During 1938, tensions were building across Europe. Some livestock shows were already impacted by the ongoing crisis in Europe. Towards the end of the year, there was a very real prospect of war. Even so, an International Cat Show was held in Nurnberg, Germany, although British cats were unable to attend due to the six month quarantine when returning.


[1938 CHELTENHAM SHOW] CHAMPIONSHIP CAT SHOW Gloucestershire Echo, 29th December 1937
Championship Cat Show, Thursday, January 6th, 1938, Empire Hall, Cheltenham. Admission 1/- from 1 p.m.–6 p.m.

[MIDLAND COUNTIES CAT CLUB] CHAMPION CAT SHOW. PREMIER AWARDS. CHELTENHAM EVENT Gloucestershire Echo, 7th January 1938, Cheltenham Chronicle, 15th January 1938
A champion cat show held by the Midland Counties Cat Club attracted 135 entries and a large crowd of visitors to the Empire Hall, Cheltenham, yesterday afternoon. The standard of the entries was high, and the work of the judges–Mrs. Fosbery, Miss Langston, Miss White Atkins, Captain Powell, and Mr. Yeates –correspondingly difficult. The officials were: Mrs. H. J. Aubrey (president), Mrs. Putnam (hon. treasurer), Miss J. Fair (hon. secretary), Mrs. Stevens, Miss Chichester, Miss Langston (committee), Miss K. Yorke (referee judge), Mrs. B. Stevenson (show manager). The hon. veterinary surgeons were Messrs. M. L. Dartnell and J. L. Brain. The following were the premier awards except where stipulated:
Black cat: Male, Mrs. Putnam, Newport, Mon.; female, Mrs. Putnam; kitten, male or female, Mr. Alex. Waugh.
White cat: Male, Mrs. Cattermole, Brixton; female, Mrs. Nathan, Regent's Park, N.W.8.; kitten, male or female, Mrs. Cook-Radmore, Southsea.
Blue cat: Male, Miss Silk, Sutton Coldfield; female, Capt. G. St. Barbe, St. Albans; breeders, Mr. G. Bolton, Keighly; novice, Miss Peake, Ashford; limit, Miss Silk; maiden, Miss Silk; kitten, male or female (3 to 6 months), Miss V. M. Stock, Birmingham, 3rd prize Mesdames Broxton and Robinson. Cirencester; kitten, male or female (6 to 9 months), kitten breeders, kitten novice, and kitten maiden, Miss Peake.
Red Tabby: Male, female, and kitten, Miss Stuck, Saltash.
Tortoiseshell cat: Mrs. Nathan.
Cream cat: Male, Miss Pelly, Epping; female, Mrs. Sampson, Sidmouth; kitten, Mrs. Sampson, 2nd prize Mrs. Stevenson, Avening, near Stroud.;
Blue Cream cat: Mrs. L. Taylor, Gloucester.
Brown tabby cat: Male and female, Miss Cathcart, Paignton; kitten, Miss W. French, Bookham.
Chinchilla: Male, Mrs. Ingram-Cotton, London; female, Mrs. Dunning, Stratford-on-Avon, 2nd prize Mesdames Broxton and Robinson; kitten (3 –6 months), 1st and 3rd prizes, Mesdames Broxton and Robinson; kitten, Miss Trefusis, Sevenoaks.
Any colour kitten other than those classified: 1st and 2nd prizes, Mesdames Broxton and Robinson; breeders' cat (not blue), Miss Bowden-Smith, Woodbury; novice cat (not blue), Mrs. Dunning; limit cat (not blue), Miss Pelly; special limit cat (including blue), Miss Peake; breeders' kitten (not blue), Miss Stuck; novice kitten (not blue), Miss Stuck, 3rd prize Mrs. Stevenson; special limit kitten (including blue), Mrs. Leonard, London; senior, Miss Pelly; junior, Miss Peake; open cat, Miss Pelly; open kitten, Mrs. Leonard.

Red tabby and tortoiseshell: Miss Joyce Fair, Tewkesbury; tortie-and-white: Mrs. Haig, Blackpool.
Any variety British: 1 and 2, Miss Fair.
Abyssinian cat: Male, Mrs. Basnett, Chatham; female, Mrs. Allen-Maturin, Southampton.
Siamese: Male (seal-pointed), Mrs. Hindley, Chiddingford; female (seal-pointed), Mrs. Allen-Maturin, 2nd prize Mrs. Shimmin, Cheltenham; male or female (blue pointed), Mrs. James, Bristol; breeders, novice and limit cat or kitten, Mrs. Shimmin.
Any variety short hair kitten (not Siamese): Mrs. Sharman, Hampton-on- Thames; a.v. senior (including Siamese), Mrs. Alexander, Bristol, 3rd prize Mrs. Shimmin; a.y. junior (including Siamese), Mrs. Shimmin, and 3rd prize Miss Fair.

Stud cat: Captain St. Barbe; brood queen: Mesdames Broxton and Robinson; team of cats: Miss Stuck, 2nd prize Mesdames Broxton and Robinson; brace of cats: Lady Eardley-Wilmot, Henley-on- Thames, 3rd prize Mrs. Shimmin; pairs: Mrs. Le Seur, of Ramsbury; kitten pairs: Mrs. Sampson; a.v. neuter: Mrs. Freeman, Weston-super-Mare, 2nd prize Miss Cardew, Prestbury, Cheltenham, and 3rd prize Mrs. Goodeve, Cheltenham; selling class a.v. cat or kitten: Miss Fisher, Bordon, 3rd prize Mrs. Fawkes, of Stonehouse; radius cat: 1 Miss Fair, Mesdames Broxton and Robinson, 3 Mrs. Shimmin; radius kitten: 1 Mesdames Broxton and Robinson, 2 Mrs. Stevenson.
Midland Counties Cat Club.– A.V. long hair: male, Miss Pelly; female, Mrs. Putnam; kitten, male, Miss Peake, 2nd prize Mesdames Broxton and Robinson; female, Miss Stuck; a.v. short hair cat or kitten (including Siamese): Mrs. Axon, Croydon.
National Cat Club. –A.V. long hair cat: Miss Peake; kitten, Miss Stuck. A.V. short hair cat or kitten (including Siamese): Mrs. Alexander, and 3rd prize Miss Fair.
Newbury Cat Club.–A.V. cat or kitten born in 1937: Miss Stuck.
South-Western Counties Cat Club.–A V. cat: Miss Cathcart; a.v. kitten: Miss Peake.
Yorkshire County Cat Club.–A.V. cat: Mr. Bolton; a.v. kitten: Mrs. Putnam.
Southsea Cat Club. –A.V. cat: Captain St. Barbe; kitten: Miss Peake.
Special Awards.–1ong hair: Miss Silk; short hair; Mrs. Maturin; best cat: Miss Silk; long hair kitten: Miss Stuck; short hair kitten: Mrs. Sharman; best kitten: Miss Stuck; best exhibit: Miss Silk; best kitten born May, 1937: Miss Peake.

Meadwood Black Beauty, the eight months old female kitten belonging to Mr Thomas Waugh. Graham’s Road, Falkirk, was awarded the championship and three special prizes in the black cat class at Midland Counties Cat Club Show. At the same show, Meadwood Black Beauty gained a second and a third prize in the variety classes.


southern counties cat show

SUCCESSFUL CAT EXHIBITOR.- Falkirk Herald, 29th January 1938
With his female black Persian kitten, "Meadwood Black Beauty," Mr Thomas Waugh, 27 Graham’s Road, Falkirk, exhibiting at the Southern Counties’ Cat Club Show in Paddington Baths this week, gained one first prize, two seconds, and a third.

