THE CAT SHOW. Letter from Boston, December 29, 1877. What will it be next I wonder? We've had a baby show, and a dog show, and now Mr. Peck announces a cat show as the grand event of the opining year. It is to commence the 21st day of January, to continue a week, and everybody who owns a cat that is at all remarkable either for weight or lack of weight, for size or for smallness of proportion, for color or for intellect, is invited to send it along and try for one of the prizes of which there is to be a large number. The largest and most comfortable pussy is to receive one; also the smallest and most mischievous. Angora cats, tortoise-shell and tabbies are specially invited, and educated cats are called for with real concern. What is Mr. Peek thinking of? Is there any need of encouraging the culture of this particular animal? It always seems to me as though there was already a superfluous number in the world, and think what effect it will have upon their owners to offer prizes for excellence in any direction. There is one thing which has been sadly overlooked in the list of prizes - not one has been offered for the finest soprano voice. There would be plenty of contestants for that. But after all, it will be a most unique exhibition, and a very interesting one. Cat shows are held yearly in England, and some very beautiful animals are entered. It is at least half probable that some of the rare English cats will visit Boston during the exhibition, and let us see* how much ahead they are of their American cousins. – various, January 4, 1878.

The Cat Show. — The entry books for the great New England cat show closed at 5 P. M. yesterday. Over three hundred choice specimens have been entered, representing every .State in New England. The exhibition will open for the public at 5 P M. Monday, and be continued each day during the week from 10 A. M. until 10 P. M., closing Saturday at 5 p.m. Boston Post, January 19, 1878

AMONG THE ODDITIES OF THE BOSTON CAT SHOWthis week will be two specimens of a "what-is-it," recently captured in the woods in Rhode Island, having head and shoulders like a cat and hind-quarters like a rabbit, and resembling the latter in manner of locomotion. - The New Bloomfield, Pa, Times, 29th January 1878

THE LATEST NOVELTY in the show business is now in progress in Boston. There they are holding a cat show. The boss Thomas cat weighs 13 pounds, and the next largest is an eleven pounder. We have a prize cat right here in town. Captain Thomas' "Dick" pulls the scale at 12 and a half pounds. - The State Journal, 1st February, 1878

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POOR PUSS. Boston Post, January 22, 1878
The National Cat Show In Music Hall - Description of Some of the Curious and Interesting Sights to be Seen There — The Awards Already Made — The Attendance, Etc., Etc,

For the first time in its history Boston has a cat show, and a show of which any city might well be proud. In England the idea is by no means a new one, but in this land its conception and performance has all the charm of novelty. This show was opened last evening at 6 o'clock, and its existence is due to the enterprise of Mr A. P. Peck, manager of the Music Hall, who, encouraged, doubtless, by the success of the dog show held in September last, decided to give another exhibition of kindred character, but which would appeal more directly to the ladies. The announcement made by Mr Peck that such a show would be held, and his offer of prizes amounting in value to upwards of $1000, met with a generous response. Some three hundred and fifty cats were entered for competition, and when the show was opened yesterday nearly every one of them was caged on the floor of the hall, where they will remain during the remainder of this week. They include almost every known variety, and as they are selected specimens, animals which have attracted attention from those who have seen them elsewhere, they make as a whole a very interesting spectacle.

For the reception of these unusual guests the hall has been conveniently arranged and handsomely decorated. The front of the lower balcony is draped with flags and bunting, which are divided into panels by decorated shields. Over the rear section of this front is thrown lace, which shows to great advantage against a background of bright colors. The decorations of the upper balcony are confined to its central and rear section, which is draped in a style similar to that on the sides of the lower balcony. The appearance of the upper part of the hall is very bright and cheerful. Upon the floor are all the cages. They extend in five long double rows from the front of the platform well back under the rear gallery. There is plenty of room between them, and each cage, which is two feet high, two feet wide and two feet in length, looks comfortable, although it must be rather limited in room for a creature that has had the free range of almost unlimited territory. Over the front of each cage is drawn a coarse wire netting through which its occupant can be plainly seen. Access to it is had through a trap in the top, and its floor is covered with fine short shavings, in which pussy can burrow and revel at will. But the interior of many of these cages are neither so limited nor so sparsely furnished. In some few instances, pussy has a double compartment and in many she has a rug or a cushion, or a softly lined basket for her couch. Many of these are very handsome, and the pet who has one of them seems to appreciate the distinction thus conferred upon it, and to avoid littering it up. The occupants of these cages are quiet, in the main, if they are not happy. Now and then one of them raises a discontented wail, as if feebly protesting against being shut up so closely, but the long drawn caterwaul is hushed, evidently from a feeling that such a demonstration would be out of place in such an assembly. On many of the cages are directions for feeding, left by some careful owner, and they are very diverse, showing that pets of different people have the most opposite tastes. One cat eats fish only, and is very fond of fried smelts; another eats steak or cooked meat and drinks water; another is fond of raw beef and water; another likes cooked beef and milk ; another is fond of raw eggs and milk; another delights in bread and milk; and still another takes milk only. Some of the cats drink milk only, others won't touch it, but will have water or nothing to slake their thirst. In fact they are as hard to please as so many persons would be. But even if their owners have not thought it necessary to give any directions for their treatment they are all fed with regularity, and day and night there will be men in attendance to care for them.

The number of animals who have a history or which are curious or noticeable in appearance is large, perhaps the most noticeable, and certainly the most conspicuous, as they are at the head of the hall, are two hairless cats, "Scud," a male, and " Mystery," a female. They are owned and entered by William P. Marshall, 114 Sudbury street, and they were raised by Addison S. Cressy in Bradford, N. H. Their mother is a common Maltese cat, and by her these prodigies were disowned and neglected from birth. One can scarcely wonder at her conduct for they look more like dogs than cats, and it is asserted that they have many habits that do not commonly manifest themselves in the members of the feline family. They move very nimbly around the large cage in which they are, and are the cause of many curious surmises as to their origin. On the top of their cage is one containing a very curiously marked tiger cat, the property of Mr Gilman on Bedford street. As she is the very picture of good nature her fierce name seems to be a misnomer.

A stroll among the cages will be found to be full of interest, for in 218 is " Pat," who possesses 24 distinct toes, as he can prove when he chooses to show his feet. He weighs 11-and-three-quarter pounds. In the adjoining cage, No. 217, is "Tommy Haven," who for three days was buried under the ruins caused by the explosion in the building on the corner of Washington and Lagrange streets. In No. 210 is a very large and very handsome Maltese and white pussy; in 207 is a mother with four kittens, the latter twelve months old. "Tim," owned by Engine No. 1, occupies 225. He is twelve years old, and was found by the company over eleven years ago when it was returning from a fire. Since that event he has remained with it, and is one of the regular institutions of the engine-house. No. 271 is occupied by a very beautiful cat, pure white in color; No. 263 is the habitat of a very interesting family of kittens, some six weeks old, while No. 189 contains a mother with kittens whose eyes are just open. The whole family is coal black, and it is a very pretty sight. A very beautiful and at the same time a very uneasy tiger cat is in 174, and a cross-eyed pet, a female, two years old and weighing 12-and-a-half pounds is accommodated at 159. A Manx cat and a puppy are happy together in 137, and a beautiful dark Maltese seems to be content in 135. "Ben Butler, Jr.," a champion ratter, may be found in No. 106, and "Old Tom," a survivor of the great fire and the pet of Engine No. 3, is in cage 63. In 52 a litter of pure Skye terriers, with their mother and two cats, live in the greatest content. No. 47 is occupied by a large white Angora cat, the property of Miss Kittie Horton. She has a pair of bright blue eyes, and long hair, which has the softness of fur. No. 44 is the home of a white mother with black and white offspring, but color docs not offend her, for she quietly purrs away the time, the centre of a group of interested observers. The happy family of the show consists of a raccoon, a black, a white, a Maltese and a tortoise-shell cat. In the upper story of its cage is a black cat with wonderfully long hair and a bushy tail, and in an adjoining compartment a tame crow. In No. 18 is a large black cat, which came from Calcutta. A remarkable feature is its great length.

The Queechy, Vt., cats are remarkably fine creatures, with large legs and feet, shaggy hair, of an extraordinary length and color, large, luminous eyes, and noble heads that are set in a fringe of fur that suggests the fox. There are four of them exhibited. Among the other early arrivals was a curious specimen, all white, suggesting the Spitz dog quite as strongly as a cat, and yet unmistakably feline. It is in cage No. 54. A very handsome red-haired cat, with a bushy tail of magnificent dimensions, will be seen in No. 40. A decidedly fine feline, all white as to color, is shown in No. 61. Among heavy cats of the tiger breed, there is Jenny, in No. 223, weighing 12 pounds ; another similar in appearance in No. 213; and in No. 236 is a very handsome male cat, the property of N. A. Moses, and very well known by visitors to his Washington street shoe store. Two pretty little red and white haired kittens are in cage No. 246. A large and noble looking cat is in No. 195, one-quarter raccoon.

Upon the platform is an exhibition that is supplementary to that on the floor, yet is full of interest. Immediately in front of the organ is a row of cages, in which are rabbits of the following varieties: Angora, Lop-eared Patagonian, Himalayan, Dutch, Belgian-hare and European-white, in the same locality there are Guinea pigs of the Abyssinian and common varieties. These animals are exhibited by a fancier who takes great pride in the purity of the blood of his pets. On the front of the platform Mr Arthur J. Colburn of 31 Boylston street has a number of pets which attract a great deal of attention. First of these, perhaps, is a large yellow and white Angora cat, with hair like silk and eyes like fire, a fine specimen. In the next cage is a black chipping squirrel, and his neighbor is a prairie dog, remarkably tame and very lively. In another cage is an Albino gray squirrel, if such a contradiction of terms be admissible. It is a true Albino, its eyes and skin being pink and its hair pure white. In every other respect in shape and in manners, it is a gray squirrel. There are two beautiful gray squirrels, one of which is very large. This collection does not compete for prizes, but it is a pleasing adjunct to the show.

Of course considerable interest attaches to the prizes. They range from $20 to $3, and they are to be given to the owners of short-haired cats, longhaired cats, curiosities of any variety, weight and size, Maltese, Manx, Tortoise-shells, tabbies, brindle, Tigers and cats of unnsual colors. These nine classes are so sub-divided that the prizes number 72. There are also five special premiums, four of which are valued at $20 each and one at $25. The judges are Messrs A. F. Stevens of Natick and Arthur J. Colburn of Boston, and their decisions will be made public as soon as they are reached. There was a good attendance at the show last evening in spite of the unpleasant weather. It will be open daily from 10 A. M. until 10 P. M., and the tickets of admission are only twenty-five cents each.

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NATIONAL CAT SHOW. Every New England State is represented in the national cat show at Boston. There are three three-legged cats and some with 28 toes, lots of odd-colored cats and kittens, and one, the Orpheus Club cat, which drinks beer. The heaviest specimen weighs 17 and a half pounds. Each owner has prescribed the diet of his cat, and some of the bills of fare are curious, varying from raw meat, cut thin, with water, to Indian corn boiled with milk. – various, January 23, 1878

THE CAT SHOW. Boston Post, January 26, 1878
Exhibition of Performing Pussies — A Fall List of the Awards Made, Etc., Etc. The interest in the National Cat Show reached its height last evening when the accomplishments of the performing cats were exhibited, or, rather, when their owners attempted to show how tractable and agile they are. There was present a company that occupied all of the available room in the hall, numbering, at least, 2600 persons, and, although with two notable exceptions the cats were too much terrified to have any other desire than that of flight, the exhibition was very amusing, perhaps all the more so because the cats were frightened.

