PUSHING PLANS FOR THE GREAT CAT SHOW - The Evening Times, July 11, 1902
Washington Club Holds an Important Meeting.
At the regular July meeting of the Washington Cat Club matters of vital importance to the feline population of Washington were transacted. A choice of one of three lots, one at Brookland and two at Fort Myer Heights, was offered by one of the wealthiest and most charitable of Washington ladies for the erection of structures suitable for a cat home on condition that the club raise the necessary funds for improving the same and for keeping them free from debt. No doubt was expressed but that the buildings would be erected at an early date through the generosity of the club's many warm friends. The president reported that a very fine and thoroughly up-to-date lethal chamber had been constructed under his directions and that the same is now ready at the city pound at the foot of Twenty-third Street, with the consent of the Health Officer and of the Pound-master for the reception of unfortunate felines to whom existence has become a hopeless burden. Since the city derives no revenue from its cat population, it is to be hoped that the Pound-master will not be annoyed by requests to call for strays and incurables, but that such will be carried to him at once.
Plans for the Show: The contract for cooping [providing cages for] the cat show to be held in December was satisfactorily closed. One hundred large, unused cat coops of the latest approved design have already been engaged, with the probability that at least fifty more will be needed. Owners of famous prize-winning cats from New York, Detroit, Chicago, and elsewhere have expressed their intention to visit the Capital during their travels next season. This information will cause our own not inconsiderable number of unusually fine fireside sphynxes to rally round the judge in the hope of retaining some of the Washington prizes. Judging from the hands experienced in the work of systematizing and organization to which the management of Washington's first cat show has been left, there seems little room for doubt that as fine a show will be given as has ever been held in the United States. As the show is to be given for the purpose of increasing the funds of the Cat Home committee, the cash prizes usually awarded at shows cannot be offered here. In order, therefore, to raise prizes for all classes of cats exhibiting, each member of the club will be taxed one prize, to take any convenient form from cash to solid silver trophies, to be won by the same cat at three successive shows. Doubtless many Washingtonians not members of the club will also wish to offer prizes.
Many Prizes to Be Offered: No article whatever will be declined by the committee, and, while it is particularly desirable that a first and a second prize should be offered in each of the thirty or forty classes represented, there will be no objection to several being offered in any one class, or to any number of special prizes. Persons donating prizes are requested to state the sex and color of the preferred recipient [cat], in order that the committee may place them, as far as possible, as desired. The club should be notified as early as possible (not later than November 1) of the prizes to be offered, so that they may be published in the premium list; and all such articles should he deposited with the Treasurer, at 308E Street northwest, not later than December 1, so that they may be displayed in a prominent window for two weeks preceding the show.
The florists of the city have agreed to exhibit potted plants and cut flowers. Certain house-furnishers have promised to supply a dainty reception room. Music, decorations, milk, meat, and prepared food for the exhibits, and, in fact, nearly everything necessary to make the show a success, is to be donated by manufacturers, stores, and private individuals.
Two Silver Medals From Chicago: The offer of two silver medals and a silver cup has come from Chicago, a number of valuable things from this city, besides a highly pedigreed kitten, valued at $100, donated by a Washington breeder to the person selling the largest number of admission tickets. Admission will be only 25 cents. Some charitable ladies have agreed to see that poor children and orphan asylums are not debarred from feasting their eyes for once upon some of the most aristocratic members of the furry brotherhood.
The greater portion of the club's attention last night was given to drawing up a criticism of and lodging protests against a new code of rules, recently published in the pet stock papers, for the purpose of governing all future cat shows held in the United States. These rules were drawn up by the combined efforts of two, the oldest and one of the youngest, cat clubs, to the total exclusion of the Washington Cat Club, and at least six other cat clubs in good standing in the United States. The Washington Cat Club, like our fore fathers, protests against taxation without representation, and objects to being forced to adopt rules in the preparation of which all cat clubs have not an equal voice. These rules, it argues, are not formulated to fit the peculiarities of the cat case, but are only the old rules (which the cat fraternity have never been able to enforce, and which they admit to be inadequate) disguised, with a sprinkling borrowed from foreign regulations and a rehashed version of the generally accepted rules governing dog, horse and chicken shows. Rather than submit to anything of this kind the Washington Cat Club proposes to hoist the sign no trusts, to promulgate and enforce its own rules, to conduct its own independent shows, to draw only its own local prizes, to designate the standard of its judging and to reclaim its own championships and officially to recognize no others.
[WASHINGTON SHOW] SENATOR DEPEW S CAT The New York Times, November 22nd, 1902, Asheville Daily Gazette, December 2, 1902
Trick Performed by Tom, the Senator s Wonderful Feline.
WASHINGTON, Nov.- 21.-Among the cats that may compete in the Cat Show to be held here next month is a handsome gray fellow belonging to Senator Depew. The cat bears the name Tom. It is not known whether or not he is named for the Senator s distinguished colleague from New York, but it can be said that Tom is clever and tricky and devoted beyond measure to his master and mistress. That Tom can think can scarcely be doubted. He is very sagacious and frequently outwits his master. It is said he has learned to smile at the Senator's jokes.
Tom has learned a trick that is often shown to guests at the Depew home. Under the dining room table is an electric bell for the purpose of summoning a servant. Whenever Tom is fastened up in the dining room he immediately jumps on this button and pushes it with great vigor until someone arrives and lets him out. Whether by accident or otherwise Tom has learned that whenever the button under the table was pushed someone entered the door, thus opening it.
PREPARING FOR NEXT CAT SHOW The Washington Times, 11th October, 1903
The first monthly meeting of the Washington Cat Club (Incorporated) after the summer recess was held at the residence of Emma O Neill, 621 Fourth Street northwest. It was decided to have an Independent show during the season, the dates to be set and advertised In the near future. It is thought that the show will be held in January, 1904.
The home committee presented a most gratifying report, having done all that was expected of it in its different humane departments, and still having a balance in Its treasury. Owing to the success of the last show, held December 9-13, 1902, there was no trouble in having a sufficient number of shares of stock subscribed to for the coming enterprise. The promoters took good care to have the assurance of entries of all the best felines of the country. This show, held under the rules of the American Cat Show Rules Committee, gives every exhibitor several points for a championship, and a chance to win one of the Atlantic Cat Club cups (seven), which are valued close to $1,000, and assures the exhibition of every aristocratic cat in this country.