[S.C.C.C. SHOW] THE HENDON CATTERY. Hendon & Finchley Times, 4th February 1938
Another remarkable series of successes with her prize cats has been gained by Mrs. Campbell Fraser, the well-known Hendon cat judge and exhibitor. The prizes were awarded at the last championship show of the season for the Southern Counties, in which Mrs. Campbell Fraser annexed ten awards, including the Tortie championship for Hendon Salata. These latest successes gained by Mrs. Campbell Fraser’s pets are particularly pleasing in view of the fact that she is the hon. Secretary of the Southern Counties Cat Club. The total awards gained by her cats over a period of years must almost constitute a record.


Southsea Cat Club again walked off with some of the laurels at Kensington Kitten Show yesterday, when Miss Ellis's Sweetly Pretty, blue Persian kitten, won second place in blue litters, and Mrs. Aitken's litter in any variety except blue, were first and won the Southsea Cat Club medal. The Secretary, Mrs. Audrey Cook-Radmore, took two blue-eyed white kittens who were first and second respectively with another second in reserve. She also won the much-prized medal presented by the Cat Club de Paree for the best white kitten in show, and the Black and White Club's medal for the best white male in show, with a win on the guinea season special. Great hopes are now entertained for the championship show which is to be held on the South Parade Pier in October.

[KENSINGTON KITTEN SHOW] KITTENS AND THEIR TOYS Yorkshire Evening Post, 21st July 1938
Babies must have their toys–and the kittens at the Kensington Kitten Club show in Tattersall were no exception, says the London correspondent of "The Yorkshire Post." I noticed they were provided with great variety of playthings. Two black kittens were with a white woolly mouse, two others had a grey rubber one. while the number of bright objects which dangled tantalisingly in the cages would have satisfied even a human baby. There were coloured balls, and bells, and some very spoilt Siamese had a white swan, a bright green frag, and a scarlet fish.


As a result of the success which has attended the Kentish Cat Society’s two cat and kitten shows which have been held in the Pump Room, Tunbridge Wells, the show may find a permanent home in the town. At Wednesday’s show an official of the Society told the Courier that although nothing definite has been decided yet everyone was so pleased with the facilities offered by Tunbridge Wells that there was a strong feeling in support of the holding of the show in the town every year in future. “We are very well housed here, and not only is the town most convenient, but this (the Pump Room) is quite the nicest place in which he have held a show,” he said. Last year the show was held in Tunbridge Wells for an experiment, and so successful was it that it was decided to hold it here again this year.

Entries were attracted from places as far apart at Southport, Exmouth, Southampton. Portsmouth, St. Albans, Watford, Ipswich, Deal, Eastbourne, Hastings and Brighton. Altogether there were 180 cats entered, including a number exhibited by members of the “Courier” Pea-Nut Club. Competition was keen in all classes, especially among the Siamese, while those cats entered by the children were stated by the Judge to be in exceptionally fine condition. The officials were:- President, Miss Adams; committee, Mrs. Bums, Oady Ewart, Mrs. MacAllan, Miss Manley, Miss Eleanor Ridley, Mrs. Roadknight, Mrs. Tomlinson; show manager, Mr. R. V. B. Perkins; hon. secretary, Miss Winifred Peake; hon. veterinary surgeon, Mr. G. S. Peyton; judges, Miss Adams, Mrs. Basnett, Miss Langston, Miss Yorke and Captain Powell. The full results were:-
Blue male adult–1, 2 and 3 Miss Peake.
Blue female–1 Mrs. Conran; 2 and 3 Miss Peake.
Blue breeder’s adult –1, 2 and 3 Miss Peake.
Blue Male or female–1 Mrs. Brunton; 2 Mrs. Lloyd Pearson; 3 Mrs. Bunney.
Blue Kitten–1 Mrs. Martyn; 2 Mrs. Lees; 3 Miss Maude:
Blue Breeder's kitten–1 Mrs. Brunton; 3 Miss Martyn; 3 Mrs. Lloyd Pearson.
Blue Novice kitten–1 and 2 Mrs. Brunton: 2 Mrs. Lloyd Pearson.
Red tabby adult–1 Miss E. Thompson; 2 Miss E. Nichols.
Cream or blue cream kitten–1 and 3 Miss Maude; 2 Mrs. Foss.
Blue cream adult–1 and 3 Mrs. Finch; 2 Mrs. Wood.
Chinchilla adult–1 Mrs. Steer: 2 Miss M. Trefusis; 3 Mrs. Hesketh.
Chinchilla kitten–1 Mrs. H. McLeod; 2 Mrs. Newton; 3 Mrs. Hesketh.
Black adult–1 Miss Marriott: 2 Mrs. Carter.
Black kitten–1 and 3 Miss Marriott; 2 Mrs. Lees.
White adult–1 and 2 Mrs. Cattermole; 3 W. Cox-Ife.
White kitten–1 Mrs. Cattermole.
Breeder’s adult A.V.–1 Mrs. Cattermole; 2 Miss Marriott: 3 Miss Steer.
Breeder’s blue kitten–1 Miss Newton; 2 Miss Marriott; 3 Mrs. Hesketh.
Breeder’s except blue kitten–1 Mrs. Newton; 2 Miss Marriott; 3 Mrs. Hesketh.
A.V. long hair pairs, kittens–1 Miss Marriott; 2 Mrs. Brunton; 3 Miss Maude.
A.V. litter–1 and 2 Mrs. Lindsay Clegg; Miss Maude.
A.V. junior–1 Miss Peake; 2 Miss Steer; 3 W. Cox-Ife.
A.V. maiden –1 Miss Peake; 2 Mrs. Carter; 3 Miss E. Nichols.
A.V. brace, adults–1 Mrs. Cattermole; 2 and 3 Miss Peake.
A.V. neuter–1 Mrs. Finch; 2 Miss E. Thompson; 3 Mrs. F. H. Stephenson.

A.V. long hair adult–1 Miss Marriott; W. Cox-Ife; 3 Miss Steer.
A.V. long hair kitten–1 Mrs. Brunton: 2 Mrs. Lees; 3 Mrs. W. O. Finch.
A.V. British cat or kitten–1 Mrs. Perkins; 2 Mrs. Cox-Ife; 3 Miss E. Thompson.
A.V. foreign cat or kitten-1 Major E. S. Woodiwiss; 2 Mrs. D. Highton; 3 Mrs. W. Scott.
A.V. neuter–1 Mrs. V. E. Major; 2 Mrs. Skinner; 3 Miss E. Thompson.

Manx cat or kitten 1 Miss Readman; 2 Mrs. Sharman.
A.O.C. British self kitten 1 Mrs. Sharman; 2 Mrs. Lloyd Pearson: 3 Mrs. Scrivener.
A.O.V. British adult–1 Miss F. H. Mountford: Mrs. Perkins: 3 Mrs. Cronder.
A.O.V. British kitten–1 Mrs. Cox-Ife; 2 Mrs. Perkins.
A.V. British breeder’s cat or kitten-1 and 2 Mrs. Lloyd Pearson; 3 Mrs. Butler.
Novice cat or kitten–1 Miss P. H. Mountford; 2 Miss E. Thompson; 3 Mrs. Lloyd Pearson.
A.V. short hair brace–1 Mrs. Marturin; 2 Mrs. Lloyd Pearson; 3 Mrs. Perkins.
Abyssinian adult–1 Major Woodiwiss; 2 Mrs. Searle; 3 Mrs. Easther.
Abyssinian kitten–2 and 3 Mrs. Easther.
S.P. Siamese male adult–1 Mrs. Maturin; 2 Mrs. Cheetham; 3 Miss Lunn.
S.P. Siamese female adult–1 Mrs, D. Highton; 2 Mrs. Maturin; 3 Mrs. Perkins.
S.P. Siamese kitten–1 Miss D. E. Jones 2 Mrs. Maturin; 3 Mrs. Harris.
Siamese male or female adult–1 Mrs. Wyndham-Scott; 2 Miss Lonnon; 3 Mrs. Perkins.
Siamese kitten –1 Mrs. Godfrey.
Siamese breeder's–1 and 3 Mrs. Maturin; 2 Mrs. D. Highton.
Siamese B.P. - 1 Mrs. Godfrey: 2 Mrs. Wyndham-Scott.
A.V. Siamese pair kittens–1 Miss Cooper; 2 Miss D. Jones; 3 Mrs. Cox-Ife.
A.O.V. foreign breeder’s –1 Major Woodiwiss; 2 Mrs. Searle; 3 Mrs. Maturin:
A.V. foreign novice–1 Mrs. D. Hlghton; 2 and 3 Mrs. Perkins.
A.V. junior–1 Mrs. Wyndham-Scott: 2 Mrs. D. Highton; 3 Mrs. Maturin.
A.V. maiden–1 Mrs. Wyndham-Scott; 2 Mrs. D. Highton: 3 Mrs. Perkins.
A.V. neuter–1 Mrs. V. E. Major; 2 Mrs. Westland; 3 Mrs. Skinner.

