PET STOCK SHOW. Detroit Free Press, 6th January, 1901
Among the cat exhibitors at the Michigan State Poultry & Pigeon Association's show, opening at the Light Infantry armory Tuesday morning, will be Mrs. Clinton Locke, president of the. Beresford Cat Club, of Chicago, who announced in a telegram yesterday that she is coming to De¬troit this week with a string of cats valued at $l,500. W.J. Gowdy, editor of the American Cat News, of Chicago, has been selected as judge for the felines, and James A. Tucker, of Concord, Mich., has accepted the invitation to score the Belgian hares.

TO THE CATS ALL TURNED – Detroit free Press, January 11, 1901
Prize-Winning Felines Were The Center Of Attraction Yesterday. Detroit Ladies Figured Prominently Among The Ribbon Holders.

Nearly every cage in the cat department is bedeckecd with ribbons, as, while the exhibit is a large one, there are so many different varieties and classes that unfortunate, indeed, is the pussy that cannot be pointed out as a prize winner at the 1901 Detroit show. F. W. Goudy, the Chicago expert, arrived yesterday and lost no time in passing judgment on the felines assembled. Mrs. Clinton Locke, of Chicago, fared particularly well, as was expected, with her fine display of Angora cats, while Miss E. Ives and Mrs. Springer, of Detroit, figured prominently among the winners.

Smerdis, valued at $1,500, the property of Mrs. Locke, won the loving cup for best male, and the other loving cup for the best female went to the same lady, her white cat Wendella, a $1,000 animal, being the one to win the prize. Other special prizes were awarded as follows:

Best long-haired cat from Michigan, shipping crate, Cusic kennels, Romeo; best buff or yellow long-haired cat, bread and milk set, Cusic kennels; best buff, yellow or orange long-haired cat, framed photograph, Mrs. Springer; best silver Tabby, short-haired female, framed photograph, Mrs J. S. Owen; best short-haired cat in Detroit, silver bracelet, John Weaver; best longhaired Tabby, tortoise back comb, Cusic kennels; best short-haired gelding Tabby, sliver link bracelet, Miss E. Ives; best group of geldings, anv color, pearl pin, Mrs. J. S. Owen; best longhaired white, book, Mrs. C. Locke; best longhaired black and while, pillow, Cusic kennels; best long-haired kitten, under 6 months, books, C. R. Hemenway, Bangor; best long-haired white kitten, under 6 months, traveling basket, C. R. Hemenway; best male cat, fancy pillow, Mrs. C. Locke.

Detroit ladies are very enthusiastic as the result of the cat show, and yesterday afternoon a meeting was held in the club room at the First Infantry, armory, when thirty members joined the Detroit Cat club. Mrs. Dr. Owen presided at the meeting, and the expression was general that future shows will find a greatly increased interest in the breeding of valuable cats. That Detroit is well started in this line is evidenced by the displays made by Miss Ives and Mrs. William E. Springer, wife of Postmaster Dickerson's secretary. Mrs. Springer had seven entries in as many different classes and each one won a first prize, while she also won a special. The complete list of prize winners in the cat department follows:

Long hair, black, male — First, Mrs Springer.
Long hair, blue, male — First, Mrs. C. Locke; second, Cusic kennels.
Long-hair Tabby, male – First, Cusic kennels; second, C. R. Hemenway; third, Mrs. A. Ellis.
Long hair, red, yellow or orange, male — Mrs. Springer.
Long hair, black and white, male — First, Miss Ives; second, Miss Ives; third, Mrs. W. Simmons.
Long hair, blue and white, male – First, Miss Ives.
Long hair, red, orange or yellow and white, male - First, Mrs. Springer; second, Miss Ives.
Long hair, any other color, male — Mrs. C. Locke.

Long hair, black, female — First, Mrs. Locke; second; Mrs. Gay.
Long hair, blue, female — First, Mrs. Gay.
Long hair Tabby, female — First, Mrs. Springer, second, Cusic kennels; third, Mrs. Ellis.
Long hair, red, orange or yellow, female – First, Cusic kennels.
Long hair, blue and white, female — First, Cusic kennels.
Long hair, black and white, female — First, Cusic kennels.
Long hair, red, orange or yellow and white, female — First, Cusic kennels.
Long hair, tortoise shell, female - First, Mrs. Springer; second, Miss Ives.
Long hair, any other color, female — First, Miss Ives; second, Mrs. Southwell.
Short hair, black, male — First, G. E. Waters.

Short hair Tabby, male — first, Miss Ives; second, Mrs. Owen. Short hair, red, orange or yellow, male — First,Mrs O'Connor.
Short hair, any other color, male — First, John Weaver; second. Mrs. H. Finch.

In the classes for kittens, under 9 months old, the following awards were made:

Long hair, black, male — First, Cusic kennels; second Mrs. Pierce.
Long hair, white, male — First, C. R. Hemenway.
Long hair, red, yellow or orange, male — First, Mrs. Pierce. Long hair, red, orange or yellow and white, male — First, Miss Ives; second, Cusic kennels; third, Miss Ives; fourth, C. R. Hemenway.
Long hair, black, female — First. Mrs. Gay.
Long-hair Tabby, female - First C R. Hemenway; second, Mrs. Ellis, third, J. C. Edwards.
Long hair, red, orange or yellow and white — First, Mrs. Springer.
Long hair, tortoise shell, female — First, Mrs. Gay; second, J. C. Edwards.
Long hair, any other color, female — Cusic kennels.

Short hair, blue male – First, Mrs. Owen.
Short-hair tabby, female — First, Mrs. Owen.
Long hair, yellow, female — First, C. R. Hemenway.
Black and white, female — First, J. C. Edwards.
Long hair, blue and white, female - First, Mrs. Charles Southwell.

There was a large crowd at the show both afternoon and evening, and as the majority of the school children used their tickets the preceding day some comfort was found by the fanciers who visited the armory.

A CAT SHOW HAS BEEN IN PROGRESS IN DETROIT and the managers agreed that it would be kind to give the school children free access on the appointed day. Now they wish they hadn't. The nerves of all the high-priced felines are in a state of positive wreck. - The Indianapolis News, January 21st, 1901

ALL READY FOR THE PET STOCK SHOW – Detroit Free Press, December 22, 1901
Entries show that the exhibition of the Detroit Poultry, Pigeon and Pet Stock club, which opens at the Light Guard armory to-morrow morning and continues until Friday evening, will be the best and largest ever held in this city. [. . .] One reason why superior exhibits have been secured is the liberal premiums offered, including elegant silver trophies and large money prizes. Another is the reputation of the judges and the fact that premiums will be, awarded in accordance with standard rules instead of the arbitrary method of comparison.

The display of cats and kittens will be a notable one, including Prince Rupert and his family, owned at Romeo, this state. Hamlet, a brown tabby kitten that was first in his class at Rochester, will also be shown. Prince Rupert was exhibited at Cleveland and won first as best brown tabby male, while Hamlet walked off with the honors in the same class, regardless of sex, besides getting the special for best kitten under six months of ape. In the blue tabby class a Prince Rupert male won first, and in the red or orange class Tecumseh, a promising young male, walked off with first against strong competition. Among the second and third prize winning sons and daughters of Prince Rupert were the beautiful tortoiseshell Ruperta, a green [novice] kit, owned by Mrs. J. S. Owen, of this city, and Red Arthur, a beautiful young male owned jointly by Mrs. Harry Taylor, of Mt, Clemens, and Mrs. Chapman, of Romeo; also Miss Ophelia, Zephyr and Blossom, owned by Mrs. Chapman. These beautiful specimens will all be exhibited by Mrs. Chapman with the exception of one or two sold while exhibiting at Cleveland.

If the plans of the members of the Detroit Cat club do not miscarry there will be between two and three hundred felines on exhibition at the pet stock and cat show, which is to be held in the Light Guard armory during Christmas week. Already a number of cat fanciers in the United States have announced that it is their intention to compete for the prizes, and Mrs. John S. Owen, the president of the club, says that two hundred cats are promised even at this date.

For the first time in the history of cat shows, the eastern and western kennels will come together. Mrs. Bond, owner of the famous Khorassan Kat Kennels, at Washington, D.C. has stated definitely that she intends to exhibit her imported black Persian, Menelik III, and five other fine cats. Mrs. Bond ordinarily sends her animals to the Philadelphia show, but this year is coming to Detroit in order, to compete with the Chicago kennels which are to be largely represented. The Beresford club, of that city, will compete, and Mrs. Charles Hampton Lane will exhibit the famous Gordon McLain. Thirty cats will be sent from the Cusick Kennels, Romeo, Mich.

As yet it is undecided just what part of the armory, will be given over to these four footed descendants of Egyptian deity. It is thought that 300 cages will be used, each being about 3 feet square. There is some talk of appropriating the entire gallery, or if this is not obtainable, of making use of the auxiliary drill room below the big auditorium, which would give the felines an apartment away from chickens and other temptations.

Nearly 100 prizes of various kinds have thus far been offered. Among them are the following: Solid silver tea set, for the best blue-eyed solid white female, offered by Mrs. F. I. Vivel, proprietor of the Ozark cattery, Hot Springs, Ark.; three silver medals by the Beresford Cat club, one for the best long-haired male, one for the best long-haired female and one for the best long-haired kitten from Michigan; silver cup for the best cat in the Detroit Cat club, Mrs. Clinton Locke, president of the Beresford club; solid silver bon bon tray, Mrs. F. W. McMillan; lace centerpiece by Mrs. Charles Hampton Lane, of Chicago, for the best orange kitten (Angora); one cat crate for the best solid black male, A Backus Jr., & Sons.

Mrs. Owen and Miss Ella E. Ives will have general charge of arrangements, Miss Ives acting as secretary. The Detroit Cat club has elected the following officers for the year: President, Mrs. John Owen; vice-president, Mrs. Avery L. Franklin; secretary and treasurer, Mrs. W. M, Chapman, of Romeo.

Not only long-haired cats are eligible to exhibition, but short-haired ones, and prizes are offered for both varieties. Any one possessed of a fine tabby runs a chance of drawing a premium.

ARMORY SHOW IS A FINE ONE - Detroit Free Press, December 25, 1901
Those Interested In chickens, pigeons, Belgian hares and cats which have blue blood running through their veins will have every opportunity of indulging their fancies by attending the exhibit given by the Detroit Poultry, Pigeon and Pet Stock club, which opened at the Light Guard armory yesterday and will continue throughout the week. It is the initial effort of the club, and has attracted wide attention, exhibitors sending their prize winners from all over the country. Competent judges say that the quality is so excellent that the competition will be very close.

[. . .]But the prize feature of the exhibition is the cat show, and the judges will have a nice time awarding the prizes, for the reason that the owners of most of the slumber disturbers are ladies, and each one of them thinks that hers is the best cat in the lot. It takes time to groom a prize winner so that his fine points will be shown to the best advantage, and as most of the tabbies had been traveling for several days in express cars their keepers were busy, getting them in condition, so that the feline department will not be ready for inspection until this morning. When the prizes are awarded there will probably be a cat chorus of walls, as there are a good many more cats than prizes.

Persons who are accustomed to consider cats only as targets for old shoes and other missiles ought to try and buy one of these animals if they want to get a rude shock. One lady has a kennel full of kittens six months old, and for them she asks, only the modest sum of $100 each, while some of the other beauties could not be purchased for several times that amount. Persians and Angoras are the prevailing species, but some look just like ordinary cats until one wishes to buy.

Some of the fanciers went into ecstasies yesterday afternoon when the famous prize winner Menelik III arrived from Washington. He Is a Persian, as black as ink, and is expected to add another ribbon to his collar. However, there are a number of fine cats owned in Detroit and some of the former prize winners may be deposed.