The show committee consists of Miss O Neill, Mrs. Sholes, Miss Collison, Miss Dunnitt, and E. C. Duffy. The proceeds of the show will be turned into the club's treasury, to be used for the establishment of a cat home the primary object of this club.
MEMBERS OF CAT CLUB PLANNING A BIG SHOW The Washington Times, 23rd October, 1903
The greatest cat show ever hold is being planned by the members of the Washington Cat Club. It will be presented early in February in this city and will bring together an aggregation of the most aristocratic felines to be found in Washington, New York, and other cities of the country. Charity is inspiring the movement, all the proceeds of the show are to go to the erection of the home for needy and superannuated tabbies which the club expects to build in Brookland.
Last winter a cat show was held in Washington in connection with the poultry show. This time the cats will not be displayed in such a way that their merits may be detracted from by the presence of the vulgar fowl. The show will be exclusively for members of the feline tribe. Already a large number of entries have been secured. Later the time for the event will be settled on, a suitable building will be rented, and Judges will be selected.
The show is one of several projects the members of the Washington Cat Club have devised for the purpose of raising funds for the home. Euchre parties are planned, and a rummage sale is proposed. The club has been organized about two years, and already has a membership of over one hundred. A lot has been purchased in Brookland, and it is thought the finances of the organization are in such shape that the home can be built next year.
The proposed home for cats will be an institution for the strayed, the sick, the infirm, and the destitute. It is intended to gather the wanderers from the streets, house them comfortably, and even to find people who are willing to take worthy cats and adopt them.
In the building which will be erected a caretaker will live. There will be a hospital for the sick, where medical attention can be given them and a fine large yard where the inmates can exercise. Shade trees will add to the comfort of the place. One of the features of the institution will be what is called a lethal chamber where cats that are hopelessly sick or maimed or helpless through age will be put to death by painless methods It Is proposed to board cats for a small consideration, and to give particular attention to those sadly neglected creatures, the cats that have to stay at home when the rest of the family goes away for the summer vacation.
WASHINGTON CAT SHOW The Evening Star, 30th January, 1904
The annual Washington cat show will be held next week, beginning Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock, at Sheldon's Hall, 1004 F street. The exhibition is to last for three days, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, and will continue through these days until 10 o'clock at night. This is the second show of the kind given by the Washington Cat Club, and from the number of entries that have been received from well-known breeders of cats, other than those located in this city, the show promises to be unusually successful. Entries for the show closed January 20, and the premium list comprises 101 classes of felines. In addition there are sixty-nine special prizes, offered by various persons interested in cats or the exhibition of them, ranging from medals to useful and attractive articles of silver, glass and the like.
A number of cats have been entered that won prizes at the recent show in York, and it is expected that the pick of the Washington feline population will be on hand to represent local claims for superiority for the fifteen challenge cups which are also entered in the competition. Entries have been received, in addition to those from this city and New York, from Maine, Illinois, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Massachusetts and other distant states, as well as from Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia.
The officers of the Washington Cat Club are Miss Eleanor L. Burritt, president: Mrs. A. L. Barber and Miss Emily O'Neill, vice presidents; Mrs. John Edsall, treasurer, and Mrs. W. H. Sholes, secretary. The committee in executive charge of the show consists of Mrs. Edsall, Mrs. Sholes and Miss O Neill.
Many expressions of pleasure from de lighted visitors were heard at the opening of the second annual cat show at Sheldon s Hall, 1004 F street northwest, which opened this morning. The exhibition will continue three days. It is given under the auspices of the Washington Cat Club, and this year promises to be very successful. There are a great number of outside entries, among them some of the most famous cats in the country that have carried off all the prizes that have been offered in their respective classes during recent years. The hall is well arranged for the show, and visitors are afforded every facility to view the really beautiful animals that are on exhi bition.
The prizes that are offered in addition to the regulation ribbons are numerous and varied. They are on exhibition in the hall, and comprise medals, silverware, gold work, articles of daily use and many ar tistic ornaments. These are all specials, and will be awarded by the judges to the cats that best fit the conditions under which they were donated. The judging began this morning, and it is expected that the majority of the prize-winning ribbons will be hung up in the different cages be fore the end of the first day, at 10 o clock this evening. The show opens at 9 o clock each morning.
The list of exhibitors follows:
Miss Emma O'Neill, Washington, D. C.; Misses Ruth and Estelle Ward, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Mrs. Julius Copperberg, West Sims bury, Conn.; Mrs. R. Ottolengui, New York city; Mrs. E. R. Pierce, Cincinnati, Ohio; Mrs. T. P. Mallorie, Easton, Md.; Mrs. I. P. Dickinson, Morgansvllle, N. J.; Miss Marian Bryant, Washington, D. C. ; Mrs. I. C. Palmer, Sound Beach, Conn. ; Col. Geo. W. Paschal, Washington, D C.; Mr. Geo. E. Rowland, Jersey City, N. J.; Mr. S. L. Rowland, Brooklyn. N. Y.; Mr. O. R. Ben son, Washington. D. C.; Mrs. Chas. D Almaine, New York city; Mrs Brian Brown, New York city; Perso Cattery, Passaic, N. J. ; Mrs. John Frost Parker, Sparrow Point, Md.; Miss Gertrude Woodbury, Washington, D. C.; Miss M. C. Ryan, Elizabeth, N. J.; W. P. Doyle, Washington. D. C.; Miss E. M. Gartrell, Kensington, Md.; Mrs. Elizabeth Candee, Mrs. A. M. Scott, Mr. Thos. A. Broadus, Mrs. Herbert H. D. Peirce, Mrs. Doan, Washington, D. C.; Miss A. A. Marks, Sound Beach, Conn.; Mrs. J. C. Perkins, Towson, Md.; Mrs. J. C. Mitchelson, Tariffeville, Conn.; Mrs. Mary C. Gross, Keyport, N. J.; Mrs. Gertrude Ropp, New York city; Miss Addie Weston, Madison, Mo.; Mrs. H. M. Burritt, Miss E. L. Burritt, Miss Elizabeth Scholl, Maj. F. W. Peabody, Washington, D. C.; Miss Ida Cady, Takoma Park, D. C. ; Mrs. Jas. Conlisk, Gowanda, N. Y.; Miss Luella Hodges, Pittsburg, Pa., and Miss Jesse E Hopkins, Washington, D. C.
