SWINDON AND NORTH WILTS POULTRY, PIGEON, AND CAT SHOW. Wiltshire Times and Trowbridge Advertiser, 3rd January 1880
This exhibition took place at the Drill Hall, New Swindon, on Wednesday and Thursday. Owing to the very rough, rainy and dirty weather there were not very many visitors but the show was good one. The poultry classes were well oiled. The rabbit classes contained over 130 entries. In the pigeon classes there were about 140 entries, and some good birds were shown. The cats, though last on the catalogue, were not the least attractive. There were not many varieties, but there were some fine animals shown.

PIGEON. AND CAT SHOW AT NEW SWINDON. Swindon Advertiser and North Wilts Chronicle, 3rd & 5th January 1880
The annual exhibition in connection with the Swindon and North Wilts Poultry and Dog Association of poultry, pigeons, and cats, took place on Wednesday and Thursday last, in the spacious Drill Hail of the 11th W.R. Volunteers, New Swindon. So far as the number of entries was concerned, and the quality of exhibits, the show must have been one the most successful held by the society, upwards of 1400 entries having been made close by close to 500 persons residing in all parts of the kingdom. The attendance of visitors was much larger than last year. The judges were: Cats, Mr G. Brett, Bridge-street, New Swindon ;
Below will be found the full list of the awards.
CATS: Class 126 – Heaviest gelded cat of any variety. 1st J. C. Wilson, Regent-street, new Swindon; 2nd T. Tilby, Avebury, Wilts.
Class 127 – Long-haired he cats – 1st and special – J. Bridgman, Bristol; 2nd J. Eaton, London; 3rd W.A. Walker, Warwick; highly commended Miss m. Vaisey, Highworth.
Class 128 – Long-haired she cats – 1st T. Tilby; 2nd J. Eaton; 3rd I. Fernie M.D., Stratton St. Margaret; 4th T.W. Wrench, Badbury, Swindon.
Class 129 – Short-haired he cats – 1st E.R. Fifield, Swindon; 2nd Master T. Kitching, London; 3rd Rev. W. K. W. Chafy-Chafy, Evesham; 4th P. Norton, Gorse Hill, Swindon.
Class 130 – Short-haired she cats – 1st D. Bourton, Stratton Wharf.
Class 131 – Long-haired kitten – 1st Mrs T. Payne, Northampton; 2nd Mrs A. Newton, Northampton; 3rd J. Shiel; highly commended Mrs newton.
Class 132 – Short-haired kitten – 1st and 3rd C. Brown, Wroughton; 2nd E.F. Proctor, Prospect, Swindon; highly commended G. Looms, Ship Inn, New Swindon.
CATS, LOCAL CLASSES: Class 133 – Long-haired cats – 1st Mrs Low, Exeter Street, New Swindon; 2nd C Brown; 3rd P Humphries, Badbury Plough, Swindon; highly commended G. Turnbull, Haydon-street, new Swindon.
Class 134 – Short-haired cats – 1st J.B. fry, Swindon; 2nd C. Timbrell, Brunel-street, New Swindon; 3rd Mrs W.H. Read, bath-road, Swindon; 4th E. D’Arcy, Gloucester-street, new Swindon; very highly commended W. Fisher, High-street, Swindon, Mrs Farmer, Wroughton (2), and G. Looms; highly commended W. Hewer and J. Plaister, Cambria-place, New Swindon.


DOG, POULTRY, PIGEON, RABBIT, AND CAT SHOW AT WATERLOO. Liverpool Mercury 4th February 1880
The fourth annual exhibition under the auspices of the committee of this show was opened yesterday, in the Skating Rink and adjoining premises, beside the Waterloo Railway Station. The show is under the patronage of the Right Hon. the Earl of Sefton, the Right Hon. Lord Skelmersdale, and the leading gentlemen of the neighbourhood; the chairman of the committee for the year being Mr. J. Birch jun., the treasurer Mr. T. H. Hornby, and the honorary secretary Mr. J. Woollam. The entries for the year in all classes amounted to 911; of which 299 were dogs, 342 poultry, 165 pigeons, 80 rabbits, and 26 cats, which latter were included for the first time. There was an increase of 140 upon the entries last year, and the number of exhibitors were also more numerous than in any of the three previous years. There were 16 cups of the aggregate value of 40 guineas, besides money prizes in each of the 66 classes into which the exhibits were divided. The money prizes in the classes of [. . .] cats, 12s 6d, 10s, 5s and 2s 6d. Taken as a whole, there was an improvement in all departments and in the quality of the exhibits as compared with that of last year, and there was much greater local interest taken in its success. The following exhibitors were each awarded cups of the value of two guineas each:- Mr George Kidson for a foreign cat. [. . .] The judges were Mr J Hawley for pigeons, rabbits and cats.

The following exhibitors were awarded cups of the value of two guineas each:-[. . .] Mr. George Edson, for a foreign cat;
The judges were-Mr. J. S. Skidmore, for dogs; Mr. B. Teebay, for poultry; and Mr. J. Hawley, for pigeons, rabbits, and cats; while Mr. J. Sumner acted as veterinary inspector. The show will be continued to-day. . . .

WATERLOO, DOG, POULTRY, PIGEON, RABBIT, AND CAT SHOWOrmskirk Advertiser, 5th February 1880
The fourth annual show was held on Tuesday and yesterday, in the Railway Shed and Skating Rink at Waterloo, and for the number of exhibits and quality of stock shown, the committee of management deserve the warmest congratulations. [The cat] department was new this year and certainly the venture succeeded in every way. Not only were the entries large but the attraction, especially to the ladies, was great, and every description of “Pussy” was to be found – Persians, tortoise-shells, French [note: Angora] and English tabbies, Manx, &c.; but of all these the first prize animal described in the catalogue as foreign took the palm. It was of immense size, beautifully marked, and to all good tempered. The feline tribe looked very comfortable and happy with new milk and biscuits/
Cup, George Edson, Malton; 2, Miss Bower, Seaforth; 3, Joseph S. Hodgson, Altrincham; 4, J.W. Whiteley, Manchester; vhc, Miss Mary Jepson, Manchester; Robert Stevenson, Rochdale; Mrs Ryder, West kirby; James Shell; ch. Miss J Dinsdale, Liverpool; Miss Fernie, Seaforth; Geroge W Ashton, Waterloo; E S Claxton, Wavertree; Mrs Sutton, Formby.


