[PHILADELPHIA] FRIENDS QUARREL OVER PRIZE CATS – The Philadelphia Times, January 2nd, 1902
Struggle for Possession of the Pets Will Be Fought Out in the Courts. Mrs. Henry Stinsman Brings Charge of Assault With Intent to Kill Against David S. Kendall — She Must Answer in Suit of Replevin.

Carrie Nation and Dolly Gray are responsible for the fued that exists between David S. Kendall, 2119 North Sixteenth street, and Mrs. Henry Stinsman, 207 McKean street. Kendall is under $800 bail, charged with assault and battery with intent to kill; Mrs. Stinsman is called upon to defend a suit of replevin, and she and her brother, George Ritter, do not speak to each other. While all the melodramatic scenes of this comedy are being enacted Carrie Nation and Dolly Gray are the observed of all observers at the Cat Show In Auditorium Hall, National Export Exhibition building, where Carrie Nation, under the name of “Lottie,” wears a second prize ribbon, which Dolly Cray, who sits in au adjoining cage, greatly envies.

Kendall is a seafaring man who, when ashore, makes his home with Mrs. Stinsman's brother, George Ritter. He makes a study of “Maine Coon” and Angora cats. He has had a long acquaintance with Mr. and Mrs. Stinsman. So strong was this feeling, he says, that he loaned her “Bill,” a prize winner at last year’s show, and graciously consented to the honor she received under her own name by beating “Sir Tufts Plume,” a noted feline, with his cat.

Early last summer Kendall, upon being called to a Southern port, declared that he took his two cats, Bill and Cooney, to Mrs. Stinsman for care during his absence from the city. The consideration for this was to be a kitten of their litter. When he returned to Philadelphia, he says. Mrs. Stinsman not only wanted to keep the kitten he had promised her but two others of a second litter, which, he alleges, she named “Carrie Nation” and Busy-Body,” and wanted to enter them in the present show. She refused to part with the two promising kittens, contending that they belonged to her, as they were born in her own home. After several heated Interviews in relation to the young cats, according to Kendall's story, he determined upon a final effort to procure them.

Arming himself with a fan, representing a pistol, he went to Mrs. Stinsman and demanded the kittens. When she refused to allow him to enter the dining room, he says, he pulled out the imitation pistol and shouted, “Stand back, I want my kittens!” The woman screamed and several of the neighbors, thinking a murder was about to be committed, rushed into the house and found the couple in a struggle. Kendall rushed from the house and made his escape down Second street.

The next day he consulted James Sellers, his lawyer, and replevined the kittens. Pending the determination, of the suit he was given possession of the cats. About a week later, however, when he was congratulating himself on the success of his first legal step, a warrant was served on him by a special policeman and he was informed that he was under arrest on a charge of assault and battery with intent to kill.

Mrs. Stinsman told a different story to a reporter for The Philadelphia Times last evening of the cat light:

“It was on September 10, 1900,” she said, “that David brought Bill to our house, and it was the 10th of the following December that Cooney came. We kept them until the latter part of last May, when we had Nellie and her two kittens, Kitty, Trilby and five kits, Cooney and four of her offsprings and Bill, the father. Now five cats and eleven kittens are too many for a two-story house in the summer time, so we told David to take some of them away. Cooney and her kittens and Bill stayed with us. The kitten he promised me at that time I never got, so when he came a few weeks ago for the other kittens I told him I was going to keep two, one for the one he promised me and the other for the care of Bill and Cooney all summer.

“On Friday, December 20, he came here, and while we were in the kitchen the door bell rang and I left him to answer the door. When I returned I found him trying to bag the kittens. I rushed at him and grabbed for the bag, saying: ‘David, what have you in that bag? Put it down! You can’t leave this house with that bag.’

“Then he drew a nickel-plated revolver, and cursing, wild: ‘Mary, if you stop me, I’ll shoot you.’ But I did stop him and the court Officer got the cats.”