A.V. adult–1 Mrs. Conran: 2 and 3 Miss Peake.
A. V. kitten–1 Miss Barrow; 2 Miss D. Jones; 3 Mrs. Binney.
A.V. kitten 1 Mrs. Newton; 2 Miss Barrow; 3 Mrs. Hesketh.
A.V. debutant–1 Mrs. Cattemole; 2 Mrs. Finch; 3 W. Cox-lfe.
A.V. graduate–1 Mrs. Hesketh: 3 Mrs. D. Highton: 3 Mrs. Perkins.
A.V. graduate (25 miles) –1 and 3 Mrs. Perkins; 2 Mrs. Finch.
A.V. visitor–1 Mrs. Brunton: 2 Miss Marriott: 3 Miss Peake.
A.V. visitor S.H. –1 Mrs. Wyndham: 2 Mrs. Cheetham; 3 Mrs. M. Spink.
A.V. senior–1 Mrs. M. Spink; 2 and 3 Mrs. Perkins.
A.V. trio–1 Mrs. Cattermole; 2 Mrs. Maturin; 3 Miss Peake.
A.V. stud–1 Mrs. Easther; 2 Miss Lunn; 3 Mrs. Maturin.
A.V. brood queen –2 Miss Marriott; 3 Mrs. Wyndham-Scott.
A.V. novice neuter–1 Mrs. D. Campbell; 2 Mrs. Major; 3 Mrs. Pinch.
A.V. novice cat or kitten –1 and 3 Mrs. Lees; 2 Miss Maude.
Selling class–1 Miss Peake; 2 Miss Cooper; 3 Mrs. Harris.

Short Haired Cat Society Members' Classes. –A.V. British cat or kitten–1 Miss Headmen; 2 and 3 Mrs. Perkins.
Neuter Cat Society Members' Class.– l Mrs. Skinner; 2 Mrs. V. E. Major; 3 Mrs. D. Campbell.
Southsea Cat Club Members. - A.V. cat or kitten –1 Mrs. Brunton; 2 Mrs. Cook-Radmore; 3 W. Cox-lfe.
Long–1 Master R. Wenham; 2 Miss A. Francis; 3 Mrs. Preston.
Short–1 Mrs. Loveday; 2 Miss Seckham; 3 K. Hogg.

A.V. long hair cat–1 Miss Marriott; 2 Miss Steer; 3 Miss Peake.
A.V. long hair kitten–1 Mrs. Brunton; 2 Mrs. Newton; 3 Mrs. Martyn.
A.V. short - cat–1 Mrs. W. Scott; 2 F. Williams; S Miss E. Thompson.
A.V. short - kitten Mrs. Godfrey; 2 Miss D. Jones; 3 Mrs. Maturin.
A.V. neuter–1 Mrs. V. E. Major; Mrs. Finch; 3 Mrs. Sillar.

Best adult–Mrs. Cattermole.
Best long hair kitten–Mrs. Brunton.
Best short hair kitten–Mrs. Godfrey.
Best litter–Mts. Lindsay Clegg.
Silver challenge cup, best L.H. kitten– Mrs. Brunton.
Northaw-Surrenden challenge trophy for best exhibit–Mrs. Cattermole.
Lucky trophy, best black kitten–Miss Marriott.

Silver challenge cup, best L.H. kitten–Mrs. Brunton.
Challenge trophy, best pair long hair kittens–Miss Marriott.
Ferring challenge trophy, best blue L..H.–Miss Marriott.
Woodchurch challenge trophy, blue female Mrs. Conran.
Silver trophy, cream kitten–Mrs. Brunton.
Raymeade (over 9 and under 3 years) –W. Cox-lfe.
Aanda trophy, Siamese female– Mrs. D. Highton.
Prestwick Perllng trophy, Siamese male–Mrs. Maturin.
Manx trophy, best Manx–Miss Readman.
Romance trophy, novice Siamese –Mrs. D. Highton.
Gildoro trophy, white L.H. cat–W. Cox-lfe.

kentish cat society cat show

CATS AND KITTENS Kent & Sussex Courier, 5th August 1938
We acknowledge with very grateful thanks a cheque for £8 3s 6d from the Kentish Cat Society, being the entrance fees in the special classes run in aid of our Hospital funds. The Cat and Kitten Show was held yesterday (Thursday) at the Pump Room, and next week I shall hope to tell you something of what I saw when I went down to the show. I must confess I was highly delighted with such a splendid cheque, and I think It most kind of the promoters to have arranged classes in aid of our funds. But when I heard from Mr. R. V. B. Perkins, the show manager, that most of this money had come in from far-off competitors who had probably never heard of the Pea-nut Club, I was a bit disappointed. I had so hoped that the pump Room would be full of real Pea-Nut pussy cats. But instead, only about 18 or 20 were entered from the ranks of the club. If we are given a chance another year, I hope we shall make a much more impressive show than this, and carry off most of the prizes.

PRIZE-WINNING KITTENS Diss Express, 12th August 1938
Exhibiting at the recent Tunbridge Wells (Kent) cat and kitten show, Mrs. M. Lees, of Station House. Campsea Ashe, won 20 prizes in all with her two kittens. One of them, Bonny Blue Baby of Henley, won three first prizes, seconds and specials and was highly commended. The kitten which is four months old was from Lady Eardley-Wilmot. The other, Clarissa of Takeley, from Mrs. Askew, was awarded a special and reserve, very highly commended, two seconds and third.

CAT AND KITTEN SHOW. Kent & Sussex Courier, 19th August 1938
In the recent show organised by the Kentish Cat Society, Mrs. Fletcher, 83, Calverley-road, was awarded an extra first In the Household Class. The first longhair in the Household Class was owned by Miss Gornall, Oakhurst, Mount Ephraim. Master Wenham was first in the Pea-Nut owners class, and Mrs. Burns won a first with her Blue Cream.


FINAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR SANDY SHOW Biggleswade Chronicle, 19th August 1938
Cats will be stronger (figuratively) because championships will be granted and exhibits from all over the country will be there to contest for these premier honours.

[SANDY SHOW] HUNDRED PERCENT INCREASE IN CATS Bedfordshire Times and Independent, 26th August 1938
Cats showed a hundred per cent increase in entries on the previous year this being due to the fact that championships were included this year, drawing some of the best exhibits in the country. Club classes were particularly strong. [But no results were published!]
Cats: 1936 – 102; 1937 – 124; 1938 – 242.