THE AGRICULTURAL AND OTHER SHOWS AT BURY. Bury Free Press , 21st February 1880
The Agricultural Show will not be the only attraction, local energy having initiated a project, which has every prospect of success, for holding a Dog and Cat Show. The latter part of the proposal arose out of half-jocular suggestion at the meeting called Wednesday to promote the Dog Show. Many true words are spoken in jest, and suggestions made in a joke not unfrequently turn out feasible. That the Cat Show will prove an attractive adjunct to the Dog Show we have no doubt. Ladies especially are supposed to have strong sympathies with the “harmless, necessary cat,” and feline attractions may be found >.o exercise as much or more power over them than canine ones. The two together, at any rate, will be safe to secure a good attendance, especially as is as good as settled that there will be direct communication between the Agricultural and Dog Shows. [. . .] A Committee has been formed to look after the arrangements for the dogs and cats, and the first step will be to sound the public with view to ascertaining the amount support to be expected.

Proposed Dog and Cat Show at Bury. A meeting was held on Wednesday afternoon at the Angel Hotel, to promote project for holding a dog show at Bury on the days of the Suffolk Agricultural Show in June. [. . .]Mr. Machell Smith asked whether cats as well as dogs would be admitted. Mr. Le Butt thought the idea was good one. - Mr. Smith moved that prizes be offered for cats, and he suggested that the competition should be made local. Mr. W. G. Guy seconded the motion, which was carried unanimously, with the understanding that the cat show would be limited to Suffolk.

PROPOSED DOG AND CAT SHOW, SUFFOLK Bury & Suffolk Standard, 24th February 1880
A meeting was held at the Angel Hotel on Wednesday of gentlemen favourable to the proposal to hold a dog show in connexion with the meeting of the Agricultural Association to be held in this town next June . . . Mr. Machell Smith asked why a show of cats should not take place in connection with the show of dogs; and the suggestion being taken up warmly, under the belief that it would prove highly attractive, it was decided that prizes also be offered for various kinds of cats, the competition in their case to be limited to the county.

THE BURY DOG AND CAT SHOW. Bury Free Press, 24th April 1880
To the Editor of the Bury Free Press. Sir, - l appeal to you for justice to myself and sympathy for my mistress. I am a cat she is anxious to exhibit at the forthcoming Bury Show. I shall not so far prejudge my case as to say whether I am a black Persian, with bushy tail and superb frills, or spotless white, or an irreproachable tabby, nor even whether I am Thomas or Thomasina ; but one thing I may say, I am absolutely perfect of my kind and have every talent and endowment befitting a ca - except a good temper - and that’s the rub. By rule xiii. I disqualified, for I cannot for a moment suppose it was designed for the benefit of the very meek and harmless human creatures who act as companions to prize-taking cats and dogs. Therefore it must be myself, for from earliest kittenhood I have found the constant use of sinful sibilations very consoling. Alike when my mistress helps me out of the silver cream jug in the best china saucer, and when cook flouts me for helping myself to the same out of the dairy pans I sibilate ; and now for this little peculiarity I shall lose my prize and my mistress her pride in me get the rule rescinded, and oblige, Your obedient servant, GROWLING GRIZZLE.

THE DOG AND CAT SHOW. The Ipswich Journal , 4th May 1880
In the prize list just issued for the above show, which is to be held in connection with the Suffolk Agricultural Show, it appears that upwards of £112 has been offered in prizes in the Dog, Show, open to All England, and about £12 or £13 in prizes in the Cat Show, open only to Suffolk. Entries close on Tuesday, 8th June.

THE DOG AND CAT SHOW. The Ipswich Journal, 26th June 1880
At Bury St. Edmund's on Thursday and yesterday (Friday), in addition to the Suffolk Agricultural Society's Show, there was a, flower show and an exhibition of dogs and cats, and both proved very attractive.- The marquees, three in number, for the dogs and cats were pitched on the meadow facing the Eastgate Road, and the show was a very large and attractive one, the arrangements, which were admirable, having been made by an influential Committee, headed by Mr. B. W. Greene. The competition for dogs was open to the United Kingdom, and that for cats to Suffolk only. [. . .] The cats were confined to Suffolk exhibitors, and the Show was a small one, numbering 24 entries, and there was not amongst them the rarest of animals, a tortoisehell tom. The prizes were awarded as follows: Long-haired cats, Mrs. Geo. Goldsmith, Bury, first; Mrs. M. A. Walton, Hepworth, second. Best cat and kittens, Mr. W. Ager, Great Livermere; Mr. Wm. Scales, Hawstead Old Hall, second; VHC Mr. Ruffell, Fornham All Saints. Best Manx cat, Mr. O. T. Bulkeley, St. Margaret's College, Lowestoft. Best cat in the Show, Mrs. Goldsmith. [Note: The winner of the Manx class was Mr W Webb according to the Bury Free Press, Bury St Edmunds]

THE AGRICULTURAL AND OTHER SHOWS. Bury Free Press, Bury St Edmunds, 26th June 1880
The amount of Thursday’s gate-money at the Agricultural Show, given in our Supplement, is only a part of the total, which was £306. Mr. Webb’s 1st prize cat escaped from the Cat Show on Thursday night, and had not re-appeared up to the time of writing.
[. . .] The Cats were divided into six classes, and there were 23 entries. The “best in the show” (Mrs. G. Goldsmith’s) was a fine lazy animal. The cats did not command nearly so much attention the dogs, the tents in which the latter were shown being well filled. Smoking was strictly prohibited, and it was interesting to see how contentedly one gentleman, directly under the placard to that effect, sat puffing away at his meerschaum.
Class 1 – Long-haired cats of any breed – First prize £2 2s; second 15s. 1st Mrs Geo Goldsmith, Risbygate-street, Bury (best in the show); 2nd Miss Mary Ann Walton, Hepworth, near Scole.
Class 2 – Best cat and kittens - First prize £2 2s; second 15s. Mr. W. Ager, Great Livermere; 2nd Miss Maude Rednall, Bury; highly commended Mr Mr. Ruffell, Fornham All Saints.
Class 3 – Common English cats – First prise £1 10s; second 10s. 1st Miss Rosa Tearle, ?? Vicarage; 2nd Mr J.A. Simmonds, Guilds-street, Bury; very highly commended Miss Hebe A. Pratt, Boyden End, Wickhambrook, Suffolk; Miss Anne Raynbird, Hengrave; highly commended Mr Wm. Raynbird, Hengrave, Mrs Chas. Oliver, Bury; commended Mr W Scates, Hawstead Old Hall, Bury St Edmunds.
Class 4 – Tortoiseshell Tom - First prise £1. No entry.
Class 5 – Manx Cat - First prize £1. 1st Mr W. Webb, Bank House, Bury.
Class 6 – Best cat in the show – Prize given by the Ladies of Bury, £2 Mrs Geo Goldsmith, Risbygate-street, Bury.