Soon after 8 o'clock Messrs Colburn and Stevens and Mrs Redpath, the judges, came upon the platform. Mr Stevens announced that the first performance would be that of "Baby," a very beautiful tortoise shell, owned by Mrs M. J. Cobb of Hyde Park. She was brought forward and placed near the cage in which the tiger cat owned by E. A. Gilman was. The vicinity of so graceful a neighbor roused her ire, and she immediately evinced a desire for a fight. The cage was at once removed, and then terror predominated. She plunged under the bench on the platform and scurried away, to be captured and brought back and then to escape again. The sight of so many faces was too much for her, so she was allowed to retire to her owner. "Tom," owned by Harlan Page of Jamaica Plain, was quite as much at ease as though he had been at home. He is a large cat, black with white paws, and at his owner's word he would jump through a hoop or through his arms. A chair was placed for him and at the end of each jump he would go to it, and, standing on its seat, he would put his paws over its back and rest his head upon them with a look of perfect satisfaction. He was loudly and frequently applauded, but the noise did not disturb him in the least. "Dick," the cat to which the prize for being the best trick cat was awarded, belongs to Richard H. Kimball, No. 569 Tremont street, and is numbered 259 in the show. It is black and white, with very curious face markings. When it was brought upon the platform it sat up on its haunches, and at the word gave first one paw and then both. Then it put both paws upon an up upright and while it was in this position a light stick was balanced upon its nose, remaining there for fully half a minute. Pussy then took a flying leap through a hoop, and then another through a hoop covered with paper, concluding with feigning death. Several other owners attempted to put their pets through the tricks which no doubt they perform with ease and grace in the parlor, but they were either rendered wild or stupid by their surroundings. The au-dience found abundant material for laughter in the disgust of those whose pets would not do what they could do, so that the time spent in watching these obstinate cats was heartily enjoyed.

The judges concluded their labors yesterday and the result is given herewith:—

Special Premiums — No. 1, awarded to No. 40, "Dirigo," William S. Tilton, Togus Farm, Me.; No. 2, to No. 259, " Dick," R. H. Kimball. 563 Tremont street; No. 3, to No. 241. Then as Healey, Providence, R. I; No. 4, to No. 127, Miss Amy Bigelow, 33 Lynde street, Boston; No. 5, to No. 171, Miss Edith W. Bailey, Hingham, Mass.

Class 1 — Short-Haired Cats — No. 1, First premium, E. A. Gilman. 23 Bedford street, Boston, "Gonie"; No. 221, second premium, Mrs. F. A. Joubert, Hyde Park, "Kitty."
Class 2 — Long-Haired Angora Cats — No. 47, first premium, Miss Horton, 146 Marlboro street, Boston, "Prince"; No. 266, second premium, Miss Susie H. Stevens, Natick, Mass., "Billy"; No. 4, third premium, Mrs C. C. Dunbar, Roslyn street, Dorchester, "Jimmy."
Class 3 — Curiosities No 21, first premium. W. P. Marshall, 114 Sudbury street, Boston, "Scud" and "Mystery"; No. 129, second premium, Mrs Russegue, 131 West Newton streιt, "John Russell"; No. 50, third premium, John Gourley, Jr., 34 Princee street. "Jim Mace."
Class 4 — Weight and Size — No. 56, first premium, C. G. Richards, 99 Warren street, " Tama," weight, 17 lbs. 8 oz.; No. 62, second premium, Calvin Rice, 66 Blackstone street, Boston, " Major," 17 lbs. 7oz.; No. 219, third premium, Mrs E. Pye, 20 Crescent piace, Boston, "Dick," 17 lbs. 1 oz.; No. 174, for lightest and smallest, first premium. Miss Edith T. Guild, 108 Marlboro street, " Kitty," 5 lbs.
Class 5 — Maltese Cats — A — Male specimens — No. 119, first premium, Mrs Kimball, Dover, N. H., "Si." No. 114, second premium, Charles Gavette, 11 Wheeler street, "Dick"; No. 133, third premium, " China Parlor," "Brittle"; B — Female specimens — No. 82, first premium, G. W. Steadman, 73 Emerald street, Boston. "Kit"; No. 92, second premium, Otto Kramer, Jr., 192 Cabot street, "Kitty"; No. 95, third premium, Miss Dora Osier, K street. South Boston, " Topsy"; C — Mother with kittens; No. 118, first premium, Charles W. Meade, 100-and-half Court street, "Josie" and four kittens.
Class 6 - Manx" — No. 135, first premium, Leighton Baker, 116 State street, "Pluto"; No. 141, second premium, Mrs Angell, 16 Beacon street, "John Sabastian Bach" ; No. 139, third premium. Mrs R. M. Eastman, Melrose. "Rollo."
Class 7 — Tortoise Shell — A — Male specimens — No. 154, first premium, Miss Alice Colburn, 65 Chestnut street, "Calico"; No 148, second premium. Mrs H. K Hobart, Newton, Mass., "Prim." B — Female specimens —N o. 143, first premium, L. K. Blair, 157 Tyler street, "Dick": No. 152, second premium, S. B. Crane, 320 Dorchester street, "Nickey"; No. 153, third premium, D. S. Brigham, 681 Washington street, "Georgie."
Class 8 — Tabby Cats — C— Female specimens — No. 189, second premium. C. H. Colins, 385 Washington street, "Kitty Collins," with five kittens.
Class 9 — Brindle Cats – A — Male specimens — No. 227, first premium, Frank E. Hawkes, 147 Devonshire street, "Dick"; No. 217, second premium, A. S. Haven, 685 Washington street, "Tommy."
Class 10 - Tiger Cats — A — Male specimens — No. 239, first premium, Master Thomas C. Sias, Somerville, "Ned"; No. 234, second premium, Mrs Eames, 196 Dudley street, "Nelson" ; No. 195, third premium, R.S. Miner, New England Railroad, "Nicodemus Johnson." B — Female specimens — No. 180, first premium. E. M. Ross, 216 Dudley street, "Pussy." C — Mother and Kittens — No. 207, first premium, C. W. Dyer, 60 Charles street, "Rose," with 4 kittens.
Class II — For cats of unusual color — A — Male specimens — First premium, No. 197. W. P. Bugbee, 921 Washington street, "Dan"; No, 175, second premium, Miss Fannie Bellows. 37 Hanson street, "Ned" ; No. 250, third premium, W W. Wilson, 20 Central street, "Bluff." B — Female specimens -No. 151, first premium, Warren S. Davis, 423 Washington street, "Zinkins"; No. 249, second premium, Mrs. M. J. Cobb, Hyde Park, "Baby." C — Mother, with kittens — No. 44, second premium, Mrs G. M. Gale, 45 West Cedar street, "Topsy," with 4 kittens.

The following entries are entitled to honorable mention:—

No. 85, C. W. Hallstram, "Wonkey"; 102, Miss Julia Allen, "Dosey" and "Daisy"; 105, Mrs S. A. F. Mead, " Zip Coon"; 37, W. W, Smith, "Prince"; 36, W. W, Smith, "Cooney"; 74, Miss Lizzie R. Mooney, "P. T. Barnum"; 128, E. W. Smith, "Baby Kit"; 91, A. Hunden, "Shag"; 218, J. P. Rich, "Pat" ; 244, Mrs J. W. Earle, "Tom"; 202, F. A. Greene, "Boss"; 261, Miss A. S. Atherton, three White Mountain cats; 254, Charles P. Rowley, "No Name"; 194, E. F. Hunting, "Jerry"; 199, E. M. Stone, "Yula"; 162, E. B. Bowen, Jr., "Peter Bowen"; 45, C. H. Knowles, " Moody and Sankey"; 32, Miss Lucy H. Sargent, "Daisy"; 16, F. M. Babcock, "Ben Butler"; 14, E. B. Young, "Blackey" ; 9, L. B. Sweetser, "Ned."

(Signed) Abel F. Stevens,. Natick. Arthur J. Colburn, Boston. Mrs D. C. Redpath, South Boston. Judges

The show will be terminated at 5 o'clock this afternoon, so that from 10 A.M. to-day until that hour will be the only opportunity of visiting it. There will naturally be a desire to see the prize cats, all of which will remain. Those who have not yet visited the show and who desire to do so will find that its last hours offer quite as many attractions as did its first.

THE CAT SHOW. Letter from Boston, January 28, 1878. The cats have proved a great attraction. They have had thousands of visitors since their reception opened. Mr. Peck has, as usual, made a success of his exhibition; and indeed it was and interesting one. There were pussy cats of every kind and degree, even to the wild cat, of which there was one specimen. The most curious specimens of the feline tribe were the hairless eats, which were born in Bradford, New Hampshire, and are owned by a gentleman in this city. In color they are like a greyhound, a sort of a fawn color, but the shape is unmistakably that of a cat; they are very lithe and active, and are more curious than beautiful. In one cage was a yellow cat and a tiny black and tan terrier, scarcely larger than a kitten. This strange pair are inseparable. "Peter," the cat, has assumed the care of "Trouble," and the little fellow is devotedly attached to his champion. In another cage was a cat and a Skye terrier. There were several Angora cats, one creature that seemed half cat and half rabbit, and a number of raccoon cats. There were several entire families; one a pure Maltese mother with four little gray balls of kittens. One of the daintiest sights was three white kittens quietly sleeping in a blue-lined basket; but the most comfortable pussy was a big yellow cat with white nose and stockings, and eyes as bright and yellow as topazes. You would be astonished at the number of people who have developed an interest in cats. I saw persons at the exhibition whom I never would have suspected of a weakness in that direction. It is presumable, from its success, that, although this the first, it will by no means be the last entertainment of the kind that is given in Boston. – various, February 1, 1878

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BOSTON: The Recent Great Cat-Show at Music-Hall.
Chicago Daily Tribune, February 3rd, 1878

Boston, Jan. 29.—Boston's latest sensational entertainment is the Cat-Show which was given in Music-Hall last week. It has given rise to endless punning and funning on the word "mews" in connection and conjunction with the Hall itself, and to a great deal of chaffing of various kinds, and to a very amusing antagonism between different parties. People who looked with interest and complacency upon the Poultry Exhibitions because they came under the head of Domestic, or Agricultural, or whatever other name of utility, — which is enough to indorse anything for some persons, — turned up their noses very decidedly at the idea of a Cat-Show in this temple dedicated to Beethoven. The Canine Exhibitions did not ruffle them; for the dog is a respected animal, even in these times of hydrophobia agitations. But a Cat-Show in Music-Hall! It was simply outrageous.

Priscilla Mayflower expressed the feeling of this class, as she came into the Club the other night, in the following fine language : "No, I am happy to say that I have not been to the Cat-Show."

This in answer to Brunetta, who had put the query in an animated crescendo, "And I must say that I think, as a city of culture, as a people rather widely noted for taste, that Boston has certainly done a very flat, not to say a very inconsistent, thing in patronizing this Exhibition. A Cat-Show in Music-Hall! If it had been anywhere else but in Music-Hall, under the shadow of Beethoven -"

Priscilla made a little pause here, for language failed her at this climax of her thought; and Brunetta, taking advantage, exclaimed briskly: "My goodness, Priscilla. Because of that big bronze Beethoven, ‘are we to have no more cakes and ale?' Because we have had a little classical music from the Thomas Orchestra and other high-lights, must we, whose domestic proclivities incline us to another kind of a Thomas orchestra, be shut out in the cold?"

"I would certainly shut you out of Music-Hall."

"And admit the Hen Shows,— the nasty, cackling, screeching mess.— "

"There is something to be said for the Hen Shows, as you call them ; they are useful ; they come under the head of - "

"Oh, Priscilla! spare me, do. I'm so tired of the New-England, especially the Boston, virtues, which are always set to the dirge-like tune of instruction and improvement, and which break out into Societies for the Encouragement of Cruelty to Animala, — no, I've got it wrong ; for the Prevention of Encouragement — Oh, Priscilla! I give it up, I always do have to give it up; but I still utter my protest against all this arbitrary utility, though, as far as that is concerned, I should like to ask you, my dear, how you come to put pussy out of the ranks of the useful with such scorn. Being a native of this city of culture, and one of these people e —or of this people, or peoples: which is it, Priscilla? — rather widely noted for taste, which means intelligence, of course, I am surprised that you should forget that pussy is a good deal more useful in a crowded city as a mouser than any of the canine breed. Don't talk to me about: terriers ; they are arrant cowards to a cat in a claw-to-claw encounter with their rodent enemies and our pests. Go and read up on the cat and its royal lineage; its ancestors were lions, Priscilla, while your noble pet, the dog, comes from the wolf.