[SANDY SHOW] HENDON CHAMPION Hendon & Finchley Times, 2nd September 1938
Here is Mrs. Campbell-Fraser with her Hendon cats again! At the Sandy championship cat show last Thursday, one of her noted Persians became full champion. This is Champion Hendon ILord Chancellor. Bravo! Then, Saturday, Hendon Yeoman sailed by the “Boschfontein” for South Africa, with his new owners, Mr. and Mrs. Scott-Fraser. Yeoman, who is already a winner, will have a beautiful home in Cape Town.


CHESHIRE SHOW Staffordshire Sentinel, 2nd September 1938
With nearly 5,000 exhibits, including almost every type pf domesticated animal from massive bulls and magnificent Shire horses to beautifully coated cats, the Cheshire Agricultural Society’s centenary show opened at the Roodee, Chester, today.

CHESHIRE SHOW Crewe Chronicle, 10th September 1938
CATS. Entries were slightly down in the cat section, but exhibits still numbered fifty. Mr Townsend judged with his usual cate an efficiency, and Miss Le Gallais, as hon. show manager, made arrangements which were stated to be the “best ever,” thus expediting matters considerably. The quality of the exhibits was well up to the average, and blue kittens were outstanding. The best kitten in the show was owned by Mrs. Jinks, Crewe. It was of the blue long-haired variety, and was sired by the best blue male in the show, also owned by Mrs. Jinks. The best any other exhibit in the show was entered by Mrs. Tomlinson. This was a tortoiseshell, sired by Mrs. Tomlinson’s National winner, Grand Monarch. The household pets class attracted the best entry ever, and some of the cats in this section were said to equal pedigree standard. Mrs. Firth (Yorks) penned a beautiful blue female, and Miss Le Gallais exhibited a fine neuter, whose outstanding features were its splendid condition and noble head.


[SIAMESE CAT SHOW] MOTHER OF CHAMPIONS Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer, 22nd September 1938
Gert and Daisy–the Misses Elsie and Doris Waters of radio fame had a new experience this afternoon when they gave away the prizes at the Siamese Cat Club Show. They were each presented with a large bouquet, afterwards they said a few words suitable to the occasion. The champion cat of the show was a beautiful little four-months-old seal-point–a technical term meaning, roughly, brown–called Paletta Bryn, who walked away with six of the important prizes. It an interesting rule in the Siamese Cat Club that no animal, is entitled to call itself "Champion so-and-so " until it has won three different championships under three different judges. There was only one Yorkshire exhibit–from Slingsby Hall, York. This cat, in the Veteran Class, was the second oldest in the show. She also is a seal-point and is grandiloquently named Morgan le Fay. In her young days she carried off every prize of importance all over England for two years, and has bred several champions –1n fact one of her sons won most of the big prizes in the Yorkshire shows last year. Only seal-point and blue-point were in the show to-day, the chocolate-point, which is of a sharper colour contrast, having gone right out of favour. These sleek and fascinating cats have only one drawback –their very harsh and unmusical cry.

siamese cat show

SIAMESE CAT SHOW Cornishman, 29th September 1938
The Siamese Cat Show brought some people, most of them women with their cats, to Chenies-street Drill Hall, Holborn, W.C., on Thursday-but not one child could be found to present bouquets at the prize-giving. Miss Kit Wilson, the show manager, explained: "Evidently women who keep cats don't keep children." -"Daily Express."

[SIAMESE CAT SHOW] THESE CATS ARE LIKE DOGS. Shepton Mallet Journal, 14th October 1938
If you are really a dog lover, you are probably indifferent to cats. I am sure, however, that you will make an exception for the Siamese Cat. I spent an hour at the Siamese Cat Show in London last week, and found it very entertaining, though a little deafening. The Siamese, although the most intelligent, is also the most vocal. I believe it is possible to do something to make them dumb, but it does not seem very kind. The Siamese will follow one about like a dog, and it pins its affection to one person only. It is intensely jealous and will leave the room if its beloved mistress shows too much interest in another person. It requires constant care and affection and if left alone for long periods it will mope and become ill.


The Jude Cup, for the best cat in the Nottingham Show, on Saturday, was won by Mrs. R. Sanderson, of West Bridgford, with her magnificent Siamese. She also secured the Draper Cup for the best adult Siamese. Special awards also went to Mrs. Towgood, of Scunthorpe (best Siamese kitten), and Mrs. J. H. A. Martin, of Sleaford (best blue kitten). Reserve best in show was Mrs. Jinks’s (Crewe) blue Persian. [. . .] The judges were:- Miss Campbell-Fraser London (cats); Mr. G. A. Townsend, Leeds (rabbits); Mr. K. A. Keif Walker, Boston (cavies); Mr. G. E. Fulbrook, Reading, and Mr. S. P. Boot, Sheffield (mice). Winners in the cat section were:-
Long-haired, blue, male, adult–1, Mrs. G. Jinks; Mr. A. C. Jude: 3, Mrs, L. E. Guess.
Long-haired, blue, female, adult–1, Mr. J. H. A. Martin; 2, Mrs. Sutherland: 3,, Mr. F. C. Tomlinson. Long-haired, any other colour, male–1, Mrs. O. Budd.
Long-haired, any other colour, female– l, Mrs. F. E. Whitby; 2 Miss B Norton; 3. Mrs. G. Budd.
Short-haired, any colour, male or female –1, Mrs. Budd.
Siamese, female–1, Mrs. R. Sanderson.
Long haired or short-haired, neuter –1, Mrs. Sanderson; 2, Mrs. James: 3, Miss Mason.
Long-haired, blue, female, kitten –1, Mrs. J. H. A. Martin; 2, Mrs. F. E. Whitby; 3, Miss A. Mason.
Long-haired, any other colour, male or female, kittens –1, Mrs. C. Gilbert; 2, Mrs. Smith.
Siamese, male or female, kittens–1, Miss M. Webb; 2. Mrs. Towgood; 3, Miss M. Webb.
Litters, any variety–1, Mrs. Guess; 2, Miss Albrecht; 3. Mrs. Guess.
Household pets, non-pedigree–1, Mrs. Thompson; 2, Master T. Shelley; 3, Miss M. D. Ball.
Breeders, any variety, adult–1, Mr. J. H. A. Martin; 2, Mr. A. Jude; 5, Mrs. Towgood.
Breeders, any variety, kittens –1, Mrs. O. Gilbert; 2. Mrs. M. Towgood; 3, Mrs. F. E. Whitby.
Long-haired or short-haired brace, any age–1, Mrs. Budd; 2, Mrs. Sanderson: 3, Miss Webb.
Novice, any variety, adult–1, Mr. J. H. A. Martin; 2, Mr. A C. Jude; 3, Mrs. Guess.
Novice, any variety, kittens–1, Mrs. Budd; 2. Mrs. Gilbert: 3. Mrs. J. H. A. Martin.
Nottingham Cat Club members–1, Mrs. Sanderson; 2, Mrs. Jinks: 3, Mr. J. H. A. Martin.
Yorkshire Cat Club members–1 and 2, Mrs. Budd; 3. Mrs. Gilbert.

Meet Sylki . . . the prettiest of over 100 cats exhibited at the Nottingham Fur Fanciers’ Association’s show of cats, rabbits, cavies and mice, at the Albert Hall Institute, Nottingham, on Saturday. The honour fell to Sylki, a long-hair blue male adult, owned by Mr. A. C. Jude, following a public ballot vote. The prettiest kitten, decided by the public, was Mrs. F. E. Whitby’s Thumbelesia. Special awards for the best adult cat in the show, the best blue kitten, the best Siamese adult and the best Siamese kitten were won by Mrs. R. Sanderson, Mrs. J. H. A. Martin, Mrs. Sanderson and Mrs. M. Towgood respectively. This was not the first time that Mrs. Sanderson’s female Siamese, Zette, had been judged the best adult cat.