THE DOG AND CAT SHOW Bury & Suffolk Standard, 29th June 1880
This exhibition, was set on foot as an auxiliary to the Agricultural Show, proved very successful . . that for cats was restricted to Suffolk.
Class 1. – Long-haired Cats. There were eight entries in this class, including a Persian cat, eleven years old, sent by Miss Kilbourn; Mr. Arthur Blaydon, Great Barford; Mr. E. Smithyes and Mrs Arbon, Culford; Mrs W.J. Mills, great Burton’ Mrs. Mary Ann Walton, Hepworth; Mr. W.G. Guy, the Grange, Bury, and Mrs. G. Goldsmith, Risbygate-street, Bury, were also exhibitors. The latter took the first prize, the second being given to Mr. M.A. Walton’s, Hepwoth.
Class 2. – Best Cat and Kittens. First prize, £2’ 2nd, 15s. There were six entries in this class, from Mr. Ruffle, Fornham All Saints; Mr. Ager, Great Livermere; Mr. W. Raynbird, Hengrave; Miss Anne Raybird, Hengrave; Miss Maude Rednall, Bury; and Mr. W.G. Guy, The Grange, Bury. The first prize was given to Mr/ Ager, and Mr. Guy took the second. The animal shown by Mr. Ruffell was very highly commended.
Class 3. – Common English Cats. First prize £1 10s.; second, 10s. The contributors to this class were – Mrs. Pratt, Boyden End, Wickhambrook; Mr. W. Raynbird, Hengrave; Miss Anne Raybird, Hengrave; Mr. J.A. Simmonds, Guildhall-street, bury; Mr/ W. Seates, Hawstead, old Hall; Mrs. C. Oliver, Bury; and Miss Rosa Tearle, Gazely Vicarage. The last mentioned, who exhibited a tabby and white cat, five years old, obtained first honours, Mr. Simmonds’s Cypress being second, and the first three entries received marks of very high commendation.
Class 4. – Tortoiseshell Tom. A prize of £1 was offered, but no entry was made,
Class 5. – Manx Cat. First prize, £1. There were only two entries in this class, and the prize was awarded to Mr. Webb, of the Bank House, whose cat subsequently escaped from the show.
Class 6. – Best Cat in the Show. Prize given by the ladies of Bury, £2. This was awarded to Mrs. G. Goldsmith, Risbygate-street, Bury.


THE CAT SHOW AT THE TYNEMOUTH AQUARIUM. Shields Daily Gazette, 22nd June 1880 and Shields Daily Gazette, 23rd June 1880
One of the most entertaining exhibitions held at the Tynemouth Aquarium is the National Cat Show, opened this morning. Although the idea of holding such a show during the Race Week was only taken up about a fortnight since, exhibitors have been found pretty plentiful, and no less than 130 entries have been made. There are twenty-three classes, and out of that number twenty-one are represented. Tynemouth and the immediate locality has furnished its share of “pets," whilst Newcastle, Gateshead, Sunderland, the south country, as far London, Hants, and even places on the Continent, have sent their delegates. The exhibition is being held in the Winter Garden, or what has been more recently termed "The Crystal Palace," the cages being placed in row s alongside the ornamental plant beds. The cages are admirably suited for the purpose, and ”puss," during her limited stay at the sea side, has been made as comfortable as a crowded watering place would permit.

The exhibits were due to be in their allotted places 9 p.m. last night, and during the whole of the evening a continuous arrival of hampers and baskets took place, the contents of which could not be mistaken, from the suppressed “mewings" which came from within. When relieved, from the uncomfortable basket, and placed in the light and airy cage, "puss" shewed no inconsiderable amount of bewilderment. With all due 'reference to Mr Leggatt, who was busy with an organ recital just before eight o'clock, "puss" did not at, all seem to relish the music, and seemed much discomforted thereby. Had any accident happened to either hampers or cages during Mr Leggatt's heavy practice "See the Conquering Hero Comes," there must have ensued a stampede of the wildest description. Fortunately nothing of the kind happened, and as soon as the distressing sounds had ceased, the occupants of the cages, after making a most particular inspection of their new habitations, settled .down and meditatively “took stock" of what was going on outside.

The "positions" in society of the various "exhibits" was plainly marked, not so much by appearances however, for rich and poor, no doubt, had alike undergone considerable polishing up, but by those who attended on them until they are safely the hands of the show authorities. When "puss" makes a trip in a basket, the same being attended by a footman or groom, it may be taken for granted that her starting place was not a cottage or the town house some artisan. Further when two or three girls or boys not attired in the most expensive apparel, are gathered round the door of a cage - one of them holding open the lid of a well worn market basket, whilst another is getting "Tommy" out, it is perfectly plain whereabout, that said "Tommy" has been wont to dwell.

The classes in which there are the most entries are the Brown Tabby, or Tabby and White; Blue Grey or Silver Tabby; Black or Black and White - he cats - (short-haired.) There are less than thirteen entries in the Tortoiseshell, or Tortoiseshell and White - short-haired she cats. There are twelve entries for short-haired kittens, amongst which are some exceedingly pretty things. Mr J. W. Wilson, naturalist, the Crystal Palace, London, officiated as judge.