There are some famous cats in the show, which have won first prizes in all the recent shows in the east. One of these is Silver Glen, from the Watterside cattery, near Easton, Md. Silver Glen has been un beaten for type in the silver class, and is an unusually large and handsome animal. It won two firsts and three specials in the New York show of 1903 and first again in the recent show at Madison Square Gar den. Osiris, another famous cat, is a blue that has won three first prizes la New York. He is owned by Dr. Ottolengue. What is probably the palest chinchilla cat in the country is exhibited, as is also Robin, an extremely beautiful orange cat, belonging to Estelle Ward, the actress. Among the white cats White Hussar, which took second prize in England as a kitten, first in 1902 in New York, and second in 1903 and 1904, is one of the best known. Probably the most famous cat in the ex hibition is The Commodore, owned by Mrs. Julia Copperberg of West Simsburg, Conn. The Commodore is a great cream Persian cat, with the deepest of orange eyes, and called forth an expression of great admiration. He has won consecutively two gold medals on the Hofstra trophy in New York, offered for the best bred American cat, and a third winning will entitle him to the trophy. He has also won the challenge cup in his class.
Besides these mentioned there are long haired Persians, white, blue, black, smoke, silver and chinchilla; brown and orange tabbies, cream, tortoise shell and solid colors with white. The short-haired, or domestic cats, are shown in the same colors, besides which there are Siamese, Manx, Australian and other varieties on exhibi tion.
The District is represented by many beau tiful cats, and it is confidently expected that a large percentage of the prizes and ribbons will stay at home. Mrs. Charles Hampton Lane is the judge for the classes, the cup judges to be announced later.
THE AWARD OF PRIZES Evening Star, 2nd February, 1904
The second day of the cat show opened at Sheldon s Hall, 1004 F street northwest, this morning with a large attendance. The judging, which began yesterday morning, was finished by ll o clock today, and the catalogues were issued soon thereafter. The list of prizes won and the fortunate ex hibitors are as follows:
Long-Haired Cats.
Class 1, first, 1, White Hussar, Mrs. Brian Brown.
Class 4, first, 6, Lady Mertice, Mrs. C. D Almaine; second, 7, San Toy, Mrs. John Frost Parker, absent; 8, Columbia, Mrs. H. M. Burritt; fourth, 9, Snowflake, Miss Smith; 10, Fluffy, Mrs. Mary Gross.
Class 5, first, 11, Saratoga Osiras, Mrs. Ottolengui; second, 12, Boy Blue, Mr. A. R. Benson.
Class 6, 15, Lady Webber, Mrs. Copperberg; third, 10, Lady Royal, Mr. A. R. Benson; 17, Miss Mufitt, A. R. Benson.
Class 7, 19, Saratoga Sir Robert, Mrs, Ottolengui, absent. Class 8, first, 25, Stoga, Miss Ward, for sale; 26, Laddie, Miss Burritt, absent.
Class 10, sec ond, 29, Zolina, Miss O Neill, $75; 30, Prin cess of India, Mrs. Palmer; 31, Perso Sur prise, Perso Cattery, absent; third, 32, Blackwell Babbette,Miss Gartrell; second; 33, Jeannie Dodd, Miss Burritt.
Class 11, 36, Ar gent Sparks, Mrs. J. C. Mitchelson, absent;
Class 12, second, 39, Lady Clare, Perso Cattery, absent; 39a, Lou Dillon, Mrs. Conlisk,; 40, Silver Sprite, Mrs. J. C. Mitchelson, absent; first, 41, Bitterne Chiffon, Mrs. Jas. Conlisk; third, 42, Rene, Mrs. Mallorie.
Class 13, first, 43, Silver Glen, Mrs. Mallorie; 44, Don Pedro, Mrs. Dickinson, $70.
Class 14, first, 47, Silver Heels, Mrs. Palmer; 48, Lucette, Mrs. J. C. Mitch^lson, absent; 4! , Honey. Perso Cattery. $25, absent.
Class 14B, 55, Dr. Sally, Mrs. J. C. Mitchelson, absent.
Class 15, third, 58, Billee, Miss Burritt.
Class 16, 61, Argent Puff Ball, Perso Cattery, $75, absent.
Class 17, third, 64, Morgan, Miss O Neill; first, 65, Caliph, Miss Ward, for sale.
Class 18, fourth, 69, Treasure, Miss O Neill; 70, Topsy, Mrs. Copperberg, absent; first, 71, Chiffon, Mrs. George E. Rowland; third, 72, Midnight Chimes, Miss A. A. Marks; second, 73, Princess, Miss Smith, $35; third, 74, Fuzzy, Miss J. E. Hopkins.
Class 19, first, 75. Robin, Miss Ward; 76, Nickko, Mrs. Copperberg; 77, Sweet Clover, Mrs. Copperberg, absent; second, 78, King Willow, Miss A. A. Marks.
Class 20, 81, Princess Goldie, Miss Ward, absent; first, 82, Pretty Peggy, Miss Ward; 83, Lady Flossie, Mrs. Copperberg; 84, Winnie B., Mrs. Pierce, $150, absent.
Class 21, 87, Kit Carson, Mrs. Copperberg, for sale; first, 88, The Commo dore, Mrs. Copperberg.
Class 21A, 91, Romald Kirk Daphne, Mrs. Pierce, absent,
Class 23, 96, Daisy, Mrs. Copperberg, ab sent; 97, Tirzah, Mrs. J. C. Perkins.
Class 24, first, 100, Bill, Mr. George E. Rowland; third, 101, Patty, Miss Gartrell; second, 102, Gay, Miss Scholl, $15.
Class 25, 105, Toot sie, Mrs. Copperberg, absent; lO6, Trix, Mrs. Copperberg, absent; first, 107, Tom my Fluff, Miss Gartrell; second, 103, Don, Miss Burritt, $15; third, 109, Dandy, Mr. Edw. S. Schmid, $15.
Class 26, first, 44, Don Pedro, Mrs. Dickinson.