In addition to the cats, which were worth anything up to £100 each, there were on view more than 300 rabbits, 300 cavies and between 600 and 700 mice - figures satisfactory under the circumstances, but which would have been higher had it not been for the crisis. Entries were drawn from all parts of England, Scotland and Wales, and the quality the exhibits was such as to excite very favourable comment by the judges, who, this occasion were Miss L. Campbell-Fraser, of London (cats) [. . . Awards:
Long-hair blue male, adult: 1, Mrs G . Jinks (Dinkey Blue): 2, Mr C Jude (Sylkl); 3, Mrs Guess (Silver Beau of Rayleigh).
Long-hair blue female, adult: 1, J. H. A. Martin; 2, Mrs Sutherland; 3, Mr. F.C. Tomlinson.
Long-hair, any other colour, male: 1, Mrs G. Budd (Red Male).
Long-hair, any other colour, female. –1. Mrs K Whitby (Corona of Montryd); 2, Miss B. Norton (Tortie L.H.); 3, Mrs G. Budd.
Short hair, any colour, male or female.–1, Mrs Budd (Tortie and white Gloriosa Superba).
Siamese, female. –1, Mrs R Sanderson (Zette).
Long or short hair, neuter.–1, Mrs Sanderson (Zo); 2, Mrs James; 3, Miss Mason.
Long hair blue, male kittens: 1, Mr. A. C. Jude (Marcus Superb).
Long hair blue, female kittens: - 1, Mrs. J. H. A. Martin (Pekeholm Pierrette); 2. Mrs. F. E. Whitby (Thumblesia); 3, Miss A. Mason (Joy).
Long hair, any other colour, male or female kittens; - 1, Mrs. C. Gilbert; 2, Mrs. Smith.
Siamese, male or female kittens: - 1. Miss M. Webb: 2, Mrs. M. Towgood; 3, Miss M, Webb.
Litters, any variety:- 1 and 3, Mrs. Guess; 2, Miss Albrecht.
Household pets: 1, Mrs. Thompson.

Breeders, any variety, adult. –1, Mr J H A Martin; 2, Mr A Jude; 3, Mrs. Towgood.
Breeders, any variety, kittens.–1, Mrs C Gilbert; 2, Mrs Towgood; 3. Mrs F E Whitby.
Long hair or short hair, brace, any age.–1, Mrs Budd; 2, Mrs Sanderson; 3, Miss Webb.
Novice, any variety, adult. –1, Mr J A Martin; 2, Mr A Jude; 3, Mrs L E Guess.
Novice, any variety, kittens.–1, Mrs Budd; 2, Mrs Gilbert; 3,, Mrs Martin.

Nottingham Cat Club members.–1, Mrs Sanderson; 2, Mrs Jinks; 3, Mr Martin.
Yorkshire Cat Club members.–1, Mrs Budd; 2, Mrs Budd; 3, Mrs Gilbert.

SUCCESSES Boston Guardian, 12th October 1938
At the cat show, held in Nottingham on Saturday. Mrs J.R. Martin secured one first prize and four specials with her “Pekeholme Pierette.” Mr. F.C. Tomlinson secured one third and reserve and two specials in the female adults class, with his blue Persian “Jan of Knott-hall.”

CAT SHOW JUDGES Hendon & Finchley Times, 14th October 1938
Mrs. Campbell-Fraser, of Hendon was a judge at the Blue Persian championship cat show in London last week, and her daughter judged the Nottingham cat show.


blue persian cat show

Silver Bubble lay back in his cage and yawned. He refused to be interviewed. Having won first prize in his class at the Blue Persian Cat Society's Show yesterday, he felt entitled to be haughty. But his owner, Mrs. Nan Parsons, of Northumberland Park, Tottenham, told a News Chronicle reporter about Silver Bubble. He is 2 and a half years old, weighs 13lb., was chosen for his fine coat, his size and the amber colour of his eyes, gets a silver badge and an extra feed of filleted rabbit for reward.

"Silver Bubble cats a raw egg beaten up every morning for breakfast," said Mrs. Parsons, "raw meat at midday, and half a pound of boned rabbit every evening. He is combed and powdered every day. He is the only cat I have, and this is the only time he has been shown since he was a kitten, when he took two prizes. He was bred by my sister, Mrs. Price-Webb. His father was Tanfield Harmony and his mother Bonne Yvonne. His brother, King Kong, Is a famous cat and a champion. Silver Bubble is quite accomplished. He sits up and shakes hands. But I am afraid he is too tired to do it now." Silver Bubble's awards were: First in the Open Neuter Class, three special prizes, and the Blue Persian Special prize.

SHOW DAY Daily Herald, 6th October 1938
(Picture too poor quality to reproduce) Silver Dawn, the 12 week-old kitten exhibited by Mrs. Webb, of Tottenham, at the Blue Persian Cat Show at Holy Trinity Hall Great Portland Street, W.

CAT SHOW JUDGES Hendon & Finchley Times, 14th October 1938
Mrs. Campbell-Fraser, of Hendon was a judge at the Blue Persian championship cat show in London last week, and her daughter judged the Nottingham cat show.


At the Lancashire and North-Western Counties Cat Club show in Manchester on Saturday, Mrs. W. Fleming, of Sowerby Bridge. was successful in taking a first, second and special prize with her Siamese kitten.


Monarchs of the cat and dog kingdoms will look their best in Portsmouth to-morrow. On one day there will be held simultaneously a cat show and a dog show. Mrs. Radmore Cook, daughter of Councillor H. G. Cook, has made a great effort in recent years to bring Portsmouth into the lead so far as prize cats are concerned and Wednesday's show will be the best ever held in the City. Among veteran cats will be one 18 years old –which is an advanced age for a cat.

southsea portsmouth cat show

Cats of all sizes and shades, from a £150 aristocrat of the London show-benches to a humble tabby that had been a Portsmouth man's pet for 18 years, were taken to the South Parade Pier yesterday for the Southsea Cat Club's second championship show. Altogether there were nearly 200 on show. Mr. F. W. Western, J.P., of Biggleswade, one of the best-known judges in England and on the Continent, said that the quality of the exhibits, with some noted prize-winners on show, was a big improvement on the club's Initial exhibition two years ago and he congratulated local fanciers on the strides they had made. An illustration of this quality was the fact that during the afternoon, Mrs. G Askew, of Bishop's Stortford, refused an offer of £100 for her "Heatherland Blue Boy," which has secured twice in succession the award for the best exhibit at the annual Blue Persian Show in London, besides winning 50 special prizes this year. Yesterday it took several more prizes, including those for the best exhibit in the show and the best long-hair cat.

The most prominent among local exhibitors were Mrs. Audrey Cook-Radmore, Hon. Secretary and Show Manager, who scored a number of successes with her long-haired whites and "blues," Surg.-Lieut. W. Parker, R.N., and Miss Ellis, of Waterlooville. The show was opened by the Lady Mayoress (Mrs. F. J. Spickernell), who was accompanied by the Lord Mayor. The President (Alderman Dr. F. E. Beddow, D.Sc.) expressed the Club’s thanks to Mrs, Cook-Radmore for the work she had done in organizing the show. The Club was warmly congratulated by Mrs. Spickernell, who before distributing the special prizes was presented with a blue Persian kitten, in lieu of the usual bouquet, by Miss Ellis.

Winners of the principal "specials" were:
Best exhibit in show and best long-hair cat in show, Mrs. Askew (Heatherland Blue Boy)
Best long-hair kitten, Mrs. F. Aitken (Llantarnam Wild Pansy)
Best British short-hair, Lady R. Alexander (Ch. Love Letter)
Best foreign short-hair, Mrs. G. Hindley (Prestwick Patricia)
Best short-hair kitten. Miss J. Readman (Vivla of Fleet)
Best neuter, Mrs. Askew (Tarzan of Takeley).

