CAT SHOW. Heaviest cat, $5, Mr. McLellan; handsomest cat, pair vases, $3, Mr. Douglas; best Maltese cat, ham, $2, Mr. Board; best Maltese kitten, parasol, $1.50, Mr. Williamson; finest black cat, pair boots and basket flowers, $3.75, Mr. Trestram; best bob-tail cat, basket of flowers, $2, Mr. Vail; white cat, two bottles gin, Mr. Wilson; white kitten, print dress, F. Beer; ugliest cat, hair brush, Mr. Douglas.
Judges–Messrs. A. Brown, George Roach, F. P. Hinkley, F. W. Fearman, R. Chisholm, D. B. Chisholm, R. Service, M. Murphy, Geo. Sharp, J.M. Lottridge, H.B. Bull, Colin McRae, D. McCulloch, W.T. Munday, J. Eastwood, G. McKeand, and W.H, Glassco.
PEDIGREED CATS - The Winnipeg Tribune, January 21, 1902
A Large Number Will Be Sent From The South And East For The Poultry And Cat Show.
The secretary of the poultry and cat show, to be held at the drill hall Feb. 17 to 21 inclusive, has received a letter from Mrs. Beson, a prominent Minneapolis cat fancier, in which she says she will bring up from the Twin Cities between forty and fifty pedigreed cats for competition. These will include some of the finest specimens on the continent. He has also advices from Toronto to the effect that a number of eastern cats will be sent up for the occasion. It is likely that a number of local people who own cats will be induced to compete with their favorites, and this new feature should add greatly to the interest in the show.
POULTRY AND FELINE SHOW.Largest Entry of Birds on Record in Winnipeg — Some Rare Specimens of Cats. – The Winnipeg tribune, February 17, 1902
The largest poultry show ever held in Winnipeg will open tomorrow morning in the Alloway & Champion block, Portage avenue. Nearly a thousand birds have been entered [. . .]
An additional feature of this year’s poultry show is the cat show, which is in charge of Mrs. Beson. The entries for this show are still coming in, and by the time that it is opened there will be a keen competition in most classes. Mrs. Beson has herself several magnificent specimens of Angoras and Persians; and many who attend the «how will have an opportunity of seeing, perhaps for the first time, some of the fancy varieties of cats that have become a fad in the United States. The prizes to be given for cats are three silver cups, a gold medal, a bronze medal, some silver spoons, framed pictures, and pieces of fancy china.
In the store that is being fixed up today for the show a reception room for ladies is being tastefully decorated and comfortably arranged, and plans are also being completed by which music will be provided. Mr. George D. Holden, of St. Paul, will be judge of the poultry, and Mr. W.W. Good, of St. Paul will award the prizes to the cats and pet stock. Dr. George P. Murray will visit the show rooms four times daily, and attend to the sickness, if there is any, among the poultry and pets, but every precaution in the way of disinfecting has been taken against sickness.
THE POULTRY EXHIBITION – The Winnipeg Tribune, 10th February, 1903
The championship cat show, and the Winnipeg poultry exhibit In connection with It, opens tomorrow morning at 264 Portage avenue. Arrangements have practically been completed, and the lower and second floors will be used to display the cats and birds. A special offer is being made this year in connection with the entrance ticket. A numbered stub is attached to each one, and this the purchaser retains. On Saturday night just before the show closes the president will draw a number, and the lucky holder gets a purebred Angora eat.
There are more than half as many again cat entries this year than last, and the poultry exhibit will be every bit as large and choice as last year, when It was a provincial affair.
Mrs. Beson told The Tribune this morning that she had secured from the Orange anti Cream Cat club, of Chicago, of which Mr. F. W. Story, Is president, and Mrs. Boson vice-president for Minnesota, recognition of the Winnipeg show as a champion one. This puts Winnipeg in the same class with New York, Chicago and Cincinnati. Any person who wins four firsts is entitled to a championship cup. The prizes offered here are especially good, and over forty classes are shown. Mrs. Beson herself brought up only eight of her twenty-eight cats. To-morrow school children will be allowed in to the show for five cents.
POULTRY AND CATS – The Winnipeg Tribune, 11th February, 1903
The rooms at 264, Portage avenue, where the Poultry and Cat show opened this morning [. . .] Apparently the interest centers upstairs in the cat department, presided over by Mrs. R. B. Beson, of St. Paul. This show is larger than ever before and the quality is superior. Besides the local animals, four or five of the states are represented. In two of the cages the proverbial foes, cats and dogs, are living together in amity. Mr. J. F. Hartley, of Neepawa, has two large Angora cats, who keep between them a tiny black and tan dog. Ono of the monsters of the show is a local short-haired cat, weighing seventeen pounds.
Miss Armingham, of Winnipeg, shows Frederick the Great, just imported from Paris. Mr. A. K. Maycock has the Duchess and two of her children. Zimmlty-Zim, a prize brown tabby, is shown by Mr. Douglas Sproud, St. Paul, and Mr. Bowser Tom-Kins, of Ft. Paul, is shown by Mrs. E. Matthews. The cat with the hyphenated name is a brown tabby.
Some of the cases in which their royal highnesses are shown, are elaborately gotten up, with curtain cushions, mirrors and various other things to keep the animals contented and good natured. That appears to be easy. Mrs. Be son has a number of prize cats of her own on exhibition, but they represent but slightly the extent of the kennel. Today was children’s day and quite a number of youngsters were present. The game birds, bantams, canaries and cats, appeared to be of most interest to them.
THE POULTRY EXHIBITION – The Winnipeg Tribune, 12th February, 1903
The Poultry and Cat show is now in full swing. All of the exhibits are in place, and ready for inspection. The cat department appears to be the favourite spot in the building, and it certainly is more elaborate in its preparations than the poultry room. Many of the cages in which the cats are shown are fixed with an eye, not only to the comfort of the prospective prizewinners, but also to the general beauty of the arrangement. This exhibit is the most valuable of its kind ever shown in Winnipeg. Many of the cats are animals that have been imported at considerable expense, and are splendid specimens of their class.
The attendance so far, has been large, and continually increasing, and the promoters are confident that the show will in every way, surpass anything that has been here before. The chance of winning the $50 Angora cat, as well as the excellence of the show, is helping out the attendance. Judging of the cats will commence tomorrow.