Class 27, 115, Chicca, Mrs. Pierce, $50; 116, Argent Floss, Perso Cattery, 130, absent; 117, Flirt, Miss Burritt, absent; 118, Roxy, Miss Scholl, $10; 119, Little Pal. Mrs. Hodges.
Long-Haired Novice Classes.
Class 31, 127, Donal Dyke, Mrs. M. C. Gross; absent.
Class 34, 138, Buster Brown, Miss G. Rapp.
Class 35, 131, Princess Pearrene, W. P. Doyle, $20.
Class 36, first, 25, Stoga, Miss Ward, for sale; second, 133, Ping Pong, Mrs. Palmer, $200.
Class 37, second, 29, Zoline, Miss O Neil, $75; second, 32, Blackwell Babbette, Miss Gartrell.
Class 38, 134, Thistle Down, Perso Cattery, $100; absent.
Class 39, 39, Lady Clare, Perso Cattery; absent.
Class 40, 135, Dixie, Mrs. M. C. Gross.
Class 41, 49, Honey, Perso Cattery. $25; absent.
Class 44, sec ond, W, Morgan, Miss O'Neill; first, 65, Caliph, Miss Ward; for sale.
Class 45, fourth, 69, Treasure, Miss O Neill; third, 72, Midnight Chimes, Miss A. A. Marks; third, 74, Fuzzy, Miss Hopkins.
Class 46, first, 78, King Willow, Miss A. A. Marks; 79, Gold Dust, Edw. S. Schmid, $15; second, Jumbo, Mrs. Addie Weston, $10.
Class 47, first, 82, Pretty Peggy, Miss Ward.
Class 50, 97, Tirzah, Mrs. J. C. Perkins.
Class 51, third, 136, Freckles, Mrs. John Frost Parker; second, 102, Gay, Miss Scholl, $15; fourth, 101, Patty, Miss Gartrell.
Class 52, second, 108, Don, Miss Burritt, $15.
Class 54, 61, Argent Puff Ball, Perso Cattery, $75, absent; 118, Roxy, Miss Scholl, $15.
Long-Haired Kittens.
Class 56, third, 137, Queen Max, Miss O'Neill, $50; second, 138, Buster Brown, Miss G. Rapp; 130, Foxy Quiller, Miss Burritt, absent.
Class 57, third, 142, Josephine, Mrs. Addle Weston, $5.50.
Class 59, 146, Wager Forgie, Mrs. M. C. Gross, absent; third, 148, Destre, Mrs. Addie Weston, $5.50.
Class 60, 134, Thistledown, Perso Cattery, $100, absent; second, 149, Silvius, Miss Bur ritt, $50; second, 150, Doodle, Miss Hopkins.
Class 61, 152, Bo-Peep, Miss O Neill, absent; third, 153, Jackson, Miss O Neill, $15.
Long-Haired Neuters.
Class 64, 160, Lord Cholmondeley II, Cal Paschal, absent; third, 161, Angel, Mrs. Herbert H. D. Peirce.
Class 65, third, 164, Imp, Mrs. Herbert H. D. Peirce; first, 165, Black Zaza, Miss Marion Bryant.
Class 70, second, 176, Imperial, Miss Ward, for sale; 177, Jumbo, Mrs. J. A. Johnson.
Short-Haired Cats.
Class 73, first, 183, Lovey Mary, Mrs. Van Nest.
Class 74, 186, Midget, Perso Cattery, absent; first, 187, William II, W. P. Doyle, $10; second, 188, Ed., Mr. Edward Schmid.
Class 76, 104, Mother, Mrs. H. M. Burritt, absent.
Class 77, first, 198, King Edward, Miss Ryan; fourth, 199, Tom, Miss Scholl.
Class 78, 202, Lady Smith, Mrs. Candee; second, 203, Prince, Mrs. Edna Katzel.
Class 79, first, 206, Tortie, Miss Burritt.
Class 80, second, 210, Kitty, Mrs. Doarr.
Class 82, 216 Foxey, Miss Gartrell; 216, Foxey's kittens, each, $5; second, 217, Ja coby, Mr. Broadus.
Class 83, first, 221, Ticksa, Miss Scholl.
Class 85, first, 227, Gloria Quayle, Miss Burritt, $10.
Short-Haired Kittens.
Class 88, 233, Satan, Mrs. A. M. Scott; third, 234, Tipia, Mrs. Schroeder.
Class 89, first, 237, Louisiana, Major F. W. Peabody.
Class 91, 243, Kitten, Miss Ryan.
Short-Haired Neuters.
Class 95, 253, Tim, Cal Paschal, absent; first, 254, Dick, Mr. S. L. Rowland.
Class 96, first, 258, Cop, Mr. Pollett; second, 255, Dudy, Miss Alice Bennett.
Class 97, fourth, 261, Hottentott, Miss O Neill; first, 262, Grover, Miss Woodbury.
Class 98, first, 266, Tom, Miss Gartrell.
The Special List.
The judging in the competition for the special prizes, of which there are quite a number on exhibition in the hall, will prob ably be finished today. The judges are Dr. R. Ottenlengui of New York and Dr. Cecil French of this city.
One of the first prize winners that has attracted much attention is a green-eyed chinchilla female which has a list of prizes dating back to the Crystal Palace in Lon don. It is owned by Mrs. James Conlisk of Gowanda, N. Y., and her name is Bitterne Chiffon. She was imported last June from England, and since that time has had uninterrupted sway in her class. Another fine chinchilla cat owned by Mrs. Conlisk is Lou Dillon, a kitten of seven months. Those placed on exhibition by the Misses Ward of Brooklyn are also attracting much notice. Stoga, one of the smoke variety of cats, is a first prize winner, and is an exceedingly handsome cat. Caliph, a novice brown tabby, is a prize winner of the first class, and got an additional ribbon because he had not been shown before. He is a handsome specimen, and one of the largest in the show. Silver Heels, a shaded silver, is owned by Mrs. Ida C. Palmer of the Lindenhurst Cattery, Sound Beach, Conn., and has received much at tention from cat fanciers who have visited the exhibition. Of the white specimens a golden-eyed cat, Lady Mertice, fewned by Mrs. Chas. D'Almaine of New York, has secured a prize winning blue ribbon. This cat took a first prise in New York recently at the big show In Madison Square Garden, and is of a remarkable type. Another cat which has made a number of friends is Dom Pedro, owned by Mrs. Dickinson of Rutherford, N. J., while another famous specimen is King Willow, from the Willowmere Cattery at Sound Beach, Conn., owned by Miss Annie Marks.