There was, according to authorities quoted by Miss Agnes Repplier, no cat in the garden of Eden. Eve had little leopards and little panthers, tiger cubs and the children of lions to comfort her, but no pussy to grace her domestic hearth. It was in the ark that pussy first appeared. Rats and mice threatened to wholly destroy the little comfort enjoyed by the great sailing party, but Noah passed his hand three times over the head of a lion cub and lo, she sneezed herself into a cat!

Then began the worship of the cat in Egypt, and during the last week by the gathering there has been at the part of Mechanics’ Hall given over to the show of pussies, it would seem that the rites which originated in the Temple of Bubastis have not been forgotten or given up. Before the little shrines in which on everything from dainty silken pillows to plebeian straw the kitties dozed the hours away, gathered hundreds of lovers of grimalkin and voiced their joy at her beauty or her grace.

And indeed, the cat show was the greatest that Boston has seen in many a long day. Year by year the fad of breeding puss has grown until now it has assumed the dignity of a science even as the breeding of dogs or horses. Jealously guarding their pets, never leaving them out of sight for a moment, owners paced up and down before the cages. And it was not only the tie of love that bound, for the purchase of a cat has assumed the importance of a financial investment. Indeed, there were members of the feline family present worth $200, $300, $500, even $1000. A thousand dollars for a cat! That may be a surprise to some whose only idea of puss is gathered from a glimpse caught of a poor Tabby in an alley or from the tone of her voice on a midnight fence.

“The breeding and raising of cats is becoming, more and more an important circumstance in this country,” said Mrs. Westcott to a Sunday Post reporter, “and while Boston is not the centre of cat raising it has nevertheless some of the greatest enthusiasts in the country. The breeding of dogs and horses began as a fad, but the perfecting of breeds of those animals is now a science. Such is becoming the case in regard to cats. We are getting the art of perfecting their blood, by crossing them wisely, down to a fine point and they are growing more and more in value.

“There are many books written on the feeding of cats but I think In common with many other successful breeders that the very simple fare is best with a little physic now and then. Angora cats need a physic oftener than others on account of swallowing quantities of their long hair in lapping themselves. I do not believe In the ceaseless giving of medicine which some breeders think essential to success in raising cats. For a fever a little nitre, I have usually found sufficient.

"Until the kittens are four months old, after their mother weans them. I feed them bread or cracker and milk, then little by little the food is made more nourishing with cooked meat, etc., until they are able to stand very rare or raw meat. Their milk I always scald for them as I think it Is healthier, and every few days they have to be washed and combed and brushed. In winter or cold weather they are easier to attend to than in the heated summer time.

“The raising of cats for profit has had quite a set back during the past summer and many beginners were discouraged. The cause was cat-distemper, and when a cat once gets it, it rarely recovers. There is just a sickness, which seems to affect every function and the animal slowly sinks in spite of any medicine, till it dies. I lost two beautiful Persian cats for which I would not have taken hundreds of dollars.

“Cat raising on the whole is not what it is cracked up to be and one who did not possess an inherent love for the animals themselves would not be apt to think the monetary profits that would accrue to be sufficient to pay him for his trouble.

“There are many catteries just as there are kennels whose proprietors raise animals for profit only, but there are many more which are so much a source of pleasure to their owners that they only sell enough cats to pay expenses. I get to love my Tabbies so that I cannot bear to part with them.”

[CHICAGO] PRINCE OF PERSIA - The Salt Lake Herald, February 16, 1902
Prince of Persia, one of these cats, is said to have the most superb cat-head in America. Mrs. Eva Webster Russell, the Chicago painter of animals, is doing a life-size head of this cat in oils. Ponny Copeland, another fine cat of Mrs. Schumann’s, is also sitting for his portrait. Mrs. Mary C. Williamson is painting this picture, and the tiny mouse, who is the special pet and favorite of Ponny — sleeping under the big fellow’s chin much of the time — is to be painted also.