JUDGING IN PROGRESS – The Winnipeg Tribune, 13th February, 1903
Judging in the cat department of the Poultry and Cat show commenced this morning, Mr. F. W. Stobart in acting as judge. There is a keen competition in quite a large number of classes, the Brown Tabbies being especially numerous. At the same time the pet birds will also be judged and prizes awarded. These prizes, and more especially those in the cat department, are exceedingly valuable ones. [. . .] To-morrow, all the coops and cages will be ticketed, and a large crowd is expected. In the evening the Angora cat will be awarded to the holder of the lucky ticket number.
THE POULTRY EXHIBITION – The Winnipeg Tribune, 13th February, 1903
It Closes This Evening - A Beautiful Cat to be Given Away.
The Poultry and Cat show will close tonight after a very successful exhibition. At half-past eight the Angora cat, to be given as a prize to the holder of the proper ticket, will be awarded. All of the cages and coops are decorated with the cards and badges, which show, the number of prizes taken. One of the favourites in the cat show is “Tommy Millard,” the heavyweight Tabby, who tips the scales at 17 pounds. Tommy is a resident of the city, and his butcher bill is no light one.
WINNIPEG POULTRY AND CAT SHOW - The Winnipeg Tribune, 16th February, 1903
The Winnipeg Poultry and Cat show closed on Saturday evening, after a most successful exhibition. The holder of ticket number 422 won the Angora cat. The owner was not present, so Mayor Arbuthnot made a second and third draw, but these numbers will not be made public unless the first cannot be found. The number 422 will, however, hold good for one week, at least. It is the intention of the association to hold a similar exhibition next year at bonspiel time.
ROYAL CANADIAN CAT CLUB Toronto Saturday Night, 23rd January 1904
On Monday the Royal Canadian Cat Club will open the first exclusive cat show ever held in Canada. Mrs Mortimer Clark has promised to attend and formally declare the show open at three o’clock. At this season of the year fur-bearing animals look their best and there should be a grand rally of Toms and Tabbies at St George’s Hall on Monday. The beaux and belles of catocracy, who are well known in certain modish houses, will no doubt regard with indifference the blue ribbon, but not so their adoring mistresses. Mr W.J.O. Malloch is the honorary secretary of the show, and Mrs F.C. Ellis is the club’s president.
TORONTO CAT SHOW - The Ottawa Journal, 25th January, 1904
The Royal Canadian Club opens the first exclusive cat show in Toronto today that has ever been held in Canada. Mrs. Mortimer Clarke formally opened the show at 3 o’clock this afternoon and all the Toms and Tabbies arrayed in their best coats like a bevy of debutantes, awaited in St. George’s Hall with beating hearts and anxious mien the advent of the judges, and their mistresses, it might have been observed looked none the less anxious, anticipating individually each for their own favorites carrying off the coveted blue ribbon.
PRIZES FOR TWO DETROIT CATS [IN TORONTO SHOW] – Detroit Free Press, 27th January, 1904
Toronto, Ont. January 26th — (Special.) – Among the awards made yesterday at the Royal Canadian cat show were the following: Long-haired cats, class 2, white females — First, Mrs. Avery Franklands, Detroit – Turquoise. Class 3. black male — First, Mrs. Avery Franklands, Detroit – Prince Mamill.
[CAT SHOW, TORONTO] Toronto Saturday Night, 30th January 1904
We have had all manner of shows in Toronto of all sorts of animate and inanimate things in which men and women take interest, but never was a show at which I noticed so much feeling or heard so many intimately endearing terms as at the Royal Canadian Cat Show on Monday afternoon. "The inscrutable eyes of all the cats," as Roberts says in his "Kindred of the Wild," blinked and glowed and narrowed and flashed and calmly gazed with placid indifference, but always held some strange occult significance which alike chills and repels me. For I cannot love poor pussy! Not so the other woman whom I took to the show. We were "dote and antidote," as the funny man remarked. She purred to and tenderly touched the royal Persian, the bland Maltese, and even "Midnight Annie," the rake of the warehouse, was softly addressed by her as a "sweet dear." The other woman is a victim of many cats. I have seen her cuddling a skeleton of a kitten while certain sons of Belial (in knickerbockers) slunk shamefaced from her indignant reproaches and let fall the murderous dangling rope and took to their heels' while yet her gentle eyes were shooting fire and her soft bosom heaved tumultuous under the frail form of the rescued "sweet dear." Daily she would exhibit that attenuated atom to my inspection, assuring me that it would become the cleverest and prettiest of cats; daily its wild eyes took on calm and sweet content of expression, its claws rested quiescent, its fur grew sleek and soft and bushy. At last it was really a pretty, playful pussy, the pet of the house and the pride of the other woman's heart. And one day, as we watched it gamboling and executing all sorts of graceful twists and curves, a little gamin flung a small stick at it and the other woman said, warmly, "That wretched little boy! I'd like to whip him!" Whereat I greatly marveled, for the boy, thin, dirty, abused and friendless, possibly also beaten and starved, judging by appearances, was a being made in the likeness and image of the Great Father of us all, but entirely failed to appeal to the gentle enthusiast, who had so bravely championed the small cat in, her hour of need. True It is that pussies are, in comparison with small boys, a known and determined quantity, a safe investment for care and tenderness, so to speak, but their day passes, and they are not. It has strongly appealed to me to care for the small boy in my time, and there has grown therefrom an inspiration and a reward which even the Shah of Persia, with his six hundred pet cats, never knew.
