEE $15.00

MICHABO. Blue-eyed White, born March 29, 1906 By White Monk, ex-Magnolia. AT STUD. FEE $10.00

Both at WAHAWANDA CATTERY. Owner, Mrs. Agnes V. Williams. 392, Lincoln Ave., Orange, New Jersey.

FOR SALE – Blue eyed Whites by White Monk ex Magnolia, Baynton Grip ex Periwinkle. Smoke by Cigarette ex Saratoga mag. Also, silvers and blacks. Price $5 and up for this season. Cats and kittesn boarded very reasonably.

* * *


OMAR II. Registered B.C.C. S.B., No. 740. Perfect in color, grand head, and a pale chinchilla — free from any trace of CREAM OR RUSTINESS. First in open class over CH. ARGENT SPLENDOUR. Cups and medals at New York 1906 and 1907, and best Chinchilla Stud. A sire of cup-winning kittens — New York and Chicago. Fee, Fifteen Dollars at Time of Service.

KING OF THE SILVERS. Registered B.C.C. S.B., No. 170. Imported masked Silver, too well-known in the fancy to need description. Sire of many noted prize winners 1st and bronze medal at Now York 1906 and 1907. Fee, Fifteen Dollars at Time of Service.

WHITE MONK. Registered S.B. of the A.C.A.. No. 246. A son of Miss Pollard's famous CHAMPION PURITY. Marvelous coat and shape. ALWAYS FIRST WHEREVER SHOWN. BEST CAT IN SHOW. BEST AMERICAS BRED — and for specials. WINNING OVER NOTED BLUE EYED SPECIMENS. A sire of Prize winning kittens, and for WHOSE GET RECORD PRICES have always been paid. Fee, Fifteen Dollars at Time of Service.

BAYNTON GRIP. Blue-Eyed White Persian, registered N.C.C. of England, No. B 4722 and the S.B of the A.C.A. No. 396. Imported from India. First at Buffalo, December, 1906. A new strain for breeders of WHITE PERSIANS that is in no way related to those now in the fancy. Splendid coat and frill, short round head, beautiful blue eyes, low on legs and cobby in shape. Sire of prize winning kittens in England. Fee, Twenty Dollars at Time of Service

SCOTLAND YET. Miss Pollard's latest importation. Registered N.C.C. S.B., England, Nos. A. 3911; D.5537; and S.B. of the A.C.A. No. 395. Formerly the property of Mr. P. L. Hood, and who was considered one of the finest blues in Scotland. A STUD OF OUALITY. Cobby in shape, short, round head, snub nose, broad skull, tiny ears, orange eyes, heavily coated and one whose Color is a uniform shade of Blue throughout. A Prize winner, and one whose kittens have done a lot of winning, for they show up as Prize Winners at Sixteen of the leading Scottish and English shows. Among the Crystal Palace winners are two firsts, three specials, and a championship. A blue bred from a line of noted Champion Blues on both sides for many generations. Fee, Ten Dollars at Time of Service.

Kittens sired by the above Kings to my noted Prize Winning Queens, on hand, and for sale at reasonable prices. For particulars address, MISS AVA L. POLLARD. OMAR CATTERY, “West End," West Jersey Street, Elizabeth, N. J. Telephone Call—333 L Elizabeth.


CAESAR. A magnificent young Chinchilla, winner of First Prizes at Buffalo, Toronto and Connecticut shows, Dec., 1906, and second only to Omar in New York, ’07. Line bred of pure Lord Southampton strain, son of Bitterne Silver Chieftain and Champion Bitterne Chieftain. Fee, $10 at Time of Service
MRS. WILLIAM B. FRYE, 2793 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y.

PETERKIN. RUSSIAN BLUE SHORT HAIR. Imported by the Black Short Haired Cattery. Won first at Stamford, Conn., and best short haired cat in the show; Danbury, Conn., Detroit, Mich., Chicago, Ill. Numerous specials. First and best short haired cat in show, 6 Specials, Washington, I). C., 1907. AT STUD. FEE $10.00. Seneca Cattery (Mary S. Sage) 579 Garson Ave., Rochester, N. Y.

Now is the time to join so as to be in the running for Challenge Cups and specials for next season's shows. Address Mrs. Elizabeth L, Brace, Sec'y, 42 Greig Street, Rochester, N. Y.


Certified by the United States Department of Agriculture
VOL. I, OF THE STUD BOOK ready for delivery. Price $1.50, postpaid. Contains winnings of all Cats registered in the volume. Should be in the hands of all breeders of Cats.
Revised By-Laws and Rules (copyrighted) on application.
MISS LUCY C. JOHNSTONE, 5323 Madison Avenue, Chicago.
W. R. GOODWIN. Pres., Naperville, Ill.
CHARLES G. SNOW, Vice-President, Chicago.