The club has offered a long list of special prizes in all of the departments and the judges began their work yesterday, but the awards will not be announced until Saturday.


CAT SHOW AT THE ARMORY - Detroit free Press, November 19, 1902
The Detroit Poultry and Pet Stock Association has decided to add to its January exhibition, as a special feature, a cat show. Numerous requests for this feature have been made, and it was decided to accede to them, at last evening's meeting.

A more interesting exhibition of poultry and cats than that of the International Poultry. Pigeon and Pet Stock club and the Detroit Cat club, which opened in the Foresters' armory, 221 Jefferson avenue, yesterday afternoon, has not often been seen in Detroit. There have been larger exhibits, but never any which have surpassed the present ore. The poultry, the Belgian hares and the cats all give evidences of careful breeding and Intelligent care, and it is by far the best club exhibit which has ever been seen in Detroit or Michigan.

There are about forty fine cats on exhibition, some of them having a string of half a dozen or more blue ribbons which they have won at various shows. The Angoras are, of course, the most attractive, though the short-haired varieties are very handsome. Mrs. N. S. McIntyre, who has a fine collection on exhibition, lost one Angora yesterday. These cats are very nervous, and the noise yesterday morning was too much for the poor little thing and it was frightened to death. It was a fine tortoise shell and white cat. Mrs. McIntyre has three beautiful white Angora kittens, one of them being a fine blue-eyed specimen, which is rare.

Mrs. J. C. De Wing has several fine Angoras. One female, Marguerite, has two beautifully marked kittens. Tempest and Rex are also first prize winners. Among the larger types of the Angora, Rajah, a big, handsome cat belonging to Mrs. W. H. Bixby, is easily first. He defeated his father, Mrs. J. C, Ellis' Tam O'Shanter, for the blue ribbon yesterday. Both of these are large, brown tabbies.

[Cat judge – Dr. J.L. Younghusband.]
Mrs. W. J. Stanton, tortoise, Jaberwock, first prize.
Mrs. W. J. Stanton, tortoise and white, Bable, first prize. .
Mrs. H. Tinck. Tortoise and white, Flora, second prize.
Mrs. E. F. Hailey. brown tabby (male), Dick Turpin, first prize.
Mrs. E. F. Hailey, brown tabby (female), Tabitha, second prize.
Mrs. Pope, brown tabby (female), Nina, second prize.
William Garner, brown tabby (female), Toots, third prize.
Mrs. E, F. Halley, silver tabby (male), Pretty Boy, first prize.
Mrs. Hatch, silver tabby (male), Jack, second prize.
Miss M. Harroun, brown tabby, Mr. Dooley, first prize.
William Garner, chinchilla cat, Gypsy Queen, first prize.
Mrs. H. Tinck, orange tabby, Florodora, first prize.
Mrs. R. R. O'Connor, black (neuter), Nig, first prize.
Mrs. C. W. Southwell, blue and white (neuter), Tom, first prize.
Mrs. McLean, tabby and white (neuter), Tiddlewink, first prize.

Mrs. N. S. Mclntyre, white Angora, Cadillac, first; Corporal, second, Cavalier, third prize.
Mrs. A. S. Muire, black and white (female), Toosie, first prize.
Mrs, W. H. Bixby, brown and gray tabby (male), Rajah, first prize.
Mrs. J. Ellis, brown and gray tabby (male), Tom O'Shanter, second prize.
Mrs. McLean, brown and gray tabby (female), Turzo, first prize.
Mrs. G. N. Smith, orange (male), Keito, first prize.
Mrs. J. S. Owen, orange (male), Rufus, second prize.
Mrs. Charles Bewick, tabby (female), Marigold, first prize.
Mrs. G. N. Smith, orange tabby (female), Pixie, second prize.
Mrs. J. C. DeWing, tortoiseshell, Marguerite, first prize.
Mrs. C. W. Southwell, any other color, Blackie, first prize.

Mrs. C. H. Seitz, yellow and white, Tom, first; Punch, second; Judy, third prize.
Mrs. J. C. DeWing, orange (male), Tempest, first prize.
Mrs. G. N. Smith, brown tabby, Betty, first prize.
Mrs. J, C. DeWing, orange (neuter), Rufus II., first prize.
Mrs. J. C. DeWing, orange and white, Teddy, first prize.

ARISTOCRATIC TABBIES– Detroit Free Press, December 28th, 1902
The management of the cat exhibit that will be a feature of the pet stock show at the Light Guard armory, January 7 to 10, announced yesterday that the entry list is already much larger than had been anticipated, and that nearly all of the prize winners of recent shows will be on hand. Prosper Le Gai owned by Mrs. M. C: Blount, of Wayne, Mich., is among the entries, and will be a much admired exhibit. This is a strikingly beautiful cat, with pure white fur and blue eyes. Mrs. Blount will also show the imported, white cat, Victoria, and some others less famous.

Cusic Menelik Shireen, another famous feline, owned by the Cusic Cattery, at Romeo, Mich., is also entered. This cat is a daughter of Menelik III., owned by Mrs. Bond, of Washington, D.C., which will also be shown. Mrs. Josiah Cratty, of Oak Park, Ill., will show her fine collection of white cats. No breeder in America has been more conscientious or careful in breeding and importing than Mrs. Cratty, and her reward is in the large number of firsts and specials that come to her wherever her pets are shown. Mrs. Locke, president of the Beresford Cat Club of America, will not only send her cats, but has contributed some beautiful special prizes.


BARNYARD AND FIRESIDE PETS – Detroit Free Press, 4th January, 1903
[. . .] will gather at the Light Infantry Armory next Tuesday, January 7, and until Saturday night will show the results of their years of breeding. The show will probably be the biggest,of the kind yet held in Detroit, the promoters claiming for it the largest number of entries, and a greater variety. Of exhiblts than that at any previous poultry show.

While the exhibit is generally referred to as a ‘‘poultry show" simply, it will not be restricted to the barnyard pet. The cat department will be a distinct show, of course, and will be peopled by a grand array of the aristocrats of the feline world. [. . .] The opening will be on Wednesday forenoon, but the formal exercises will be on the evening of the same day, when Mayor Maybury, Congressman- elect Lucking and a number of city and county officials will attend.

The feature of the show that will appeal to the wives, mothers and children will be the exhibition of the cat ‘‘400" and all their kittens. Cats whose value runs into the hundreds of dollars, and others that the price of a ton of coal would purchase will be there. Cats from Ohio, Illinois, Michigan, New York, Boston, Washington and many of the kits that repose peacefully at the firesides of Detroit homes will- be shown. Mrs. D. Clinton Locke, of Chicago, president of the Beresford Cat Club of America, will send her "Lucy Claire," imported from England after winning at the Crystal Palace and other shows, and at Chicago and Detroit last year. Mrs. Locke has donated a silver cup and the Beresford Cat Club two silver medals.

Mrs. Josiah Cratty of Oak Park, Ill., is one of the most careful and conscientious of breeders, and her beautiful white cats are known all over the country. A fine exhibit will be her contribution to the show. Miss Maude C. Blount, of Wayne, Mich., is another fancier known far and wide as the owner of ‘‘Prosper le Gal," a most beautiful white cat with the blue eyes so much desired but so infrequently obtained by the breeders. Her "Victoria," "Donald" and others are equally as well known, and will be out for the blue ribbons and specials.

Mrs. S. Hazen Bond, of Washington, will not only send some of her best kits, but has donated two silver cups that any fancier may be proud to possess. Mrs. Bond Is the owner of that famous black cat "Menelik III," who has sired more winners than any other cat in America. He Is an unbeaten champion and is always surrounded by an Interested group whenever shown.. "Shadu l'Mulk," "Rostum," "Mr. Toodles" and many others are in her extensive kennels at Washington and her entry will add much to the success of the show.

Mrs W. M. Chapman, of Romeo, Mich., owner of Cusic Cattery, is perhaps better known in Detroit than any of the other outside fanciers. Her "Prince Rupert" is the father of three champions and any number of first prize winners, and his get seldom fall to secure a ribbon. Many of the cats raised by Mrs. Chapman have found homes in Detroit and will be shown, together with fifteen belonging to the Cusic Cattery. The other entries will have to look well to their laurels.

It is expected that from one hundred to one hundred and fifty of these household mice catchers will be ready to receive visitors next Thursday morning, and from then until the show closes Saturday night society is expected to turn out in full numbers to inspect the pets that are claiming the attention at so many of Its members.

POULTRY SHOW A BIG AFFAIR – Detroit Free Press, 8th January, 1903
There was no pomp or display to the opening of the Poultry and Cat show at the Light Infantry armory yesterday, but the fanciers were on hand in big numbers, and any ceremony that was lacking was made up for by manifestation of interest displayed on all sides. The show is held under the auspices of the Michigan State and Detroit Poultry and Pet Stock associations, and has all the earmarks of being a success. [. . . ] the cat exhibition is a big one. while the Belgian hares held their own in numbers compared to the exhibits of previous years. All of the classes in the various departments have filled well, some-thing not recalled by the oldest fancier at the show. The cooping was all completed yesterday, and by 1 o'clock in the afternoon the Belgian hares were safely installed in their quarters on the second floor adjoining the room occupied by the cats. Mrs. Charles H. Lane, of Chicago, Judge at the cat show, was on hand last night, and stated that the exhibition was a good one, the class of the exhibits being a big improvement. Those who have representatives on the cat bench are W. M. Chapman, of Romeo, Mich.; Maud C. Blaunt, of Wayne, Mich.; E.E. Calkins, of Ann Arbor; W.S. Potts, of Jackson; Mrs. Avery Franklin, of Detroit, and others.

CAT FANCIERS PLEASED - Detroit Free Press, 11th January, 1903
The co-operation of the leading cat fanciers of Detroit and, in fact, all over the state, for this show has proved beyond a doubt the many advantages of having a cat department in a poultry exhibition. It attracts the ladies, who go to see the pusseys while their husbands want to see the poultry. The cats are an added attraction, and the success of this end of the show which closed yesterday was phenomenal. Yet this could not have been accomplished without a capable and efficient manager, in Charles D. Bennett, who carried the department to the success attained, both these qualities are combined. Not only is he a cat fancier of the first order, but his management is faultless. In most cat shows the ladies are all jealous of the qualifications of their respective pets, and dissensions are frequent. Here it was different. With his smooth, easy, genial way Manager Bennett accomplished the colossal task of keeping the women satisfied all around, and not a man in the place envied him his job or is looking for his place next year. For the first time in the memory of the oldest exhibitor there was not one word of complaint, and the increased interest has been marvelous. The sales this year have increased in the same proportion, and many fanciers who have been satisfied in the past with ordinary breeds have this year paid fancy prices for blooded cats with pedigrees. Mrs. C. H. Lane, the judge from the Beresford Cat Club in Chicago, says it has been one of the most successful cat exhibits she has seen in a long time, and if the fanciers keep up the interest next year's show will be a championship exhibition. She says the Beresford club will contribute at least four silver medals and some championship cups. The American cat show committee rules will govern the contest, and she thinks there ought to be at last 200 entries.

NEW IDEAS IN POULTRY SHOW – Detroit Free Press, 22nd March, 1903
The executive committee of the Detroit Poultry and Pet Stock Association, which gave a successful show last winter, met Tuesday evening and transacted business that means much to the poultry, cat and pet stock interests of Detroit and Michigan. The Detroit association commenced its plans for a larger and better show for next winter as soon as the doors closed on their 1903 show, but before making any definite arrangement the executive committee decided to find out what the sentiments were of the various breeders throughout the state.