But to return to the Cat Show. It was quite a study to see the owners of the felines with their pets. There was the little breeder of valuable cats, with her bright, keen eye and her knowing handling of her fluffy favorites, and the doting owner of some pampered specimen, whose cage was spread with matting and whose cushion bed was of a hue to best set off the shade of pussy's coat, and the excited little lady whose cat had a blue ribbon, and who was as delighted as surprised, and cooed to the victor, undismayed by the blase stare of its wonderful topaz eyes. And there were small girls who hauled out their cats now and then, wrong end first generally, and lugged them off to show to some chum, and hugged them until even these well-conducted felines squeaked fat remonstrances. And there were women who laughed at all these devotees of the old, old religion of Egypt, and Just a few men, who prowled around and did some sneaky purring on their own account, and there was a marvelously human looking cat person in a place by itself, with leopard-like marking and chenille-like fur, which a certain furrier had sent to add that weird touch of wildness which gave interest. It is a wonderful leopard-cat, and belongs out Junglewards, where things do not walk, but lurk and prowl and slay. And in another distinct class was a white coon, demure and sly, with beautiful ruby eyes and the tint of old lace, that luminous cream tint, on its long, silky fur. The coon had probably no rightful business there, but, then, a coon always has an eye out for any sort of business. Probably his quick ears were widened when he heard the first lady in Ontario making her speech and condoning poor pussy's lapses from honesty in the matter of chicken bones. To the coon it must have seemed strange that anyone should not take anything that was not nailed down. And he sat crouched with his jewellike eyes gleaming across at the Southern leopard spotted cat, who gazed humanly with great, round, prominent eyeballs and meek, almost shrinking pose; I have seen that wide, meek, patient gaze in many a woman's eyes, generally when the woman was African-born. And oh, shades of Hall Caine! there was one Manx cat, and so strange and wonderful was the show to her that she promptly went into a fit - a catastrophic cataleptic seizure of a decidedly strenuous nature. It reminded me of a very great lady who wore to a state function a very grand velvet train, which was belted to her waist over her short satin dress. The hooks were not strong, and as the lady, who was very stout, bent to make her curtsey before Their Graciousnesses, the strain was too much for the hooks and they went! Train and jeweled belt dropped to the ground as their owner arose from her obeisance, and she walked off in a bob-tail satin skirt and left her velvet grandeur in a heap for a convulsed aide to bundle up and carry after her. She did not take a fit like the Manx cat at the show, but promptly fainted and fell all over the aide. However, she would have sympathized with the poor tailless feline had she been at our Cat Show, for she had also found herself minus the tail which every other beauty sported. There was an orchestra playing, and it was a curious thing to watch its effect upon some of the pussies. They evidently didn't like it, and I took subtle pleasure in remarking their discomfort, reflecting upon sundry sleepless hours during which they had contributed the music, possibly harping upon similar strings. When the fiddlers jocundly lilted "The Lucky Duck" certain pussies set up their backs, and certain others spit and growled. It evidently touched a tender chord. One old Tom buried his nose in the straw and sulked in disgust too deep for utterance. The leopard cat arched her smooth neck and poked her flat nose out in pathetic protest; a festive black kitten woke up and played with a paper ball hung from the roof of her cage. She was too young and inexperienced to know what every violin string costs some worthy member of her tribe. There was a vote to be given for the most popular cat in each class, and it was part of our late education to see to it that "our" cat got most votes, so we proceeded to canvass and plug, after the approved methods, until we thought it safe to leave the result in the lap of the gods - those wonderful cat-gods that come from the Nile and have forgotten more than the modern politician ever knew. And so we bade them farewell, the imperial Persians, the bad old Toms, the sly tabbies, the giddy kittens, the knowing warehouse cats, the grave and gracious Maltese, and the two aliens, the ruby-eyed coon and the meek-eyed South American leopardine. There were red ribbons and blue ribbons, and V.H.C. pink ribbons fluttering from certain wire cages, and there was tea and cake for the cats' mistresses on the dais, and I fancy the first Royal Canadian Cat Show has been in the nature of a caterwauling success (the usual adjective is too doggy).
TORONTO SHOW – The Ottawa Journal, 1st February, 1904
[This snippet shows that cat shows were now part of the social calendar for US society people)
Mrs. Britton Francis, who loft last week, is on a visit to her husband’s mother in Toronto, and besides being present at the opening of the cat show last week, is being entertained right royally. Always making herself popular, she is sure to make hosts of friends in her new home in Chicago, where Mr. Francis now is.
THE MEMBER FOR CARLETON – The Ottawa Journal, 12th February, 1904
Toronto, Feb 12 – The agricultural interests of the province were ably defended by Geo. N. Kidd, the stalwart member for Carleton, in the Legislature this afternoon [. . .] Mr. Kidd maintained that while the government boasted of its aid to agriculture the money thus voted was not properly distributed and in consequence the agricultural associations of Ontario did not get one-half what they a were entitled to. He would not be surprised to find a figure in the estimates next year to aid the cat show which had recently been held in Toronto. It was in this manner that the government applied public money.
[TORONTO] – Democrat and Chronicle, 24th July 1904
The Royal Cat Club, of Canada, will hold a cat show in Toronto on August 29th. Cats from all parts of the Dominion and from a few cities of the United States will be shown. Some of Rochester’s highbred pets will be among the entries. Mrs. Jackson will enter her Phyrne, Cupid and King Edward VII. Other cats will doubtless be sent from Chicago, possibly some from New York. Mrs. [Alfred] Jackson [Lockehaven Cat Club, Rochester] expects to attend.
QUEEN IRENE’S FAMILY - Democrat and Chronicle, 16th August, 1904
Mrs. Alfred Jackson’s new brown tabby, Queen Irene, has recently presented her with five beautiful kittens. Queen Irene was born in England and has an ancestry that includes some of the first prize winners of the world. She is called the handsomest brown tabby in the United States. She would be entered at the cat show in Toronto, which opens this month, were it not for the family now absorbing her attention.
PERSIAN BEAUTIES FOR PET STOCK SHOW – The Winnipeg Tribune, 21st November, 1904
Friday Mrs. Robert Thompson, who is to be manager of the cat exhibit at the eighth annual pet stock show to be held here from Nov. 30 to Dec. 3 had two beautiful Parsian felines, one white haired and the other prey. The sire and dam of both these cats are champions, and have a long list of medals won at Holland shows. These two aristocratic felines travelled all the way from Antwerp, in a miniature Pullman car, divided into compartments. The floor of the quarters was covered with a rich velvet carpet, and one of the sleeping quarters was a little buffet where dainty food was placed to tempt their refined tastes, and in a pretty basin liquid refreshments were served.