"And now, while I have the respectful attention of this Club, I propose to hold it a few moments longer to give a little idea of this much-abused Cat-Show, as it really appeared, not as imagined through the blue spectacles of prejudice. It is really one of the jolliest and prettiest sights that Music-Hall ever saw. Think of it ! Seventy-six Maltese, thirty-nine tabbies, fifty-six tigers, thirteen tortoise-shell, twelve Manx, and any number of oddities, — all making up the number of 350. And such a well-behaved crowd as they were. Well, yes, they did mew a little, and then we all had to make a pun on Mewsic-Hall. But there was peace and good-will on earth, compared to the Dog-Show, with its barking and yopping.

Two great white cats looked as if they felt the heavy responsibility of their names,— Moody and Sankey; and another fine ministerial fellow bore the title of John Calvin, and looked as if he liked it. The new breed from Queechy, Vt., are a cross between the common house-cat and the fox. Then there were coon-cats, as they are called, with a ruffle of longhair, in a sort of Louis XVI fashion, about their necks. And such queer things as some of them would do. Talk about a dog's tricks. Why, there was a cat there that some of the temperance societies ought to take in hand, — a gentlemanly fellow who can drink champagne with any bon-vivant. There was another with a keen taste for lager-beer, and I dare say dozens of them might be found of equal aptitude in social vices. It was very funny and sociable to break out once in awhile with a quick call of ‘Kitty, kitty,' and note the perking-up of ears and the opening of sleepy eyes. One wicked boy cried ‘Rats, rats,' with the well-known muffled and mysterious voice which is supposed to be the watchword of war, and immediately a hundred felines sprang to their feet and looked about them. There was no noise — none of the ‘deep-mouthed barks' that the dog admirer is so fond of describing; but, straight and still, eyes darkening and narrowing, these handsome, sleek descendants of the king of beasts were ready for battle. And so, taken altogether, I declare that this Exhibition was one of the prettiest sights that Boston ever saw.

It delighted thousands of children day by day, and it pleased and entertained thousands of grown-up people who are not in the clutches of the cat prejudice, but who have their minds and hearts open to natural influences, and dare to entertain a taste that hasn't been fully indorsed by some society or set of instruction-mad people."

With this fine peroration Brunetta wound up, leaving us all more or less impressed, and more than one exceedingly regretful that they hadn't taken more interest in the great Cat-Show. But if Brunetta told one undeniable fact it was that of the timed waiting on the part of the convention-intrenched Bostonians for the indorsement of Boston's entertainments and shows. They must be assured by some authority that it is either instructive, or that it belongs to the region of Charity or Art. Pure and simple fun for fun's is not apparently thought of for a moment amongst a large class of those would-be brainy people. One would have no right to find fault with this severity of taste if this class did not represent rather a large and important portion of society, and, perforce, if it did not have undue influence, and arrogantly assume to sit down on everything that has not the sign and the seal of their approval. But, happily, this class has not yet got the entire upper hand. There are still a portion of us who can hold our own, and who valiantly declare ourselves for our own rights, - the pursuit of happiness in our own ways and methods, even though it leads us to Cat-Shows and other innocent amusements of that simple nature.


The Novel Show of the Season. In consequence of the many letters received by Mr. Peck from all the surrounding towns inquiring when the Second National Cat Show will take place he has decided to give it March 1 to 6. The applications include many very fine specimens. The details of this certainly very novel exhibition will be even more perfect than its predecessor. Lists of prizes are large and valuable. Entry books are now open at Music Hall, where all information can be obtained. – Boston Post, January 29, 1880

THE GREAT NATIONAL CAT SHOW, The Boston Daily Globe, 5th February, 1880, pg 1
Rules Which will Govern the Great Exhibition – Opening at Music hall March 1.
Manager Peck of Music Hall announces the following rules and regulations to govern the second national cat show, which will be held in Music Hall, March 1 to 6 inclusive:
1. All entries must be made on or before Friday, the 27th of February, at the box office of Music Hall.
2. A charge of $1 will be made for each separate cat entered for a prize. No entry fee will be charged for cats entered only for exhibition. The managers reserve the right to reject any cat on its presentation at the hall if deemed to have no points of merit.
3. An address label will be given to each exhibitor which is to be attached by a ribbon or collar to the neck of each cat for the purpose of identification, but no other distinguishing mark will be permitted at the time the judges are making their awards.
4. The cats must be forwarded on Monday, March 1, not later than 2 p.m., after which hour none will be admissible. The cats will be received at the Tremont street entrance, and no exhibitor will be admitted until the show opens.
5. The cats will be fed and carefully attended to during the exhibition. The manager will make all arrangements for their accommodation during the show, and will exercise every precaution for their safety and well-being; but it must be distinctly understood by exhibitors and purchasers of cats that he will not be responsible for any loss or damage arising from accidents or from any other cause. Cage and all proper conveniences will be provided.
6. Exhibitors may state on the entry form the price at which they are prepared to sell their cats, and a commission of ten per cent will be charged upon all sales made through the manager's office.
7. Exhibitors must be careful to state in the entry form the full address to which the cat is to be returned. All carriage must be prepaid.
8. The board of judges will consist of persons experienced on the merits of such animals, whose awards will be final. The awards of the judges will be partially made known each day of the exhibition, but the final awards will not be made until the afternoon of the last day.
9. If desired, owners of cats may take them home each day after the close of the show, on deposit of $5 and producing receipt for entry fee, which sums will be forfeited should the cats not be returned by 9 o'clock on the following morning. And if a prize cat be taken away and not returned, the prize will be forfeited.
10. The exhibition will open about 5 o'clock on Monday, March 1, and close at 5 o'clock on Saturday, March 6, when only those persons actually engaged will be allowed to remain in the show. The delivery of the cats to their respective owners will commence about one hour afterwards, and all cats must be removed on that day. Exhibitors are requested to bring with them their receipt for entrance fee, to facilitate the delivery of cats to their proper owners. All prizes and sales accounts will be paid as soon as possible after the accounts are made up.
11. A non-transferable ticket of admission to Music Hall will be given to each owner, available when the hall is open to the public on each day of the show.

A MEW-SICAL EVENT. The Boston Daily Globe, 8th February, 1880, pg 8
The Coming Cat Show in Music Hall.
Manager peck has so far perfected the details of this second feline exhibition that even the most exacting puss can find nothing to complain of regarding eating, drinking and careful attention. The attendants are men long accustomed to their care. Applications from ladies wishing to exhibit their pets are coming in fast, and those desirous of securing choice positions should not wait too long. A splendid specimen of a tiger cat was sent to the hall yesterday with the following inscription or certificate of character attached to his collar:
"He sleeps all day, and then at night,
Out in the darkness like a pirate fights."
The following are the rules governing exhibitors, entries for which close February 27:
1. All entries must be made on or before February 27.
2. A charge of $1 will be made for each cat entered for a prize. No entry fee will be exacted when the entry is for exhibition only.
3. An address label will be furnished each exhibitor which must be attached to the neck of the cat for the purpose of identification.
4. All cats must be forwarded on Monday, March 1, and not later than 2 p.m.
5. The cats will be fed and carefully attended to during the exhibition, though the manager will under no circumstances, be responsible for any loss or damage to them, arising from accidents or other causes.
6. Ten per cent commission will be charged on all sales made.
7. The name and address of the owner of the cat, with his address, both in full, must be stated on the entry blank.
8. The board of judges will be made up of persons thoroughly experienced and qualified in deciding on the merits of the animals, and their final awards will be made on the afternoon of the last day of the exhibition.
9. If desired, owners of cats may take them home each day after the close of the show, on depositing $5 with the manager as a guarantee that it shall be returned before 9 a.m. on the following day.
10. The exhibition will open at 5 p.m. on Monday, March 1, and close at the same hour on the 6th. The cats will be ready for delivery to the owners about an hour after the close of the exhibition, and must be removed the same night.
11. Each exhibitor will be presented with a non-transferable ticket to the hall, good throughout the entire exhibition.

THE CAT SHOW. Boston Post, 13 February, 1880
The entries for the Cat Show are coming in fast, owing to the fact that the books will close the last of next week and intending exhibitors should not delay too long, as choice positions are first sought for. The solid silver prizes to be awarded are now upon exhibition in the windows of Warren S. Paris & Co., Washington street, corner of West.

THE CAT SHOW The Boston Daily Globe, 19th February, 1880, pg 4
In a few days the entry books will close for the cat show in Music Hall, consequently, cats intending to compete for the elegant prizes should secure places at once. Many famous specimens and handsome kittens have already been entered, notably a pair of twins, spotless white, and called the "Corsican Brothers." Among the trick cats is one from Maine, thirteen years old. This learned pussy will stand up, at word of command, bow slowly or quickly, as directed, walk around on her hind legs, turn somersaults, mew when told to speak, kiss her paw to visitors, hold a saucer of milk on her forelegs and lap the milk, stand on her hind feet and, with her forepaws, catch bits of bread thrown to her, like a baseball player. Those unable to call at the hall for information can obtain it by sending a postal card, with request. This will be a great chance to study cat nature.

A CATAPLASM The Boston Daily Globe, 22nd February, 1880, pg 5
The Great Event to Come off Shortly at Music Hall – Entries for the Cat Show.
The entry books for the second cat show in Music Hall close on Friday next, and applications for space are coming in very rapidly. Over 200 owners of felines have signified their intention of exhibiting their favorites. The animals are of every size and description. Celebrated persons are frequent, among others being found such names as George Washington, Dom Pedro, Joshua, Duke Alexis and the like. Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, will assist in the festivities, as will also Boss Tweed. The prince of showmen, P.T. Barnum, has, through his master, signified his intention of being present, and lovers of music will be delighted to hear that Johanna Sebastian Bach will visit the hall during the show. The aged portion of the cat community will be represented by a black and white cat named Jesse Fremont, a sprightly individual "of between twenty-three summers." In addition to all these the long lost Charley Ross has been found and will be on exhibition. Bismarck will recover from his illness long enough to attend, and Romeo and Yankee Sullivan, side by side with Longfellow, will make powerful trio. There is but little doubt that "Pinafore" will be given during the show, for Dick Deadeye, Ralph Rackstraw and Little Buttercup will be there, and the rest of the cast may be obtained with but little difficulty in such a crowd of mewsicians. Moody and Sankey have been reunited and will once more lift up their voices together in this city. Miss Julia Greedy and Miss Maud Thompson will be on hand and ready to receive calls from their friends, in which they will be joined by Miss Kittie Collins, Mollie Butler, Nibsey Bushee, and several other wearers of calico. Among their friends will be found Moses, Paul Pry, Billy Buttons, Cuffy, James Crow, Johnny Toots, Dick Bustle, Lord Derby, Billy, De Renzio, Billy Christie, Zinkin, and a Poodle, all of whom will wear mittens instead of gloves. The Little Cat will be furnished with pickles by the Butcher with the Smutty Nose, and little Baby Temple taken care of by a Blackey all the way from Calcutta. Tipsena, Schieder, Brittle, Keno and Hafiz, "Our Old Tom," "Moses," "English Bill," "Fighting Tom," "King Mischief," are other curious names to be found on the entry books, and the list is by no means exhausted.

THE SECOND NATIONAL CAT SHOW. Boston Post, February 25, 1880
The entries for the second national cat show, which will open at Music Hall on Monday next, continue to come in to Mr. Peck's office in large numbers, and enough have been secured to assure success. The books will close on Friday next, after which time no more entries will be received. The hairless cats, "Scud" and "Mystery," which excited so much attention two years ago, have been entered again by Mr. Marshall, and will probably be assigned a prominent position on the stage. The "Count Joannes" is among the latest accessions. Mr. P. B. Howard has also entered his cat, "Tabby Smith," which has a tail like that of a fox, and, although only eight months old, hair two inches long.