With this end in view correspondence has been carried on by Secretary Dan Thomas, and General Manager Bennett, whose business takes him into all parts of the state, has been interviewing fanciers, explaining this and receiving congratulations on the excellence of last winter's show and especially on its prompt cash settlement on the last day. The replies received and the personal opinions expressed to the general manager were all in favor of Detroit for next winter's show.

With the support of the state poultry men assured, the executive committee have contracted with the Detroit Light Infantry for the use of the armory for the week commencing Monday, January 4. Poultry exhibits will be received until 10 a.m. on Tuesday, and the aristocratic cats and pet stock are given until Wednesday morning to appear, having only those days in which to fascinate the admiring public, longer time being considered detrimental to beauty and temper. That which will appeal to the fanciers most is the fact that the show will close on Friday night at 10 o'clock, thus giving every exhibit the privilege of spending the peace and quiet of its own hennery or cattery or doggery.

The cat department will be under the auspices of the Beresford Cat Club of America, the Michigan annex of which was organized this week. Mrs. Wm. Chapman, of Romeo, who has just been appointed honourable vice-president of the Beresford Cat Club of Michigan, was elected president of the annex, Mrs. Avery Franklin of Detroit, second vice-president, Mrs. M.C. Blount, of Wayne, secretary, and Mrs. W.W. O'Brien of Detroit, treasurer. The rules of the American cat show committee will govern and this means a championship contest, with all the challenge and championship cups of the Beresford Cat club to compete for, as well as the medals that are always offered by this progressive association. These inducements will bring cats from all of the country, and additions space has already been arranged for to take care of the felines.

Many requests have been received asking the association to give a dog show in connection, and the matter is being seriously considered. Judges Tucker and Butterfield, who were so satisfactory to the poultry fanciers last year, have been re-engaged and it is expected that Mrs. C. H Lane, of Chicago, will again place the ribbons on the cats.

offered the cats must be of the very best quality. The morning repast consists of lean ground sirloin steak from which even the tiniest particle of fat has been removed. The noon lunch is of cream especially ordered from one of the wholesale milk dealers, while grocery stores have been called upon to deliver the choicest of canned salmon for the evening meal. "Wonder Boy," "Creamery King," "Major Domo," and other pedigreed pussies will gaze in awe at the champion of champions. "Silver Dyke," the most famous Silver Persian cat in the world. His value has been estimated by competent authorities in both this country and England to be anywhere from $1,000 to $10,000. His owner, Mrs. D. J. Owens, of this city, is quite sure that the higher figure does not nearly represent his true value. His majesty will sleep on the downiest of eider cushions under a canopy of richest royal purple.

PET STOCK SHOW IS NEXT – Detroit Free Press, 13th December, 1903
[. . . ]Three clubs are represented, the International Poultry, Pigeon and Pet Stock club, the Detroit Pigeon club and the Detroit Cat club. The show of the latter organization, which will be the big special feature, will be held through Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Anyone owning a handsome cat, either short- or long-haired, will do well to enter it in the cat show. Pets with any pretensions to comeliness will have a chance to display their charms regardless of blue-blooded sires and dams. Nearly forty prizes, including six sterling silver challenge cups offered by the National Cat Club of Chicago, will be awarded. The rules prescribe that these cups must be won three times before becoming permanent property, and the lucky feline must be adjudged the best in its class in competition with all others of the same class at the show. Other cups are offered in the various classes, and Miss Leoppner presents $1 50 for the cat that returns home from the longest distance. The Detroit Cat club will present ribbons to the largest cat in the show and to the one of heaviest weight, long or short-haired. Besides a number of cash prizes, there is a big merchandise prize list.

Among those offering prizes are Mrs. W. H. Bixby, Mrs. E. R. Hill, Mrs. E. Hailey, Mrs. J. S. Owen, Mrs. G. Trees, Miss Louise Loeppner, Mrs. Berwick, Mrs. Eaton, Mrs. Tilitson, Mrs. Elmar, Mrs. James Carney, Mrs. Everett Davis, Mr. and Mrs. J A. Ubsdell, Mrs. M. M. Mitchell, of Chicago; Miss Alice Crooker, of Springfield, O., and Mrs. Ed. Rice, of Flint, Mich.

Among the blue-blooded cats exhibited will be Mrs. J. S. Owen's "Rufus," a highly prized solid orange, with the rare combination of deep colored orange eyes; "Hawthorne," a great prize winner, owned by Mrs. A. H. Baker, of Chicago; "Ravenswood Hamish," an imported orange Persian belonging to Mrs. Frederick W. Story, of Chicago; "Silver Frills," the property of Mrs. Welch, and "Istar," one of Mrs. Lindsey A. Woodward's prize winners. Famous cats and kittens from all parts of the United States and Canada will be exhibited. The cat show proper, which is being conducted by the Detroit Cat club, will last from December 15 to December 17 Inclusive. The commonest household pots with any claim to beauty will be welcomed.

MICHIGAN CAT CLUB SHOW – Detroit Free Press, 13th December, 1903
The Michigan Cat club has decided to hold its exhibition in February, in connection with the automobile show. The exhibition will be' held under the American Cat Show rules.

Cats were the main attraction at the Detroit Poultry, Pigeon, and Cat show at the Light Infantry armory yesterday, and the attendance was larger than on any other day. Over 700 visited the cat show on Wednesday and it is estimated that many more than that number saw the animals yesterday.

The prizes in the cat department were announced yesterday, Mrs. F. J. Sarmiento, of Detroit, acting as judge. Ravenswood Angus, 6 months old, owned by Mrs. P. W. Storey, of Chicago, Ill., carried off the honors of the show, scoring ninety-six and one-half points and thus winning a championship ribbon. This cat has already won one ribbon, and should it win another before it is a year old, it will break the world's championship record now held by Johnie Fawe, of England. This cat also won three cups, the Owens challenge cup for best cat, the Wright, Kay & Co. cup, for best cat, and the Colburn cup for best eyes and type

The surprise of the show was the Silver Tabby, Pretty Boy, owned by Mrs. E. F. Hailey. This cat is said to be perfectly marked and scored ninety-five points, beating the record made last year at Cleveland by Commissioner. The short-haired cat, Smoke, owned by Miss Lizzie Brown, was also warmly praised by the judges and is one of the few cats that will be entered from Detroit In the Chicago show. The cat carrying off the largest number of special prizes was the Champion, Miss Detroit, owned by the Owena cattery. The heaviest cat is Albert Edward, weighing ten pounds and nine ounces, and is owned by Dr. J. S. Niven, of London, Ont. Regular and special prizes were awarded as follows:

Long-Haired Cat.
White - Male: First, True Blue II., Mrs. M. C. Gay. Female: First, Miss Detroit, Owena cattery; second, Miss Detroit II., Owena cattery.
Blue — Male: First, Ravenswood Angus, Mr« F. W. Storney; second, Albert Edward, McBeth Nevins.
Black - Male: First. Hawthorne, Mrs A. H Baker; second, Zulu King, Mrs. Hugh King; third, Black Cupid, Owena cattery. Female: First, Princess Rajah, Owena cattery; second, Jermima, Miss W. Potis; third, Black Patti, Owena cattery.
Orange — Male: First, Rufus, Owena cattery.
Cream and white — Male: First, Theodore, Mrs M C Gay. Female: First, Gloryanna, Mrs. Charles Bewick.
Silver tabby — Female: First, Pompie and two kittens, Mrs. Charles Bewick.
Brown or gray - Male: First, Abati Ben Adhem, Mrs. Annetta Pease.
Brown tabby - Female: First, Baby Dean, Mrs. Murrie
Tortoiseshell — Female: First, Ruperta, Owena cattery: second, Joan of Arc, Owena cattery.
Tortoiseshell and white — Female: First, Spotted Queen, Mrs. G. Tries.
A.O.C. — Male: First, Rubin, Mrs. Chas. Bewick. Female: First, Johanna, Owena cattery; second, Rainbow Queen II., Hugh
E. King; third, Dorothy, Mrs. Annetta Tease.

Neuter — Long-Haired.
A.C.T. — First, Rajah, Mrs. Bixby; second, Billie, Charles Roe.

Kittens — Long-Haired.
White and black — First, Sweet William, Mrs. Charles Bewick; second, Amber, Miss Pitts; third, Pauline, Mrs. J. Vivian.
Black, white or blue — First, Victoria, Dr. J. S. Nevin.
Broken color — First, Fitz James, Mrs. Hugh King; second, Area, Owena cattery.
Self-colored — First, Boy Blue, Mrs. Bixby; second, Ravenswood Edgar, Alexander Hannum.

Short-Haired Cats.
Black — Male: First, Blackie, Mrs. Lizzie Brown.
Silver tabby — Male: First, Pretty Boy, Mrs. E. F. Hailey. Female: First, Gyp, Mrs. Garner; second, Abbie, Owena cattery.
Tortoiseshell — Female: First, Monkey Face, Miss L. Brown; second, Madam Cadillac, Owena cattery.
Smoke — Male: First, Smoke, Miss L. Brown. Female: First, Baby, Miss L. Brown.
Manx - Male: First, Nigger. R. M. Hoff. Female: First, Minnie, L. Hoffmyer.

Neuters — Short-Haired.
A.O.C. tabby — First, Jackey Boy, Mrs. F. Hatch.

Kittens — Short-Haired.
Tabby — First, Monk, Mrs. Garner.

Cats and Kittens — Lomg-Haired.
Cats and kittens — First, Tootsie and kittens, Mrs J. Murrie; second, Daisy and kittens, Mrs. J. Murrie.

Special Prizes.
Best orange — Ravenswood Edgar, Alexander Hannum, Los Angeles, Cal., National Cat club championship cup.
Best White — Miss Detroit, Owena cattery, C.P. & P.S. challenge cup.
Best black — Hawthorne, Mrs. A. N. Baker, Chicago, Ill., N. F. & B. association cup.
Best tortoiseshell — Ruperta, Owena cattery. N.F. & B. association cup.
Best blue — Ravenswood Angus, Mrs. Frederick W. Storey, Chicago, Ill., Mrs. J. S. Owens challenge cup.
Best orange or blue novice — Fitzjames, Mrs. Hugh B. King, Chicago, Ill., Ravenswood cattery sterling cup.
Best black female — Princess Rajah, Owena cattery, sterling souvenir spoons, Mrs. M. M. Whitehall.
Best long-haired kitten — Victoria, Dr. J. S. Niven, London, Ont., water color by Miss Alice G. Crocker.
Best A. G. tabby — Tootsie, Mrs. J. Murrie, by Mrs. Edward Rice.
Best brown tabby — Abou Ben Adhem, Mrs. Netta Pease, Boston fern by Asman & Dunn.
Best short-haired — Pretty Boy, Mrs. E. H. Hailey, $1 by J. C. Edwards.
Best blue white points — Tootsie, A. Murie, subscription to cat journal by Mrs. A. R. Hill.
Silver tabby, male — Pretty Boy, Mrs. E. Hailey, hand-painted plate by Mrs, E. Hailey.
Best cat owned by D. C. C. members — Champion Miss Detroit, Owena cattery, $5 by Mrs. J. A. Ubsdell.
Best short-haired neuter — Jockey Boy, Mrs. F. Hatch, one year subscription to cat journal, Mrs. E. R. Hill.
Best cream white points — Theodore, Mrs. M. C. Gay, prize $2.50.
Best S. H. tortoiseshell — Monkey Face, Mrs. L. Brown, prize $2.50.
Best long-haired — Ravenswood Angus, Mrs. F. W. Storey, sterling cup by Wright, Kay & Co.
Best amber-eyed — White Amber, Mrs. Potts, Ypsilanti, pillow by Mrs. G. Tries.
Silver tabby, female, S. H. — Gypso, Mrs. Garner, centerpiece by Miss Louise Toeppner.
Best blue novice — Blue Boy, Mrs. Bixby, Dresden china plate by Mrs. Bewick.
Best smoke — Smoke, Mrs. T. Brown, cat collar by Mrs. Tillotson.
Best long-haired neuter — Quality, Mrs. E. J. Hickey, vase by Mrs. Elmer.
Largest cat — Albert Edward, Dr. Niven, London, Ont., D. C. ribbon.
Second best orange, male — Rufus, Owena cattery, Boston fern and jardeniere by Charles Warncke.
Best long-haired tortoise and white — Spotted Queen, Mrs. G. Tries, $1 by Mrs. Joseph Carney.
Heaviest eat — Albert Edward, Dr. J. S. Niven, D. C. C. ribbon.
Best blue-eyed white, female — Champion Miss Detroit, Owena cattery, cut glass bowl by Mrs. H M. Davis.
Best tortoiseshell and white — Spotted Queen, Mrs. G. Tries, book by Mrs. J.S, Owen.
Best white — Champion Miss Detroit, Owena cattery, three boxes cat food, Mr. Royce.
Cat winning most prizes in D.C.C. — Champion Miss Detroit, Owena cattery, $5 by Mrs. Ubsdell.
Best blue-eyed white — Champion Miss Detroit, Owena cattery, $3 by J. W. Dyrenforth.
Best silver tabby, S. H. male — Pretty Boy, Mrs. E. Hailey, cat journal.
Best kitten, any color — Monk, Mrs. Garner, cat journal.
Best white — Champion Miss Detroit, Owena cattery, cat crate by Mrs. W. K. Colburn.
Best L. H. white — Blue Eyes, Owena cattery, cat basket by Miss Bstella Ward, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Best black, male — Hawthorne, Mrs. A. H. Baker, book by J. S. Owen.
Second best black, male — Zulu Boy. Mrs. H. E. King, book by Mrs. J. S. Owen.
Best brown tabby, neuter, without white — Billie, Charles Roe, calendar by Mrs. F. N. Storey.
Best eyes and type — Ravenswood Angus, Mrs. F. N. Storey, challenge cup by Mrs. W. E. Colburn.
N. C. C. of A. championship ribbons awarded to champion Miss Detroit, Hawthorne, Ravenswood Angus, Ravenswood Edgar, Abou Ben Adhem and Ruperta.