STRONGHEART. Black, by Black Thorn ex Blackberry Fawe (both imported. Very dense even color, heavy coat, amber eyes, a marvel in shape, and a cat of unusual style and quality. Strongheart has been entered in seven shows, winning first five times and twenty-six specials, including eight medals, wins on the Atlantic, Beresford, Buffalo and Michigan Challenge Cups and the Ottolengui Gold Medal, and the Taylor Cup outright for best black Persian in the show. First time shown, Chicago 1905, he won special for best novice in show; last time shown, Michigan Cat Club, Detroit, 1907, he was judged best American bred cat in show, and best Stud cat in show. Four times best black in show. Registers A.C.A. No. 202, C.F.A. No. 43
(STRONGHEART will be with Mrs. Alfred Jackson, 143 Meigs Street, Rochester. N. Y. for an indefinite period. Arrangements for matings can be made by addressing either Mrs. Jackson or Mrs. Hardy.)

RAJAH. Brown Tabby, by Arlington Hercules ex Mimi (both imported). A very massive, strongly muscled, large-boned cat with beautiful clear markings. The only golden-eyed brown tabby advertised at stud. First at Cleveland. 1905, first at Cleveland, 1906, first at Buffalo, 1906, first at Toronto, 1906. Registers. C.F.A. No. 6o, A C.A. No. 95.

Fee for either, $10.00 at time of service.

KITTENS FOR SALE from above sires and the following queens:

GOLDEN ROWAN OF MENALOWAN — Brown tabby by Mr. Rowland's imported Bill ex Champion Dolly Dutton.
ROWENA. Brown tabby by Rajah ex Golden Rowan. At eight months of age, she won first in kitten novice and open classes at Michigan Cat Club show, Detroit, 1907. Seven specials, including Beresford medal for beet brown tabby in show. Buffalo medal for best kitten in show and Gentian Challenge Cup for best brown tabby.
NAVAJO. Black by Johnny Fawe II., ex Miss Fudge. First and specials every time shown. Unusual soundness and brilliancy of color, magnificent head.
ARDISE. Imported Blue of Skellingthorpe Patrick strain. A grand breeding queen. Bred to Strongheart she throws entire litters of solid blacks of perfect color.

Mrs. Richard Hardy, 71 Melbourne Ave., Detroit, Mich.


MRS. W. F. HOFSTRA, President, New York City
MRS. ALFRED JACKSON', Vice-President, Rochester, N. Y.
MRS. WM. B. FRYE, Secretary, 1793 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y.
This Association will supply show rules, award championships, and conduct a stud book for Cats in conformity with the rules and regulations of the Department of Agriculture. Also a Cat Registry for foundation stock, and a Kitten Registry. Application for the Stud Book or either of the Registries should be made to
MISS ETHEL B. CHAMPION, Recorder. Manor Hurst, Manor Road, Staten Island, N. Y.

has a world wide reputation. It is cooked and easily digested.
A sample of Spratt’s Cat Food will be mailed upon receipt of 12c and one of Malted Kitten Food for 35c.
We also manufacture specially prepared foods for DOGS, PUPPIES, CATS, RABBITS, POULTRY, PIGEONS, GAME, BIRDS, FISH.
Send for FREE Catalogue “Dog Culture" which contains much information valuable to cat owners.

Market St., Newark, N.J.
714 South 4th St., St. Louis, Mo.
1279 Ontario St., Cleveland, Ohio.
1324 Valencia St., San Francisco, Cal.
11 Union St., Boston, Mass.
988 Notre Dame St., W. Montreal, Can.

* * *


Winner at Crystal Palace, Westminster, Manchester and Brighton, Eng. Sire of the following noted Cats: Ch. Lou Dillon, King of Silvers, Sweet Marie, T. J., Lady Vera, Caesar, and Lord Badger.

1st in Kitten Class at Rochester, 1906. 1st in Novice Class at Rochester, 1906. 1st at Buffalo, N. Y., 1907. A grand young sire by Imp. Bitterne Chieftain; dam Cham. Imp. Bitterne Chiffon.


KITTENS FOR SALE From the following noted Queens: Imp. Ch. Bitterne Chiffon; Ch. Lou Dillon; Imp. Silver Belle. MRS. JAMES CONLISK, GOWANDA, N. Y.