Following is a list of the prizes offered :
Class I. Short haired cats of any or no sex and any color: Fust prize, $20; second, $15.
Class II. Long-haired cats of any or no sex, and of any color: First prize, $20; second, $15.
Class III. Curiosities of any variety: First prize, $10; second, £5.
Class IV. Weight and size, cats of any or no sex and of any color. For Heaviest and largest. First prize, $10; second, $5. For lightest and smallest: First prize, $10; second, $5.
Class V. Maltese cats. Males: First prize, $10: second, $6. Female: First prize, $10; second, $5. Mother and kittens: First prize, $10; second. $5.
Class VI. Manx or tailless cats. Male: First prize, $10; second, $5. Female: First prize, $10; second, $5. Mother and kittens: First prize, $10; second, $5.
Class VII. Tortoise shell cats. Male: First prize, $10; second, $5.
Class VIII. Tabby cats. Male: First prize, $10; second, $5. Female: First prize, $10; second, $σ Mother and kitiens: First prize, $10; second, $5.
Class IX. Brindle cats. Male: First prize, $10; second, $5. Female: First prize, $10; second, $5. Mother and kittens: First prize, $10; second, $5.
Class X. Tiger cats. Male: First prize, $10; second, $5. Female: First prize, $10; second, $5. Mother and kittens: First prize, $10; second, $5.
Class XI. Cats of unusual color. Male: First prize $10, second $5. Female: First prize $10; second $5. Mother and kittens: First prize $10, second $5.

Special Premiums - For the finest cat in the show, all points of merits being considered, a sold silver gift of elegant finish, valued at $25. For the longest cat, from nose to tip of tail, in good condition, a solid silver gift, valued at $20. For the shortest, full-grown cat, from nose to tip of tail, in good condition, a solid silver gift, valued at $20.

THE CAT SHOW. Boston Post, 28th February, 1880
The Second National Cat Show at Music Hall, will open Monday next at 5 P. M.; and will continue in session for the next six days. Over 360 prize specimens will be on exhibition, comprising almost every known variety. The most successful cat show held at the Crystal Palace, Lydenham, England, had 218 entries. This will be the centre of attraction for all lovers of felines. Admission will be only 25 cents. The show will be open from 9 A. M. until 10 P. M. daily.

KILKENNY'S CONVENTION The Boston Daily Globe, 29th February, 1880, pg 8
Gathering of Felines Tomorrow at Mew-sic Hall – A Big Congress of Cats.
The opening ceremonies of the second national cat show will take place tomorrow at 5 o'clock p.m., and will prove an interesting and novel attraction that will appeal in a most feline manner to the public heard. The contributions to this exhibition comprise many of the most superb specimens, both as to beauty, size and every point of merit, as it has been the aim of the management only to select the finest specimens. The "committee on cats" will have over 360 to judge, of all colors, sexes, races and sizes. This convention will remain in session all the week, opening in the morning at 9 o'clock, and closing at 10 in the evening. Music Hall will certainly be the centre of attraction for all lovers of the feline species, and the much maligned animal will receive the most considerate attention for the next six days. In England this idea of a cat show is by no means a new one, but in this land its conception and performance has all the charms of novelty, and, besides, will appeal directly to the ladies. Since the famous Kilkenny convention mention is rarely made in print of the cat, but next week Boston will pay tribute to the genus. But this city never fails to support talent and curiosities, and this national cat show will combine both. Few would imagine that this animal, common object as it is in our domestic everyday life, could furnish so many natural novelties as will be collected in this exhibition. In order to enable frequent visits, the price of admission will be placed at the low price of twenty-five cents.

THE CAT SYMPOSIUM The Boston Daily Globe, 2nd March, 1880, pg 1
The Second Annual Exhibition of Felines at Music Hall – "Gonyophyllum Peterodactylus," and Other Grimalkins on Exhibition.
The second annual cat show, under the direction of Manager Peck, was inaugurated last evening under favorable auspices. They are classified into twelve divisions. Short-haired, long-haired, curiosities, weight and size, Maltese, Manx or tailless, tortoise-shell, tabby, brindle tiger, and cats of unusual species. The cats will be weighed during the exhibition and at the close, in order to show the actual weight when the prizes are awarded. The gifgts to be awarded consist of solid silver gifts and money prizes, which will be given at the close of the show. Among the many precious tabbies may be seen Gonyophyllum Peterodactylus, called Gonie for short, a silver tabby entered by E.A. Gilman of 23 West Newton street, winner of the first prize in 1878. This cat is located on the platform, and in cage No. 8 may be seen an elegant specimen of the black Angora breed, entered y P.B. Howard of 75 Summer street; No. 248 is a Persian named Dirigo, which was called the finest cat in the show in 1878; 244 is a pure white, valued at $100; 31 is called Baby Wharton, is four-and-a-half years ol, weight 25 pounds, length 38 inches, girth 23-and-a-half inches and is valued at $500; 56 and 57 contain the trick cat Sam, owned by Miss Annie L. Fears and valued at $500; 1 and 2 contain a black cat with two pure white kittens (also the second litter from the same mother, also pure white), entered by L.W. Temple, West Newton. Gay Dick, in No. 28, is the pet of all. He was born in the woods, and is three months old, with shaggy hair, but with an attractive face and playful ways. No. 255 contains the celebrated Toodles brothers, aged eighteen months, valued at $1000. Miss Mary D. Flagg also enters "Teddy Lincoln Flagg," valued at $1000. Dr. Al Watts of Lincoln street enters the Prodigal Son, a smart and somewhat vicious animal, weighing eighteen pounds, of Maltese breed. He has also a cage of kittens that attract much attention by their playfulness.

SECOND ANNUAL CAT SHOW The Boston Daily Globe, 3rd March, 1880, pg 1
Contented Tabbies, Disconsolate Toms, Frolicsome Kittens All Combine to Make the Show a Success.
The ‘"Katsho" is a success; the audiences grow larger daily, and Manager Peck has again pleased the "Bostonians,'' despite false prophets to the contrary. The felines themselves seem better contented, as a rule, although now and then a dignified Thomas refuses to partake of his regular meals, and semi-periodically snuffs the air and utters a caterwaul that causes other cats of the same sex to gnash their teeth and sigh for the freedom of the roof and yard. The ladies were out in full numbers yesterday, and they pronounced every cat they saw a darling, a sweet creature, a dear little Tommy, regardless of age, sex or condition; and those ladies who were the fortunate possessors of grimalkins in the exhibition of course thought their little pussy was the best one in the whole category. Several specimens, fine in color, size and weight, have been added since Monday, and others are expected. It is no small task to attend to the appetites of the many cats present. Mr. Peck purchases for the three daily meals of the pussies, eighty-five quarts of milk, fifty pounds of beef and forty pounds of bread. It is expected that they will be served with fish Friday. Some of the more aristocratic pets have to be fed on oysters, chicken and such dainties, and one Jessie Freeman lives entirely on fish diet. Their food is carefully prepared and properly fed to them at regular intervals. One of the most interesting specimens is in cage 280, and is a tox cat, resembling in many respects that species of animal. Miss Dora Osier of 184 K street, South Boston, has one of the finest specimens of Maltese pets to be seen in the exhibition. Its name is Topsy, 1S five years old, very intelligent and weighs eighteen pounds. Mr. Charles Whitman, 1733 Washington street, has a splendid tortoise-shell cat in cage 120, named Nibbs. J. W. Haskell, 159 Dorchester street, South Boston, has a beautiful brindle in cage 158, on the stage, with green eyes that glisten like an emerald. H. C. Garnier, No. 17 Harvard street, has three fine specimens, called Mackerel, Tommy and Bobby, a mother, son and daughter. Many others are worthy of notice, but space forbids. The prizes will be announced at the earliest possible date.

IT WAS THE CAT - Opening of Second National Cat Show at Music Hall - A Large Collection of Felines of All Sizes, Weights Colors and Varieties, Etc., Etc,. – Boston Post, March 2, 1880

After many days of preparation, the members of Mr. Peck's band of midnight serenaders assembled at Music Hall on Monday in all their glory, and gave, from 5 to 10 P. M., what might be called a dress rehearsal of the performance which they are to give during the remainder of the week. There are very nearly three hundred in this animal orchestra, and more have been entered which have not yet arrived. In this number can be found almost every conceivable variety of cat except the lean and hungry specimen that haunts alley-ways, back-yards, and house-tops. On the contrary, the boarders at Music Hall are sleek, comfortable looking cats, who evidently feed upon the fat of the land, and are the spoiled darlings of the household; happy beings who have always a warm corner by the fire, and more often than not a silk lined basket to sleep in, with all the other accessories that go with a well regulated cat. In size they vary from the little wee kitten, with eyes not yet opened to the light, to the full grown and sometimes overgrown feline of twenty pounds or more; from a few inches in length to three feet and a half. There are cats with long hair, and cats with short hair; cats of nearly all colors of the rainbow; those to whom nature has been prodigal in the matter of toes, and those whom she has deprived of the usual number of those articles; others to whom that dame has been chary in the matter of caudal appendages, and still others whose education has been as complete in its way as that bestowed upon the human species at the various institutions of learning in the country. As a man's value is supposed to increase with his gain in knowledge, so these educated felines become more precious to their owners, some being rated as high as $1,000, and thirty-four of the cats represented, according to the owners' estimate, $13,875. More than that, one pussy is marked in the catalogue "Priceless," so that altogether a snug little fortune is boxed up in Music Hall, although it is doubtful if so much money could be realized in case of necessity.

The arrangements for the care and comfort of the cats while on exhibition are admirable. Tue seats have been taken out from the floor and their places supplied by five long tables, each table supporting sixty cages, half facing one way and the other half fronting in the opposite direction. These cages are open in front and on top, the animals being kept in by wire netting of a very coarse mesh. A portion of the top is free from the netting, but is kept closed by a sliding panel, allowing access to the cage for the purpose of supplying food, etc. On the bottom is placed a quantity of mixed loam and fine sawdust (the material of the track used in the walking matches), covered with a layer of shavings, and making a soft and comfortable bedding. This bedding is renewed every morning, and by these and other means the cages are kept sweet and clean. The food is mainly fish, raw meat and milk, but some of the pets are treated to a diet of dainties, supplied by the owner.

Mrs. D. C. Redpath, Mrs. Rich and Mr. Arthur J. Colburn have consented to act as judges, and began their labors on Monday evening, giving their attention first to cats entered for a prize for weight and size. No results will be announced, however, until the end of the week. The exhibition will remain open every day this week from 9 A. M. to 10 P. M., except on Saturday, when it will close at 5 P. M.

* * *

The attendance at the cat show increases daily, and everyone is pleased with the results of their visit. On Friday night a grand exhibition of trick cats will be given on the stage, for a special prize, to be awarded to the animal performing the best tricks and the greatest variety, in the best manner. Competition for this prize is not limited to the cats already in the show, but entries, for this purpose only, will be received at the Music Hall office up [to] the time of beginning the exhibition. - Boston Post, 4th March 1880

A cat show of 300 cats is in progress in Boston. One cat "Billy" on exhibition weighs 25 pounds; one is 23 years old; one has hair six inches long; one measures 38 inches in length; another can jump 15 feet, though he weighs 20 pounds; and another has a family of ten kittens. - The St Johnsbury Caledonian, 12th March, 1880

FELINES ON EXHIBITION – Second National Show of Petted Mousers Fitchburg Sentinel, March 3, 1880
If the dog is man's best friend by parity of reasoning, the cat may hold the same relation toward women. That at least might be the inference of one who, with the proper catalogue in hand, should visit the Music Hall in Boston at any time during the present week and pass along the lines of cages that fill its interior, comparing number with number. He would find that two-thirds of the exhibitors who have their pets there as part of the Second National Cat Show are either dames or damsels. He would also find that these furry quadrupeds, about which there is already much interest shown, are, like beings of a higher order under similar circumstances, conscious of their dignity and worth to a degree that leads them to behave in the very best manner.