PET STOCK – Detroit Free Press, 6th February, 1904
Entry blanks for the Michigan Cat club show, Light Guard armory, February 19 and 20, are out. Mrs. Avery Franklin, 481 McGraw avenue, is the secretary. Entries close on Saturday next.


Detroit has had dog shows, and pure food shows, and automobile shows, and poultry shows, but now comes the announcement that Detroit is to have a real, genuine cat show. Detroit has had cat shows before, but, as a general rule, the feline pets were a subsidiary attraction to poultry, dogs and other animals. This time cats alone are to hold sway. The Michigan Cat club, a chapter of the Beresford Cut club of America, have had plans in view for several weeks and now they announce that the show will be held in the early part of February, and that the place of exhibition may be the Wheelman hall.

At a business meeting of the club held at the home of Mrs, Rosine Allchyn, 25 High street west, W. M. Chapman, of Romeo, was elected manager of the enterprise, Officers of the Michigan Cat club are: Mrs. Geneva Chapman, of Romeo, president; Mrs. F. Blunt, of Wayne, secretary, and Mrs. Smith, of Detroit, treasurer. All are most ardent cat enthusiasts, and are determined to make an annual Cat show a fixture in Detroit.

Mrs. Allchyn has one of the finest cats in the state. She possesses one of the largest cats in Michigan, and what bids fair to become one of the largest animals in the country. The animal is called Dickinson. It is a huge Angora tabby, fourteen months old. In spite of his tender age, "Dick," as his mistress affectionately calls him, already tips the scales at 15-and-a-half pounds. Dickinson is the proud father of four beautiful little kittens, of which Sin, who is as black as her name implies, is the happy mother. Bubbles, aged six months, although perhaps not as valuable an animal as the others is Mrs, Allchyn's favorite. He is a beautiful white Angora with long, silky hair. His age is six months. Mrs. Allchyn expects to exhibit all these animals.

While Angora cats probably will be exhibited in greater numbers, the exhibition is by no means confined to the long-haired specimens. Detroit women possess a number of valuable cats of the common, domestic variety, and it is expected that there will be a keen competition among these for trophies. Numberless cats will be brought in from the state, and it fs thought that Chicago cats will be shown here in great numbers. Mrs. H, G. Dykehouse, of Grand Rapids, has a fine collection of animals and is the proud possessor of what is commonly known as the $1,000 cat house. An animal in which she takes great pride and which has won a number of-trophies, is Nita. Nita is a silver-cream Angora, and it is said that Mrs. Dykehouse would not be induced to part with her for any money. Nita's kittens are valued at $125.

The women are exceedingly enthusiastic over the coming exhibition and hope to make it a financial success. This is the first time in years that Detroit has been favored with a show solely for cats and the first time in two years that cats have been shown here at all.

TABBIES OF HIGH DEGREE – Detroit Free Press, 29th December, 1905.
At a meeting of the Michigan Cat club, held yesterday afternoon at the Griswold house, attended not only by the club officials but by a number of local admirers of the feline race as well, plans for the coming cat show to be held under American Cat club rules February 6, 7, 8, at. Philharmonic hall, were discussed. The local kennel club will have nothing on the ladies in the line of exhibition, for they purpose to have shown 4iere the most famous cats of this country.

There is every reason to, believe that the show will be the best ever attempted in this part of the country. Following the Cleveland show, where one of the greatest exhibitions of the middle west is being planned, the Michigan Cat club has been assured most of the entries that will be seen at the Ohio exhibition. Other leading owners, who will not show their pets at Cleveland, have assured the Michigan association that they will take in the Detroit show. The local club has been fortunate in securing the co-operation of Mrs. Elizabeth Brace, secretary of the Lockhaven club, of Rochester, N. Y. Mrs. Brace will manage the Cleveland show, where she will exhibit, her famous Blue Gentian. This valuable cat will also be seen at the local show.

THE MICHIGAN CAT CLUB – Detroit Free Press, 10th January, 1906
The Michigan Cat Club will give a CAT SHOW under American Cat Association rules, at Philharmonic Hull, Detroit, February 6, 7 and 8, 1906.Information, catalogues and entry blanks will be furnished by addressing Mrs. IH. C. Blount, secretary, Wayne, Mich.

COMING POULTRY, PET STOCK AND CAT SHOW – Detroit Free Press, 12th January, 1906
The Michigan State Poultry association held its regular weekly meeting at the Griswold house Tuesday evening, about seventy-five enthusiastic breeders being present, among them being several from the state. Mayor George S. Barnes, of Battle Creek, who is one of the oldest members of the association, made a very interest address, and dwelt largely on the subject of one show for Detroit every year [. . .] Everything looks promising for the big show, January 27 to February 1, to be held at the Light Guard armory. Premium lists can be secured from T.F. Millspaugh, secretary, 615 La Salle avenue, Detroit. The next meeting will be held at the Griswold house January 23. This will be the last before the show.

Detroit is to be favoured in the fact that she is to entertain a real "pussy cat show." After February 6, 7, and 8 we feel confident that the Michigan Cat club will carry off such honors as to claim wholly and without prejudice the coveted reputation of having held the most successful cat show yet.

Of all attractive little creatures in the world of animals, none can compare with the dainty, vivacious kitten. No other animals is so changeable in contour, expression and markings, nor, as has been said, comes so near solving the problem of perpetual motion.

In Philharmonic hall, on the above dates, the members of the Michigan Cat club will take pleasure in showing some of their beautiful household pets, a few of whose pictures appear today. Some little ladies, as well as little gentlemen, of "high degree" will be shown, and it is promised that some of the proud mamma cats will bring their little families. No other animals are so interesting in their family life as are cats, the proud, patient mother softly purring, and rarely resenting the frolicsome liberties of her kittens.

Mrs. Beace, of Rochester, N.Y., has offered to send some cats. Among them will be her famous Blue Gentian. Mrs. Bixby, of Chicago, will send her recently imported blue male, Anthos of Thorpe. Mrs. Clinton Locke, of Chicago, will send some of her pets, one deserving of particular mention being Lucy Claire, a beautiful and famous smoke; it is said that her equal has never been found. Mrs. Dykehouse of Grand Rapids, will bring a number of her cats; her beautiful blue eyed white male, "Y-Brennin Gynn," imported last summer from England, will be here. His value is up in the three figures. Mrs. Dykehouse will also send "Gavetta," who as just won her championship. She is a beautiful tortoise[shell], bred at the Cusic cattery, and is a queen among cats.

Mrs. Chapman, of Romeo, will send about fifteen of her renowned pets. They are the "crowned heads of catdom." Mrs. Calkins of Ann Arbor, will exhibit some of her pets; one of them, Ariel, whose picture appears today, a most beautiful masked silver, promises to become famous. Mrs. Blount and Mrs. J.W. Smith, of Wayne, will be represented by their fine pets. Mrs. Smith's masked silver, Moke, is a very beautiful cat. Mrs. Mark Brewer, of Pontiac, will exhibit her chinchillas, Nita II., whose picture is shown, a beautiful 6-months-old daughter of Nita, owned by Mrs. Dykehouse; Altarek, owned by Mrs. Dosch, of Dayton. O., and Silver Rimes II., a daughter of the illustrious Blessed Damozel and Jack Frost. Mrs. Breweer feels justified in looking forward to a great future for these blue-blooded pets. She will also show a handsome pure white, blue-eyed cat.

Many beautiful prizes have been offered outside of the club – all sorts of tempting things for the pussies to strive for. Naturally each lady will feel that her pet must win, but the general good feeling which exists among the cat lovers precludes any feeling other than generosity towards the rivals.

Feline aristocracy in all its splendour and exclusiveness will be one of the most attractive features of the Michigan State Poultry association and cat show to be held at the Light Guard armory commencing January 23. Over 150 representatives of the 400 of catdom are coming from various parts of the United States and Canada to show off their multitudinous charms for sweet charity's sake. The proceeds of this beauty show are to go towards founding a shelter for little homeless dumb creatures, in whose welfare nobody seems to have an interest. The idea originated with the Detroit Cat club, under whose auspices the show is to be held.

Some of the feline blue bloods have wonderful pedigrees. One of these is the famous Albert Edward – known to his intimates as Teddy – a most pompous and exclusive fellow, who hails from Canada. Miss Detroit, who has brought fame to local cat society as the winner of many prizes at home and abroad, will also be there. There will be cats with long hairs, cats with short hairs, blacks and whites, blues and silvers, smokes and Chinchillas; Angoras and all the others that stand aloof from the common cat which wanders through back alleys and howls throughout the night.

The officers of the club are: President, Mrs. J.S. Owen; first vice-president, Mrs. E.B. Hill; second vice-president, Miss Anna Wilsey; third vice-president, miss H.L. Mellus; treasurer, Mrs. E.F. Hailey, and secretary, Mrs. N.F. Mclean. Anyone interested in the cause of outcast domestic animals or wishing to enter their pets in the coming show may address Mrs. N.F. Mclean, 179 Bagg Street.

SHOW OPENS SUNDAY – Detroit Free Press, 28th January, 1906
One of the most novel features of the Michigan State Poultry and Pet Stock show — in connection with which the Detroit Cat club, also, will conduct an exhibition — at Light Guard armory, is the fact that the show will be open to the public on Sunday. [. . .] The cat department will be a big attraction to me women and children, and fully 100 cats from all over the country will be on hand by Tuesday morning, when this branch of the show will open.