Officials were: Committee, Mrs. Cyril Tomlinson (President), Miss Kathleen Yorke (Vice-President), Councillor H. G. Cook (Chairman), and Mesdames Allen Maturin, Ellis-Jones, Couper, Parker, Lloyd, and Mrs. Sharman, Miss Ellis and Mr. Cox-Ife; Show Manager, Mrs. Audrey Cook-Radmore; Hon. Treasurer, Miss P. Ellis-Jones; hon. veterinary surgeons, Mr. W. Stevens, M.R.C.V.S., Mr. Montague Bridgeman. M.R.C.V.S.; and judges, Mr. Cyril Yeates, Miss Yorke, Miss Adams, Mr. F. W. Western, Miss Preece, Mrs. Brunton, and Miss Campbell.

[SOUTHSEA CAT CLUB] 200 CATS IN SHOW SOUTHSEA. £100 REFUSED FOR CHAMPION Hampshire Telegraph, 28th October 1938
[An expanded version of the report in Portsmouth Evening News, 27th October 1938]
The Chief Prize-winners
The first prize winners In the open classes were as follow:-
White cat, male - 1 and championship, Mrs. A. Cattermole; female, 1 and championship, Mrs. A. Cook-Radmore.
White kitten, male. - 1. Mrs. J. Braund; female, 1, Mrs. Cattermole .
Golden-eyed white cat, male. - 1 and championship, Lady Eardley Wilmot; female, 1 and championship, Mrs. Braund.
Black cat, male. - 1 and championship, Miss M. Rhodda; female, 1 and championship, Mrs L. Marriott.
Black kitten, male or female. - 1 , Mrs.F. Aitkin.
Brown tabby kitten, male or female – 1, Miss L. Marriott.
Red tabby cat, male or female. – 1 and championship, Mrs. E. neate.
Tortie cat, male or female. - 1 and championship, Mrs. Campbell Fraser.
Blue cat, male. - 1 and championship, Mrs. G. Askew; female, 1 and championship, Mrs. Chappell.
Blue cat, novice, male or female.- 1, Mrs. Oglethorpe.
Blue cat, limit, male or female.–1, Mrs. T. Bazeley.
Blue cat junior, male or female. –1, Mrs. Bazeley.
Blue cat senior, male or female – 1. Mrs. Bazeley.
Blue cat breeders, male or female.–1, Mrs. Bazeley.
Blue cat maiden. male or female. – 1, Miss C. Brooke.
Blue kitten, male – 1, Mrs. Broxton and Miss Robinson; female, 1, Miss W. Peake.
Blue kitten, novice, male or female. - 1 Miss Peake; special limit, 1. Miss Peake; limit, 1, Miss Peake; breeders, 1, Miss Peake; malden. 1, Miss Peake.
Cream cat, male or female. - 1 and championship, 1, Mrs. L. Wood.
Cream and B kitten, male or female. - 1, Mrs. E. Aitken.
Chinchilla cat, male – 1 and championship, Miss E. Langston; female, 1 and championship, Miss M. Heywood.
Chinchilla kitten, male or female. – 1, Mrs. R. Newton.
Blue Cream cat, male of female. – 1 and championship, Mrs. L. Wood.
A.C. novice cat, male or female (except blue). – 1, Miss Wrightson; special limit, 1, Miss E. Langston; limit, 1, Miss Heywood; junior, 1, Mrs Putnam; breeders, 1, Miss Rhodda; senior, 1, Mrs. Campbell Fraser.
A.C. Brace. – 1, Mrs. Cattermote; A.C. team, 1, Mrs. Campbell Fraser.
A.C. novice kitten (except blue), male or female. – 1, Mrs. Aitken; special limit, 1, Miss K. newton; limit, 1, Miss E. Putnam.
A.C. kitten, pairs. - 1, Miss L Rhodda.
A.C. kitten breeders, make or female. - 1, Mrs. Aitken.
A.C. longhair litter. - 1, Mrs. P. Dodd.

Black cat, male or female (except Manx). - 1 and championship, Rev. B. Rees.
A.V. self cat male or female (Including Manx). - 1, Mrs. Allen Maturin.
A.C. self kitten, male or female (ex. Manx), - 1, Mrs. Cox-lfe.
Red tabby cat male or female. – 1 and championship, Lady R. Alexander.
Brown tabby. - 1, Lady Alexander.
Tortoiseshell cat, male or female. – 1, Mrs C. Scrivener.
Tortie and white cat, male or female. –1, and championship, Mrs. Allen Maturin.
Manx cat, male or female. – 1 an championship, Mrs. Allen Maturin
A.V. cat, male or female (ex. Manx). – 1, Lady Alexander; Novice cat or kitten, - 1, Mrs Allen Maturin; Breeder’s cat or kitten – 1, Lady Alexander; Limit kitten - , 1, Miss J. Readman.

Abyssinian cat, male or female.- 1 and championship, Miss A. Wrightson.
Abyssinian, male or female.–1, Mrs. Basnett.
Russian blue cat, male or female. – 1, Mrs. A. Cook-Radmore.
Seal-pointed Siamese, male - 1 and championship, Mrs. G. Hindle; female - 1 and championship, Mrs. Hindley.
Blue-pointed Siamese, male or female. - 1 and championship, Mrs. S. Godfrey.
A.V. Siamese breeder cat. – 1, Mrs Hindley; Novice. - 1, Mrs. G. Cox-Ife; Limit –1, Mrs. Hindley.
Seal-pointed Siamese kitten, male or female. – 1, Surgeon-Lieut. W. Parker. R.N..
Blue-pointed Siamese kitten. male or female. –1, Mrs. H James.
A.V. Siamese novice kitten, male or female.– 1, Mrs. R. Alexander.

A.V. shorthair (ex-Siamese). - 1. Miss A. Wrightson.
A.V. junior, male or female. - 1, Miss I. Lovejoy.
A.V. Senior. - 1. Mrs. R Alexander.
A.V. brace cat,. - 1, Mrs Perkins.
A.V. brace kittens –1, Mrs. Basnett.
A.V. team – 1, Mrs R. Alexander.
A.V. shorthair litter. – 1, Surgeon Lieut. W Parker.

A.C. Longhair. – 1, Mrs G. Askew.
A.V. shorthair (foreign). - 1, Mrs. A. Sharman.
A.C. Longhair stud –1. Mrs. E. Putman.
A.V. shorthair stud.-1, Surgeon Lieut. Parker.
A.V. brood queen, LH, SH or foreign. – 1, Miss Marriott.
A.C. or V. radius cat (Hants ) –1, Mrs. Biles. Kitten. – 1, Miss Maidwell.


Croydon Cat Club have held annual shows since 1920, and in all those eighteen years there has never been a better show than the one staged in the Baths Hall, Croydon, on Wednesday. Judges, organisers. and public alike agreed that the general standard of the cats exhibited was higher than it had ever been before. There were 340 cats on show, with particularly fine representation in the neuter classes and among the tortoiseshells, whites and creams. The president of the club is Miss M. Hill Shaw. Judges were Mrs. Slingsby, Mrs. Marion Oran, Madame Bridgett, Miss Adams, Mrs. Burke, Mrs. Bazeley, Mrs. Thompson, Miss Richardson, Mr. Yeates, Mr. Western and Captain Powell. The referee judge was Mrs. Soame.

The honour of winning the President's Challenge Cup, presented by the late Lady Edridge, for the best cat in the show, fell to Capt. G. Bt. Barbe, of St. Alban's, with his fine white cat “Casino Luck." This was the cat's fifteenth championship award. The best kitten in the show was "Birchstone Silver Girl,” a Chinchilla 'kitten owned by Mrs. Lindsay Glegg, of Kingston Hill, who was awarded the President's Cup, 1934, presented by Miss Marion Hill Shaw.