To those who know "the cat in love," as Mallock phrases it, with his noctural yells of awful sounds, the show provides an agreeable contrast; there is not a sound indicative of the character of the individual members. Occasionally some kitten whimpers in a discontented manner, but its feeble wail extends but a cage or two beyond its habitat, and that is soon hushed by the anxious mother, who in her strange surroundings never forgets her instinctive care for her offspring. With all their composure, the cats in the hall gain in attractiveness: they can be seen to the best advantage when their only care, as it is there, seems to be to keep their fur in order, to arch their limber back and to turn upon those who pass before them their large eyes, whose pupils now dilate, now contract in the laziest possible manner.

The arrangement of the hall differs from that of two years ago, at the first exhibition in this country of this character, mainly in securing greater convenience to spectators, and in affording larger quarters to many of the pets on exhibition. There are the same long ranges of hatches with their coverings of wire net, their litter of shavings and their additional comforts, of mats, cushions and baskets. There are, however, no superfluous surroundings, it having been considered that the cats themselves would furnish an attraction potent enough to render any adventitious and unnecessary. Something over three hundred pussies, great and –small, old and young, are in the exhibition, and he or she would be indeed hard to please who could not find in this array the means to pass a pleasant hour. There are short-haired and long-haired cats; cats with blue eyes and double paws: cats of light and heavy weights; cats of the purest Maltese blood: Manx cats, tortoise-shells and tabbies; brindles and tigers; those that are pure white, and those that are as black as Erebus, and Angoras, with fur three inches in length, with eyes of fire and claws of steel.

Some of these were awarded prizes in the show of 1878, of which "Dirigo," a beautiful yellow Angora, three years old and owned by Robert Lane of West Medfold, ranked first. Another is "Topsy," a plump Maltese, the property of Miss Dora Osier of South Boston. She weighs 18 pounds and is five years old, to her is awarded a place of honor on the platform, but she cannot compete in weight with a new-comer. "Billy," who is shown by Miss Cora Parker of Greenwich park, and who weighs 25 pounds. Edward A. Gilman's "Ganie," a silver tabby of the most attractive form and combination of colors, who won a first prize at the last exhibition, bids for notice with a coal black Angora owned by P. B. Howard of Summer street, Boston, and weighing 10 pounds at the age of seven mouths. They are in adjacent cages on the platform, and their comparative merits are the subject of much discussion. Charles Shepard of Washington Village shows a cat with hair six inches in length. H Simpson of Edinboro' street claims for the ratter which he owns, that it can jump 15 feet, although it weighs 20 pounds. Miss Helen H. Wharton of Arlington contributes a feline measuring 48 inches in length, and Miss Maud Bonney of Winthrop street one that is two inches longer. Mrs. O. Kramer of Cabot street shows "Tom," six months old and weighing but four pounds.

Mrs Ellen Finnegan of Irving street claims that her contribution, "Tom," understands Irish. Dr Harrington of Dedham asserts that his "Beauty," who occupies a cage on the floor, will perform a large number of tricks. Herbert Coggswell of Fremont street shows a cat that came from Sierra Leone, west coast of Africa, and Mrs Mary Decker of East Boston contributes one that came from Dresden. Mattie J Atkins of Chambers street carefully watches over "Jessie" who is known to be more than 25 years of age. [the rest is illegible]

THE SECOND ANNUAL CAT SHOW The Boston Daily Globe, 5th March, 1880, pg 4
Sordid-minded musicians may frequent the historic enclosure of Music Hall during the present week and calmly calculate the value of the various specimens of feline fecundity. But genuine lovers of the domestic animals pronounce it as their sentiment that Manager Peck has a finer collection of cats than ever were exhibited before. And the large audiences that have seen them testify to this fact. Every arrangement for the comfort of the animals and the convenience of the visitors is carefully attended to by Chief Marshal McClellan, and his kindness and courtesy are appreciated by all. Sanky and Pinkey hold daily seances, between napes in cages Nos. 9 and 10. The hairless cat, upon the stage, is the object of much attention by all the visitors. The Two Orphans can be seen in cages numbered 239 and 240. Those of ancient family and historic lineage, such as King Richard, Don Caesar de Bazan, Jack the Giant Killer, etc., are apparently not conscious of those from whom they derive their names. Razor is a sharp looking cat, with fox-terrier pups. Sitting Bull is not a peculiarly savage cat; nor does Count Johannes resemble the crushed tragedian. Roman Punch is a sober looking feline, and Ole Bull shows no signs of making his final farewell to a Boston audience. In fact, there is nothing by the name to indicate their peculiar qualities. In order to know them they must be seen, and there remain but two more days for that to be accomplished. The exhibition closes at 5 p.m. Saturday, and the prizes will be announced at that time.

The exhibition of trick cats will take place at 8 o'clock this evening, applications having been received from several parties who own felines capable of performing very extraordinary feats. The same performance will occur Saturday afternoon at 2.

THE LAST DAY OF THE CAT SHOW The Boston Daily Globe, 6th March, 1880, pg 4
Names and Prizes of the Winners- Exhibition of Trained Cats This Afternoon.
This is the last day of the second annual cat show. The doors will close at 5 o'clock, and before the Sabbath sun illumines the pipes of the "big organ," the exhibition will be a thing of the past, and naught will remain to indicate the varied collection of felines save the ghostly caterwaul of some deceased member of the tribe whose bones may be entombed in some of the cavernous recessed beneath this temple of the "mewses."

At 8 o'clock last evening a large audience assembled t witness the exhibition of trick cats. The tricks consisted of vaulting, turning, and somersaults, walking erect upon the hind feet, and other tricks of like character. The cats were introduced and exhibited by Mr. Thomas Doyle, in the absence of their owners. There were but three cats that were exhibited, and No. 215 was the only one that made a success of it. This cat was dressed in baby clothes, and was very amusing in its performances. The celebrated Galway cat, owned by Mr. Ahearn, will, if in condition, perform some of its celebrated cast iron tricks today at 2 o'clock, at which time the rest of the cats will be shown. The prizes will be announced at the close of the exhibition. The list of prize winners will appear in The Sunday Globe.

THE CAT SHOW – Boston Post, March 6, 1880

The collection of felines which have been stopping at Mr. Peck's tavern, at Music Hall, during the week, will remain only until 5 o'clock this afternoon, when they will be released from their captivity and allowed to return to their regular abiding places, and the remembrance of the days and nights spent in confinement for the amusement of the public, will soon fade away under the influence of home comforts. The attendance during the week has not been what was expected, and it is doubtful if any other exhibition of the kind is given in this city for some time to come, at least under Mr.Peck's management. It has been suggested that a most attractive wind up to the show would be to close all the doors of the hall and let all of the three hundred cats loose at the same time. There was a very old cat convention, said to be held in the vicinity of a place called Kilkenny. It is also said that this conven tion was very lively in its nature, far exceeding in that respect any of the political meetings of the present day, and the " Kilkenny cats" have come to be a synonym for any sort of a fracas of exciting nature. But the scene at Music Hall would exceed that of Kilkenny ten times over, and many offers have been received of from $5 to £15 for seats in the balcony — the upper balcony only. The only draw back to such a scene is the fact that possibly the owners might object.

An exhibition of trick cats was given on Friday night, which was witnessed by a large audience, and will be repeated at 2 o'clock this afternoon. During the afternoon, also, the prizes will be awarded.

THE CAT SHOW. Boston Post, March 8, 1880
The following is the list of prizes awarded at the Music Hall cat show, which closed on Saturday afternoon:
Special prizes — Finest cat in the show, Charley Boss, Mrs. M. E. Roscoe; longest cat, Baby Wharton, 38 inches, Miss Helen H. Wharton; shortest full grown cat, Tom, Samuel Doliver.
Short-haired cats - First prize, Gonie, Edward A. Gilman; second, Maria and family, L. W. Temple.
Long-haired cats — Second prize, Peerless, Mrs. Henry F. Warren; extra prize, Tabby Smith, P. B. Howard.
Curiosities — First prize, Kenney, S. S. Crosby; second, Minnie, Mrs. A. F. Shepardson, Josie, W. H, Smith, Pet, C.J. Healey ; extra prize, Gay Dick, Mrs. S. S. Gay.
Weight and size — Billy, twenty-two pounds five ounces, Miss Cora Parker; extra prize, Tam, C.J. Richards.
Maltese cats — First prize, male, Sam, Miss Annie L. Fears; second, Tom, Thomas Dinsmere & Son; first prize, female, Topsy, Miss Dora Osier; second, Susie, Mrs. S. S. Weymouth ; extras, Malta, J. J. Pierce. Ben Butler, Geo. B. Eaton.
Mother and kittens — First prize, Minnie, Mrs. Emily Wagner; second, Finette, D. Ricker; special prize, three brothers, Samuel Doliver; extra prize Tommy, Charles Burrell.
Manx cats — First prize, male, Tony, Frederick K. Folsom ; first prize, female, Buttercup, Mrs. C. F. Burnham; second, Miss Julia Grudy, Robert Garner; extra prize, Razor, J. P. Barnard.
Tortoiseshell cats. — First prize, male, Zinkins, Warren S. Davis & Co; second, W. D. Bradstreet; first prize, female, Lilly, Mrs. E. Russell ; second, Miss Mary Portlock, Charles Portlock; extra prize, Nibbs, Charles E. Whitman.
Tabby cats — First prize, Scott, C. S. Weeks; second, Sulky Jim, W. P. Putnam.
Tiger cats — First prize, male, Tim, Charles W. Dyer; second, Sam, Cheney & Co.; first prize, female, Ruth, Herbert Cogswell; second, Tabby, Brigars & Cushman; special prize, Dozen, Freddie Williams; extras, Daze, H. L. Dunbar, Jack and Peter, N. L. Crafts.
Longest cat — Second prize, Toddy, Miss Maud Binney.
Pure white cats — Extra prize, Dick Whittington, Miss A. Webster.
Persian Cats — First prize, Dingo, Robert Lane.
Pure black cats — Extra prize, Nigger and Toodles, James G. Hills, Captain Jinks, Henry H. Sommerman, ten assorted kittens, Al. Watts.


Among the cats exhibited at the cat show in Boston on Monday, was a pure white cat with eyes, resembling a human being's, a three-legged maltese and a fox cat. There was also a very large tabby, having a tail resembling a squirrel's. Dr. Al Watts, who was employed to look after the health of the animals, exhibited a male tortoiseshell, the only one known to be in existence. He offers $500 to any one who will produce one like it. – The St Johnsbury Caledonian, October 19th, 1883

A cold: "Poor man!" exclaimed Mrs Homespun, referring to the man in the next seat; "what a terrible cold he has got, to be sure! He's done nothing but sneeze for these ten minutes past. It has been nothing by ‘katsho! Katsho! Katsho!'" "Why aunt!" said Cecily, laughing, "he wasn't sneezing. He was only telling that man about the cat show." – Boston Transcript, October 1883

THE CAT SHOW IN BOSTON appears to have been conducted with that regard to proprieties which distinguishes everything in the Athens of America — a name, however, which is somewhat malapropos where propriety is in question, as Athens, in spite of her art and intellect, was not illustriously moral. Upon the lowest calculation, it is computed that a greater amount of baby talk has been squeezed into the feline show of which we speak than into any other sort of exhibition saving a baby display itself. There, where the genuine article is on hand, the maternal feeling which is latent in every woman finds the fullest scope and all the variations of prattle into which the human tongue can be twisted are employed with the exhaustless wealth which the vernacular supplies. But all cats and dogs are loved next to babies, it is reason able to suppose that the childless have been lavishing upon the Boston tabbies that affection to which so many who are poor in this world's goods are millionaires. Cats are there that have been rescued from painful death; cats that have no tails; cats that have two, or enough for two; cats that have differently colored eyes; and cats with more than the usual apportionment of legs. The normal cat, however, in which the domestic affections manifest themselves in the ordinary manner, meets with the greatest number of admirers, proving that human nature is more in sympathy with phenomena that are not monstrous. - The Evening Times – October 22, 1883

THE BOSTON CAT SHOW is attracting large attention in that city. A writer says: "The doors are not opened in the morning until the cats have eaten their breakfast, but the public is admitted in time to see them wash their faces, an operation which, performed in unison by the entire company, is said to be a singular and pleasing spectacle." - The Inter Ocean, October 24th, 1883