The awards were made just afternoon, the judge expressing himself highly gratified with the excellent character of the exhibits. The following, amongst other local exhibitors have succeeded in getting prizes.
Short haired he-cats - Class 2 - Brown tabby or tabby and white, three first prizes - King Tom, J. Campbell, and Cherry,Mr Aydon, both of Newcastle; Butcher, Mr. Robson, Gateshead; 2, Jack, Mrs Phillipson, Tynemouth.
Class 3 – Blue or grey or silver tabby - 1 Pet, Mrs Stonebanks ; 2 Jack. Miss Phillipson, both of Tynemouth.
Class 4 - Red tabby, or tabby and white - 1, Wallace, Mr Farmer, Jarrow; 3 Honks mon Donks, North Shields.
Class 5 - Black or black and white – 1 Tom, Mr Wilson, Tynemouth; 2 Black Prince, Mr Brown Cullercoats.
Class 6 - Pure white - 1 John, Miss Lambert, Cullercoats; 2 Snow, Mr Forengeng, Tynemouth; 3 Snow, Mr Foster, North Shields.
Short haired she cats - Class 7, tortoiseshell - 1 Pussy, Mr Oxon, Tynemouth; 2 Queen of Cullercoats (an exceedingly pretty cat), Mr Bailey, Cullercoats; 3 Miss Kitty, Miss Faustin, Willington Quay.
Class 8 - Brown tabby or tabby and white - 1 Lioness, Mr Allen, Cullercoats; 2 Mistress of the Robes, Hedley, Newcastle.
Class 11 - Black, or black and white 1 Topsey, and kitten, Mr Pearce, Tynemouth 2, Tipsey, Mr Watson, Tynemouth.
Class 12 – Pure white - Cullercoats Pet, Mr William Millar, Cullercoats.
Long haired he cats - Class 14 – 1 Ionian, Mr G. Fenwick, Tynemouth; 2 Fanny, Mr Harrison, Newcastle.
Long-haired she cats - Class 15 - Pure black or pure white - Highly commended, Mr Shotton, North Shields.
Class 16 - Tabby, or black and white - Highly commended, Beauty, Mr Young, North Shields.
Amongst the prize winners from a distance," is Mr Whiteman [Weightman], Newington Butts. His long-haired white Persian "Mistletoe," which he values at £100, is the finest cat of the kind exhibited. The prizes consist of plate, watches, clocks, and similar useful articles, the practice of giving money having been abandoned by the managers. The heaviest cat the show was Mr Dixon's (Newcastle) "General Tom," it weighed 121bs. The attendance throughout the day was good. The show will be open again today and tomorrow.

CAT SHOW AT TYNEMOUTH AQUARIUM. Daily Gazette for Middlesbrough, 23rd June 1880
On Tuesday an interesting cat show was opened iv the Winter Garden of the Aquarium, Tynemouth. The holding of the exhibition only originated with the management about a fortnight ago, and notwithstanding this short space of time, 133 entries were received for the 23 classes, the animals exhibited being of a fine specimen. Mr Weightman, of London, exhibited a long- haired white Persian cat, named Mistletoe, which was considered by the judge to be the finest animal in the show, its value being set down at £100. Mr Dixon, of Newcastle, exhibited a tabby cat, General Tom, which weighed 121 lbs., the heaviest cat in the show. Mr F. W. Wilson, naturalist, of the Crystal Palace, London, officiated as judge, and he was obliged to give in some of the classes two first and two second prizes, in consequence of the cats being almost equal in regard to points of excellence. There was a large attendance of visitors during the day, who appeared to be highly interested in the show.

CAT SHOW AT TYEMOUTH AQUARIUM Newcastle Journal, 23rd June 1880
Yesterday forenoon, an interesting cat show was opened in the Winter Gardens of the Aquarium, Tynemouth. The holding of the exhibition only originated with the management about a fortnight ago, and notwithstanding this short space of time, 133 entries were received for the 23 classes, the animals exhibited being of a fine specimen. Mr. Weightman of London, exhibited a long-haired white Persian cat, named “Mistletoe,” and was considered by the judge to be the finest animal in the show, its value being set down at £100. Mr Dixon of Newcastle, exhibited a tabby cat, “General Tom,” which weighed 12 pounds, the heaviest cat in the show. Mr. F.W. Wilson, naturalist, of the Crystal palace, London, officiated as judge, and he was obliged to give in some of the classes two first and two second prizes, in consequence of the cats being almost equal in regard to points of excellence. There was a large attendance of visitors during the day who appeared to be highly interested in the show. [prize list same as in Shields Daily Gazette]

AN INTERESTING EVENT AT THE AQUARIUM. Shields Daily Gazette, 26th June 1880
The cat show at the Aquarium, this week, has been quite a success. One of the animals, the property of Mr Sisterton, Gateshead, has given birth to four kittens, and their value is enhanced by the fact that the mother had received first prize. Over 11,000 visitors entered the Aquarium during Wednesday and Thursday.

TYNEMOUTH AQUARIUM [CAT SHOW] Newcastle Journal, 26th June 1880
The cat show at this place has been a great success. In all there are 120 animals on view, many of them very fine specimens. One cat, the property of Mr Sisterton, Gateshead, has honoured the occasion by giving birth to four fine kittens at the show. During Wednesday and Thursday over 11,000 visitors entered the Aquarium.

[TYNEMOUTH AQUARIUM CAT SHOW] Darlington & Richmond Herald, 3rd July 1880
The first prize cat at the Tynemouth Cat Show last week gave birth to four kittens at the Aquarium.


MERTHYR DOG, POULTRY, AND CAT SHOW Merthyr Telegraph and General Advertiser for the Iron Districts of South Wales - Friday 24 September 1880
We beg to again draw attention to this event, of the utmost importance to the ''fancy" in the dog, poultry, or pigeon line. It has also its attractions to the admirers, male and female, of the feline species from the number and nature of the prizes offered, and, if we remember rightly, last vear's collection of domestic pets was of no meagre character, and was worthy in itself of a visit to the show. As a reference to the schedule will show, the prizes for dogs, poultry, and pigeons have been materially increased, and special prizes in the form of silver cups are offered. There is every indication just now of the show being a very large one. We would remind intending exhibitors that the last day for entries is Wednesday next, and, therefore, no time should be lost in forwarding the requisite entry forms.