“The cats were not sick,” Mrs. Thompson said to a reporter, "and when the steamer reached New York I had friends meet them who kept them over for a couple of days’ rest and exercise. Then they went on to Chicago, and were carefully tended and rested there. They reached Winnipeg a bit tired after their 3,500 mile journey, but In excellent spirits and health."
Mrs. Thompson is very proud of her contribution to the show, for besides the new arrivals she has several very valuable cats which she has as house pets. One of the handsomest of them is Apollo, a beautiful white Angora, that easily weighs twenty-five pounds.
The catalogue for the eighth annual pet stock show, which is to be held here from November 30 to December 3, has been issued. The premium list is a very long one, and the interest manifested in the approaching exhibition of pet stock is very keen and Is being looked forward to by pet stock fanciers both in Winnipeg and throughout the province. The cats to be exhibits will be a special feature of the show and will be under the auspices of the national cat show of Chicago, who have given ten silver challenge cups to be contested for.
Short-haired cats are to be entered, and it is the wish of the managers of the exhibit that all Winnipeg residents who have pet felines will enter them. This exhibit is to be given specially to stimulate the regard for cats as house pets, and to interest the Humane society to the point of caring for homeless and ill-treated ones.
THE CAT SHOW Toronto Saturday Night, 10th February 1906
The Cat Show, which will be held in Broadway Hall, 450 Spadina avenue, on February 21, 22 and 23, deserves encouragement and interest from the public, and a feature of this year's show will be cats exhibited by children, for which several prizes have been offered. The manager of the show is Dr. Bell, 536 Ontario street, and the secretary's address is 14 Brunswick avenue.
TORONTO CAT SHOW – Various, 21st February, 1906
Aristocrats of the feline kingdom, several hundred in all, held forth in Broadway hall to¬day at the opening of the annual exhibition of the Canadian Cat club. There were thirty-seven classes in the long hairs and twenty-five in the short hair breeds represented. The exhibi¬tion will remain open until Saturday.
ROYAL CANADIAN CAT CLUB SHOW Toronto Saturday Night, 24th February 1906
The gentle Grimalkins and Tabbies have for the past three days been recalling days of old Egypt and cat worship, in Broadway Hall, where the Royal Canadian Cat Club has been holding its second annual show. Mrs Coatsworth did perhaps her first official duty of that sort in opening the show at four o’clock on Wednesday, and there was a brave array of exhibits, both in the feline and sartorial lines. Some of the cats on exhibition are valued as high as five hundred dollars, the champion white cat of America goes as high as a thousand! The Cat Club was formed for the purpose of increasing the interest in cats and encouraging the breeding of Persians and Angoras. Judging from this week’s show, it is surely accomplishing its mission.
CAT SHOW AT TORONTO - Detroit Free Press, 8th July, 1906
The cat show in connection with the Industrial Exhibition association will be held this year August 29 to 31. The show is improving every year and this year they home to have a better one than ever and think that the exhibitors from all parts of the continent will give them their best support.
ROYAL CANADIAN CAT CLUB Toronto Saturday Night, 28th July 1906
A cat show will be held by the Exhibition authorities next month at Exhibition Park, under the auspices of the Royal Canadian Cat Club. Any person desiring to join the club, or wanting any information, should apply firstly to the secretary, 1,040 Brunswick avenue, secondly, to the Exhibition offices.
The Eighteenth international bench [dog] show, held in connection with the Canadian national exhibition, will be by far the largest and best of the series. The show has steadily increased in popularity from year to year, and has the active support and co-operation of the most important and representative [dog] clubs on the continent. [. . .] So successful have been the four previous shows of cats that the exhibition management has resolved to have another this year. It will be held on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, August 29, 30 and 31.
Toronto, Ont. – Canada’ great industrial exhibition was formally opened today with the customary ceremonies. Exhibitors are much more numerous than last year and include a number of Americans. This year $100,000 has been spent in new buildings and the premiums have been increased until the reach a point in excess of $45,000. All departments are well filled, but particularly noteworthy are the live stock exhibit [. . .] a special feature is the dog and cat show. [. . .] The exhibition will remain open until September 10.
INTERNATIONAL CAT SHOW - Kansas Globe, 29th August, 1906
Toronto – The international cat show under the auspices of the Royal Canadian Cat club opened today as a feature of the Toronto exposition. It is the fifth annual show of the Cat club and in number and class of entries it far eclipses its predecessors. The exhibits include the aristocrats of the feline race of every known breed and come from many parts of Canada and the United States. The show will continue three days.
[TORONTO CAT SHOW]. Democrat and Chronicle, 29th August 1906
Mrs. Elizabeth L. Brace, secretary for the Lockehaven Cat Club, and Miss Jane R. Cathcart, of Oradell, N. J., will go to Toronto to-night to attend the annual show of the Royal Cat Club of Canada, to be opened this morning. None of the Rochester fanciers will exhibit there this year, as they usually have in former years, because the cats can win no championships, the Royal Club not being under the rules of either the American Cat Association or the Cat Fanciers’ Association. Miss Cathcart will show three of her pets. Buster Brown, considered the champion of al! short-haired smokes in America; Billy Baxter, a short-haired gray tabby and white neuter never yet beaten, and Prissy, an imported black English female. Those three cats were started from their home, Miss Cathcart’s cattery in Oradell, on Monday. They are to travel only at night, that they may be in good health and spirits for the show. They were brought by a man whom their owner sent with them, to the home of Mrs. Brace, No. 42 Greig street, yesterday, where they stayed all day. There they were served with refreshments, had naps and played in the run that Mrs. Brace has on her premises for her own cats. They left last night on a steamer bound for the city where they hope to win fresh laurels.
NO ROCHESTER CATS AT TORONTO – Democrat and Chronicle, 7th September, 1906
Mrs. Elizabeth L. Brace, secretary of the Lockehaven Cat Club, has returned from the Toronto cat show conducted by the Royal Canadian Cat Club in connection with the Toronto fair. She says it was the smallest exhibition that club ever had. Only eight cats were entered by United States fanciers. The relations between the owners of cats in the States and the Canadian club have been especially friendly, but many fanciers, like those of Rochester, were unwilling to send cats to the Toronto show, when the rules under which it was conducted would not permit the gaining of points toward championships. This was the reason none of the blue-blooded cats of this city was sent there. It was thought not worthwhile to pay the expense of sending the pets and at the same time risk them in the strain which showing involves. It has been found, fanciers say, that the higher bred a cat is, the more delicate is its nervous organism.