Freddy Langtry, Benjamin F. Butler and Tomaso Salvini took prizes at the Boston cat show. Freddy and Tomaso are yellow, with silver-tipped claws. – The Times (Boston), October 25th, 1883

The Butler Cat Ahead. From the Boston Post. The voting on the cats Benjamin F. Butler and George D. Robinson at the Horticultural hall cat show, when counted up Tuesday night, showed a proportion of seven to two in favour of Butler. The cats seemed to be well named, as the Butler cat during the entire evening lay with its paws stuck out through the wire grating , making vicious grabs with its sharp claws at every passer-by. The Robinson cat, on the contrary, lay in one corner of his cage, calmly sleeping. The Times (Boston), November 1st, 1883

THE BOSTON CAT SHOW has a Doctor Tom, a large yellow feline that has served 18 years in a drug store. A cross-eyed cat is named Butler, in honor of the Chief magistrate of Massachusetts. There is a tiger cat that weighs 25 pounds. A deaf cat has one blue and one yellow eye. – Coshocton Daily Age, 3rd Nov, 1883

A Cat show has been going on in Boston for four weeks. A cat show doesn't amount to much unless it can go on in the same room with a dog show; that is to say, it should have a dog show to back it up. – The Courier Journal, November 9, 1883

THE CAT SHOW was held in Boston because one of the cats could understand nothing but French. - The Courier Journal, November 13, 1883

Fairfield, Me. Contributes to the Boston cat show a black coon with a mane like a lion. The Kinsley Mercury, November 10th, 1883

FANNY, THE LITTLE CAT belonging to the Boston Fire-engine Company No. 14, and confined at the cat show in that city, exhibited the liveliest disposition to escape on hearing the alarm given that called out the company whose men, horses, and engine she was accustomed to see set out for the fires. At other alarms given since her imprisonment she has manifested no interest whatever, showing plainly her ability to count. – The Evening Times, November 26, 1883

THE CAT SHOW (Boston Budget). Three hundred arrivals are announced for the cat show this week, additional to the eight or nine hundred already on hand at the museum. They are said to be remarkably handsome animals, and those who attend the exhibition express great delight. This is the last week of the famous show. – The Reidsville Times, November 29, 1883


1891 CAT SHOW IN BOSTON. A Wonderful Feline That Performs Many Tricks. The Boston Cat-breeders' Association is the latest addition to the almost countless number of clubs and associations and institutions which have their headquarters in Boston. The exhibition of the association has been opened in a small hall at 131 Tremont street, and the crush has been so great that some of the time it has been necessary to close the doors until those inside were willing to make room for others. Naturally a great proportion of the spectators are woman. There have been cat shows here in previous years, but none ever aroused as much interest as the present one. The crowding and pushing at the doors is not unlike the scenes at bargain counters in dry goods stores. It costs 10 cents to get in. The most interesting cat in the exhibition is the famous trick cat "Muffins," owned by L. A. Deribas of Boston. This cat is a born actor, and will enter into the sport with as much zest and understanding of what is wanted as though he were human. He is 3 years old, and from a kitten has shown remarkable intelligence. Aside from his histrionic ability this cat does innumerable tricks. He will swing on a trapeze, jump over a bar or roll over at command. He will jump over a paper-covered hoop and also through fire-encircled hoops. He shakes hands, walks on his hind legs and catches a ball with certainty. Two prizes are offered in each class — the first a silver cup, the second a medal. The cat which is declared to be the best of all wins tor its mistress a handsome gold watch. – San Francisco Chronicle, June 8th, 1891


BY ITSELF IN THE ART GALLERY IS THE BOSTON CAT SHOW, which is the first place the ladies seek. There are close to a hundred furry pets carefully caged, snoozing in contentment. Many of them are cats of high degree, and one of them, Napoleon the Great, imported from France, owned by Mrs. Charles Reed of Woodhaven, N. Y., is valued at $5000. His son, Le Noir, is valued at $1000 by Mrs. Reed. – Boston Post, 27 January, 1897


Bargain day downtown was reproduced at Mechanics' Hall, yesterday. From early morn until the closing of the doors, every department of the Poultry Show was thronged. [. . ] The chief news of the day was that of the purchase from Mr. W. F. Hunter of Dorchester by Miss Blanche Pierce of Newtonville, of the first prize long-haired yellow cat, Grover, for $150. [. . .] The prize cat, Sir Peter Teazle, which is exhibited by Mrs. W. T. Emery of Taunton, was bred in England by the famous beauty, Lady Brooke. Another cat which excites much interest is the Australian cat Grover, exhibited by Dr. H. L. Hammond of Killingly, Conn. It has short, mouse-colored hair, striped with narrow bars of dark brown, giving it a zebra-like appearance. Its face is longer than the American species and its eyes are more oblique, giving it a wise expression.

The Simes and Adams silver cup for best cat in exhibition, to "Tricksey," owned by Dr. Hammond of Killingly, Conn. The Lancaster silver cup for the heaviest long-haired cat in the exhibition, to "Napoleon the Great," owned by Mrs. Charles Wood of Woodhaven, N. Y., and valued at $5000. Silver cup for best Manx cat, to "Mister Bobby," Oakland farm, Taunton. Special for best long-haired, broken colored cat, to "Sir Peter Teazle," owned by Mrs. W. T. Emory of Taunton, Mass. Special for best longhaired Persian or Angora, to "King Max," owned by E.R. Taylor of Medford, and valued at $300. Special for best short-haired tiger cat, to "Duke of Wellington," owned by Mrs. R. H. Hawthorn of East Orange, N. J. Special for best short-haired, broken colored cat, to "Alexander," owned by Miss Marion S. Weld of Readville.


BOSTON CAT SHOW. 1899 Fancier's Magazine

Numerically speaking, the display of felines at the Boston show, Jan. 17th - 21st, 1899, was about the same as last year, showing an increase, if anything. The quality of the animals, taken as a whole, shows a marked improvement over former years. While the typical characteristics of the greatly admired Persian were far more in evidence than on previous occasions and the number of cats clad in those most objectionable jackets which plainly to the experienced eye show the cross of Angora and common short-haired cat, was not half what it was two or three years ago. When one does run across a specimen with this kind of coat, the owner generally claims that it is a Coon cat or a Maine cat, but a few minutes' guarded conversation, with a little tact, and one learns that in nine cases out of ten the kitten was purchased from one of those so-called Angora cat farms of Maine at a cost of from $3 to $5. That he is the son of some noted champion. (?) Write to the owner of the sire and you will receive a stud card or circular setting forth in glowing language that he is a "champion;'' write again asking more pertinent questions, and you will learn that the owner does not know' how, when or where the cat obtained the title, but, nevertheless, he is a "champion" just the same. It is hoped that the Cat Stud Book, now in course of publication, will separate the "wheat from the chaff."

To revert again to the show itself, it should be remarked that the association did all in its power for the welfare and comfort of its exhibitors and exhibits. A most appropriate hall was selected, in which the cats, fancy mice and cage birds were staged. It was free from draughts, and the temperature of the hall could be regulated to suit the desires of the most fastidious. The penning and feeding were entrusted to Spratt's patent, and was a good illustration of the up-to-date way in which that firm conducts its business.

Many of the cages were handsomely decorated, the plan of the show was well laid out, the settees added to the comfort of all [. . .] As soon as the eyes of the visitors fell upon the large signs on which were inscribed "To the Cats," they one and all wandered in that direction. It was the universal opinion that the cat show was a pronounced success, and that the hall was so permeated with an air of ease and contentment that they lingered long and left reluctantly.

The decorations on many of the cages were most attractive. Mrs. Taylors "‘King Max" was benched in a perfect little palace, it was the best decorated cage in the room, the work being done by Alisa Ellis of Dorchester, who, by the way, is an expert in that line, and it is only fair to say that ""her work," like "my aunt's wine," was worthy of my aunt. Mrs. Charles Weed's "Lion" was the occupant of another handsomely decorated cage, and the material used must have been of an expensive nature. The cage of Mrs. Samuel Pugh s "Little Miss" was neat, unique and attractive. There were others that should call forth remarks, but space will not permit.

The short-haired specimens were few, and the quality was not good, as a rule. Mrs. R. H. Hawthorne's "Duke of Wellington" easily won for the best smooth. He wears well and is a fine tiger-marked cat, faulty in eye and chin. The winning black fairly good, but not equal to the Chicago winner. Red or yellow tabby males a poor lot; they were neither good in color, nor pronounced enough in markings. Tortoise-shell and white brought out a male, Royal Worcester, the first of its kind we have seen tor years. His eyes are not perfection, and he has too much white. In females, Miss Weld's "Polly," the last year's winner, won again. She is far above the average, but not a star.

The long-haired classes were more numerous and better in quality than last year. White males, six, Mrs. Barker's "Dewey" being the best. He is not much more than a kitten, but has a nice body and quality of coat, a little deficient in front of the shoulders, and was not in good condition. Royal, the Chicago winner, was absent, or he would have had a walk-over. Black males, three. King Max an easy winner. He is well known and needs no description. Females only fair. Tortoise shell and white females fairly good, the winner better in coat and condition, but not the best in color. Red or yellow tabby males quite a good class. Mrs. Charles Weed's "Lion," only six and a half months old, proved an easy winner; his color good, rich and bright. He has plenty of coat, but the texture of it would handicap him in keen competition. Miss Fanny Brooks' "Cuba" was by far the best in the any other color; females young, but better in coat and frill.

Smooth geldings were a fine lot, but none could equal Mrs. A A. Hollis' "Dandy." He is a grand, rich, well-marked gray tabby, and was in splendid condition, not too fat. The long-haired gelded classes were well represented and full of quality; in fact, the special for best long-haired cat went to "Donald," a two-year-old blue: good cat in coat and color, and shown in the pink of condition. He is a fine cat, and it's a sin that he should be a gelding. Altered cats are generally larger and grow a better coat than entire cats, and associations should so arrange the specials that the former cannot walk off with them.
The dates of the next Boston show will be Jan. 15th to 20th, 1900. Mr. A. R. Sharp will still hold the position of secretary, and all communications should be addressed to him at Taunton, Mass.


DORCHESTER [BOSTON] DOG AND CAT SHOW- Boston Post, November 28, 1901
Dr. J. A O'Connell went into the Dorchester dog and cat show and came out with four prizes. The winners were the cat Nixie, pure white and aged 17, first prize; the cat Kanzi, maltese, second prize; the St. Bernard Piggy, second prize, and the bulldog James, contemptuously known as "Jim," first prize. Nixie has only two teeth left and for some years has been expected to die and be stuffed. Today being Thanksgiving, he is expected to stuff himself and die.


THE BOSTON POULTRY SHOW – Boston Post, January 14th, 1902
Mechanics' Hall is all in readiness for the seventh annual poultry show of the Boston Poultry Association, which will open this morning. Since Saturday the teams have been bringing the boxes containing the entries in the poultry, pigeon and pet stock departments of the exhibition, and the capacity of the several halls is taxed to the utmost [. . .] The pet stock department will be found in the galleries, and the cat show, together with the department of cage birds, will be in the hall beneath the platform [. . .] The interest in this year's show is great, and the attendance promises to beat all records.


There was, according to authorities quoted by Miss Agnes Repplier, no cat in the garden of Eden. Eve had little leopards and little panthers, tiger cubs and the children of lions to comfort her, but no pussy to grace her domestic hearth. It was in the ark that pussy first appeared. Rats and mice threatened to wholly destroy the little comfort enjoyed by the great sailing party, but Noah passed his hand three times over the head of a lion cub and lo, she sneezed herself into a cat!

Then began the worship of the cat in Egypt, and during the last week by the gathering there has been at the part of Mechanics' Hall given over to the show of pussies, it would seem that the rites which originated in the Temple of Bubastis have not been forgotten or given up. Before the little shrines in which on everything from dainty silken pillows to plebeian straw the kitties dozed the hours away, gathered hundreds of lovers of grimalkin and voiced their joy at her beauty or her grace.