MERTHYR DOG, POULTRY, PIGEON, AND CAT SHOW. South Wales Daily News, 14th October 1880
The second annual show of the Merthyr Dog, Poultry, Pigeon and Cat Society was opened at the Market House, Merthyr, on Wednesday last under very favourable auspices. There was a very large influx of visitors, and the town was gaily decorated in honour of the occasion. The entries were in some departments numerically under the standard of last year, but the quality of the exhibits was on the whole improved. The following is a list of the prizes:
CATS.—Best long-coated cat, he or she - 1, David Thomas, Watton House, Brecon; 2, W. C. O. Ellis, Combe Down, Bath.
Best tortoise-shell cat, he or she - 1, Mrs Hughes, 7, Spring-street, Dowlais, "Minnie”; 2, C. Graves, Boythorpe, Chesterfield.
Best tabby cat, he or she - 1 and cup, John Gardner, Walton le Dale, near Preston.
Best cat (any other variety), he or she - 1, D. W. J. Thomas, Ely Cottage, Brecon; 2, Reginald G. Salter, Union House, Merthyr Tydfil.


At the twelfth National Cat Show in the London Crystal palace the animals were divided into two classes, long-haired and short-haired. In the former class, prizes were offered, but the pure tortoise-shell “tom” was not represented. One of the cats shook hands cleverly. There were only three entries of tailless Manx of any color. The red tabby cat was scarce, and there was only one black long-haired tom in the exhibition. The heaviest cat was eight years and a half old and weighed sixteen and a half pounds. - The Milan Exchange, 18th November 1880

A CAT SHOW. London has just been holding in the Crystal Palace its annual show of cats. This year’s festival brings together some of the finest specimens in England of Toms, tabbies, tortoise-shells, Turkish and Russian cats, tailless Manxes, and long-haired Persians and Angoras. The late cat congress included no fewer than 266 delegates, divided into fifty classes – to such refinements has feline science been pushed – occupying cages, furnished each with a cushion and a pan of milk. Some of the members of this convention, as the account of the London Standard shows, were covered with honors – one had taken seven first prizes; a second that had gained six prizes, including four consecutive annual cups, unfortunately died after the show was opened. The poet Pope remarks that thousands “die and endow a college or a cat,” but here to judge from the attendance lavished on puss, the endowment is in lifetime. Such sums as $200, $300, and $400 appeared as prices affixed to distinguished cats, and there were prizes for sheer heaviness, prizes for beauty, and even a prize for abnormal formation, carried off by a seven-clawed cat. The highest sense of cat humor is said to have been developed by a pair of Siamese cats – no doubt Siamese twins. There seems to have been no prize for musical accomplishments; but these Crystal Palace pets were well-bred, decorous cats, and wandering minstrels who riot and sing on back fences – those troubadours of the tribe – were banned. – April 1880, various

CAT SHOW AT THE CRYSTAL PALACE. Greenwich and Deptford Observer, 16th October 1880
The twelfth national cat show was opened at the Crystal Palace on Wednesday. The number of animals exhibited was not so large as on some previous occasions, but the show, on the whole, was a very good one. The show was well attended, and the caged animals attracted considerable interest. "Blackie" exhibited by Mr. Luke Evans, and Mis Green's Cetewayo, proved very attractive, as did three tailless Manx cats, and Mr. Winnie's Minnie, four years old, the latter having been the winner of several prizes. Mr Weightman’s Mistletoe, a white long-haired cat two years old [should read “ten years old”], and the price of which was stated at £100 had won upwards of forty prizes. Among the classes that appeared to create the greatest interest were those of blue or silver tabby, spotted tabby, “unusual colour," the Manx cats, the tortoiseshell or tortoiseshell and white, the "best-marked kittens," pure white, and the "heaviest long-haired cat." Many of the animals exhibited were of remarkable beauty, and the high selling priers attached to them were not, therefore, surprising. The exhibition remained open till yesterday (Friday).

NATIONAL CAT SHOW AT THE CRYSTAL PALACE. South London Press , 16th October 1880
The 12th National Cat Show was opened at the Crystal Palace on Wednesday, and continued on Thursday and Friday. There were 210 entries, divided into classes, embracing every variety of cats, there being some very fine specimens exhibited. The following residents of South London were amongst the prize-takers:

Mr. A. Harris of Dartmouth-road, Forest Hill, first prize in Class 2 for brown tabby. In Class 3, for blue or silver tabby Mrs. Durman, of Upper Norwood, took first prize, and Mr. G Bird, of Wells-road, Sydenham, took second prize. Mrs. Littlejohn, of Upper Norwood, took third prize in Class 4 for red tabby. Mrs. E. King took second prize in Class 5 for red and white tabby. In Class 6, for spotted tabby, Mrs. C. Smith, of Nunhead, took first prize and Mr. W. Ward, Beer Cellar, Crystal Palace, took third prize. In Class 7, for black and white, the first, second, and third prizes were taken respectively Miss Ferguson, Upper Norwood, Mr. J. Trusson, Croydon, and Mrs. Miller, Dulwich. The first prize Class 8, black, was taken Miss L . Greene, Eye. The second prize Class 10, unusual colour, was taken by Miss Monk, of Gipsy Hill. Mr W. Cope, of Gipsy Hill, took first prize Class 11 for Manx cat. Miss E. Willson, of Streatham, took second prize in Glass 12 for tortoiseshell. Mr. R. Norris, of Sydenham Hill, took third prize in Class 13 for tortoiseshell and white. In Class 14, brown tabby, the first prize was taken Mr. C. O. Johnson, Sydenham, and third prize by Miss Tullett, of Upper Norwood. In Class 15, blue or silver tabby, Miss J. Gardiner, of Lower Norwood, took first prize, Miss Winsor, of Thornton Heath, taking the third. In Class 17, spotted tabby, Mrs. Strange, of Upper Norwood, took third prize. In Class 18, black and white, Mr. Turner, Croydon took first and second prizes, and Mrs. Miller, of Dulwich, the third. In Class 19, black the first, second and third prizes were taken by Mr. Fossett, Lower Norwood, Miss Fasker, Gipsy Hill, and Mr. J. Newell, boathouse, Crystal Palace.