One of the local entries that has secured a prise is Dandy, entered in the Angora class by Mr. Edward S. Schmid. Another cat offered for inspection is Ed, which secured a second prize in the Maltese class. Miss Eleanor Burritt of Georgetown has a remarkably fine smoke Persian, long-haired, that has attracted much attention.
SPECIAL PRIZES GIVEN Evening Star, 4th February, 1904
The last day of the cat show opened at Sheldon s Hall, 1004 F street this morning with an increased attendance. The prizes having all been awarded, catalogues were issued last night and visitors were enabled to place the various winners. Mrs. Charles Hampton Lane, one of the most expert judges of cats in the United States, gave general satisfaction in the settlement of the competition in the regular classes, while Dr. Cecil French of this city and Dr. Ottolengui of New York officiated as efficiently in the award of the special prizes offered. The list of specials follows:
The Special Prizes.
Best cat in show - Name to be engraved on the Washington trophy loving cup, Silver Glen, Mrs. Mallorie.
Best display A "biscuit sofa pillow, Miss Ward; second best display, piece of silver, Miss Burritt.
Best long-haired kitten A water color, Silvus, Miss Burritt.
Best long-haired silver tabby Billie, Miss Burritt.
Best long-haired orange male Silver medal, Robbin. Miss Ward.
Best long-haired brown tabby Silver medal, Chiffon, Mrs. George E. Rowland.
Best long-haired cream male Water color, The Commodore, Mrs. Copperberg.
Best long-haired smoke male Berry spoon, Stoga, Miss Ward.
Best long-haired white, female Centerpiece, Lady Mertice, Mrs. C. D'Aimaine.
Best long-haired blue Cat manual, Saratoga Osiras, Mrs. Ottolengui.
Best long-haired smoke male Silver medal, Stoga, Miss Ward.
Best long-haired silver tabby female Brass candlestick, Princess, Miss Smith.
Second best cat in the show Silver medal, Saratoga Osiras, Mrs. Ottolengui.
Best long-haired smoke, male A picture, Stoga, Miss Ward.
Best long-haired neutor A Teneriffe lace collar, Blnck Zaza, Miss Marion Bryant.
Best short-haired neuter Silver medal, Grover, Miss Woodbury.
Best long-haired kitten Buster Brown, Mrs. Gertrude Rapp.
Best short-haired cat, blue or Maltese Silver medal, William II, Mr. P. W. Doyle.
Best short-haired black Silver medal, Dick, Mr. S. S. Rowland.
Best short-haired orange Silver medal, King Edward, Miss Ryan.
Best short-haired tortoise-shell Silver medal, Tortie, Miss Burritt.
Best short-haired tortoise-shell and white Silver medal, Kitty, Mrs. Doan.
Best short-haired any other color than tabby with white Silver medal, Grover, Miss Woodbury.
Best short-haired brown tabby kitten Silver medal, Louisiana, Major F. W. Peabody.
Best short-haired kitten in show Louisiana, Major F. W. Peabody.
Best Manx Vase, Gloria Quayle, Miss Burritt.
Best long-haired silver female - Silver loving cup, Silver Heels, Mrs. Palmer.
Beresford Cat Club prizes, for cats belonging to that club:
Best long-haired silver Silver medal, Silver Glen, Mrs. Mallorie.
Best long-haired tortoise shell Silver medal, Bitterne Chiffon, Mrs. James Conlisk.
The Blue Cat Club medal for best long-haired blue cat was won by Saratoga Osiras, Mrs. Ottolengui.
The Atlantic Cat Club prizes:
Best long-haired stud - Silver Glen, Mrs. Mallorie.
Best long-haired white White Hussar, Mrs. Brian Brown.
Best long-haired silver Silver Glen, Mrs. Mallorie.
Best long-haired smoke Stoga, Mrs Ward.
Best long-haired orange or cream Commodore, Mrs. Copperberg.
Best long-haired silver tabby - Jeannie Dodds, Miss Burritt.
Best longhaired brown tabby - Chiffon, Mrs. George E. Rowland.
Members of the Washington Cat Club were offered and awarded the following prizes:
Best long-haired white - White Hussar, Mrs. Brian Brown.
Best long-haired blue - Saratoga Osiras, Mrs. Ottolengui.
Best long-haired smoke - Stoga, Miss Ward.
Best long-haired silver - Bitterne Chiffon, Mrs. James Conlisk.
Best long-haired brown tabby - Caliph. Miss Ward.
Best long-haired orange - Robbin, Miss Ward.
Best long-haired cream - The Commodore, Mrs. Copperberg.
Best display - Miss Ward.
Best orange male - Robbin, Miss Ward.
Best short-haired black with white points - Ticksa, Miss Scholl.
Best cat owned by a member of the Washington Cat Club - Silver Glen, Mrs. Mallorie.
Cat from the longest distance, Bltterne Chiffon, Mrs. James Conlisk
Other prizes were:
Best orange brace - Robbin and Pretty Peggy, Miss Ward.
Best shaded silver, female - Silver Heels, Mrs. Palmer.
Best American-bred cat - The Commodore, Mrs. Copperberg.
Best long-haired blue male - Saratoga Osiras, Mrs. Ottolengui.
Second best orange male - King Willow, Miss A. Marks.
Second best blue short-haired - Ed, Mr. Edward Schmid.
Best orange and white - Dandy, Mr. Edward Schmid.
Some friction developed over the fact that the prize for the best American-bred cat in the show was awarded first to Mrs. Conlisk of New York, who entered Lou Dillon, a seven-months-old kitten, in the silver class for that award. Mrs. Copperberg, the owner of The Commodore, a magnificent cream Persian, which has already won two gold medals In New York as being the best American cat, made objection, and a referee was brought in to decide the question. The decision was favorable to The Commodore.
Mr. Herbert H. D. Peirce, third assistant secretary of state, has an exhibit in the show consisting of two short-haired kittens which have the suggestive names of Imp and Angel. Although they are litter brothers, one is jet black, without a sign of white, while the other is pure white. They have attracted much attention.