FELINES GET PRIZES – Detroit Free Press, 1st February, 1906
All attendance records at the poultry and cat show in the Light Guard armory were broken yesterday, the hall being thronged afternoon and evening with those who came to pay their respects to the beauties in fur and feathers. [. . .] The judging is now complete in both poultry and cat departments and the prize ribbons are in place. The handsome special prizes offered by various cat fanciers are on exhibition in a glass showcase, and present a fine array of silver, glassware, pictures and a limitless variety of other things. The following special awards have been announced in the cat department.

Silver cup, offered by Mrs. F.J. Hecker for best silver female, three wins necessary for permanent possession — Won by Mrs. F. J. Hecker.
Silver cup, offered by Mrs. J. S. Owen for best blue Angora, three wins necessary for permanent possession — Won by Dr. John Niven.
Silver cup, offered by Mrs. J. S. Owen for best tortoise shell, three wins necessary for permanent possession — Frank Courtney, Windsor.
Bronze medal, offered by National exhibition, of Toronto, Ont., for best long-haired cat or kitten — Dr. John Niven.
Bronze medal, offered by National exhibition for best short-haired cat — Miss Buford.
For best any other color male, offered by Mrs. E. M. Sloggy, of St. Paul, Minn. — Miss Jennie King, Haskins. O.
For best any other color female, offered by Mrs. Sloggy — Mrs. J. S. Owen.
For best black male in open call class, offered by Mrs. A. H. Baker, of Chicago - Mrs J.S. Owen.
For best orange female, offered by Mrs. M. M. Mitchell, of Chicago: Mrs. Georgie Tries.
For best orange male, offered by Mrs. W. R. Vorce, of Cleveland. O.: Mrs. J.W. Partlan.
For best black female, offered by Mrs. W. H. Bixby, of Chicago: Mrs J.S. Owen.
For best tortoise-shell novice, offered by Mrs. Charles Berwick: Frank Courtney.
For best cream or cream and white male, offered by Dr. Kaighn, of Newport, Ky.: j Mrs. K. Fenson
For best blue-eyed white in show, offered by Mrs. J. W. Partlan: Misses A. and J. Wilsey.
For best silver female, offered by Mrs. Georgie Tries: Mrs. F. J. Hecker. j
For best amber-eyed white female, offered by Mrs. E.R. Hailey: H. E. Daines.
For best white neuter, offered by Mrs. W. H. Woodruff: Mrs. J S. Owen
For best smoke female, offered by Dr. J.S. Owen: Misses A. and J. Wilsey.
For best any color with white, offered by the Misses A. and J. Wilsey: Mrs. N. F. McLean.
For best blue-eyed while male, offered by Mrs. A. W. Beal: Mrs. M. Austin.
For best orange male novice, offered by Mrs. J.S. Owen: Mrs. J. W. Partlan.
For second best any other color female, offered by Dr. John Niven: Mrs. N. F. McLean.
For best blue female, offered by Miss Wilsey: Dr. John Niven.
For best black and white kitten, offered by Miss Wilsey: Mrs. Murphy. |
For best cream or orange kitten, offered by Dr. J.S. Owen: Misses A. and J. Wilsey.
For second best orange male, offered by Mrs. N.F. McLean: Mrs. W.K. Wilson.
For best silver or shaded cat in the show, offered by Mrs. J. R. Cairns, of Mansfield, O. - Mrs. F. J. Hecker.
For best smoke or masked silver, offered by Dr. J.S. Niven —Mrs. C.E. Price.
For best blue male, offered by Detroit Cat club — Dr. John Niven.
For second best black neuter, offered by Mrs. W. K. Wilson —Mrs. Joseph Miles.
For best tortoise shell, offered by Mrs. W W. O' Brien - Frank Courtney.
For best blue female, offered by Detroit Cat club — Dr. John Niven.
For best brace of kittens, offered by Detroit Cat club — Misses A. and J Wilsey.
For second best silver female in the show, offered by Mrs. F. J. Hecker - Mrs. J.S. Owen.
Grand trophy offered by the Hoo Hoo society, three wins necessary for permanent possession, for best black cat in the show - Mrs J.S. Owen.
For best tortoise shell in the show, offered by Mrs. E. R. Hill — Mrs. J. S. Owen.
For best blue kitten in the show, offered by F.A. Jones, of New York: Mrs. A. Crystal.
For best long-haired kitten in the how, offered by F.A. Jones: Dr. John Niven.
For best amber-eyed white male, offered by F.A. Jones: For best blue female, offered by Mrs. C.H. Crystal, of Marshall: Dr. John Niven.
For the second best blue-eyed white female, offered by Mrs. C.H.Crystal: Mrs. J.S.Owen.
For the best chinchilla cat in the show, offered by Mrs. C.H.Crystal: Mrs. F.J. Hecker.
For the best black neuter, offered by H.W. Walker: Mrs. N.F. McLean.
For second best chinchilla novice, offered by Fred Postal – Mrs. J.S. Owen.
For best mother and kittens, offered by Fred Postal – Mrs. A. Chrystal.
For best team of orange cats, offered by Fred Postal – Mrs. W.K. Wilson.
For best tortoise-shell and white, offered by Mrs. J.S. Owen – miss K. Franklin.
For second best black female, offered by Mrs. N.F. McLean – Mrs. J.S. Owen.
For second best orange female, offered by Mrs. N.F. McLean – Mrs. Georgie Tries.
For best solid color novice, offered by Mrs. N.F. McLean – Mrs. J.W. Bartlan.
For best chinchilla novice, offered by Miss A.B. Wilsey – Mrs. Frank J. Hecker.
For best white female with blue eyes, offered by Mrs. F.J. Hecker – Miss Anna Wilsey.
For best pair of blue eyes on white female, offered by Mrs. F.J. Hecker – Mrs. J.S. Owen.

DETROIT WILL WELCOME CATS – Detroit Free Press, 12th November, 1906
Felines of All Kinds and Conditions to Be Here for Show in January.
Now that the "moulting" season is over and the long haired Persian felines who have emigrated to this country are donning their winter coats, the members of the Michigan Cat club are making extensive preparations for their annual show, to be held January 7, 8 and 9 in Light Guard armory. It is to beat anything of the sort ever held in this region. Prize cats will be here from all over the country and all the leading clubs of the United States will send their prize cups and medals for competition.

Though the show is to be held in connection with the Michigan State Poultry association's exhibit, the felines will no longer be obliged to mingle their aristocratic purrs and meouws with the vulgar crowing and cackling of their feathered enemies. The members of the cat club have arranged for the exclusive use of the down-stair drill hall, where their pets may be kept in quiet and allowed to sleep in peace during the daylight hours.

The Michigan Cat club is an organization of over 100 members, some of them cat lovers pure and simple, others of them cat fanciers with more or less of a leaning toward commercial gain. That the organization is growing rapidly is proven by the fact that twenty-two members were received at the last club meeting. Twenty-five applications are still waiting for action. "The objects of the club are the raising of the standard of both the short haired and long haired cat, the amelioration of the present condition of the waif cat and the education of the public to an appreciation of the value and beauty of the domestic cat," said Mrs Richard Hardy, of 71 Melbourne avenue, secretary of the organization.

"We expect this year to exhibit prize winning cats from New York, Rochester, Cleveland, Pittsburg, Chicago and many other cities. We are looking forward to the largest show ever held in Detroit. Cats will be judged under American Cat association rules, first wins in open classes counting toward championship.

"Though the greater number of cats entered will undoubtedly be on the long-haired variety, there will also be an exhibition of short haired cats, and any one owning a family cat is invited to enter it in competition at the show. The short haired English cat is beginning to receive considerable attention at the hands of some cat fanciers, and Miss Jane Cathcart owns a kennel devoted exclusively to the breeding and improvement of this animal. Her cats are all registered, after the fashion of long hairs, and it is her aim to give them an equal standing."

Just here the questioner learned something. It may be a puzzle to some people to understand why, a dozen years ago, all long-haired pussies were called Angoras, and why today the fanciers nearly always refer to them as Persians. It appears that the Angora comes primarily from Asia Minor, and that his hair is very woolly. The Persian variety of the animal, of course, hails from the land of Cyrus and the shah, and is peculiar for the extreme silkiness of the hair that covers his little body. It did not take many years after reaching America for these two varieties of the feline to become so interbred that their ancestry was hopelessly mixed. For some reason, not state, the silken haired puss came out victor in the fight for a common name, and the term Angora is gradually becoming obsolete.

And when you go to the cat show, and attempt to pick out the finest of the exhibited, with some degree of intelligence. Remember that the best animal isn't necessarily the prettiest from your point of view. The real aristocratic Persian has a broad forehead, short ears and a stubby nose. In fact it is to the cat family in general, what the Caucasian race is to mankind. The formation of its head approaches the vertical as much as is possible in a creature of its position in the ranks of creation. So don't call that pretty black puss a "pug." And if you have a pure white cat with clear blue eyes, just trot him down to the show. He is a wonder.

Among the members of the Michigan Cat club who have extensive kennels are Mrs. W. M. Chapman of Romeo, president of the club, who sometimes has in her kennels as many as seventy-five animals. Others are Mrs. J. N. Smith, of 83 Putnam avenue; Mrs. Hardy, of 71 Melbourne avenue, secretary of the club; Mrs. H. G. Dykehouse, of Grand Rapids, owner of one of the largest catteries In the United States, and Mrs. F. J. Hecker, who makes a speciality of "silvers." These women will of course be exhibitors, and in addition the following from different parts of the country are expected to send animals: Mrs. Clinton Locke, of Chicago, president of the Beresford Cat club, and the first person to bring Persian cats into this country; Miss Lucy Johnston, of Chicago, well known as a raiser of Silver Persians; Mrs. C. H. Lane, of Chicago, who also raises "silvers;" Mrs. A. H. Baker, of Chicago, whose specialties are "whites" and "brown tabbies;" Mrs. E. E. Calkins, of Ann Arbor; Mrs. Alice Barnes of Ypsilanti; Mrs. Luella Hodges, of Pittsburg; Mrs. Ebert Besse, of Chicago, and Mrs. Mark Brewer, of Pontiac.

Clubs to send challenge cups and medals are the Lockehaven Cat club, Buffalo Cat club, Boston Cat club, Beresford Cat club, and the Short Haired Cat society of America. There will also be a large number of special prizes. Those to have charge of the show are W. M. Chapman of Romeo, manager; J. H. Hamilton, of Detroit, assistant manager, and Mrs. Richard Hardy, of Detroit, secretary. The judges will be A. E. Field-Marshail, of Beansville, Ont., and Mrs. Oliver L. Dosch of Dayton, Ohio.

Mrs. Hardy, the club secretary, is the possessor of the Menalowan cattery, which contains within its precincts some very fine animals. Menalowan Strongheart, a black Persian male, by Blackthron which was imported from Asia Minor and Blackberry Fawe, imported from England, is of the pre-eminently ideal type. He has a short cobby body, short legs, short tail, broad skull with short ears, a "retroussι" nose and round full eyes. His color is dense enough to satisfy the longings of even Edgar Allen Poe, and in winter his fur is very long and thick. His mate, Menalowan Navajo, is also of distinguished Imported parentage, has six champions for near relatives and has herself never been beaten. Menalowan Rajah is a beautiful brown tabby, with the appearance of a young lion, and a muscle that rivals one. He has a large head and a heavy ruff, and his markings are a brilliant black on a tawny ground. He is a son of Champion Arlington Husoules, of England. His mate, Golden Rowan, is a worthy mate and their kittens combine the best sable tabby strains known in catdom. Every inhabitant of the Menalowan cattery boasts of being a first-class prize winner.