In Class 20, white the second prize was taken Mr. W. King, Beer Cellar, Crystal Palace. In Class 22, for Manx cats, the second prize was taken by Mrs . F. H. Plummer, Old White Hart, Borough. In Class 23, best marked kittens, the first prize was taken by Mrs. Tullett, Upper Norwood, Miss Wookey, 21 Penton-place, Newington Butts, taking second. In Class 24, pure white, Miss Breman, Crystal Palace Parade, took second prize, and Mr. L. Peck, Sydenham Hill, the third. Miss E. Ackland, Southampton-street, Camberwell, took third prize in Class 26 - tabby. Mr. W Grist of Lordship-lane, took second prize in Class 27, unusual colour. Mr. G. Edwards, of Peckham, took first prize in Class 23 - pure white. Miss E. Ackland, Camberwell, took second prize Class 29 - black. In Class 30 (tabby), Miss Grant, Upper Norwood, took first prize, and Mr. T. Rochester, of Lawrie Park, Sydenham, took the third. In Class 31 (best long-haired kittens). Miss Bateson, South Norwood, took first prize, Mrs. H. Kyberd taking the second. In Class 33 (tabby), Miss T J. Callam, South Norwood, took first prize, and Mr. H. Taplin, Lower Norwood, the second.

In Class 34 (heaviest short-haired cat), Mr F. H. Plummer, of the Borough, took the third prize. In Class 36 (heaviest black and white), Mr Plummer took the first prize, his cat weighing 14lb 8oz.; Mr. F. W. Brookes, 137 Westminster Bridge-road, taking third prize, his cat weighing 11lb 12oz. In Class 37 (heaviest cat, unusual colour), Miss E. Willson, of Streatham, took first prize with her “Bob,” it weighing 16lb 8oz„ and having previously gained 13 first prizes. In Class 38 (heaviest long-haired cat), Miss E Kingston, Lower Norwood, gained the first prize. In Class 44 (for the best tabby cat), Mr. A. Smith, refreshment department, Crystal Palace, secured the first prize. In Class 45 (best white cat) Mrs. Ruffles, Atlantic-road, Brixton, secured the first prize with her Persian puss. This cat has one eye blue and the other yellow. In Class 47 (best two kittens), the first prize was secured by Master G. Wookey, of Penton-place, Newington Butts. The judges were Mr. W. B. Tegetmeier and Mr. George Billet.

A SHOW OF CATS - Evening News (Sydney, NSW), 18 Dec 1880
Although the twelfth National Cat Show, which opened at the Crystal Palace yesterday (says the London Daily News of October 16) was scarcely equal in numbers to some of its predecessors, it was unquestionably better in quality. The animals were divided into classes, under the descriptions of short-haired and long-haired cats, the judges being Mr. George Billett and Mr. W. B. Tegetmeier respectively. In the former the prizes for tortoiseshell male cats headed the list; but the species seems to have become a rare one, for the pure tortoiseshell tom was unrepresented, and there were but two entries in tortoiseshell and white. The peculiarities of some of the exhibits attracted much attention from the numerous crowd of visitors during the day. For instance, Mr. W. Luke Evans showed an English black and white pet, 'Blackie' by name, four years old; which is accustomed to sit up and beg like a dog. 'Blackie' also possesses considerable skill in shaking hands, and entered the exhibition with the prestige of having won a prize two years ago. In the class devoted exclusively to black cats, Miss L. Green's Cetewayo was the subject of much notice. The cosmopolitan nature of the show may be gathered from the fact that one of unusual colour, sent for inspection by Mrs. Powell, was born in the Dobrudscha, while the same exhibitor sent a cat which was a native of Kustendjie, on the Black Sea.

In the department allotted to male short-haired cats there were but three entries of tailless Manx (any colour). Amongst the female cuts the red tabby appeared to be quite as scarce a specimen as the tortoiseshell tom over the way. The accomplishments and attainments of the animals were fully set forth, and undoubtedly a very distinguished cat was Mr. Wookey's Minnie, four years old, the winner of the first prize as a kitten in 1877, the second prize in 1878, and the first prize in 1879 at the Crystal Palace; the first prize in the present year at Newcastle-on-Tyne, and the Baroness Burdett-Coutt’s gold medal. Another pet, with highly creditable antecedents, was Mr. Thomas Weightman's Mistletoe, a white long-haired beauty, 10 years old, and the winner of 39 first prizes, three second, and 11 special. The price of this one was set down at £100; others were appraised at 100 guineas; many were not for sale at all; while two white cats shown by Mrs. Staples Browne, which answered respectively to the names of Simon and Snow, and both first-prize animals, were each assessed at £79 17s 7d as the market price. The long-hair, species appeared to be the favourites with the visitors, and here it may be remarked that there was only one black long-haired tom in the, exhibition.

Much amusement was caused by an announcement in the compartment intended to have been occupied by Miss E. Ackland's Persian lion, that being without his winter coat he was unable to enter an appearance. In class 27, assigned to male long haired cats of unusual colour the first prize of £1 was won by Mr. G. Edson; the second by Mr. W. Grist's Haroun; and the third by Mrs. Powell. This was sent to England seven months ago by Aga Khan, and is described as an imported Persian. There were special prizes for working men's cats, and in this category was Tit, eight years and 6 months old, the heaviest in the show, and weighing 16 and one-half pounds.

Of animals with remarkable characteristics, a Persian white may be mentioned, with one eye blue and the other yellow. From these facts it will be seen that the show is full of interesting features; many of the exhibits are comfortably cushioned, and all are well cared for.


ABERDEEN DOG AND CAT SHOW. Aberdeen Free Press, 30th December 1880
This show opens in Queen Street Drill Hall on Friday. The entries number 270, including cats . . . Cats, novelty, this being, as far as we remember, the first show held here, include several prize-winners at south shows - Edinburgh, Dundee, etc. - and number about 20. Altogether the show of 1880 promises to be, both in point of numbers and quality, one of the best yet held in Aberdeen.