Maj. Frank H. Peabody s kitten, "Louisiana," a beautiful specimens has made more friends, it is said, than any other cat in the show. He has taken first prize in his class and two specials. He was named in honor of the Louisiana purchase exposition, Maj. Peabody being in charge of the exhibit from his department to the great fair. Another cat that has excited much comment is a tortoiseshell without white, shown by Mr. S. A. Shipman.
Among the short-haired, or domestic, cats King Edward, an orange tabby, owned by Miss Ryan of Elizabeth, N. J., is a notable specimen. A Manx blue cat close by, owned by Miss Burritt of Georgetown, is named Gloria Quayle, and has many admirers.
An interesting operation during the show this morning was the painting in water colors of the picture of Lady Mertice, a beautiful white cat that has won many prizes in various shows, as well as first and specials in the present exhibition, by Miss Virginia Janus Asngree, who is also an exhibitor. Lady Mertice seemed to realize the gravity of the situation and posed on a blue pillow with a blase expression that was highly satisfactory from an artistic point of view. Buster Brown, owned by Mrs. Gertrude Rapp of New York, is a black kitten that has taken a first prize and a special. He is a pure black and his attractiveness is further enhanced by a huge bow of vivid red. He is only five months old, but gives promise of being one of the largest cats in the country.
The prize for the best exhibit in its entirety in the show was awarded to the Misses Ward of Brooklyn, N. Y., who have a fine display of cats, nearly all of which have captured first honors in the competition. The show will end at 10 o clock tonight
CAT SHOW ENDS The Washington Times, 5th February, 1904
The cat show came to an close last evening and the tabbies were carefully taken home. The show was a success and many Washingtonians wish to make it an annual event. Among the visitors yesterday were several members of the Japanese legation.
THE CAT SHOW. REASONS FOR THE CULTIVATION OF THE CAT - The Washington Times, 1st February, 1904.
Washington has a Cat Show. Washington has a Cat Club. The capital city of the greatest republic in the world has a feline aristocracy. This will be glad news for lovers of the furry folk throughout the land, for the real cat lover is always glad of news about the cat.
There is something peculiar about the affection which cat lovers bear to cats. At least, it seems peculiar to those by whom it is not shared. There are people, as everybody knows, who cannot endure the presence of a cat, and who turn pale and shiver when one is anywhere about, even when nobody else has perceived its proximity. Field Marshal Lord Roberts is said to have this peculiar antipathy. Those who do not like these animals aver that there is something uncanny and unwholesome about their make-up, their sleek, crouching forms, their ever watchful eyes, their ability to see in the dark, their liking for nocturnal rambles. Kipling has states, in his early history of the cat, that all proper men throw things at the cat that walks by himself. A philosopher of the David Harum type in a recent novel advised his nephew to marry a girl that likes cats, cause them that don t is something like cats themselves. Agnes Repplier has defended the cat valiantly in her book on The Fireside Sphinx. But for all these discussions, nobody who likes cats has ever been able to see why they should be disliked, and nobody who dislikes them has ever been able to see any reason for liking them.
It may be that the very persistence and unchangeableness of the ancient race of cats has something to do with their fascination and their uncanny qualities. The dog has been essentially altered by long association with human kind since his progenitor, the wolf, made friends with savage man. There is not much resemblance between a smooth greyhound or a King Chaqrles Spaniel, and the savage wolf of the forest. But the grey wild cat of primeval villages is quite recognizable in the most aristocratic Angora or the primmest Puritan house puss of today. The cat has never given up her individuality. She purrs when she is pleased, and undauntedly hisses her displeasure: she tights for her liberty and her kittens; she likes the warm fire and caressing, but she likes the top of the roof and freedom under the moonlight.
The cat of today, sitting in soft, indolent stateliness upon a cushion, with half-closed eyes which see everything, is the cat of Egypt, a queen among animals. The yellow eyes, the soft fur, the dainty personal habits, the grace of movement, the range of voice, the cat language and cat temperament, are the same as they were all those centuries ago when the Sphinx was new and the mummy business was still good. Never has Miss Puss a name, by the way, which is said to be a corruption of Pasht, the cat-headed goddess of the Egyptian - lost the capability of ruling which, in that day, was allowed full opportunity. The horse or the dog may wait to discover your wishes; the cat knows what she wants and will have it if she can. She is herself a Sphinx in miniature, an eternal mystery, an eternal contradiction; and therein lies her fascination.
Owners of famous felines are receiv ing prizes today which were won yes terday by their pets. Naturally some owners are jubilant and others are be ginning to think that the judges are al lowing favoritism to warp their Judg ment. The latter are those whose pets failed to win a ribbon. The show brought together a collec tion of cats seldom equaled in Wash ington or any other city outside of New York. One hundred and twenty-five en tries are on exhibition in Sheldon Hall, 1004 F Street northwest. They come from all over the United States, and represent every known breed of cat. The exhibition is under the auspices of the Washington Cat Club, which has in a few years become one of the lead ing organizations of its kind in this country. The exhibits are so well bred that no trouble has broken out so far among them, and the suspicion that night would be hideous in the vicinity of the hall has proved to be unfounded.
Among the animals present are Com modore, the famous prize winner, owned by Mrs. Julia Copperberg, of West Sims bury, Conn.; the smoke-colored Per sian owned by Miss Eleanor Burritt, which involved its owner in trouble over its value with the custom house officers of Georgetown; Robin, the pet of Miss Estelle Ward; Silver Glen, the property of Easton, Md., people, and others too numerous to mention.
The judge is Mrs. Charles Hampton Lane. the cup judges are Dr. R. Ottolengue, of New York, and Dr. Cecil French, of Washington.