TO HOLD CAT SHOW IN TORONTO – Detroit Free Press, 22nd November, 1906
The fourth annual show under the auspices of the Royal Canadian Cat club, Toronto, will be held December 11, 12 and 13 in Broadway hall, Toronto. The entries close December 6 and those wishing to enter their feline beauties will do well to correspond with A.E. Field-Marshall, Beamsville, Ont. The premium list includes prizes for both long and short haired cats and the prizes range from blue ribbons to $2 in cash.
BIG EXHIBIT OF CATS. Ottawa Free Press, 3rd December 1906
Toronto, Dec. 1 - Prospects for the International Cat Show which Is to be held In Broadway Hall, 450 Spadina Ave., on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, December 11th, 12th and 13th are most promising. In fact the assurances are that it will undoubtedly be the best cat show yet held. It might be stated that is the fourth show held under the auspices of the Royal Canadian Cat Club. Cats are coming from all parts of the States; Miss Cathcart of Oradell, N.J., has made thirty-two entries. Mr. Jones of the Cat Journal, Rochester, proposes to bring his cat, the Hon. Peter Stirling, a long haired white Persian, the which Is $1,000. In fact Mr. Jones has already been offered that amount and declined it. There will be Silvers, Chinchillas, Blacks and Oranges in both long and abort haired varieties.
In addition it is proposed to hold a bazaar at which a large number of fancy articles suitable for Christmas presents will be on sale, the stalls being presided over by some of the foremost ladies of the city. The entries close with the Secretary, Mrs, W. C. Bell, 1040 Brunswick Ave., Toronto on Thursday December 6th. An extra large number of special prizes have been donated and are on view with the Challenge Cups and Medals in the window of Messrs. Ambrose Kent & Co., Yonge St. The show will open on Tuesday afternoon the 11th at 3 o'clock. Mrs, Coatsworth the Lady Mayoress having kindly consented to preside. A limited number of season tickets at 50 cents apiece will he sold, good admission any time between the opening on Tuesday December 11th and the closing at 10 p.m. Thursday night 13th.
THE CANADIAN PUSSY CAT SHOW The Montreal Daily Star, 3rd December 1906
This is the latest - the very latest - a Royal Canadian Pussy Cat Show, and pussies from all over the Dominion are invited to join their yowls uninterruptedly, unceasingly and without fear In one grand sweet “catanka,” which will be held at Broadway Hall, 450 Spadina avenue, in that blissfully contented self-satisfied and twentieth century city of Toronto, from the eleventh to the thirteenth of December. During that time the cat in all its multifarious and absorbing classes will be the object of varied interest and excitement. Big Tom, as sleek and wise as a wizard, and as crafty as he is wise, will be on deck licking his chops and thinking over the many vexations and complications he has caused by his mischievous depredations during his unscrupulous kittenhood. Old Puss sits beside him, innocent and quiet enough to look at now, but just Imagine the number of machinations this old she villain has hatched up, causing all kinds of quarrels and distress to her own family and all the others in the {immediate neighborhood. No class of the dramaturgic animal is barred. All will be made welcome, and as every known variety of cat, from the ordinary store, house or garden cat down to the most dignified Persian, has signified his or her intention of putting in an appearance, armed with the best of morals, behavior and society manners some evenings may be expected which will doubtless rival high society in the eclat with which they are conducted.
TORONTO CAT SHOW The Charlotte News, 12th December 1906
The purring aristocracy of the country met today in Broadway Hall in a friendly competition for several thousand dollars in prizes. The event is the fourth annual cat show of the Royal Canadian Cat Club. The show has called together a collection of several hundred high-bred felines from many parts of Canada and the United States.
ROYAL CANADA CAT SHOW – The Ottawa Journal, 13th December, 1906
The judging of the long-haired classes at the Royal Canadian cat show was completed yesterday forenoon and a great deal of interest was taken by the fanciers present. The feature of the judging was the beating of the celebrated $1,000 cat Sousa, owned by Mrs. Geo. H. Gould of Ithaca, N.Y., by Mrs. H.G. Dykehouse’s Brenin Gwynne, a cat which the judge says has a remarkable career before him.
The very prolonged spring weather in Toronto did some good at least, as the cats wherever visited showed remarkable conditions of coat and vigor for this time of year. It is to be hoped that the sudden return to real summer weather will not take any of the “gilt” off, as I believe the Exhibition authorities are promising a “greater than ever” at the show this year, with a list of specials which even some weeks ago had exceeded the hundred mark. We had a chat with Miss Gourlie and Mr. Kent, whom many of our American cousins, who have tasted of his hospitality and admired for his genial manner and whole-hearted spirit, will regret that he is no longer chairman of the Cal Show Committee, though they will all with one accord wish him long life and success as vice-president of the whole Exhibition. Miss Gourlie, as usual, is working night and day and filling the shoes of our confrere, Dr. A. W. Bell, whose career in Winnipeg we are all following with much delight.
The show first. And now to our real “piece de resistance” - the cat. Scarcely on land again, so to speak, but we fairly took wings in the direction of our ‘Toronto friends (and oh! how good they were). A few hours saw us at the door of Miss Lowe's pretty home on Albany avenue, where we found her Princess Charlotte going into ecstasies over ¢wo lovely brown babies, a credit not only to their mother but their mistress, who is devoted to them. The kittens have lovely coats, and should be in splendid form by the end of August. Miss Lowe has a good young tabby queen of about nine or ten months old in “Sophie.” Her shape and brush quite a wonder to behold.
Mrs. Shanly of Wilcox street, a newcomer into the fancy this year, has a gorgeous family of six, by her orange tabby “Winnie” and Miss Cox’s “Patsy.” The latter seems to have been in great demand this spring, and large litters seem to follow in his train. Mrs. Dr. Noble of Gerrard street has four brown tabby kittens sired by him, and Mrs. Cowan of Huron street also four - all in splendid “feather,” and will no doubt be heard from later.