ABERDEEN DOG AND CAT SHOW [1880]. Aberdeen Press and Journal, 1st January 1881
The seventh show of dogs and cats, under the auspices of the Aberdeen Dog Show Association, was opened yesterday in the Artillery Gymnasium, Queen Street, Aberdeen. The show, taken as a whole, must be considered on of the most successful tht has been held under the society’s auspices. There are nearly 270 entries, including about 20 cats. [. . .] Cats are shown at this exhibition for the first time, and, as might naturally be expected, they have attracted a good deal of attention. The tribe is largely represented, and the quality of the exhibits is admitted to be of the best kind. The first prize went to a very fine black Persian cat, and the second to a beautifully streaked silver grey Persian, the winner of the first prize at the last Edinburgh Cat Show. [. . .] The cats were judged by Mr. John Anderson, Blairgowries, who has kindly sent a number of his prize cats for exhibition.
Class 29 – cats, 16 entries – 1, W.C.F. Houstoun, 4 Park Place, Dundee; 2, Mrs. Frew, Kirkcaldy; 3, Mrs. Noble, Aberdeen; very highly commended H. Allan, Victoria Street, Aberdeen; highly commended A.J.J. Thompson, Aberdeen; J.R. Ogg, do; Miss Littlejohn, Springbank Terrace; commended James Still, Kintore; R. Grossley Allan, 33 Albyn Place, Aberdeen.
Silver cup for best cat - W.C.F. Houstoun, 4 Park Place, Dundee.


PIGEON, RABBIT, AND CAT SHOW. Blackburn Standard, 10th January 1880
This show was held on New Year’s Day in the large room of the Royal Oak. There were 209 entries. [The cat judge was not named]. There was also an excellent show of rabbits and cats. Three prizes were given for the best three of the kind, the first prize being 10s, the second 5s and the third 2s 6d in each of the 15 classes, and the exhibition was considered to be of such an excellent character that the judges in many cases highly recommended a large number of the unsuccessful competitors [note: but not in the cat class]. Below we give a lisit of prizes :-
CATS – Any breed: 1, T. Aspden, Accrington; 2, J. Smith jun., Blackburn; 3, W. Smith, Darwen.

DOG AND CAT SHOW . Dundee Courier , 5th March 1880
Dundee Music Hall Lessee And Manager, Mr Wm. McFfarland - Extraordinary attractions tonight. Dog and Cat Show and exciting contests, for benefit of Prof. Atherton, the celebrated dog trainer. First and Second Prizes for all classes of dogs. Silver Cup for the best dog. Silver Collar for the best cat. [. . .]

In the conversation which afterwards took place, it was generally thought advisable that a cat show should be again held in conjunction with the dog show; and that the prizes of the latter should be somewhat reduced, and awarded under a different rule to what they were at the last show, with a view of making the show more certain of paying its way.

MARYHILL. PROPOSED DOG AND CAT SHOW North British Daily Mail, 22nd June 1880
Yesterday afternoon, Mr McLeod, of Maryhill, and some practical gentlemen from Glasgow, took measurements of the size and dimensions of the new Burgh Hall for the proposed Dog and Cat sow, and after careful inspection, and on comparing their measurements, they found that the constructure would be far too inadequate for the purposes of the show . . . it is believed had the show gone on that the number of . . . cats [would have been] between 60 and 80. A great number of dogs and cats were to be sent from England.

REDRUTH HORTICULTURAL, DOG, POULTRY AND CAT SHOW, Cornubian and Redruth Times, 2nd July 1880
Redruth horticultural, dog, poultry and cat show will be held on the 4th and 5th of August. Sir John St. Aubyn, President, and other distinguished Patrons. Prizes amounting to over £140. Further particulars will be shortly be announced. For Prize Lists, apply to the Hon. Secs. Redruth.

POULTRY, PIGEON, RABBIT AND CAT SHOW. Blackburn Standard, 17th July 1880
The Darwen second poultry, pigeon, rabbit, and cat show was held in the Co-operative Hall on Saturday. There were upwards of 260 entries, and amongst these were some palace and cup prize winners. The room was very well arranged, the pens for exhibiting the birds being supplied by Messrs. Brookes and Co., of Manchester. [. . .] The show was decidedly the best the committee has ever held, though the attendance was not large.
Cats, any breed or colour, first and second, Mr. J. Sheil, of Liverpool. Special prizes were presented by Messrs. Spratts, Mr. J. Chamberlain, Messrs. E T Brown and Sons, Messrs. Brooks and Co, Messrs. Hartley Bros, and Mr. J. J. Platter.

Poultry, Pigeon, Rabbit, and Cat Show at Cleethorpes, 31st July and 2nd August.

Shepton Mallet Poultry, Pigeon, Cage Bird, Rabbit, and Cat Show, In connection with the Agricultural Association, 1880. The Third Grand Exhibition Of Poultry, Pigeons, Cage Birds, Rabbits, and Cats, Will Be Held In Langhorn Park, Shepton Mallet, on Tuesday, September 7th, 1880, when nearly £90 in Prizes will be given. The Show will open to the public 11 o’clock. Admission to the tent, 6d; Children, 3d. Schedules of classes and prizes, with rules and regulations, may be obtained from the hon. sec., W. Perry, Taylor’s Paddock, Shepton Mallet. Entries positively close on Saturday, August 28th. The cage birds must be the property of exhibitors within a radius of 12 miles from Shepton Mallet. W. J. N. Perry, Hon. Sec., Taylor’s Paddock, Shepton Mallet.

FLOWER AND POULTRY SHOW AT RYHOPE. Northern Echo, 3rd August 1880
The annual exhibition 'of the Ryhope Horticultural and Poultry Society has become a Bank Hioliday "institution" with the Sunderland folk. [. . .] There was likewise a cat show. Miss Greener, Grange-terrace, Sunderland, obtained the first prize, and G. Parker second, and J. Dixon, Ne castle, third. Wm. Wilkinson shows the best cat in Ryhope; Luke Dayner the second.

THE FLOWER, DOG, AND CAT SHOW. Exeter and Plymouth Gazette Daily Telegrams, 10th August 1880
The exhibition of flowers, dogs, cats, poultry, and pigeons, which opens in the vegetable market tomorrow and continues open until Thursday night, promises to the most successful ever held the town. The secretary, Mr. J. Hearson, [. . .] A new feature been introduced into the arrangements the offer of ten silver cups, and a prize-list amounting to the sum of £200. All that is wanted now is fine weather during the two days.