And indeed, the cat show was the greatest that Boston has seen in many a long day. Year by year the fad of breeding puss has grown until now it has assumed the dignity of a science even as the breeding of dogs or horses. Jealously guarding their pets, never leaving them out of sight for a moment, owners paced up and down before the cages. And it was not only the tie of love that bound, for the purchase of a cat has assumed the importance of a financial investment. Indeed, there were members of the feline family present worth $200, $300, $500, even $1000. A thousand dollars for a cat! That may be a surprise to some whose only idea of puss is gathered from a glimpse caught of a poor Tabby in an alley or from the tone of her voice on a midnight fence.

The cat show would have been even larger than it was had it not been for a plague which, unbeknown to most of us, has been sweeping over the country for the past six months. It is a plague which picks out puss, and once marked by it, she rarely survives. It is called cat distemper and only ill-bred Tabbies or Toms are immune.

Among the principal exhibitors of cats at the show during the week has been Mrs. J. S. Westcott of Dorchester, whose Tabbies carried off many blue ribbons, first prizes and general commendations. Her Duchess, a tortoise-shell Tabby, without a white mark on her, took only a second prize this year, because she took just the time of the show to shed her hair and destroy for a time the beauty of her ruff. Her Pearl, a blue cat, took first prize, and Kabluk with kittens carne in for another.

"The breeding and raising of cats is becoming, more and more an important circumstance in this country," said Mrs. Westcott to a Sunday Post reporter, "and while Boston is not the centre of cat raising it has nevertheless some of the greatest enthusiasts in the country. The breeding of dogs and horses began as a fad, but the perfecting of breeds of those animals is now a science. Such is becoming the case in regard to cats. We are getting the art of perfecting their blood, by crossing them wisely, down to a fine point and they are growing more and more in value.

"There are many books written on the feeding of cats but I think In common with many other successful breeders that the very simple fare is best with a little physic now and then. Angora cats need a physic oftener than others on account of swallowing quantities of their long hair in lapping themselves. I do not believe In the ceaseless giving of medicine which some breeders think essential to success in raising cats. For a fever a little nitre, I have usually found sufficient. Until the kittens are four months old, after their mother weans them. I feed them bread or cracker and milk, then little by little the food is made more nourishing with cooked meat, etc., until they are able to stand very rare or raw meat. Their milk I always scald for them as I think it is healthier, and every few days they have to be washed and combed and brushed. In winter or cold weather they are easier to attend to than in the heated summer time.

"The raising of cats for profit has had quite a set back during the past summer and many beginners were discouraged. The cause was cat-distemper, and when a cat once gets it, it rarely recovers. There is just a sickness, which seems to affect every function and the animal slowly sinks in spite of any medicine, till it dies. I lost two beautiful Persian cats for which I would not have taken hundreds of dollars. Cat raising on the whole is not what it is cracked up to be and one who did not possess an inherent love for the animals themselves would not be apt to think the monetary profits that would accrue to be sufficient to pay him for his trouble. There are many catteries just as there are kennels whose proprietors raise animals for profit only, but there are many more which are so much a source of pleasure to their owners that they only sell enough cats to pay expenses. I get to love my Tabbies so that I cannot bear to part with them."

Mrs. E R. Taylor of West Melford won a first prize and specials with "King Max" a long-haired, black Angora, who took prizes also in 1897, 1898, 1899 and 1900. She has refused $1000 for him, and it is this price which is placed on the first cat of the whole show, who is called "Baby." Baby belongs to Mrs. Frank Kimball of Natick, and has won first honors in many cities. In Boston, she took first prize and three specials, at the Pan-American, a first; at Rochester, a silver cup and medal; at Philadelphia, a cup and medal, and first prizes at Hartford and Providence. She is a tortoise shell animal of exceeding beauty.

Mrs W. F. Higgins of South Framingham sold her cat Friendship during the week, for $50. It was the largest Angora in the show. She has refused $1000 for Fawn, a long-haired gelded cat. These took first prizes, as did Pet, a tortoise shell; Murga, a black, and "Robbie," a blue. She has also "Buster," a monstrous short-haired gelded Tabby.


POULTRY SHOW IN JANUARY – The Boston Daily Globe, 24th December, 1905
The 10th annual exhibition of the Boston poultry association will open for a run of five days at Mechanics building Tuesday, Jan 16. [. . .] A special feature of the cat and caged bird adjuncts of the show will be made this year. The cat show will be under the direction of the Boston cat club, and a movement is being made to assemble a big entry, which will include many of the famous long-haired and bulking cats of New England.
Judge – Cats — T, Farrer Rackham, Newark, N.J.
Entries close Dec 28 with S. H. Roberts, secretary, South Attleboro.


The 10th annual exhibition of the Boston poultry association will open for a run of five days at Mechanics building Tuesday, Jan 16. [. . .] A special feature of the cat and caged Bird adjuncts of the show will be made this year. The cat show will be under the direction of the Boston cat club, and a movement is being made to assemble a big entry, which will include many of the famous long-haired and bulking cats of New England. [Cat judge: T. Farrer Rackham, Newark, N.J.]

HUB CITY POULTRY SHOW – The Kansas Globe, 16th January, 1906
Mechanics' building echoed with a grand conglomeration of barnyard noises this morning at the opening of the tenth annual exhibition of the Boston Poultry association. The big hall was filled to overflowing with every variety of high-bred poultry, pigeons, waterfowl and pet stock known to the fancier. In conjunction with the exhibition there is a big cat show with exhibits from Canada, Michigan, New York, Rhode Island and other sections. Both shows are to continue until the end of the week and from present indications will establish a new high-record mark of success.

BOSTON POULTRY SHOW – 17th January, 1906
Mechanics building echoed with a grand conglomeration of barnyard noises this morning at the opening of the tenth annual exhibition of the Boston Poultry Association. In conjunction with the exhibition there is a big cat show with exhibits from Canada, Michigan, New York, Rhode Island and other sections. Both shows are to continue until the end of the week and from present indications will establish a new high record mark of success.


NEVER A CHOICER COLLECTION OF CATS The Boston Globe, 15th January 1909
Rare and Beautiful House Pets, Some From Far-Away Places in the World - One Angora Valued at $5000.
Third day was cat day at the poultry show, and notwithstanding the snow and blow and mist one of the best third-day attendances that ever encouraged these annual events scanned the birds and cats and pet stock. Ribbons having been placed, the lay onlooker may now without inquiry know the first and second and third birds and cats in the competitions for money, cups and honors. It would seem by the crowding in the upstairs hall where the cats are on exhibition that most of the visitors to the show had quite forgotten the bulky brahmas, Plymouth rocks, the curious looking fan-tail pouters, the ducks and geese and every other thing in feathers or fur for the 270 Cats, whose numbers dignify the present cat show to a four pointer. Cats taking the blue this week in Mechanics building are credited with four points toward the 10 necessary to make a good cat a champion.

Never has a choicer collection of high-class house pets been benched. There are blooded ones from all over the country, and among them three Australians, built on panther lines, every movement suggestive of something panther and something kangaroo. These are exhibited by Miss Alfrelda K. Richards of New Bedford. In fur and eye and coloring they are beautiful, their strangeness having quite captivated all lovers of cats who have seen them. The hair of these Australians is short, smooth, shimmery. Their heads are long and pointed, noses a bit roman, and eyes that might charm such things as mice to walk right up like martyrs. The man cat of this curious trio looks not unlike the little Mexican dogs called chihuahuas.

And there are other cats from faraway places. There are two from Russia in cages 229 and 230, and handy by two from that part of ancient Ethiopia called Abyssinia. From Siam, in southeastern Asia, the country whence came the famous twins, Eng and Chang, two other Interesting cats come. They are in cages 227 and 226, the male in the last-named cage. The female has strong claim to royalty, having been born in the imperial palace at Bangkok. They are of a peculiar brownish coloring, their coats having a woolly sort of appearance. These foreigners have created such an interest that it is next to impossible to remain fixed in front of their cages long enough for critical study. There is too great an interest in them by the crowd, and those ahead in the aisles are compelled by pressure to keep moving. The fact is, the show is so good that there is not room enough to accommodate all who desire to see what high class prise-winning cats look like.

As an enhancement to the interest created by the foreign-breds, there is a three-legged brown tabby in one of the cages at the railroad side of the room. This unfortunate feline was born short of one leg, and, not knowing any better, she seems to have no regrets. She can do about everything that other cats can do except climb trees. That's where the missing leg proves to be a serious handicap when some cat-hating dog happens along and makes a bluff at cat-razzling.

There are white cats, black cats, orange-colored and tortoise-shell cats. And there are others sporting smoke and yellow tints, silver-furred creatures whose ancestors scouted for prey in the country of Omar Khayyam, splendid short-haired creatures with poems in their eyes, and great snowdrifts of whiteness and silkiness like the lovable and lackadaisical "White Aigrette" shown by Miss Laura Gould Hopkins of New York. Five thousand Is the value set on this splendid angora with the pleading blue eyes, and taking into consideration the money-winning possibilities of such an animal, it is not difficult to arrive at an understanding as to the why of the high price. Miss Hopkins was easily first with this exhibit in the class for blue-eyed white females.

"Scotland Yet" is the somewhat unusual name of a big blue-eyed beauty said to be one of the best in the country. He is owned by Miss Ava Pollard of Elizabeth, N.J., and with a golden-eyed white male took the blue in the class for cats with such orbs. Other beautiful specimens are shown by Mrs George B. Brayton of Brighton. One of her entries, a young beauty "Maid o' the Mist," was born in England, and started for this country on one of the Leyland liners, the Georgia, Capt Woods, when she was five days old. The coat of this little one has created a mild sensation. It is deep, silky, silvery, and quite complete in high-class quality.

More than usual interest centers in the short-haired cats, which for some considerable time have been cast Into the shadow of nonattention by the fluffy ones of Persian descent. One of the foremost breeders of the shorts, Miss Jane Cathcart of Oradell, N.J., exhibits several that were conspicuous among yesterday's winners. She took the blue for the best silver tabby male, the best Siamese male and female, the best Russian female, the best Abyssinian male and female, the best white with blue eyes and the best blue-eyed female. Miss Cathcart in an endeavor to elevate the standard of the short-hairs has been importing the best to be had in foreign lands. One of the best short-haired cats in the land was bred at the cattery conducted in Oradell, N.J., by Miss Cathcart. It is a silver tabby named "Genesee Valley Jane," owned by Mrs Elizabeth Brace of Rochester, N.Y. This elating pussy is only nine months old, and she is a champion. At the age of five months she took the prize for the best kitten at Hartford, beating all the long and short-haired ones in the show. When but seven months old, in the largest cat show ever held in this country, at Syracuse, N.Y. she was placed second in the best lot of long and short-haired cats ever exhibited. At the big Chicago show she won two first prizes and 40 specials, one of them for the best short-haired cat in the show. This little princess has won in the nine months of her life 16 challenge cups and nine medals, and eight different judges who have examined her say she comes as near to being the perfect cat as it is possible to breed. In a class for any other color than the standard ones Mrs Brace made a win with a tabby kitten.

Blue ribbons were awarded to Mrs William E. Brown of Dorchester for the best blue-eyed male or female; to Mrs Clarence Chase of New Bedford for the best cream; to Mrs J. C. Nye of Malden for the best tortoise-shell; to Mrs Dexter B. Wiswell for the best any color tabby, the best orange male, the best silver female, the best orange tabby female, the best brown tabby female, the best silver male or female and the best shaded male or female.

Miss Alfrieda K. Richards won blues with her Australians; Mrs Dolllver of Auburndale was first In a class for tortoise-shell and whites, and Julius Zinn of Beacon st took a firsts in a class for Manx kittens. In blues Mrs A. M. Scagel of St Albans made a win in a class for males, and Miss Ava Pollard of Elizabeth scored in a class for females. First for the best black male was awarded to Miss H. E. Heuberer of Oyster Bay, N Y, and for the best female to Miss Harriet D. B. Perry of Roxbury. The best smoke male was won by Miss May E. Plummer of Lexington and the best female by Miss Heuberer. In the class for cream or fawn males Mrs F. Y. Mathis of Noroton Heights, Conn. was first, and Mrs Clarence Chase of Newtonville took first In females. Shaded silver males was won by Mrs Tillinghast Freedley of Pomfret, Conn, and females by J. A. Moulton of Lexington. First for silver males was won by Mrs Oliver Dosch of Elizabeth, N J.