C.F.A. 184
Sire, Prosper Le Gai, B.C.C. of A., No. 167
Dam, Hilda Von Pearl, A.C.A., No. 182
Prospero Le Tempest — destined to be one of the leading studs of America — comes from a long line of prize-winning Cats, both in this country and abroad. Prospero is possessed of a heavy, long coat, cobby build, finely shaped head and magnificent blue eyes; and well he might have for on one side for eight generations sires and dams were blue-eyed. In his ancestral halls may be found upwards of 100 trophies, wins at Crystal Palace, Botanic Garden, Brighton Aquarium, and Westminster Aquarium, abroad; also 1st Philadelphia, 1st at Boston, 1st at New York, Cleveland, Detroit, Rochester and Chicago. Prospero was a winner in both the novice and open classes at the show held at Madison Square Garden in Jan. 1907, the only time shown, and although the youngest cat in the open class, won over some of the most recent importations. FEE $10 AT TIME OF SERVICE.

* * *

The Immortality of Animals
We are sure that many of our readers will be glad to obtain this new work on this very interesting subject. Whether you are a believer or not in the future life of animals, we are sure that you will derive pleasure and profit in reading this very exhaustive work on the subject. A Well Printed Cloth Bound Book of 290 pages. Sent postpaid for $1.25

* * *


Best Cat in the show Toronto, 1907.
Best Cat in show Washington, D. C., 1907.
Recently imported from Arrandale Cattery. England. Very handsome, White Persian, with immense bone, pure color, dense coat, grand head, and beautiful, large, blue eyes. Winner of First, Second and Special, Sheffield. First, Second and Special, Southampton. Second and Special for Best Blue Eyes at Manchester. First and Special for Best Male at Cheltenham. First and Specials, Mr. Field-Marshall, at Toronto. Canada. First and Specials at New York in a class of seven, Mr. Videl, Judge. First and Specials at Detroit, Mrs. Dosch, Judge. Perfect Hearing. Fee. $15 00.

Orange, with deep, orange eyes, cobby, good head, winner First, Chicago, 1905; First, Detroit; Second, Cleveland, 1896. Fee. $10.00

Shaded Silver, son of Al-Tarek ex Phyllis. Line bred; pure in color, very cobby, green eyes, with most beautiful coat and brush. Two Firsts, Chicago; Second, Cleveland; Firsts and Specials at Detroit. First and Specials at Toronto, Canada. First and Specials at Michigan Cat Club Show at Detroit, Mich. First Challenge Cup and Silver Medal, Chicago, 1907. Fee, $15.00.

Pale Chinchilla, green eyes, good type. “Pat" is the son of the famous Chinchilla Ard Patrick of Arrandale, and my imported Silver Queen Champion Thelma of Arrandale, who is a daughter of Rob Roy. This young Cat is at stud to approved queens at $15-00.

KITTENS FOR SALE from above Sires and the following Queens:

Champion Thelma of Arrandale. Beautiful, large, imported Silver Queen. A daughter of Rob Roy, of Arrandale.
Champion Gavetta. Tortoiseshell. Winner of many Firsts and Specials.
Nita. Pale Chinchilla. Winner of Firsts and Specials every time shown.
Spendrift, Imported, daughter of Champion White Friar, never shown.
Blue-eyed Coral. Imported Blue-eyed White Queen. Winner of First at Richmond, England, and three Firsts and six specials, Detroit, 1907.
Princess of Paris. A beautiful Blue-eyed, White Queen. Winner of two Firsts and eight Specials, Chicago, 1907, at eight months old. Winner of two Silver Medals; two Challenge Cups and special for best Blue-eyes in the show.

Cats from this Kennel won 79 prizes at last season’s show.
Mrs. Dykhouse, 507 Lake Ave, Grand Rapids, Mich.

* * *


Up to the beginning of Vol. VI we were publishing The Journal with pages 7x10 inches in size. In making the change it leaves us with many thousand copies of this size that we cannot use for sample copiess and we are willing to make very low rates in order to have them put to some good use.

Yol. I. 180 pages, 107 illustrations, bound in red cloth, with gold side stamp. We have a very limited number of these, less than 10. Price, postpaid $5.00
Vol. II. 193 pages, 96 illustrations. Binding same as Vol. I $2.00
Vol. III. 228 pages, 103 illustrations. Binding same as Vol. I $2.50
Vol. IV. Same style binding as Vol. III $2.00
Vol. V. Same style. $2.00
We will send, prepaid, the set of 5 bound volumes for $12.00
Vol. I. Short February number, unbound, mailed flat 50c
Vol. I. Short February and March numbers, unbound, mailed flat 40c
Vol. I. Short February, March and April numbers, unbound, mailed flat $35

We have a number of copies that have been out on the newstand, and those that were unsold returned to us. Some of these are soiled on the covers, but the inside is clean, and many of them are perfect copies. We will send a roll of these, containing 160 pages, our selection, for 25c.

We have quite a number of sets of 20 numbers, most of which are perfectly clean, and most of them from volumes 1 and 2. These we mail flat. These numbers contain much valuable matter, and are really the most valuable bargain that we offer. Sent for 80c. We send the 6 volumes, unbound. Short Feb. No., Vol. I, and The Journal, one year for $5.00.