The Croydon Cat Club open specials were awarded as follows:
Best long-haired cat--Capt. G. St. Barbe.
Best short-haired cat–Miss Gold, Rudgwick, Sussex.
Best long-haired kitten–Mrs. Lindsay Glegg.
Best short-haired kitten–Mrs. Cox-Ife, Oxted, Surrey.
Best long-hatred neuter – Mrs. Pierce, Estree, Herts.
Best shorthaired neuter–Mrs. Metcalf Hart, Weybridge, Surrey.

Local Winners.–1n the general classes local winners were as follows:
Tortoiseshell or tortoiseshell and white kitten - 2 and 3, Mrs. Axon, Bingham-road, Addiscombe.
Blue novice cat - 2, Mrs. Bullard, Park Hill-rise, Croydon.
Blue Special limit cat –3. Mrs. Jackson, Mayfair-avenue, Worcester Park.
Blue junior cat - 1. Mrs. Jackson.
Blue maiden cat - 2, Mrs. Bullard.
Any colour pair kittens but blue - 3, Mrs. Axon.

Abyssinian male cat – 3, Mrs. Searle, Bothwell-road, Addington.
Abyssinian female cat – 3, Mrs. Searle.
Manx male cat - 1, H. Hill Shaw, Elgin-road, Addiscombe.
Manx female cat - 1. H. Hill Shaw; 3. Mr. C. Buffard, Park Hill-rise, Croydon.
Blue male cat (British type) –1. Mrs. Bolton, Stretton-road, Addiscombe
Any other colour kitten - 1, Mrs Axon; 2, Mrs. Searle; 3, Mrs. Axon.
Any variety novice cat – 3, Miss H. Hill Shaw.
Any variety limit cat - 3, Mr. Buffard.
Any variety stud cat - 1. Miss Phyllis Thame, The Glade, Shirley.
Any variety brood queen - 1. Mrs. Spink, Clyde-road, Croydon.
Any variety breeder's kitten not (Siamese)–1 and 2, Mrs. Axon.
Any variety novice cat - 1, Mrs. Axon; 3, Mrs. Searle; 3, Mrs. Axon.
Any variety pair kittens - 1, Mrs. Axon.
Any variety litters - 1, Mrs Spink.
Any variety open, male or female kitten - 1 and 3, Mrs. Axon.
Veteran cat s -3, Mrs. Axon.

Any variety British neuter - 3, Mr. E J. Cook, Croydon-road, Croydon.
Any variety special limit - 2. Mrs. Juby, Haling Park-road, Croydon.

Any variety long-haired cat – 3, Mrs. Jackson.
Any variety short-haired kitten –2, Mrs. Axon.
Any Variety short-haired neuter – 1, Mr. E. J. Cook.

CROYDON CAT CLUB MEMBERS' CLASSES: Any variety short-haired cat or kitten – 3, Miss H. Hill Shaw.
SHORT-HAIRED CAT SOCIETY CLASSES: British cat or kitten – 3, Mrs Axon.
BRITISH CAT CLUB CLASSES: British cat or kitten - 2, Mrs. Axon.
NEUTER CAT SOCIETY CLASSES: Any variety neuter cat or kitten – 2, Mr. E. J. Cook.

[CROYDON] CAT SHOW Boston Guardian, 23rd November 1938
At the Cat Show, held at the Croydon Baths, on Wednesday, several successes were gained by: Mr. F. C. Tomlinson, with his blue Persian kittens; Mr. J. H. Martin with his Southsay Valerie, and also in the Breeders' class, blue Persians adults class. Mrs. Martin's Pierette blue Persian kitten secured third and three reserves in the open Kitten class.

[CROYDON] A CATS' CONGRESS West Sussex Gazette, 24th November 1938
There were plenty of feline speeches, in the form common to the domestic cat, at the show of Croydon Cat Club. For some 300 cats were assembled–and it was not in their nature to be dumb! The cup for the best exhibit went to Capt. G. St. Barbe, of St. Albans. His lovely white "Casino Luck” thereby took its 15th championship award. The best kitten was a dainty chinchilla enjoying the name of " Birchstone Silver Girl." The judges included Madame Bridgett, well known on the Continent as a cat expert. Recently she was judging in Switzerland. Abyssinian, Manx and Siamese were all represented; and room was found for a veterans' class, where the third award went locally to Mrs. Axon.

CHAMPION PERSIAN. Hendon & Finchley Times, 25th November 1938
One Mrs. Campbell Fraser's winning Persians was again awarded prizes at the Croydon championship cat show last Wednesday. Hendon adds to its feline fame!


national cat show

[NATIONAL CAT CLUB SHOW] YOUR PET MAY BE A “CHAMP” Daily Herald. 8th December 1938
Show influence is improving the standard of Britain’s cat and dogs. I was told so yesterday at the Kennel Club Show at Olympia . . . and at the National Cat Club’s Show at Paddington Baths, where I saw 400 cats . . . Mrs. B Bartram, of Blackheath, S.E., steward at the cat show and owner of Dreamland Maharajah, first-prize winner in the new blue-pointed Siamese, said: "People are taking more care of their cats and like to have one they can really appreciate, instead of something that is just a cat. There are many ordinary domestic cats that could be show winners." For example, several years ago Mr. E. J. Cook, a Croydon waterworks official, found a stray kitten, tired and hungry, in his yard. He took it home. To-dav. that kitten is Silver Pat, which has won 60 prizes at shows.

Cats and dogs – hereditary foes – both came to town in a big way yesterday – the dogs to Olympia . . . the cats to Paddington Baths, where the National Cat Club held its forty-ninth championship . . . Every cat, likewise [has its day], apparently, and just over 350 of them assembled at Paddington. The main difference between the shows was one of noise. The cat show was silent, save for an occasional plaintive “miaouw.” [. . .] The cat world is excited about a new variety of Siamese – the “blue pointed,” instead of the “seal pointed.” They happened by accident. Rare cases of occurred of Siamese kittens being born without the chocolate mask, paws and tail of the usual type. Intensive breeding between these “freaks” stabilised the strain. Now, within three years, they are in high favour. There are red tabbies, silver tabbies and just tabbies; there are Abyssinians with fur like a puma’s and kittens which play interminably with table tennis balls hung in their cages. Even common or garden cats with no recognisable pedigree are on view. Entered as “household pets,” they are judged, not on “points,” but on condition.

CAT CLUB SHOW Sevenoaks Chronicle and Kentish Advertiser, 9th December 1938
At the National Cat Club Show at Paddington on Wednesday Miss E. Thompson’s “Eastbury Lo Zlngaro” gained first prize for red tabby male, and her tortie and white “Kippington Fancy” also gained first place in its class.

One of the champion cats of England is Silver Pat, the silver tabby cat owned by Mr. E. J. Cook, of Croydon-road, Croydon. It has won over sixty prizes in shows during its six years of life. Silver Pat hunts rats - big and vicious rats that would make a good many terriers look foolish. Mice are easy, but he believes in killing one now and again to teach them not to take liberties. Pat just comes and goes as he pleases, and whatever the weather he insists some nights on going out of doons. His owner doesn't worry. He knows that his valuable pet can look atter himself. Sometimes Pat has gone out in a storm and turned up later muddied and soaking wet - on the night before a show, too! But It seems to have no effect on his ability to win prizes.