The cats love the mice almost as much as does Mrs. Schumann. The horse, General, loves them also, and will *”kiss” them most tenderly. Even the fine collies and the trick Pomeranians who share the animal house with the cats, the mice and the other household treasures of Mrs. Schumann, appear fond of the tiny things. At the cat show recently given in Chicago Mrs. Schumann was wont to create a sensation daily by walking about with one of her feline prize winners in her arms — and on the head or throat of the cat a tiny, quivering mouse. All of her animals are prize winners and the Himalayan mice carried off first honors easily.

Boston Post, March 9, 1902

The accompanying picture is one of Mrs. L.B. Brayton's Tom, a magnificent prize winning Persian cat, especially noted for its silky coat and brilliancy of color. It was exhibited at the cat show last month, in connection with the Boston poultry show, and won, as in previous years. Two specials which were offered this year for the first time, one a special ribbon for the best shaped gelding and the other a «liver medal for the best solid color gelding, were won by this handsome fellow. This is Tom's third year of prize winning, he having been imported three years ago by Mr.T. Farrer Buckham [Rackham], the well-known judge, after whom Tom is named. A marked feature of the animal is the size and brightness of the eyes, which resemble those of an owl, the color blending with the coat of rich cream, brown and black. Mrs. Brayton, Tom's owner, has refused an offer of $1000 for her pet, and says she would not part with him at any price.

Organization Proposes That No Feline Shall Want for Care, No Matter How Humble Its Pedigree.
St Louis Post Dispatch, March 11th, 1902

WASHINGTON, March 11.—Washington is now the possessor of a real cat club. The new organization is serious in purpose. The object is simple in the extreme. Primarily, it is to increase public interest in members of the feline family and to raise the cat to a higher social plane. As a secondary object, the club proposes the founding of a home for deserted pussies, who are so unfortunate as to have neither pedigree nor high social status.

The title of the new organization is the Washington Cat Club. It was formed Monday evening at the home of Miss Burritt, at 308 E. street northwest. The first meeting was attended by a dozen cat enthusiasts, and officers were chosen. Miss Burritt outlined the plans of the new organization. “That you may more thoroughly appreciate our work.” she began, “let me first show you my cats.”

At that instant, a handsome feline, with hair several inches long and a tail like the brush of a fox, bounded into the room. “There is one, now,” said Miss Burritt, and excusing herself she soon returned with her arms filled with four more, all long haired and big brushed.

“Aren't they beauties?” Miss Burritt exclaimed, ecstatically. “They are all Persian, or Angora as some call them, and as tame and friendly as any pet you have ever seen. Cats,” she continued, as one of the tabbies deposited himself on the piano stool, another settled himself under a chair and a third climbed into her lap to be fondled, while the remaining two made themselves thoroughly at home by playing with the chair legs and parlor ornaments, “are just like human beings. They have different natures and different dispositions. To appreciate their qualities you must keep several. Persians are much better tempered than the common variety, and ever so much brighter intellectually. They must be well fed and groomed daily. I feed these on fresh beefsteak raw each day and on cooked fish, cut up in small slices. Milk I do not give them, as it seems to poison them.

“Oh, but I forgot—the object of our new club. Well, I may as well tell you that Washington is the home of some of the best cat fanciers in the entire country. Washington cats have carried off prizes at all the big cat shows in New York, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Detroit and Chicago. Naturally we felt that Washington should have a show in order to stimulate local interest, and to secure one we have organized the club. Then the deserted and homeless cat, no matter of how lowly origin, should be given care and attention. That is but humane. Therefore, the club feels that a home should be provided for them.

“Prominent among the cat fanciers of Washington I should mention Mrs. Mabel Cornish Bond. She is the possessor of Menelik III which captured all the first prizes in the black cat class in the big shows, being beaten but once, at New York, where Menelik’s own kitten. Artaxerxes, won first. Mrs. Bond also owns Artaxerxes and I doubt if money would buy either of her pets. She also has a fine collection of other cats of high breeding.”

“How much do fine bred Persians cost?”

“Well, they range from $30 to $250 each. About $100 would be a fair average.”