The exhibitors are: Emma O Neill, Washington; Ruth and Estelle Ward, Brooklyn; Mrs. Julius Copperberg, West Simsbury, Conn.; Mrs. R. Ottolengue, New York city: Mrs E. R. Pierce, Cincinnati; Mrs. T. P. Mal lorie, Easton. Md.; Mrs. I. P. Dickinson, Morgansville, N. J.; Marion Bryant, Washington; Mrs. I. C. Palmer, Sound Beach, Conn.; Col George W. Paschal, Washington; George E. Rowland. Jer sey City, N. J.; Mrs. S. L Rowland, Brooklyn; O. R. Benson, Washington; Mrs. Charles D. Almaine, New York city; Mrs. Brian Brown, New York city; Perso Cattery, Passaic. N. J.; Mrs. John Frost Parker, Sparrow Point, Md.; Ger trude Woodbury. Washington; M. C. I Ryan. Elizabeth, N. J.; W. P. Doyle, Washington; Miss E. M. Gartrell, Ken sington, Md.; Mrs. Elizabeth Candee, Washington; Mrs. A. M. Scott, Wash ington; Thomas A. Broadus, Washing ton; Mrs. Herbert H. D. Peirce, Wash ington; Mrs. Dean, Washington; Miss A. A. Marks. Sound Beach, Conn.; Mrs. J. C. Perkins, Towson, Md.; Mrs. J. C. Mitchelson, Tariffville, Conn.; Mrs Mary C Gross, Keyport, N. J.; Mrs. Gertrude Rapp, New York city; Addie Weston, Madison, Md.; Mrs. H. M. Burritt, Washington; E L. Burritt, Washington; Elizabeth Scholl, Washington; Major F. W. Peabody,. Washington; Ida Cady, Takoma Park, D C.; James Conlisk. Gowanda. N. Y.;: Mrs. Luella Hodges, Pittsburg, Pa.; Jesse E. Hopkins, Wash ington.
Prizes in the long-haired class were awarded today as follows:
Class 1 First, White Hussar, Mrs. Brian Brown.
Class 4 - First, Lady Mertice, Mrs. C D'Almaine; second, San Toy, Mrs. John Frost Parker.
Class 5 First, Saratoga Osiras, Mrs. Ottolengui; second, Boy Blue, A. R. Benson; third, Lady Loyal, A. R. Ben son.
Class 7 First, Saratoga Sir Robert, Mrs. Ottolengui.
Class 9 First, Stoga, Miss Ward; sec ond. Laddie, Miss Burritt.
Class 10 Seconds, Zolina, Miss O Neill, and Jeannie Dodd, Miss Burritt; third, Blackwell Babette, Mrs. Gartrell.
Class 11 First Argent Sparks, Mrs. J. C. Mitchelson.
Class 12 First, Bitterne Chiffon, Mrs. James Conlisk; second, Lady Claire, Perso Cattery; third, Rene, Mrs. Mallorie.
Class 13 Firsts, Silver Glen, Mrs. Mal lorie, and Don Pedro, Mrs. Dickinson.
Class 14 First, Silver Heels, Mrs. Palmer; second, Lou Dillon, Mrs. Conlisk.
Class 15 First, Billee, Mrs. Burritt.
Class 17 First, Caliph, Miss Ward; third, Morgan, Miss O'Neill.
Class 18 First, Chiffon, Mrs. George E. Rowland; second, Princess, Miss Smith; third Midnight Chimes, Miss A. A. Marks, and Fuzzy, Miss J. E. Hop kins.
Class 1 First. Robbin, Miss Ward; second. King Willow. Miss A. A. Marks.
Class 20 First, Pretty Peggy, Miss Ward.
Class 21 First, The Commodore, Mrs. Copperberg; second, Kit Carson, Mrs. J. Copperberg.
Class 24 First. Bill, George E. Row land: second, Gay, Miss Scholl; third, Patty, Miss Gartell.
Class 25 First, Tommy Fluff, Miss Gartell; second, Don, Miss Burritt; third, Dandy, Edward S. Schmid.
Class 36 First, Stoga, Miss Ward.
Class 37 Second, Zolina, Miss O Neill; third, Blackell Babbette, Miss Gartell.
Class 45 Thirds, Midnight Chimes, Miss A. A. Marks, and Fuzzy, Miss Hopkins.
Class 46 First, King Willow, Miss A. A. Marks.
Class 47 First, Pretty Peggy, Miss Ward.
Class 51 Second, Gay, Miss Scholl; third, Freckles, Mrs. John Frost Parker.
Class 52 Second, Don, Miss Burritt.
Long-Haired Kittens.
Among the long-haired kittens the prizes awarded were:
Class 56 second, Buster Brown, Miss Rapp; third, Queen Max, Miss O Neill.
Class 60 Seconds, Silvius, Miss Bur ritt, and Doodle, Miss Hopkins.
Class 61 Third, Jackson, Miss O Neill.
Class 64 Third, Angel, Mrs. Herbert D. Peirce.
Class 65 First, Black Zaza, Miss Marion Bryant: third, Imp, Mrs. Her bert H. D. Peirce.
Class 70 Second, Imperial, Miss Ward.
Prizes awarded short-haired cats fol low:
Class 74 First, William H., W. P. Doyle.
Class 77 First, King Edward, Miss Ryan.
Class 79 First, Tortie, Miss Burritt.
Class 80 Second, Kitty, Mrs. Doarr.
Class 82 Second, Jacoby, Mr. Broadus.
Class 83 First, Ticksa, Miss Scholl.
Class 86 First, Gloria Quayle, Miss Burritt.
The prizes for short-haired kittens:
Class 89 First, Louisiana, Major F. W. Peabody.
Class 95 First, Dick, S. L. Rowland.
Class 97 Fourth, Hottentot, Miss O Neill.
Class 98 First, Tom, Miss Gartell.
ARISTOCRATIC CAT ARRAY AT THIRD ANNUAL SHOW Daily Industrial News, Greensboro, St Carolina, 17th February 1907
Washington. D. C., Feb. 16. - The third annual cat show in Washington is in full blast at Gude's hall. The list of cats entered is not confined to the long haired Angoras and Persians, but includes a number of short-haired cats that have individual attractions rather than a long pedigree to distinguish them. Sir Peter Sterling. more familiarly known to his friends and in cat circles, as "Petie," is one of the kings of the show. He is owned by C. H. Jones, of Rochester, N. Y. He has the reputation of never being afraid in a crowd, wholly self-possessed under all circumstances, a lover of dogs, but has no time for cats. Since the first of last October "Petie" has traveled 3,500 miles. He is a beautiful blue-eyed white Persian, and has the distinction of being the best advertised cat in America. "Sir Peter Sterling" is No. 2 in the show, and thoroughly appreciates his position.