No matter how homely, scraggly or forsaken, no matter how hideous it makes night with its howls, the cat, who has been having a hard time of it since the days when the Egyptian bent an adoring knee to her feline majesty, has come into its own again. All over the country, people are beginning to awaken to the idea that the harmless necessary cat is worth harbouring, cultivating and loving, and nowhere is interest in her feline majesty growing at a greater pace than her in Detroit where some of the finest cats in the country are owned by prominent men and society women. The show to be given by the Detroit Cat club, December 19, 20 and 21, at Gaines's hall, 91 Broadway, is to be a very pretty expression of this revived interest in the cat – an interest which happily does not confine itself to the sleek, fireside tabby grown shiny and fat with rich milk and fine care, but in that most abject of all living things, the alley outcast who vents her spleen on an unfriendly world with back fence orgies.

For six years, ever since it was organized, the Detroit Cat club has had in view as its chief aim the erection of a shelter home for the smaller dumb animals. To work in conjunction with the Humane society in bettering conditions among Detroit's cat and dog world, to find a home for little animals just where they are wanted, to put starved, homeless creatures out of their misery, this is to be the aim of the Detroit Cat club – a work toward whose accomplishment the proceeds of the December show will be put.

Persons who have the interests of the animal world at heart, and who have studied conditions in other cities complain that Detroit is far behind. There seems to be lack of a sense of obligation in this regard. An emaciated animal whether it be a shivering dog on a street corner, a jaded horse struggling under the lash of a heartless driver, or a furtive cat slinking through an alley – only a few notice and these at best whisper "poor dumb things," and go on their way looking for more cheering sights.

To make every man, woman and child feel the responsibility of protecting the helpless dumb things against cruelty and neglect is a result for which earnest workers in behalf of animals are striving. The members of the Detroit Cat club are among the most ardent of these. Miss Hattie L. Mellus, secretary of the club, is the proud possessor of two common cats known to the initiated as "short hairs." One night Miss Mellus herd pitiful mews emerging from a dark alley. She traced the sound and discovered two very young kittens snuggled against an ash barrel. Evidently they had strayed or been evicted as superfluous adjuncts. Their cries betrayed hunger and cold and the scraggly condition of their coats proved that no-one was interested in their beauty. She picked them up and took them home. They are Philomena and Wilhelmina, whose pictures are show here, cats who, Miss Mellus declares, can do everything but hold oral converse. They can waltz and sing, "sit up" for tid-bits and perform such stunts that show men have offered goodly sums for the sleek little things, but Miss Mellus is too proud of her pets to part with them.

Miss Alice Woodruff, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Woodruff, of 280 Hudson Avenue, is a great worker among her schoolmates, in whom she is trying to instill sympathy and love for animals.

Detroit is becoming quite famous as the residence of some feline swells. Mrs. F.J. Hecker's Chinchilla kittens, her beautiful "Vita;" Mrs. C.A. Newcomb's "Donald Blair," one of the largest and most valuable in the city, and Mrs. W.C. McMillan's "Duchess of Glenfoyle." Miss Nellie M. Nettleton has several long haired beauties as have Mrs. Charles Bewick, the Misses Wilsey, Mrs. J.S. Owen, president of the club; Mrs. N. F. McLean, Mrs. Harry Normandin, Mrs. James W. Partlan, Miss Clute, Mrs. Harrie Newberry, and others. So much is interest in the humane side of the Detroit Cat club's work growing that within the last year several legacies have been left to aid in producing less misery among them. The late Mrs. D.M. Ferry, who owned beautiful cats, bequeathed a generous sum. Mrs. Newcomb, Mrs. W.C. McMillan, Mrs. Hecker, Mrs. Bewick, Miss Tinker, Mrs. Newberry and J.B. Hornung, have all contributed generously.

The show, which is to be held in Gaines's hall, will be composed of no less than 150 cats, including every variety from that known as "just cat" to the aristocratic Angora and the blue-blooded Siamese. From Chicago, Toronto and other parts of Canada, from eastern cities and all over Michigan will come the tabbies to show their charms before an admiring public. The rooms in which they are to be exhibited will be lavishly furnished in rugs and couches in real Oriental style as befits the languorous feline. All sorts of prizes, ranging from splendid silver trophies to money and hand-painted china, will be offered. Every cat, no matter how plebeian, is invited to compete, but most of all are all lovers of animals urged to lend encouragement and aid to this work of alleviation. Communications should be sent to Miss Hattie Mellus, 256 Joseph Campau avenue.

Officers of the club are: President, Mrs. J.S. Owen; first vice-president, Mrs. E.R. Hill; second vice-president, Miss Anna Wilsey; third vice-president, Miss E.H. East; treasurer, Mrs. E.F. Hailey, and secretary, Miss Hattie Mellus.

A CAT SHOW The Times Herald, 10th December 1906
One of the biggest cat shows ever held in the United States will be at the Light Guard armory, Detroit, on January 7, 8, 9, conducted by the Michigan Cat club. The show will be in connection with the exhibition of the Michigan State Poultry association.

[DETROIT CAT SHOW] The Windsor Star, 14th December 1906
Frank Courtney, janitor of the Collegiate institute, has entered his string of five Angora cats in the Detroit cat show to be held on Dec. 19, 20 and 21. Last year he was very successful, taking the silver cup and eleven prizes. He will give his competitors a good run for the cup this year.

Fully 150 prizes, including five silver challenge cups, will be awarded to the prize-winning cats exhibited at the first championship three-day cat show of the Detroit Cat club, which opens at noon next Wednesday in Gaines's dancing academy, 6 Broadway. The prizes will be on exhibit Monday in Wright, Kay & Co.'s window. About 200 felines are expected. They will be entered, not only from Detroit and surrounding towns, but from Chicago, Cleveland, Ottawa and other distant points. All proceeds of the show will be devoted to the establishment of a refuge home for the smaller dumb animals, as the Detroit Cat club is co-operating with the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in the furtherance of humane work.

The list of entries includes every description and breed of animals. Prominent cat breeders will show fine specimens of the different breeds and all varieties of long-haired and short-haired animals in all the wide range of colors characteristic of the cat tribe will be exhibited. In the open class of long-haired cats there will be thirty-six subdivisions, for white, black, blue-cream, orange, silver, chinchilla, brown, tortoise shell and particolored cats. In the long-hair novice class for cats that [have] never won a prize, there are thirty-three sub-divisions covering the same range of colors, while eight classes of kittens of the long-haired variety are provided for.

Among the twenty-one subdivisions of the short-hair open class provision is made for white, black, blue, orange, cream, smoke, brown, silver, tortoise shell, Siamese and Manx cats. Eight classes of short-hair novices and eight classes of short-hair kittens are also provided. A feature of the show will be the special class of short-hair cats entered by boys and girls. A special class of waif cats is also provided for, as it is the object of the cat club to encourage interest in this class of animals. No entries will be received after December 15. Information will be furnished by the secretary and treasurer, Miss Hattie Mellus, 256 Joseph Campau avenue. The president of the Detroit Cat club is Mrs. J. S. Owen, 282 Hudson avenue. Mrs. Laura Lehring Dosch will act as judge.

FELINES WIN MANY PRIZES – Detroit Free Press, December 21, 1906
Judging of the cats entered at the first championship cat show of the Detroit Cat Club, at 96 Broadway, kept the officers of the club busy all day yesterday. There was a large attendance of visitors, who followed the awarding of prizes with great interest. Mrs. Laura Zehring Dosch acted as judge. The prizes were cups, cash awards and special articles contributed by members of the club. With the exception of a few classes to be judged today, the list of awards is as follows:

One first prize and five special prizes: Trouser, Miss L. Bouchard.
One first and four specials: Queen Tricksy, Mrs. Edwin Mills; Crickett, Mrs. Owen.
One first and three specials: Tinkerine, Mrs. J.S. Owen; Bonnie, Mrs. J. Otler; Brownie, Mrs. W.L. Pearson; Sally, Mrs. Phoebe Fay; Belle of New York, Alice Woodruff; Saucy Flossie, Miss Mellus; Taffy, Mrs. Owen; Billy, Mrs. J. McClellan.
One first and two special: Don Caesar, Mrs. L.C. Mead; The Admiral, Tinker, and Bedela, Mrs. A. Wilsey; Owena Glenfoil, Mrs. J.S. Owen; Lady of the Lake, Mrs. F.W. Story; Queene Elene, Mrs. J.B. Smith; Brownie, F Courtney; Judge Parker, Mrs. Van Lien; Beauty, Mrs. L.H. Smith; Brushwood Siam, Mrs. W.E. Colburn.
One first and one special: Princess Patricia, Miss A. Wilsey; Argo, Mrs. F.W. Story; Brownie, Mrs. C.E. Price; Annie Rooney, H.E. Dewitt; Buster , Mrs. Paget; Prince Het, Mrs. A.L. Woods; Nibs, F. Courtney; Carila, Mrs. W.H. Potter; Major, Mrs. L.E. Robinson; Bonnie, Miss M. [illegible]; Prige, Leo Curtis; Princess[?] Lipton, Virginia [illegible].
First prize only: Pittsburgh Belle, Miss H.L. Mellus; Owena [illegible] –hanna, Mrs. Owen [illegible] , [???} Miss F. Courtney; Admiral [illegible] R Jenking; Miss [???] , Miss F. Courtney; Lady [???], Dr. Nivin; Rufus and [???], Mrs. Normandine; Augy, Mrs. E. Cowles.
Second prize only: Miss Detroit, Black Patti, Owena Christina and Owena Cupid, Mrs. J.S. Owen; Don Caesar III, Mrs. C.S. Mead; Beauty and Nibble, Mrs. Menzies; Ruperta, Mrs. Owen; Swipes, F. Courtney; Teddy, H.E. De Witt; Tinkeree, Miss Burlage; Prince Peter, Dr. Nivin; Shadow, Mr. Green; Rex, Miss Clute.
One first, one second and two specials: Bismark, Miss A. Wilsey; Nell, Miss McDiarmid.
One second and one special: Psycheta, Mrs. Owen; Mike, mrs. Kingsbury.
One special: teddy, Arthur Warren; Princess Rujah, Mrs. J.S. Owen, Togo, Mrs. W.K. Wilson; Ah Sid, Mrs. J. Partlan; ‘A.R. Dasher,' Mrs. F.W. Story; Pat, Mrs. George Baldwin; Fuzzie, Mrs. W.H. Gant; Sunshine, Mrs. W.H. Green; Wilhelmina, Miss Mellus.
Two specials: Lady Geraldine, Virginia Look.

[DETROIT CAT SHOW] The Windsor Star, 22nd December 1906
Frank Courtney, janitor of the Collegiate institute, has again been successful with his Angora cats at the Detroit cat show and has won the silver cup for the second consecutive year. Besides taking the cup, his five cats took prizes as follows: Brownie, first prize and two specials; Buttons, first prize; Miss Windsor, first prize; Nibs, first prize; Swipes, second prize. His cats have made a good showing every time they were exhibited.

One pun made yesterday saved several dollars for the cat show. Police Secretary Charles A. Nichols was the target for the play upon words and he capitulated under fire. The police were notified to call at the show and see if a license had been procured. It had not, so the patrolman asked one of the ladies to step over to the secretary's office and explain.
"This is a charitable affair,' she said. "We ought not be asked to take out a license."
Secretary Charlie took down the book of ordinances. He looked through it with a ponderous air and settled on the section that prescribed exemption for musical shows for charitable purposes.
"But this is mews-ical!" exclaimed the lady before the secretary could finish the reading.
"You save the money," said the secretary, and the lady hurried back to her mews-ical bunch.