There is some mystery about Pat, because his parents were certainly neither of them silver tabbies. Same years ago, the puss who was later his mother crept in a works yard in Church-road, Croydon, worn out and hungry. She was not beautiful. Sanctuary was offered to her. No one knew where she came from, no one asked. It was here she met her mate, Billy, and in these lowly surroundings Silver Pat came into the world. Pat was adopted when only a few old by Mr. Cook. Pat liked him, but it is doubtful what Billy and his wife thought. And since then Pat has become one of the most famous cats in England. He has been photographed for adverting purposes, and has been admired by more judges than he can remember "But," as his mother would probably say if she could see him "he is still just an unspoiled baby." Among the trophies Pat gained are the Coronation Cup, the N.C.C. Society Cup and the Jubilee Cup - and here is his latest: a first and second prize and a cup in the National Cat Show at Paddington, on Wednesday. On Thursday he was after the rats again.

LOCAL WINNER AT CAT SHOW [NATIONAL CAT CLUB] Croydon Times, 10th December 1938
"Tuloxa" and "Tadoxa." a pair of tortoiseshell and white short-haired kittens owned by Mr. D. E. Axon, of Bingham-road, Addiscombe, were successful in winning a number of awards at the National Cat Club's Championship Show at Paddington on Wednesday. Their honours included a 1st and 2nd in the open kitten class; 1st and 2nd in the breeders (any variety) class; 1st in the National Cat Club class; 2nd in any colour brace; 3rd in any variety cat or kitten and any colour adult or kitten.

FALKIRK CAT EXHIBITOR’S SUCCESS. Falkirk Herald, 10th December 1938
At the National Cat Club’s 49th annual show held in London this week, Mr Thomas Waugh, 27 Graham’s Road, Falkirk, gained two first prizes and a special prize with his 17-months-old black Persian cat, Meadwood Black Beauty. This cat has won 13 first prizes, six second prizes, two third prizes, and 18 special awards. She has only been shown during the past 14 months.

CAT FANCIERS’ SUCCESSES Portsmouth Evening News,10th December 1938
Southsea Cat Club members did extremely well at the National Show in London, which is the biggest show in the world. Mrs. Edgar, a fairly new member, exhibited her remarkable Chinchilla neuter, Sea Mist Cedric, which was adjudged the best neuter in the show, and took first prize. The same owner’s kitten, Sea Mist Una, also won in the kitten class. Surg.-Lieut. Parker's kittens won in an unusually large Siamese class, Merrywood Ajax being second and his brother M. Ulca third, and Merrywood Collette (female) being second. Miss Ellis, also of Waterlooville, had a fine win with her blue neuter Parkwood Dimity, which is only a kitten but ran off with two thirds against all the adults. Mrs. Allen Maturin had a championship with her white Manx, and another with her Siamese Adult, and Mrs. Effie Aitken followed up her Southsea win with a first with her black kitten, which was best in show here in October; and her blue-cream kitten was third. Mrs. Audrey Cook-Radmore, the Club Secretary, took all whites, Albany Adorable being third in an unusually large class of white females, with her daughter Alluring reserve, and Adorable's litter third in another very large class of litters, which included Siamese.

NATIONAL CAT SHOW WINNER Croydon Times, 17th December 1938
"Brown Owl," a brown neuter tabby cat owned by Mrs. Collins, of Addiscombe, has won a silver cup for the best short-haired brown tabby cat at the National Cat Show held at Paddington on Wednesday last week. It has also won the "Lugano" cup, presented to the best short-haired neutral, for the first time. This cup has to be won three times in succession to be retained. Mrs. Collins told one of our reporters that the cat was given to her two years ago by a little girl who found it as a stray kitten "It has never been trained for shows," said Mrs. Collins, "in fact, it was only at the suggestion of a friend that I entered it."


[SCOTTISH CAT CLUB] CAT CLUB SHOW SUCCESSES Dundee Courier, 15th December 1938
At the annual open show of the Scottish Cat Club in Glasgow yesterday the winners included:-
Chinchilla – 1, Captain Simpson, North Inchmichael, Errol.
Long-haired Blue (female) – 3, Mrs M. Mitchell, perth.
Siamese Kitten – 1, P. Forbes, Perth.
Pairs (adult) – 1, Mrs Mitchell.

[SCOTTISH CAT CLUB] CAT EXHIBITOR’S SUCCESS.– Falkirk Herald, 17th December 1938
At the Scottish Cat Club annual show, held in the City Halls, Glasgow, this week, Mr Thomas Waugh, 27 Graham’s Road, Falkirk, gained several awards with his black female Persian, “Meadwood Black Beauty.” He was awarded two first prizes, two second prizes, four special awards, the Jubilee Trophy for the best long-haired black female in the show, and the Flora Macdonald Trophy for the best long-haired cat of either sex.


Longford Park, on the estate of the Earl and Countess of Radnor, made an ideal venue for the gymkhana, held Saturday, in aid of the Wire and Poultry Fund of the Wilton Hunt, of which the Countess is Joint Master with Major A. E. Phillips [. . . ] DOG AND CAT SHOWS. Considerable interest was taken In the dog and cat shows for which there were many entries.
Most beautiful cat–Miss B. McMahon.
Cat with queerest markings–Mrs. Sivewright.
Mystery cat -Miss M. Vincent.

THAME SHOW Banbury Advertiser, 22nd September 1938
The fur and feather section was so extensive that it formed a complete show in itself. The entries included [. . . ] 120 cats.

INGLETON SHOW. Lancaster Guardian, 7th October 1938
On Saturday the Ingleton Band of Mercy, Dog, Poultry, Rabbit and Cat Show was held, but the day was exceedingly wet, and consequently the pleasure of the holiday seekers was greatly marred.

CAT SHOW Cheshire Observer, 5th November 1938
A Cat Show, arranged by the Women's Institute for Miss Moreton, was held in the Public Hall on Saturday. Over 40 cats were shewn, and the excellent condition of ever entry reflected credit on their owners Mrs. Tomlinson, of Hook, president of the Lancashire and North-Western Counties' Cat Club, acted as judge, and gave a talk to the children. Miss Roberts, hon. secretary, Chester Branch of the R.S.P.C A.. gave a show of R.S.P.C.A. and other films. A clock presented by the judge for the best kept cat in the show, was won by Betty Faulkner. Prize winners were:–
Black cats: I. Joan Steaton; 2, Dorothy Mayers; 3, Edna Wright; vhc, Eva Jackson and Freda Lightfoot.
Tabby cats: 1, Betty Faulkner: 2. Hazel Nield 3. Hilda Holmes: vhc. Dorothy Ward, Eduard Hughes, and Joan Page.
Coloured cats: 1. Winnie Woodward; 2. Margaret Higgins; 3. Henry Sheen; vhc, Robert Newns, Barbara Lewis, and Doris Mort
Persian cats: I Heather Nield; 2, Hazel Astbury.
Kittens: 1. Dorothy Heaton; 2, Violet Welch; 3, Marcelle Lloyd; vhc, Mary Denson, and A. Johnson.
Each exhibitor was given a bar of chocolate and the cats a bag of cat-meat. Refreshments were served by the W I. Refreshment Committee. Cages for the show were lent by Messrs. Leonard Wright and Co. The president of the W.I. thanked all those who had helped.

King's Lynn and District Fur and Feather Society. Grand Show of Poultry, Pigeons, Rabbits, Mice, Cavies, Canaries. Budgerigars, Fish and Cats, will be held In the Corn Exchange, King's Lynn, Wednesday, Dec. 7, 1938. Show will be opened by the Mayoress (Mrs G.G Woodwark). Show Opens 2 p.m. Admission 6d. –
Class 74–Cat, any variety, Pure Breed (breed to be stated)
Class 75–Cat, any other variety, Smooth Coat
76–Cat. any other variety. Long Coat.
Entrance fee, Cats 1/6. Prize money, 10/-, 5/-. 2/6. Miniature Cup Best Cat.
Entry form for the above, or Schedule and Particulars from A. Hammond Browne, Hon. Sec., 53, Norfolk Street, King's Lynn.


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