Lovers of cats turned out in force to-day and visited the annual show of the Washington Cat Club at the National Rifles' Armory. The doors opened this morning at 9 o'clock and shortly afterward the judges, Mrs. L. H. Bixby of St. Louis, Mo.; Miss J. R. Krock of Orange, N. J., and Dr. W. B. Collins of this city, started the work of awarding the prizes. Felines of fine record from this city, as well as many from out of town, are in the exhibit. Although many of the cats have been away from their homes for some time, being shipped about the country to the various shows, they seem perfectly contented in their caged quarters at the show. Each cage contains a soft pillow, on which the feline reclines as well as if in the home of its owner. Many of the cats have long histories of the show ring and have won enough ribbons and prizes to fully decorate their owner's homes.
Among the cats in the show are ‘Silver Stripe."' belonging to Miss Jane R. Cathcart of Oradell, N. J., which won over all Persians at the Rochester show last week; "Lady Diana II," a large blue Persian, shown by Mrs. J. P. Gooch; "Dona Dreams," exhibited by Mrs. F. H. Tomkins; "Jerry," owned by Mrs. Henry West; "Dixie Strongheart," a black Persian. exhibited by Miss Cathcart; "Al Terek," a silver Persian, shown by Mrs. O. L. Bosch of Elisabeth, N. J.
ARISTOCRATIC CAT ARRAY AT THIRD ANNUAL SHOW The Washington Times, 15th February 1907
The third annual cat show in Washington is in full blast at Gude's Hall. The attendance today and last night was unusually large. The show continues until tomorrow night. The list of cats entered is not confined to the long haired Angoras and Persians, but includes a number of short-haired cats that have individual attractions rather than a long pedigree to distinguish them. Among these latter is "Tootsie," a beautiful brown tortoise shell, owned by Mrs. J. C. Haley, which attracted particular attention today. Seven cats from the Black Short Haired Cattery at Oradell, N. J., belonging to Miss Jane R. Cathcart, were conspicuous in the show.
Sir Peter Sterling, more familiarly known to his friends and in cat circles as "Petie," is one of the kings of the show. He is owned by C. H. Jones, of Rochester. N. Y. He has the reputation of never being afraid in a crowd, wholly self-possessed under all circumstances, a lover of dogs, but has no time for cats. Since the first of last October "Petie" has traveled 3,500 miles. He is a beautiful, blue-eyed, white Persian, and has the distinction of being the best advertised cat in America. "Sir Peter Sterling'' is No. 2 in the show and thoroughly appreciates his position.
No. 6 Is Peterkin, a huge Russian blue shorthaired cat, owned by Mrs. Sage, of Rochester. Peterkin has been in this country four months, has been in four shows in each of which he has taken first prize. The most captivating of the silver cats is a bit of a beautiful silky gray cat, No. 35, that proved the belle of the morning. It is being exhibited by Mrs. Otten, of New York.
One of the most striking of the exhibits is a huge white blue-eyed Persian, Ne. 1, which bears the interesting name of Y Brenen Gwyn. This cat has won in Detroit, Grand Rapids, Mich., ‘and other large shows and offered a distinct sensation to today's visitors. It is the property of Mrs. Dykhouse, of Grand Rapids, Mich. A beautiful brood of long-haired yellow kittens form one of the attractive features. The cages are well kept and many of them have been fitted up with attractive cushions and hangings.
HONORS WON BY PHOEBE SNOW The Morning Herald, November 23, 1929
Phoebe Snow, the blue-eyed cat of Mrs. Charles B. Newcomer, Mt Aetna Farm, has returned from the Washington Cat Club show, held Nov. 18 and 19, bringing with her a blue first prize open class championship ribbon in the blue-eyed white female class; a third prize in mother and kittens class, and a silver sup offered by Miss Hantzmon, of Washington, for the best of Pittie Patsie's get. Phoebe" entered the show with her six kittens, but returned without them, as the six weeks old balls of fluff proved irresistible to the many visitors to the show.
LOCAL CATS PRIZE WINNERS AT SHOW The Morning Herald, December 19, 1930
Phoebe Snow, owned by Mrs. C. E. Newcomer, Mt. Etna, has returned from Washington, where she competed in the show held by the Columbian Cat Fanciers on December 12th and 13th for the benefit of the children of the Central Union Mission. The children were brought to the Lee House and shown the 200 cats entered from all parts of the country. Phoebe Snow was awarded second prize in the novice class and third in the open; Rosedere Pal," her mate, won first and winners in both open and novice while Jezebel Mitsox, her daughter, won a first prize and a silver cup in the black and white class. Both Phoebe and Pal were awarded two and a half dollar gold pieces as the best blue eyed whites, Washington bred. Two other cats, bred at Mt. Etna, and entered by Washington owners also won blue ribbons.
ARISTOCRATS OF CATDOM Evening Star, Washington DC, 6th November 1960
It being International Cat Week, we present on these two pages and on the cover photographs of some of the best-known breeds of Felis catus. The most popular variety is, of course, the one represented on the cover - the ordinary mixed-breed household pet. The others are real aristocrats of catdom, members of championship classes recognized by the Cat Fanciers of America. Five are champions.
There are nine breeds in the championship classes: Abyssinian, Burmese, Domestic Short Hair [American Shorthair], Himalayan, Long Hair (formerly known as Persian or Angora), Manx, Peke Faced, Russian Blue and Siamese. The CFA recognizes 25 colors, all but five of which are found in three breeds, the Long Hair, the Domestic Short Hair and the Manx. The colors are divided into three major divisions:
Solid - Blue-Eyed White, Copper-Eyed White, Odd-Eyed White (one blue eye, one copper), Blue, Black, Red, Cream, Burmese (sable brown) and Russian Blue.
Silver - Chinchilla, Shaded Silver, Smoke and Silver Tabby.
Tabby - Silver Tabby (also in the Silver Division), Red Tabby, Tortoiseshell (three colors: black, orange and cream), Calico (tortoiseshell and white), Mackerel Tabby and Parti-Colored Manx.
The colors of the Siamese and Himalayans are Chocolate Point, Seal Point, Blue Point and Frost Point. The Abyssinian is ruddy brown ticked with various shades of darker brown or black.
The black-and-white photos were made at the 1960 National Championship Cat Show of the Cat Fanciers of Washington, a member organization of the CFA. There were 315 cats representing 158 exhibitors from all parts of the East as well as from the Washington area. Photos by Joseph R. Spies.