BLOODED TABBIES CARRY OFF PRIZES – Detroit Free Press, 22 December, 1906
Substantial Fund is Added by Cat Show for Animal Refuge Home.
Awards of championship cups were made yesterday at the annual cat show of the Detroit Cat club in Gaines academy, 96 Broadway. The show: closed last evening with a large attendance. Officers of the Cat club said that the show had a financial success exceeding their expectations, and that they would be able to add a nice sum to their fund already in the bank for the establishment of a refuge home for the smaller dumb animals. The show will be held early in December next year. The following are the awards:
The Mrs. F. J. Hecker silver challenge cup for the best chinchilla female was awarded to "Owena Psyche," owned by Mrs. Owen.
The large silver challenge "Hoo Hoo" cup, offered by the Hoo Hoo Society of Lumbermen for the best black cat in the show was awarded to "Owena Cupid," Mrs. J. S. Owen.
The Mrs. J. S. Owen silver challenge cup for the best tortoise shell cat in the show was awarded to "Brownie," F. Courtney, Windsor.
The Wright, Kay & Co. silver challenge cup for the best cat in the show was awarded to "Brushwood Siam," the $1,000 Siamese cat owned by Mrs. W. E. Colburn, Chicago.
The Detroit Cat club silver challenge cup for the best short-haired cat in the show was awarded to "Saucy Flossie," owned by Miss Mellus.
The Taylor cup for the best black cat in the show was awarded to "King Jet," owned by Annie L. Woods, the "Hoo Hoo" cup being open to members of the cat club only.
Three wins must be made on all these cups before they become personal property.


One of the biggest cat shows ever held in the United States will be at the Light Guard armory, January 7, 8. 9, conducted by the Michigan Cat club. The show will be in connection with the exhibition of the Michigan State Poultry association. Last year the Michigan Cat Club held a very successful show in old Philharmonic hall, but by using the Light Guard armory greater space will be afforded. The club has been prosperous during the last year. Its object, the breeding and care of cats, having appealed to cat fanciers throughout the United States, the membership of the organization is as broad as the land.

While it has strong humanitarian sentiments, many of its members being active members of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, it has never departed from its original object by making a fad of rescue homes for wandering kittens or appealing to the public as a supplicant for charity under any cloak. However, its members do find homes from all stray cats offered, and any one who has one only has to communicate with the secretary, Mrs. Richard Hardy, 71 Melbourne avenue, to dispose of it.

The Michigan Cat club is affiliated with the American Cat association. Its show dates are sanctioned by the American association and it thus secures recognition for its winners and the entries, cups and prizes from all over the country enable it to give a real championship show. While long-haired cats have received the lion's share of attention from the fanciers at previous cat shows, the short-furred felines this year will be strongly in the running. Many gold and silver prizes are to be offered.

A long string of cats has already been booked for exhibit, including some from the "Black Short-haired Cattery," of Oradell, N. J., where Miss Cathcart has collected short-haired black ones from the most select catteries of the world. The "Short-haired Cat Society of America" also will be represented. Anyone not a member of the cat club is free to exhibit felines in competition for all the prizes except those specified for members only.

Among the special prizes offered at the coming show for short-hairs are: The Cathcart cup for best short-haired male; a challenge cup for the best short-haired cat in show, offered by Mrs. Brace and Mrs. Lodge; a cup for the best short-haired blue; a challenge cup for the best male or female in show; five dollars in gold for the best black male. Careful attention will be given to all cats exhibited, and everything possible done for their comfort and health.

FEATHERS THE STYLE . . . CAT TRIBE ALSO ON EXHIBITION Detroit Free Press, 7th January 1907
[. . . ] the nineteenth annual exhibition of the Michigan State Poultry association, which began a four days' session yesterday afternoon. [. . .] Downstairs the Michigan Cat club is preparing its exhibit. There will be 175 felines on display, which will introduce some great novelties. It will be what Is technically known as a two-point show, and among the exhibitors will be Mrs. Richard Hardy, Mrs. F. J. Hecker and Mrs. W. M. Chapman, of Detroit; Mrs. H. G. Dykehouse, of Grand Rapids; Mrs. Jane Cathcart, of Oradell, N. J., the most noted cattist in the world, and Dr. Niven, of London, Ont. Ted Carlile, a character of rare descriptive powers, is the superintendent. Ted said last night that the customs authorities had held him up on a large bunch of high-toned cats.

"There is one coning that will get your think-tank going," said he. "She is a Manx cat named Mrs. Dooley. She was born on the Isle of Man, and is the property of W. C. Waycott, of Toronto, Ont. The Manx cat is more like a rabbit than a cat. Wait until you see Mrs. Dooley. And wait until you see Buller. This cat will be placed in a cage all shrouded in black. You see Buller's grandfather, Silver Lambkin, who was a world-famous cat, died in London, England, while Buller was on exhibition In Toronto, and his owner immediately put Buller in mourning. The remains of Silver Lambkin were embalmed and placed in the Natural History Museum at London. And see this fine dainty pillow. That is for a pair of cats owned by Miss S. Cox, who breeds blue Persians. Oh, it's fine to be some kinds of a cat."

Just a plain, common, ordinary cat - one whose ancestors' names do not grace the blue book in which are writ the family secrets of the paunchy Persians, tubby tabbies and adipose Angoras who get attention that would make the average human infant sit up and wonder when he won the popular baby competition - went into the Michigan Cat show yesterday and cleaned up in a manner delightful to behold. With no rep to back him, this feline just walked away with the blue ribbon for male Silver tabbies, in the shorthair championship class. Bud is his name, and he helps O'Neil & Hoffner to run a fish market on Woodward avenue, when he's at home. The cat that he had to beat is Champion Thomas Carter Harrison. AS the latter's name indicates, he is from Chicago. The "Champion"that precedes it indicates that he has been traveling round the country for a year or two, and has gathered in enough firsts to give him the title. He was regarded as unbeatable. He isn't now.

For twenty-five years Messrs, O'Neil & Hoffner had had about their market cats of one strain, Bud's parents, and his grandparents, and then back a few more, all having spent their lives about the markets. So that in a way Bud has a pedigree, though it isn't registered. His owners never associated him with thoughts of a cat show until a year ago, when somebody told them that)Bud, instead of being just common or fence rail cat, was a silver tabby. This information wasn't tipped until the last day of last year's show, and Bud was sent down too late to be judged. Being extremely popular in the best back fence society of lower Woodward, Bud doesn't care much for three days In a cage, removed from social activities. His owners believe that he can understand a conversation as well as a human being. Thus they explain the fact that, the day before the show was to open, early Sunday morning, Bud disappeared. The judging was to be completed Monday night. Bud didn't show up until Tuesday, when it should he ended. But he was caged at once, and hustled to the Armory. His class had been held open, and yesterday the belated judging was done, and he beat a champion. He looks the part. He's in cage 120, if you happen to visit the show. The beaten champion is next door, in 121.

All of the judging at the show is completed, and this, with the poultry show upstairs, will come to a close tonight. The cat show awards:

Open Class - Long Hair Cats.
White, male, blue eyes - Y. Frenin Gwyn, Mrs. H. G. Dykhouse, Grand Rapids, first; Sultan C. Mrs. H.J. Cummings, St. Louis, Mo. second; Sir Friar, Mrs. Howard Alton, Chicago, Ill., third.
White, female, blue eyes - Blue-eyed Coral, Mrs. H. G. Dykhouse, Grand Rapids, first; Princess Bernice. Mrs. Dykhouse, second; Bright Eyes C., Mrs. H. J. Cummings, St. Louis, Mo. third.
White, golden eyes, male--The Admirable Tinker, Miss Jeannette M. Wilsey, Detroit, first and second.
Black, male - Menalowan Strongheart, Mrs. Richard Hardy, Detroit, first; Engelwood Hawthorne, Mrs. A.T. Baker, Chicago, second: King Jet, Miss Annie L. Woods, London, Ont., third.
Black, female - Menelooka, Mrs. W. M. Chapman, Romeo, first and second; Bedella, Miss Jeanette M. Wilsey, Detroit, third.
Blue, male - Albert Edward, Dr. J. S. Niven, London, Ont., first.
White. female, golden eyes - Lovey Pol, Mrs. H. G. Dykhouse, Grand Rapids, first; Duchess of Gainsborough, Mrs. Jessie Avers, Watertown, N. Y., second and third.
Orange, male - Red Prince of Gladdisfenn, Mrs. J. H. Reinhard, Ruffalo, N.Y., first; Bismarck, Miss Jeannette M. Wilsey, Detroit, second.
Orange, female - Maxwelton Lady Mikos, Mrs. J. N. Smith, Detroit, first; Istar of Gladdisfenn, Mrs. J. H. Reinhard, Buffalo, second; Maxwelton Lexie, Mrs. Smith, third.
Smoke, male - Stoga, Dr. V. H. Lyon, Ottawa, Ont., first.
Smoke, female - Champion Lucy Claire, Mrs. Clinton Locke, Chicago. first.
Masked silver, male - Abdul Moke, Mrs. Luella Hodges, Mobile, Ala., first.
Silver or shaded silver, male - Al Tarim, Mrs H. G. Dykhouse, Grand Rapids, first.
Shaded silver, female - Lady Thelma, Mrs. H. G. Dykhouse, Grand Rapids, first; Roma, Mrs. R. C. Christy, Chicago, second; Annie Rooney, Mrs. H. E. De Witt, Detroit, third.
Chinchilla, male - T. J. Miss Alice Barnes, Ypsilanti, first.
Chinchilla, female - Kee Kee Vita, Mrs. F. J. Hecker, Detroit, first; Arlington Biji, Mrs. F. J. Sarmiento, Detroit, second; Neska, Mrs. H. G. Dykhouse, Grand Rapids, third,
Silver tabby, male - Argent Laddie, Mrs. Howard Alton, Chicago, first.
Silver tabby, female - Queen Tricksy, Mrs. Edwin Mills, Hamilton, Ont., first.
Tortoiseshell - Bonnie Briar, Mrs. Elbert E. Besse, Chicago, first; Gavetta, Mrs. H. G. Dykhouse, Grand Rapids, second; Lady Rebekah, Mrs. E. F. Holmes, Pittsburg, and Wahnita, J. H. Hamilton, Detroit, each a third.
Tortoiseshell and white - Turtle, Mrs. Peter Franklin, Detroit, first.
Orange tabby male - Wolverine, Mrs. W. M. Chapman, Romeo, first; King Alfonso, Mrs. Thomas C. Knott, London, Ont., second: Kuropatkin, Mrs. H. G. Dykehouse, Grand Rapids, third.
Orange tabby female - Princess Goldie, Mrs. H. G. Dykehouse, Grand Rapids, first; Lady Redcoat, Mrs. Willard R. Vorce, Cleveland, second.
Brown tabby male - Prince Humbart, Mrs. W. M. Chapman, Romeo, first; Menalowan Rajah, Mrs. Richard Hardy, second.
Brown tabby female - Menalowan Rowena, Mrs. Richard Hardy, Detroit, first; Gemberta, Mrs. W. M: Chapman, Romeo, second; Heaper, Mrs. Chapman, and Irene, Mrs. D. B. Smith, Cleveland, each a third.
Brown tabby, neuter - Dickinson, Mrs. Rose Allchin, Detroit, first; Wogglybug, Miss Margaret Kearsley, Detroit, second; John Lull, Mrs. John Stevenson, Detroit, third.
Any other color with white, male or female - Princess Alice, Mrs. Peter Franklin, Detroit; Black Beauty C., Mrs. H. J. Cummings, Missouri, second.
White or black, neuter - Major, Mrs. T. F. Fleming, Kalamazoo, first; Bubbles, Mrs. Rose Allchin, Detroit, second and third.
Any other color with white, neuter - Doxie, Mrs. Marjory Austin, Detroit, first.