All of the above are sent postpaid.
414 E. & B. Building,
Rochester, N. Y.

* * *

A series of interesting books FOR CHILDREN
Story of Blackie 50c
Blackie’s Diary 50c
Story of Fido 50c
Blackie’s Companions (in press) 50c
Sold by all prominent bookstores, or by the author,
Johnstown, N. Y.

* * *

Keep a pedigree record of your kittens. It is much easier done if you have a blank that is printed especially for this purpose. We furnish them at 15c per dozen or 25 for 25 cents. Order from The Cat Journal office.

* * *

I now take pleasure in informing my many customers in the cat fancy, that have found my Teharian Cat Soap so good, that after a number of years of careful work I place upon the market the following remedies:

Can be Given to your Cats and Do them Good

Cough and Cold Cure - Cures Pneumonia and Asthma
Blood and Nerve Cure - Cures Fits
Digestive Tonic - Prevents Hair Balls
Laxative - Cures Constipation
Worm Cure - Expels Worms
Eye Wash - Cures Sore and Weak Eyes
Distemper Cure - Cures Catarrhal Fever
Mange Cure - Cures Skin Troubles
Diarrhoea Cure - Corrects Loose Bowels

By Mail, if not at Your Dealers, 50 Cents a Package
C. K . BROWER, 34TH and Franklin Streets, DENVER, COLO.
AGENTS WANTED. Special prices made to Cat Clubs for benefit sales.


The only champion chinchilla male (A.C.A.Rules). Sire Argent Moonbeam II, 1st and cups. Dam, Ardent Puffy, 1st and cups. G. Sire, Lord Argent. Splendour is a very pale, pure colored chinchilla, absolutely free from any cream tinge, large, deep blue-green good head, tiny ears, extremely low on legs, deep chest and perfect coat. This cat is undoubtedly the most perfect of his kind yet bred. Winner of many firsts. Best cat in the show at New York and Chicago; 2 cups outright, 3 gold and 8 silver medals, etc., etc. Sire of Mohican Chief, best kitten in the show, New York, 1907, etc. Fee. $30 to approved Queens.

Winner of First, five years running, at New York shows, besides first and cups in England and America. Sire of Sir Thomas Lipton, Ariel and other first and special winners. Fee $15.

Phenomenal head, green eyes, pure color; invaluable outcross for the “Argent” strain and inbred silvers. First, New York and Chicago, 1905. Sire of Argent Laddie, Argent Patsy, and other first prize winners. Also sire of the English winner “Silver Milord,” and grandsire of “Argent King of Arrandale,” the sensational winning chinchilla of England. Fee $20.

Sir White Tsar, by "Champion White Friar" (both formerly Mrs Champion's) Sire of winning white New York, 1903, also the celebrated winner Champion White Star, Champion White Monk, White Tasses, Blue-Eyed Friar, Decoration and many others. Fee $15.00.

First Danbury (onlv time shown) 1906. Large, massive cat, exquisite coat, good shape, grand cross for inbred queens or the White Friar strain. Fee, $15.00.

Shaded silver and pale chinchilla Kittens from the noted Argent strain, 20 years of silver pedigree, exceptionally round snubby faces, very long coats, and above all absolutely pale in color, (no cream tinge ).
One litter by Ch Argent Splendour ex Argent Pretty Lady (by Silver Flash.)
One litter by Ch. Lord Sylvester ex Argent Daisy (by Argent Moonbeam.) Prices from $30.
Exquisite white kittens, by Blue-eyed Monster ex Ch White Star (White Tsar and Ch. Friar Strain.) Prices from $25. All kittens from these kennels arc very large, strong and healthy and never fail to win in the hottest competitions. All are entered for the Atlantic Cat Club Futurity Cup. Apply for full particulars to
MRS. CHAMPION, “Manor Hurst” West New Brighton, Staten Island, N.Y. Telephone 373-J-, West Brighton (No Postals)

Telephone 9M Oradell.
Telegraphic address, “Cat, Oradell.”


PRETTY CAT. Native Silver Tabby Lacks But 1 Point of C.F.A. Championship. FEE FOR THE PRESENT ONLY, $10.00 AT TIME OF MATING
PETER, Black. FEE S8.00
KOMBO, Blue Eyed, White. FEE $5.00

Fine Mixed Color Coon Cat. FEE $5.00

Best Accommodations For Boarders
TERMS - June 1 - Oct. 1 by the Month: Short Hairs, $3.50; Long Hairs, $7.00. Send for Schedule of Charges

* * *

Latest Novelties in Cat and Lap Dog Collars, Harneses, Leads, Coats, Bells, Etc.
Great Facilities for Buying and importing English Bred Cats of all Breeds.
Send for List. No Extra Expense for Particular!

* * *



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