Speaking of “Patsy,” who for some unaccountable and mysterious reason was put in the grey tabby class at the winter show after being properly entered in his right class; Miss Cox has now obtained full control of him and will enter him under the Meath standard from now on. He is a splendid fellow, big bones, good color and well marked - his brush a delight to the eye.
Beginning with the Exhibition show, I’ll be like the clergyman and his text - end with it. We are to have an innovation in the shape of a lady to judge, and I'm sure everyone here feels that we are to be congratulated in securing the services of Miss Champion. What we have always wanted most was a “fair field and no favor,” and, as Miss Champion is a stranger to most, if not all, of our Canadian cats and people, we can look for a splendid contest on merit alone. Cat breeding is a sport pure and simple - a hobby if you like it better - but we must all learn to take our defeats like men and rise the better for it. I wonder to how many of the show people has come a time when in their secret hearts they would rather have been beaten than take a ribbon which meant little glory to them and much discomfort. What value to us is a souvenir spoon or anything on a list of specials, if we feel the loss of half a dozen so-called friends. The truest sport I ever met, as well as the “womanliest woman,” is Miss Cottle of Kingston, who, unhappily, has retired from the fancy. Win or lose, she was always serene and ready to get back at things next year.
CONCERNING THE CAT SHOW. Toronto Saturday Night, 20th July 1907
[To the] Editor of Saturday Night: In your issue of July 13 appears an article. "High Bred Cats,” by an expert, signed "Benedicta." One would naturally expect an "expert's" opinion to be unassailable. As a matter of fact, there are several wilfully glaring errors. To reduce the value of this article to a minimum I will mention one. "Benedicta" states that for some unaccountable and mysterious reason "Patsy" was put in the grey tabby class after being properly entered in his right class. How easy it is to conceive and write an impossibility. There was not a long-haired grey tabby class at our winter show. The judge's book is before me as I write, and the award is third in the brown tabby class. Then why was the article written? Just a spirit of animosity. The article is most unfair to the officers and members of the Royal Canadian Cat Club, particularly in criticizing our judges. "A fair field and no favors" is wanted according to "Benedicta,” who along with others cannot see or realize when they are beaten or learn to take defeat gracefully. Trusting that I haven't taken up too much space in your valuable paper. Believe me, Yours very truly, Edith L. Bell, Secretary Royal Canadian Cat Club.
There is trouble at the exhibition over the cat show. The Royal Canadian Cat Club declined to place any exhibition there on account of friction between the cat club and the exhibition authorities over the return of the cages loaned by the exhibition authorities to the cat club for a show of their own. The exhibition people say cages were returned in a dirty condition, and for this reason they have turned the National exhibition down, and entries have been withdrawn from Ottawa, London and other places. There are a large number of "pussies" at the fair, nevertheless, and the stand taken by the cat club is likely to generate a serious row among the ladies in its own rank.
AT A CANADIAN EXHIBITION – SOME JEDBURGH FACES Jedburgh Gazette, 24th September 1909
Worthy of special mention is the Canadian National Exhibition which was held at Toronto from 30th August to 11th September. Lord Charles Beresford pressed the button on the opening day and the whole concern was in motion a very few minutes after. . . a splendid collection of Persian cats from Dublin (Ireland). Mrs W. Fortune of Toronto was among the prize-winners this year again. She took first and special with Lady Balmoral, first and special with Jed-Forest, second with the Duke of Roxburghe, and second for the best Chinchilla long-haired kitten in the show; and Miss Fortune got third with her young Queen Highland Mary. There were something like four hundred cats on exhibition. Mrs Fortune’s cats were mentioned in every paper in Canada as being the finest collection in the cat section at the exhibition. There is not a Persian queen in Canada that can beat Lady Balmoral, and the Duke of Roxburghe is the finest Chinchilla tom in Canada at the present day. He has never been beaten by a Canadian cat, although he only got second at the Exhibition, one for the United States being first. At Broadway Hall, Toronto, in December 1908, the Duke of Roxburghe took two firsts and three specials, under the Toronto Cat Club Association, and he was mentioned there as the finest Chinchilla Persian Cat in the Show.
[TORONTO NATIONAL EXHIBITION] Jedburgh Gazette, 30th September 1910
Sir, I beg to ask space in your valuable paper to let the readers of it know that we have just had our great National Exhibition, held at Toronto, Canada, from the 21dt August to the 12th September . . . The cat show was a bigger success this year than ever, both for the cats and the number exhibited. Here are some of the famous prize winners. I saw Mrs W.F. Fortune got first and silver cup with ‘Lady Balmoral’. This great long-haired cat has never been beaten in Canada, and I don’t think anywhere else, and at the great age of thirteen years. She also too first with ‘Mercury,’ and second with the ‘Duke of Roxburghe.’ Miss Annie Fortune took first with her short-haired ‘Silver Tommy.’ So she must be going into the cat business like her mother. They took 12 hundred dollars at the cat show, so you see cat shows pay as well as anything else. . . .J.A. Wilson, Toronto, Canada. 13th Sept, 1910.
[TORONTO EXHIBITION] Hamilton Daily Times, 3rd September 1914
The cat show, which will come to a close to-day, has been the most successful in the history of the Exhibition. There were 212 entries, a substantial increase over the number shown a year ago, and they represented a value of $16,000. The work of organising the cat show has again fallen upon Mrs. Hewitt, of Grimsby, who has to her credit the record gathering of felines so far shown in Toronto.
[TORONTO EXHIBITION] WON AT TORONTO FAIR. Hamilton Daily Times, 4th September 1915
Many Hamilton people at the Toronto Exhibition this week were visitors to the Cat Show, generally conceded to have been one of the best in the history of the Exhibition. Hamilton exhibitors made an excellent showing, notably Mrs. Hugh O'Heir, whose cream angora "Lolita” captured first prizes in the open and novice classes, two specials and the much coveted white ribbon in the winners. Mrs. O’Heir also won a second and a special prize with "Peter" an orange tabby kitten. A G. Bain's magnificent tortoiseshell "Trixie" won a first; Mrs. Cloke's black Persian "Gypsy Jet," was awarded a second prize and a special prize for a kitten; Miss Springer's tortoiseshell "Lady Betty" got second In the novice class and third in the open, and J. T. Price's orange tabby "Comet" Was also among the winners.