WHITBY DOG AND CAT SHOW. Whitby Gazette - Saturday 14 August 1880
The eighth exhibition of dogs and cats in connection with the Whitby Dog Show Society was held on Thursday in the Congress Hall, where the animals were arranged in good position for view, the larger class of dogs being on the ground floor and few outside the hall, while the smaller kinds and the cats were placed in the gallery, the judging of the dogs was conducted in the centre of the ground floor.
CATS. English tiger marked—John Watson, Whitby; 2 Mrs Miller, Whitby; 3 Miss Breckon, Whitby; hc W Hudson, E Hutty.
English black – John Wallis, Pickering; 2 W B Clarkson, Whitby; 3 Isabella Brown, Whitby; c G Gray
English, white—I T Smith, Whitby.
English tortoise-shell or chintz—John Legg, Whitby; 2 Miss Renwick, Hawsker, 3 Miss E Parker, Harrogate, hc T Burke, Miss R Noble, Mary Cook, F Cook, Mrs Renwick, E Hutty
Cat and family of kittens—no 1st, 2 W Marshall, Alslaby,3 R Connell, Sleights; hc T P Longster, Miss Jefferson, R Stainthorpe, Miss L Russell, and J Binningham.

BURNLEY POULTRY, PIGEON AND CAT SHOW. Liverpool Mercury, 6th September 1880
The annual a] poultry, pigeon, and cat show took place in Bank Hall Fields, Burnley, on Saturday. There were 440 entries, being 220 in excess of last year. The amount of prize-money given away was £75, considerably more than last year. All classes were well represented, and the show was altogether a good one. The following are the principal prize-takers:- Cats: J. Gardner, Preston; and Miss Jackson, Rawtenstall.

The BURNLEY POULTRY, CAT SHOW. Burnley Gazette, 11th September 1880
On Saturday, last the 4th annual exhibition was held in a field adjoining the new Wesleyan chapel off Colne-road. [ . . ] A novelty of this year's show was the introduction of the “tabby” element, the two prizes offered in this section drawing to the field 11 cats, upon whose value some fanciful prices were scheduled. Mr. E. Hutton Leeds, and. Mr. Jas. Fielding, Newchurch acted as judges in the poultry and cat division
CATS.— Cat, any breed 1, J. Gardner, Walton-le-Dale; 2, Miss Jackson, Rawtenstall

SHEPTON MALLET POULTRY, PIGEON, CAGE BIRD, RABBIT, AND CAT SHOW. Western Daily Press, 8th September 1880, Bristol Mercury, 8th September 1880, Western Gazette, 10th September 1880
The third exhibition of the Shepton Mallet Poultry, Pigeon, Cage Bird, Rabbit, and Cat Show was also held in Langford. [. . .] Judges - cats —Mr George Billet.
CATS. Special prize, given by A A Hill, for the best cat in the show - Miss P Craddook
Class 57 Longhaired and special, 1 Miss PCraddook; 2, W M Selway: 3 W C O Ellis and Frederick Knight.
Class 57.—Short-hair—1 R Osborne; 2. Archdeacon Brown; 3, W C O Ellis; hc G O Davis. John Colston, John Watts.
Western Gazette, 10th September 1880:
Cats.— £1 Is, given by Mr. A. A. Hill, Miss P. Craddock, Shepton Mallet.
Long hair—1st, 15s, Miss P. Craddock; 2nd, 10s, W. M. ; highly commended, W. C. O. Ellis and Fred. Knight.
Short hair—1st, 15s, R. Oborne. Pennard ; 2nd, 10s, Archdeacon Browne ; 3rd, 5s, W. C. O. Ellis ; very highly commended, J. Colston ; highly commended, G. O. Davis, A. Burges, and J. Watts.

MCFARLAND’S MUSIC HALL. Aberdeen Press and Journal - Saturday 11 September 1880
This place of amusement was crowded last night, the entertainment having been set apart for the benefit of Alvo, the aerial gymnast. In addition to the various items on the ordinary programme, extra attraction was provided in the shape of number of amateur contests, for which prizes were offered. One of the most amusing of these contests was a cat show, a purse of silver being offered for the finest specimen. Some half-a-dozen cats were brought forward in custody of boys, and the tremendous yells and miscellaneous noises with which the appearance of the felines was greeted by the audience almost frightened the poor animals to death, and made them struggle hard to free themselves from the grasp of those who bad them in charge. A huge black and white Tom, produced from a hamper, was unanimously voted the prize.

[BATH POULTRY & CAT SHOW] Wells Journal, 21st October 1880
A poultry and cat show is to be held in Bath on November 3rd and 4th.

MAYFIELD (STAFFORDSHIRE), POULTRY, PIGEON, RABBIT, AND CAT SHOW. Derbyshire Advertiser and Journal, 12th November 1880
Mayfield (Staffordshire), Poultry, Pigeon, Rabbit, and Cat Show. The Second Annual Show will be held on December 21st and 22nd, 1880.

DOG, POULTRY, AND CAT SHOW. Dundee Courier, 4th October 1880
The [third] annual show, under the auspices of the Dog and Poultry Association, is to be held on the 5th and 6th November next in the Drill Hall. This year competition for cats has been added, and valuable prizes are offered for the best Tom and the best Tabby [female cat], as well as a special prize for the best cat in the show.

MAYFIELD POULTRY, PIGEON RABBIT AND CAT SHOW. Derbyshire Advertiser and Journal, 31st December 1880
The second exhibition of this character at Mayfield, near Ashbourn, was held on Tuesday and Wednesday, Dec. 21 and 22. Last year’ show was on a very limited scale, and when we state that on this occasion there were 743 entries it will be seen that the progress which has been made is very remarkable. [Then mentions the progress made due to the prosperity of the mills . . .] the development of a local taste for excellence in poultry and domestic pets-the original object of the last year – has been all that could be desired. The show was held in the National Schools, and during Tuesday afternoon and evening was crowded with visitors . . . A last of the awards is given below:

CATS – Long-haired: 1, John Wallis, Ashbourn; 2, Mrs. Corbet, The Grove, Ashbourn; 3, C. Carrington, Breadsall Priory, Derby; highly commended, Wm. Pardy, Ashbourn; commended, J. Wallis.
Short-haired: 1, S Oakden, Mayfield; 2, J. Gerard, Tissington; 3, Mrs. Drage, Sturston; very highly commended, W. Thorne.


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