Other prizes were awarded as follows:
Best white odd eyes, male or female, Mrs Elma Burns, Boston
Best tortoiseshell with white, Mrs J. W. Emery, Henniker, N H
Best color with white, male, Mrs Sadie Scribner, East Bridgewater;
Best color with white, female, Master Herbert Clarke, Reading
Any color, male or female, J. A. Moulton, Lexington
Any color tabby with white, Mrs Clarence Chase, New Bedford
Best black neuter, B. F. Borhek, Dorchester
Best blue or smoke neuter. Mrs J. L. Finen, Woburn;
Any color tabby neuter, Mrs McIntosh. Manchester, N H
Any color tabby with white neuter, Mrs M. A. T. Decatur, Lynn
Any other color with white neuter, Mrs H. H. Peck, Boston
Best white male, blue eyes, Mrs Annie S. Greeley, Dorchester
Best white male, golden eyes, Miss M. Johnson, New York:
Best white female, blue or golden eyes, Mrs George A Purdy, West Newton
Best blue female, F. H. Dion, Lexington
Best orange female, Mrs E. E. Reynolds, Schenectadv, N Y
Best smoke male or female, Mrs L. H. Travis. New, York
Best male or female. Miss Emma L. Tibbetts, Washington. D C
Best blue male or female, Mrs William E. Brown, Dorchester
Best cream, Mrs Clarence Chase, New Bedford
Best tortoiseshell, Mrs J. C Nye, Malden
Any color tabby with white, Mrs M. Waite, Stoneham
Best silver or shaded silver, Mrs George S. Tuttle, Dorchester
Any other color, with or without white, Mrs H. A Fuller, Salem
Best white, Mrs Elma Burns, Boston
Best blue, Miss May Plumer, Lexington
Best smoke, Miss Margaret Dole, Jamaica Plain
Any color tabby with white, Miss Lucy Salter, Cambridge
Any other color, Robert Pierce, Worcester
Best blue male, Miss May Anderson, Newtonville
Best blue female and best black male, Mrs Walter MacCammon, Auburndale
Any other color tabby, Mrs M. C. Morrison, Matltpan
Any other color tabby with white neuter, Mrs Ella Loring, Brighton
Any other color with white neuter, Mrs G. W. Loring, Boston
Best white kitten, Master C. Walter Morrell, Boston
Best black kitten and best blue kitten, Mrs Walter MacCammon, Auburndale.



Peg-o-My-Heart was awarded honors as the best cat in the 16th annual exhibition of the Boston Cat Club at Hotel Vendome. She is owned by Mrs. George B. Brayton, and Mrs. Bell held her while the Post photographer made the picture. The Prize Winners at the 16th annual exhibition of the Boston Cat Club at Hotel Vendome:

Long-haired Cats.
Class 2 — White female, blue eyes ; open : Kilravock Donna Mafalda, Mrs. Ben Houser, first ; Trixie, Miss Eleanor Krohn, second; Baltimore Belle, Mrs. Ben Houser, third.
Class 4 — White female, blue eyes, novice: Trixie, Miss Eleanor Krohn, first ; Baby Kitten, Mrs. Charles Aulis, second.
Class 10 — White female, yellow eyes, novice: Judy Chatterton, Mrs. Wallace Day, first.
Class 78 — Odd-eyed white male: Kllvarock Don Enrico, Mrs. Ben Houser, first ; Fluff Boy, Mrs. James Fox, second.
Class 13 — Black male ; open : Black Cloud, Mrs. George M. Lockwood, first; Nero, Mr. Charles M. Clark, second.
Class 14 — Black female; open: Lady Dorset, Miss E. F. Kettlie, first.
Class 91 — Black Neuter : Buffalo Bill, Mrs. A. G. Glover, first; Peppy, Mrs. D. E. Ordway, second; Cinderella, Miss Harriet M. Sykes, third.
Class 19 — Blue male, open: The Clansman of Coldstream, Mrs. O. Gamerdinger, first. ; Blue Cloak Arrow, Mrs. Frank Norton, second.
Class 20 – Blue female, open: Princess Patalina I, Mrs. Eileen Francis, second ; Molly King, Miles Grace Cobell, third.
Class 21 – Blue male, novice: Bimbo, Mrs. George M. Lockwood, first.
Class 22 — Blue female, novice: Tavone, Mrs. Agnes Pierce, first; Lavender Fairy, Mrs. O. Gamerdinger, second.
Class 23 — Blue kitten, male: Blue Boy, Miss Elizabeth A. Pyne, first.
Class 92 — Blue neuter: Blue Diamond, Mrs. George G. Hinsdale, first.
Class 28 — Red female, novice: Mildred Dreamlight, Miss Bernette Bacheler, first; Rosamund Dreamlight, Miss Bernette Bacheler. second.
Class 94 — Red neuter: Bonnie Boy Royal, Mrs. H. Archibald Nissen. first.
Class 36 — Cream kitten, female: Maid Marion. Mrs. Kate I. Ferris, first.
Class 95 — Cream neuter : Andy, Mrs. Edmund C. Luster, first.
Class 38 — Silver tabby female: Wing Toy. Mrs. Janeva B. Sheldrick, second.
Class 46 — Shaded silver female: Sister, Mrs. David Sturtevant, first.
Class 77 — Champion class, female : Peg-o'-My-Heart, Mrs. George Brayton, first; The Temptress, Mrs George Brayton, second.
Class 57 — Smoke male; novice: Serapis, Charles M. Clark, first ; Victory, Miss C. W. Barnes, second.
Class 58 — Smoke female; novice: Sallie, Miss Martha Robertson, first; Betty Aldrich,
Mrs. Alvin E. Aldrich, second.
Class 89 — Mother cat with kittens — Betty Aldrich, Mrs. Alvin E. Aldrich, first.
Class 76 – Champion class, male: The Conqueror, Mrs. George Brayton, first ; O. Samauri San, Mrs. Langley Porter, second.
Class 61 – Brown tabby male, open: Colonial Robin II., George M. Fiske, first ; Buster, Mrs. Nellie F. Burgess, second ; Houdini, Mrs. A.M. Ellis, third.
Class 62 – Brown tabby female, open: Queen Mab II., Mrs. George M. Fiske, first ; Prunetta, Mrs. George M. Fiske, second.
Class 63 – Brown tabby male, novice ; Jolmah, Mrs. Foster Gray, second.
Class 64 – Brown tabby female, novice ; Naomi, Mrs. Velma Leave, first ; Brown Prize, Mrs. George M. Fiske, second ; Johannah, Mrs. C.W.H. Blood, third.
Class 65 – Brown tabby kitten, male : Chief Bonnie Bray, Mrs. Janeva B. Sheldrick, first.
Class 66 – Brown tabby kitten, female : Keturah, Mr. Avery P. Ellis, first ; Colonial Lass, Mr. Avery P. Ellis, second ; Miss O'Pee Chee, Mrs. Janeva B. Sheldrick, third.
Class 99 – Brown tabby, neuter ; Fairmount Teddy, Clarence S. Wentworth, first ; Silverwood Sylvan, Mrs. G.F. Stocker, second ; Trixie, Miss Mary F. Daniell, third.
Class 67 – Red tabby male, open: Pinehurst Red Lion, Miss Elizabeth A. Pyne, first ; Rookie, Mrs. Frank Norton, second ; Silverwood Sunny Boy, Mrs. G.F. Stocker, third.
Class 68 – [Red tabby female, open:] Treasure, Mrs. C.F. Wetherell, first ; Rowena, Mrs. Frank Norton, second ; Pinehurst Red Flash, Miss Elizabeth A. Pyne, third.
Class 69 – Red tabby male, novice: Pinehurst Red Lion, Miss Elizabeth A. Pyne, first ; Rookie, Mrs. Frank Norton, second.
Class 70 – Red tabby female, novice: Rosanna, Mrs. Frank Norton, first ; Pinehurst Red Flash, Miss Elizabeth A. Pyne, second.
Class 71 – Red tabby kitten, male ; Robino, Mrs. Kate I. Ferris, first.
Class 100 – Red tabby neuter : Goldenrod, Mrs. Edith G. Larkin, first.
Class 80 – Black and white female: Dixie Girl, Mrs. H.T. Humphrey, first ; Trisquit, Miss Marguerite Morgan, second.
Class 88 – Any color tabby with white, female : Snookums, Mrs. H.T. Humphrey, first.
Class 103 – Any other color, neuter : Billie, Mrs F.E. Larkin, first ; Buddie, Mrs. Helen N. Hayes, second.

Short-haired Cats
Class 119 – Smoke, female : Tish, Mrs. Fred Beale, first.
Class 124 – Australian, female : Bronda, Mrs. Elma A Burns, first.
Class 126 – Black and white, female: Tootsie, Mrs. Frank Kellen, first.
Class 127 – Any color tabby, female: Midget, Mrs May Westwood, first.
Class 137 – White, neuter: Snowball, Miss Abbie M. Sheridan, first.
Class 138 – Any color tabby without white, neuter: Pauline, Dr. Louise P. Tingley, first.
Class 139 – Any color tabby with white, neuter: Chase Baby, Miss Alice Sawyer, first ; Peter, Dr. Louise P. Tingley, second.
Class 140 – Any other color, neuter ; Piggy, first.
Class 142 – Manx, neuter: Bobbie Bell, Mrs. Frank E. Bell, first.
Class 145 – Any color tabby, kitten: Zebo, Mrs. A.C. Pickles, first.
Class 148 – Australian, kitten: Cherzo, Mrs. Annie S. Greeley, first.
Class 149A – Manx kitten, female: Bobrette, Mrs. George M. Lockwood, first.



ANNUAL CAT SHOW IS BEING HELD IN BOSTON. Boston, Jan, 23 — (UP) — The dust of Boston's ancient Horticultural hall is being stirred by a multitude of yowlings, feline wailings, purrings and other like sounds usually given out when some 200 cats get together. Today marks the opening of the 40th annual Boston cat show and Horticultural hail is filled with the aristocrats of the cat family. Persians, Manxes and Siamese varieties are being combed, brushed, primped and perfumed for their appearance before the judges. To a casual observer, it would appear that the best of the cat world had come to Boston from all parts of the world — despite the rigors of wartime travel. And now with the supreme test at hand, militant-looking women armed with brushes and combs are preparing their aristocratic pets for a shot at getting blue ribbons — the mark of excellence. The proceeds of this year's show will go to the march of dimes. The honor of founding the show goes to Mrs. Helen Bratyon Tate of Boston who loved cats and thought that competition would help breeding. This was back in 1901. In 1905, she founded the Boston Cat club. – various Jan 1946


BOSTON CAT CLUB'S 52D ANNUAL SHOW THURSDAY AND FRIDAY. The Boston Sunday Globe, 27th October 1957, pg 82-A
Boston Cat Club Inc., will present its 52d annual championship show at Horticultural Hall, Boston, Oct. 31 and Nov. 1. The show will open each day at 10 a.m. and close at 10 p.m. Kittens will be judged the first day and removed at the end of the show on that day. Entries include Siamese, Persian, Abyssinian, Manx, shorthair domestic, and there's even a class for household pets. On exhibition will be a male "three colored cat," or "money cat" as they are commonly known. It is a rare occurrence to have a male of this type cat! A special attraction will be Princess Nathalie Troubetskoy, nurse, lecturer, writer, and cat fancier, who will exhibit her rare Egyptian cats. Her cats have won honors and have been exhibited in many European shows.

The long hair specialty show sponsored by the Solid Color Club of the East, will have Richard Gebhardt as judge. Sven S. Nelson will judge the short hair specialty show. All breed show will be judged by Mrs. John S. Hunter. There also will be a sales table, under the direction of Mrs. F. W. Wright, Newton Highlands, that will feature novelties of all sorts. The show is under direction of Mrs Alice Morrill of Arlington.


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