NINE MORE KITTENS ARE ADDED TO SHOW – The Toronto World, 29th August, 1918
The ribbons and awards were handed out yesterday to the cats at the Exhibition, and the cages were all gorgeously decorated with the gay ribbons, some cages having ribbons of three colors. Mrs. Fitzpatrick's gray Persian, “Sebastian,” was awarded the prize as the best long-haired cat in the show, besides winning three specials. Mrs. Jones’ orange tabby won the prize for best short-haired cat in the show, and also, carried off seven specials. “Khaki Boy” had the most special prizes of any oat or kitten in the cat show.
Nine kittens have been added to the show since it started. Two stripped gray kittens were born to a short-haired gray cat, and a mother cat, long and lean with five kittens about three weeks old, was found in a tent near the military camp and brought to the cat show to be cared for. Tender care was given the foundlings, and milk and meat was given the good little mother that had raised her babies so carefully without any help. They will be turned over to the humane society, unless someone cares to take them. Today is the last day of the cat show, the dog show being on next.
[TORONTO SHOW] Hamilton Daily Times, 1st September 1920
Mrs Freeman of this city has a large and very fine exhibit at the International Cat Show at the Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto.
The Exhibition office has just received word from Detroit that Miss Gertrude E. Taylor, editor and publisher of the Cat Courier, has consented to act as judge of the cat show at the Exhibition. The cat show feature was an innovation last year, and proved so successful that it will likely be an annual part of the fair in the future. The management is making preparations for a larger show this fall.
DIRECTORS OF THE ‘EX’ TO RUN OWN CAT SHOW. The Ottawa Journal, 25th August, 1922
The measure of success to be attained by the cat show in connection with the Ottawa exhibition will be without the co-operation of the executive of the Ottawa Cat Club, judged by the letter which has been sent by the club secretary to the members. Mrs. Gertrude E. Taylor, editor-publisher of the Cat Courier, Detroit, has been secured as judge of the show. She judged the show last year and aa far as the directors have heard there has been no question of her honesty, ability and sound Judgment. The following letter from Mrs. Taylor received recently by Mr. J. K. Paisley, manager of the exhibition, explains itself.
"I feel that inasmuch as I am scheduled to judge your forthcoming Cat Show, September 12, 11 and 14, that you should know of a certain letter I am in receipt of this morning. This comes from Miss Cross, secretary of the Ottawa Cat Club (incorporated) asking to have it appear in the August Courier as a news item if possible, but if not acceptable that way to run it as a paid advertisement. I am positively refusing to accept it either way.
" ‘The Ottawa Cat Club announce that, owing to lack of confidence in the management committee of the Cat Show they have decided not to exhibit or take any part in the Cat Show to be held at Ottawa on 12th, 13th and 14th September next in connection with the Central Canada Exhibition.’
I take this to be an affront to my judging, but also felt you should know of the antagonistic stand this club is taking toward your show. I have never understood the fight that is waging in Ottawa cat circles but it seems to be a bitter one. It is a great pity for the fancy is none too large to stand for any division in ranks, and it all goes to injure the up-lift of the animal rather than the owners, shows a lack of sportsmanship as well as good breeding and will in time kill the little game altogether.
“I want you to know that I will work through my paper for your cat show, not because I am to judge it, so much as because I do not approve of this sort of thing the Ottawa Cat Club has just sent in. And I feel confident the Central Canada Exhibition Association can easily handle the little cat situation down there and stage a good cat show even so.”
“We are counting on the co-operation of members of both cat clubs in the city,” said Mr J.K. Paisley to The Journal, “I am sure the members of the Ottawa Cat Club have too much interest in the success of the fair to work against any one department. As to the appointment of Mr. J.A. Payne as secretary, this was done by the chairman of the Cat Show Committee, with the approval of the directors. He was chosen because of experience he had in the management of such shows and because he was not connected with either of the cat clubs in the city. His place of residence had nothing to do with it, in fact the chairman informs me that the secretary of the Ottawa Cat Club formerly was next door neighbor to the secretary of the club of which Mr. Hossack is president.
"The chairman states that the first condition on which the Ottawa Cat Club would assume the management of the show was that it should be run under the auspices of the Ottawa Cat Club. The directors refused to side with either faction, and in the best interest of the fair decided that the Cat Show should be run entirely Independent of control by either club. The fact that Mr. Payne has already received a large number of entries for the Cat Show is evidence that he is worth the money paid him and also that the fancy in Ottawa desires to see a successful cat show.
“As to Mrs. Taylor, her reputation for fairness is unquestioned. It is true that through her paper she is endeavouring the secure entries for the Ottawa show, but I am sure her Judging will in no way be affected by the ownership of the animals shown. There seems to be a misunderstanding all around, but I am counting on the good sense and sportsmanship of the members of both clubs and of the fancy generally to make the show a credit to the exhibition and to the city.”
Attractions in connection with this year’s Exhibition [. . .] Then there is the Cat Show, to be conducted this year entirely under the direct auspices of the Central Canada Exhibition Association. The chairman, however, is most anxious that the co-operation of all local cat fanciers be secured. For the judging of the prize pussies, Miss Gertrude Taylor, of Detroit, editor of the “Cat Courier,” has been obtained, one of the best authorities on cats In America. She has judged the Cat Show in Ottawa before, and her decisions can be counted upon to be absolutely unbiased.
FAMOUS CATS WILL BE SEEN AT FAIR SHOW. The Ottawa Journal, 11th September, 1922
Visitors to the Cat Show at the Exhibition this year will have the pleasure of seeing some very fine animals. The winners of the Toronto Cat Show have already been entered for the Ottawa Cat Show. Mrs. F. Mauthe, Los Angeles, who did a lot of winning with her Silver Male “Buzz,” will be here with her cat. Mrs Drury is showing her celebrated winner “Lord Tom Blue Boy.” Mrs Taylor, the editor of the Cat Courier, Detroit, Mich, and Miss Ellen V. Celty, of the Cleveland Persian Society, have promised entries. Also it is expected that Mrs. Maxwell and Mrs. Freeman, both of Hamilton, will exhibit. “Sebastien,” the celebrated blue owned by Mrs Fitzpatrick of Toronto, is to be here, and also cats owned by Mrs. Morgan of Toronto. These valuable animals will be accompanied by their owners. Any cat which may not have been properly entered by its owner will be correctly classified before judging.