Novice Class - Long Hair Cats.
White male - Sultan C., Mrs. H. J. Cummings, St. Louis, Mo., first.
White female - Blue Eyed Coral, Mrs. H. G. Dykhouse, Grand Rapids, first; Princess Bernice, Mrs. Dykhouse, second; Silver Slipper, Mrs. T.F. Fleming, Kalamazoo, third.
Black male - Bonny Thorn, Mrs. H. G. Dykhouse, Grand Rapids, first.
Black female - Lady Thorn, Mrs. H. G. Dykhouse, Grand Rapids, first; Poll Perkins, Mrs. J. Youell, Grand Rapids, second.
Blue male - Admiral Togo, Mrs. G. R. Jenking, Detroit, first.
Blue female - Lady Argentina, Mrs. Justin E. Emerson, Detroit, first.
Smoke male - Peer Gynt, Mrs. E. E. Culkins, Ann Arbor, first.

Smoke female - Glorinna, Mrs. E. E. Culkins, Ann Arbor, first.
Tortoiseshell - Lady Rebekah, Mrs. E. F. Holmes, Pittsburg, and Wahnita, J. H. Hamilton, Detroit, each a first.
Cream or fawn male - Teddy Roosevelt, Mrs. Bertha Mannel, Marine City, first.
Cream or fawn female - Lucretia, Mrs. W. M. Chapman, Romeo, first.
Orange tabby male - King Alfonso, Thomas C. Knott, London, Ont., first; Larry O'Neil, Mrs. W. M. Chapman, Romeo, second.
Orange tabby female - Nell, Miss Florenc MacDiarmid, Detroit, first.
Brown tabby female - Menalowan Rowena, Mrs. Richard Hardy, Detroit, first; Gemberta, Mrs. W. M. Chapman, Romeo, second; Irene, Mrs. D. B. Smith, Cleveland, third.
Silver or shaded silver male - Bunch, Mrs. Mark S. Brewer, Pontiac, first; Prince Florizel, Mrs. E.F. Calkins, Ann Arbor, second; Ben Bolt, H. E. DeWitt, Detroit, third.
Silver or shaded silver female – Annie Rooney, H. E. DeWitt, Detroit, first; Sweet Alice, H. E. DeWitt, second; Dimity, Mrs. E. E. Culkins, Ann Arbor, third.
Chinchilla female - Kee Kee Vita, Mrs. F. J. Hecker, Detroit, first.
Silver tabby male - Max Welton Katow, Douglas R. Smith, Detroit, first.
Silver tabby female - Nibble, Mrs. J. Menzies, Detroit, first.
Any color with white female - Blue Belle, Mrs. H. G. Dykehousy, Grand Rapids, first.

Senior Class - Long Hair Kittens.
White, golden eyes - Sir John, Mrs. Peter Franklin, Detroit, first; Honey Bun, Mrs. Franklin, second; Lady Lillie, Mrs. Franklin, third.
White, blue eyes – Blue-eyed Coral, Mrs. H. G. Dykhouse, Grand Rapids, first; Sultan C., Mrs. H. J. Cummings, St. Louis, Mo., second.
Black - Pluto, Mrs. D. B. Smith, Cleveland, first; Booker T.. Washington, Mrs. T. F. Fleming, Kalamazoo, second; Alisander Claire, Mrs. Clinton Jaocke, Chicago, third.
Blue or smoke - Lady Persia, Dr. J. S. Niven, London, Ont., first; Admiral Togo, Mrs. G. R. Jenking. Detroit, second.
Cream or orange or tortoiseshell – Miss Windsor, F. Courtney, Windsor, Ont., first; Lucretia, Mrs. W. M. Chapman, Romeo, second; Prince Carl, Mrs. D. E. smith, Cleveland, third.
Chinchilla silver, shaded silver, masked silver - Sweet Alice, H. E. De Witt, Detroit, first: Ben Bolt, H. E. De Witt, second; Buller, Mrs. W. H. Barker, Toronto, Ont., third.
Any color tabby - Menalowan Rowena, Mrs. Richard Hardy, Detroit. First; Billie Baxter, Mrs. EJeanor MacLean, Detroit, second; Gemberta, Mrs. W. M, Chapman, Romeo, third.
Orange tabby - King Alfonso, Thomas C. Knott, London, Ont.. first.
Any other color, with or without white – Nibs, F. Courtney, Windsor, Ont., first.

Junior Class - Long Hair Kittens.
Chinchilla, silver, shaded silver, masked silver - Bunch, Mrs. Mark S. Brewer, Pontine, first.
Black - Manoa, Mrs. B. F. Holmes, Pittsburg, Pa., first.
Blue or smoke - Blue Boy, Miss S. Cox, Toronto, Ont., first; Thora, Miss S. Cox, second.
Cream or orange or tortoiseshell - Tamett, Mrs. E. F. Holmes, Pittsburg, first.
Any color tabby - Cinderella, Mrs. W. M. Chapman, Romeo, first; Reah, Mrs. Chapman, second.

Championship Class - Short Hair Cats.
Black female - Prissy, Mrs. Jane Cathcart, Oradell, N. J.. first.
Blue or Maltese male - Peterkin, Mrs. Mary S. Sage, Rochester, N. Y.. first.
Blue or Maltese female - Fiametta, Mrs. Mary S. Sage, Rochester, N. Y., second (no first awarded).
Orange or orange tabby male – Champion Bell of Bradford, Mrs. Cathcart, Oradell, N. J., first; Petronius, Mrs. Woodward, Detroit, second.
Orange or orange tabby female – Hidi Gigi, Mrs. Catherine Corbeille, Detroit, first.
Cream male - King Tom, Mrs. E. Welton, Detroit, first; Dinnis, Mrs. W. M. Chapman, Romeo, second.
Brown or gray tabby, male - Jim, Miss Nina Stevenson, Detroit, first; Major, L.T. Robinson, Detroit, second; Paddy, Mrs. Lizzie Brown, Detroit, third.
Brown or gray tabby, female - Laby Lou, Miss Florence Gurney, Detroit, first.
Tortoiseshell - Monkey Face, Mrs. Lizzie Brown, Detroit, first.
Smoke, female - Nellie, Mrs. Lizzie Brown, Detroit, first.
Silver tabby, male - Bud, O'Neil & Hoffner, Detroit, first; Champion Thomas Carter Harrison, C. B. Baguley, Chicago, second.
Silver tabby, female - Tabby, Mrs. E. C. Decker, Detroit, first.
Siamese, male - Brush Siam, Mrs. W. Eames, Colburn, Chicago, first.
Manx, female - Bonnie, Mrs. M. C. Buferd, Detroit, first; Mrs. Dooley, C. G. Waycott, Toronto, Ont., second.

Short Hair Cats, Not to Compete for Championship.
Any color, with or without white, male - Buster, Mrs. I. M. Perrin, Detroit, second.
Any color, with or without white, female – Bonnie, Mrs. A. A. MacDiarmid, Detroit, first.
Black, white or blue, neuter - Dope, Miss Margaret Kersley, Detroit, first; Trouser, Harry Bouchard, Detroit, second; King Rufus, J. H. Hamilton, Detroit, third.
Any color. tabby, neuter - Pedro, Mrs. W. M. Chapman, Romeo, first.

Short Hair Kittens.
Manx - Millie Corine, C. M. Davis, Detroit, first.
White, black, blue or smoke, either sex - Cigarette, Mrs. H. G. Dykhouse, Grand Rapids, first; Nox, Miss Margaret Kersley, Detroit, second; Fiamatta, Mrs. Mary S. Sage, Rochester, N. Y., third.
Cream, either sex - Laddie, E. Welton, Detroit, first; Dinnis, Mrs. W. M. Chapman, Romeo, second; Cremo, J. H. Hamilton, Detroit, third.
Tortoiseshell and white - Tortoise, Mrs. Rose: Allchin, Detroit, first.


EDITOR OF ‘CAT COURIER' MANAGER OF SHOW. Detroit Free Press, 20th August, 1922
Society will have much to draw it to the Michigan State Fair opening September 1 and running 10 days, judging from some of the announcements coming from G. W. Dickinson, secretary-manager of the exposition. While the hunters and Jumpers will be the center of attraction in the new coliseum building each night, the cat show bids fair to receive it attention. The dates of the cat show have been set for September 7, 8 and 9 and Gertrude E. Taylor-Ruddy, editor of the "Cat Courier," has been named show manager. She is working with a show committee composed of Mrs. W. B. Bishop, chairman, Mrs. Emma Wickham. Mrs. Karl Hoenig and Mrs. Edna McAlvay.

Thoroughbred cats from every part of the country are being entered and Mrs. Ruddy said Saturday two blue bloods from Dallas, Texas, and Jacksonville, Florida are now enroute to Detroit for showing here. The cash prize list, which augments numerous trophies and ribbons, amounts to nearly $2,500.


'Concerning Cats' was the subject which Mrs. Gertrude E. Taylor-Ruddy, publisher of the Cat Courier, chose for her talk during the WCX Woman's club hour Tuesday morning. Mrs. Taylor-Ruddy Is vice-president of the International Cat association and has judged cats in shows over all the country.

"Well-bred cats today have their place in the world, the same as any other thoroughbred animal, and command fancy prices according to their winning records." Mrs. Taylor-Ruddy said.
"There are no real Angora cats today. Most of those called Angoras are really Persians. The Angora breed is extinct. The Angora cat originally came from Angora, a small principality of Asia Minor, where the Angora goat was first discovered and whence came the name. The Angora cat has long, silky hair with a natural marcel wave, but through irregular and careless breeding this lovely cat has been entirely lost, until now we have only the Persian in the longhaired variety. The Persian cat originated in Persia, as the name signifies, and by careful and scientific breeding many colors have been perfected and the general type brought to a high point of excellence.

"Among the other recognized breeds we have the Abyssinian, Australian, Manx, Royal Sacred Siamese and our own domestic short-haired variety. There also are thoroughbred domestic cats, registered and as pure in blood as any other registered stock."


THEY'RE THE CAT'S MEOW. Detroit Free Press, 22nd February 1960
You step into the auditorium and you're in a different world. It's a world of shorthairs and longhairs, of proud, insolent looks, of currying, petting and mewing. It's a world of cats–the 37th annual championship cat show sponsored by the Detroit Persian Society, Inc., and the Windsor Solid Color Cat Club at the Knights of Columbus Hail, Woodward at Forest.

To those familiar only with the fence-walking, night-howling sort of feline, it's a strange world. For these 264 cats–‘‘social registrates"' their owners call them–are the cream of the cat crop, and they let you know it. As you wander down the aisles at the show, you are rarely greeted with a tender meow or a soft purr. A cold lot, these cats. But they have endeared themselves to their owners. Everywhere you hear bits of conversation: "My baby just couldn't sleep, he was so excited .. ."' "Oh, he's the best little thing" ... "Oh, what's the matter, sweetheart."

A cat, it seems, must have eyes of the right color if he is to be a champion. If he is cream-colored, his eyes should be copper. If he is gray, they should be green. His ears must be small, set far apart. His tail should be fluffy but not too long. And short legs are a must.

The cats are from all over the country. There was a young lady cat from California, another from New York City. And on a high perch above the other cats sat "Hi-Hat Champagne," a Detroit product who is champ of the champions. He is the Quadruple Grand Champion, the best cat in the show at the top four shows in the country. "Hi-Hat," a 14-year-old cream-colored Persian, is owned By Mrs. Marie Wilson, 8072 Meyers.

But before the show was over, the cat that had drawn the oohs and aahs of almost every cat-fancier in the auditorium was Moonflight, an 18-month-old pure-white longhair. His owner, Mrs. Nikki Horner, of Newburgh, Ind., said Moonflight has won 16 ribbons. He was named for the Space Age in which he was born, she said.


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