In addition to the awards which have previously been announced the following prizes will be donated:
Special - For best long-haired kitten in show. Given by the Hampton Cattery.
$1.00 - For best red female kitten in show. Given by Mrs. O. M. Fabian.
Subscription to Cat Courier — For best long-haired cat (local exhibitor not already a subscriber). Given by Mrs G Taylor, Detroit, Mich.
Subscription to Cat Courier — For best short-haired cat (local exhibitor not already a subscriber). Given by Mrs G Taylor, Detroit, Mich.
White Prize-bred Rabbit — For best blue Maltese shown by child. Given by Mrs. H. Drury, Jordan Bay, Ontario.
Black Prize-bred Rabbit — For best tortoiseshell cat. Given by Mrs. H. Drury, Jordan Bay, Ontario.
CAT SHOW FEATURE OF FAIR ATTRACTION. The Ottawa Journal, 14th September, 1922
Greater admiration than ever for the beautiful high-bred specimens of the feline tribe was the impression of thousands of Fair visitors following an Inspection of the Cat Show yesterday at the Central Canada Exhibition. The Cat Show, which is being held under the grand stand, to the right of the main entrance, was remarkably well patronised all day and the visitors were unanimous in stating that they had never seen so many aristocratic “pussies” assembled in Ottawa before.
There are no less than 115 entries in the Cat Show this year, and these include some wonderful specimens in various classes. The number of long-haired cats is greater than that at last year's exhibition. All the leading varieties of thoroughbred cats are represeanted.
One of the most strikingly beautiful cats on exhibition is "Beauty," a silver grey tabby, owned by Mrs R.C. Sills, of Ottawa. This four-year-old cat weighs about 12 pounds and is said to be one of the finest types of his breed in the country. His name of "Beauty" is no misnomer. “Beauty” will be judged today. Another feline beauty that was much-admired and incidentally carried off all premier honors in his class was the entry of Miss Margaret McFarlane, 45 Sussex street, "White San Toy." Both the blue and red tabbies, long and short-haired, are largely represented, while other impressive-looking cats include the long-haired smokes, tortoiseshell and longhaired greys.
Some of the leading cat exhibitors who were winners yesterday were, in addition to Miss McFarlane, Mrs. Dubord of Montreal, with her black cat, "Tonika Second," and a Chinchilla, "Hampton Silver Aryon Pasha;” Herbert R. Hanna, of Hamilton, who won with "Lord Byng of Vimy,” an orange tabby. The winners in the blue tabby class included Mrs. J. A. Freeman, of Hamilton; Mrs. Thompson, who scored victories in the red and tortoiseshell classes; Mrs. K. W. Roper, who had winners in the short-haired blues, and Mrs. Fred Cope, of Scarboro Heights, Toronto, who also had winners in the blues. The judging, which was conducted by Mrs. Gertrude Taylor, editor of the Cat Courier, of Detroit, will be completed this morning.
The visitors to the Cat Show expressed themselves as amply compensated for their call at this feature of the Fair. Today being the last day during which the cats, including all champions and prize winners, will be on exhibition, should see another large crowd in attendance at the Cat Show. Mr. William Macdonald and Mr A. N. Payne are respectively chairman and secretary of the Cat Show committee, and the success of the event to date is a tribute to their efforts in securing such a high-class and representative entry list.
[TORONTO SHOW] STRAY KITTEN WHICH BECAME CHAMPION Dublin Evening Herald, 5th December 1930
A little more than a year ago a half-starved kitten was found by a railwayman buried in the corner of a snow-covered goods wagon. Now the same animal, which, after a bath, was found to be snow white, occupies a proud position in the feline realm, having been awarded, at the International Cat Show in connection with the Royal Winter Fair, a ribbon for the best novice blue-eyed cat, states a Reuter Toronto message.
* * *
1968. COLORFUL CATS Ottawa Citizen, 28th October 1968
By all reports the annual cat show to be held by the National Capital Cat Club at the Centennial Centre (old Union Station) November 2, will be a most colorful event. There will be 150 cats on exhibition and among them will be white, silver, chinchilla, smokes, blues, blacks, creams, tabbies, tortoiseshell and tortie and white (four colors). Nor is that all: there will be several entirely new breeds never before exhibited in Ottawa, according to the vice-president, Mrs. G. David Hooper. W. A. Pritchard is the president.
Newcomer. One of the most exciting entries will be an Egyptian Mau. In years gone by these cats were carried all over Europe by traders and inter-breeding with the native wild cats produced the domestic cats. Now, centuries later, these animals are beginning to appear in the breed known as the Delta Wilds and a few have been brought to this continent although there are, actually, less than 100 on the North American continent. Very affectionate, this breed is usually silver in color with a frosted look, although there are a few ruddy-colored ones. They are heavily barred with spotted sides, banded tails and green eyes which can change color to amber.
Another new entry will be the Maine Coon cat, recently recognized by the Canadian Cat Association. These are believed to have developed from domestic cats left to run wild in the forests of Maine. There were only a few left when a couple of woodsmen befriended a pair and began breeding them. They have short hair on their shoulders which becomes longer towards the tail, and ends in a shaggy coat with tufts on the feet and a long full coat on the stomach. They are big, strong cats and are very good natured.
Familiar faces. All this makes it sound as if such cats as our own two very ordinary sealpoint Siamese wouldn’t get a look in. By no means: there will be lots of Siamese in such well- known colors as seal, blue, lilac and red point. There will also be a Tortie point (also known as a Tonkinese) which is a cross between a Siamese and a Burmese. There will be red and ruddy Abyssinians as well as some blue, or sable and perhaps some champagne Burmese.
Well, I can hardly wait to see this exciting show. My old friend, Peter Puss, whom I first saw two years ago, will be there. He’s a beautiful grey cat and has now reached the venerable age of 21– the equivalent of 147 years for a human being. I feel I must go and shake his paw!