Returning to the cat show, which the club proposes to hold in the fall, Miss Burritt said that it would probably be held in connection with the Washington Poultry, Pigeon and Pet Stock Association, whose recent effort in the show line proved a decided success. Applications for membership in the new club are being rapidly received, and it gives fair promise of becoming a strong body.

[BROOKLYN] MANXY - The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, March 23rd, 1902

One of the prettiest and most intelligent cats in all Philadelphia is Manxy, who will be on exhibition at the coming cat show. He is a big, beautiful Manx cat, weighing about twenty pounds. He has a handsome face and fine physique. Manxy is of Bucks County ancestry and traces his origin to the isle of Man. His family are regarded as noted bluebloods in cat-dom. Manxy is a year and a half old and has been in the present family since he was a small kitten. His grandmother was wrecked on a ship coming from the Isle of Man and floated on a spar to the coast of New Jersey, somewhere between Cape May and Philadelphia, where she was picked up and taken home by a farmer. The grandmother of Manxy now lives in Bucks County. His mother resides in New Jersey, where there are a number of other relations.

San Francisco Chronicle, March 16, 1902

Mrs. Clarence Martling and other members of the Pacific Cat Club have within the last four months, by establishing “The Cat Refuge,” shown themselves to be friends in need and friends indeed of Mistress Tabby. The Cat Club and the Refuge are new organizations on the Coast, but the idea is not an original one. There is a cat club in Chicago that has been very successful, and in England thousands of cats have been taken care of and tenderly treated.

The Pacific Cat Club was organized July 17, 1900. Its purpose is to afford its members an opportunity for acquaintance with advanced ideas in scientific breeding and selection, and to establish a standard classification analagous to that now placed upon horses, dogs and other pet stock. It enjoys the distinction of being the only incorporated cat club in California.

It started with but fifteen members, but the number has steadily increased, until now there are over one hundred. A carefully regulated studbook is kept. In this a record of pedigrees is entered, an accurate description and history of the animal, name and address of owner, and transfer of owners.

Within the next eight weeks the Pacifica cat club will give a cat show for the benefit of the Refuge. This will be the first regular cat show ever given in San Francisco. Elaborate preparations are being made and considerable expense assumed to make the affair a success in every way. Judges from the East will come to San Francisco to discuss the different merits of the many animals and award te prizes and ribbons. The present officers of the club are: Mrs. C.E. Martling, president; Miss Maud Smith, vice-president; Mrs. W.C. Morrow, financial secretary; Mrs. W.A. Deane, corresponding secretary, and Mrs. C. Hildebrand, treasurer.

[Detroit] A KING AMONG CATS – Detroit Free Press, April 6th, 1902
“The Commissioner.” Owned by A. H. Zenner, is a Beautiful Specimen of the Feline Family — A Great Prize Winner.

One of the most famous cats in America is owned by Mr. A.H. Zenner. This is little fellow, known as “The Commissioner,” is a brown tabby only 6 months old, he [illegible] enough to dazzle old [..] He won the first cash prize as a [… illegible] at the Detroit Cat show [. . .] seven special prizes along with a silver medal offered by the Beresford Cat Club of America for the best short-haired kitten, any color, any age, any sex. “The Commissioner” also won the silver medal offered by the Cat Club of England for the best domestic, male or female, in America. The English medal was received yesterday and was presented through the courtesy of Lady Marcus Beresford.

This fine cat has a brown and black coat, as soft and glossy as silk, perfectly marked in every particular,with color lines distinctly indicated. He is a splendid cobby type, with perfect head attractively pencilled, short face, brown eyes, perfectly placed ears wide apart, and is undoubtedly the handsomest short-haired cat in this country. Mr. Barker, who judged him at Chicago and placed the ribbons, says that in all of his experience in judging cats in both England and America he has never seen a specimen that could equal “The Commissioner.” While at Chicago “The Commissioner” was one of the stars of the show, and was freely commented upon by the Chicago newspapers. He was conceded to be without a rival, winning first in every class in which he was entered.

Mrs. Clinton D. Locke, president of the Beresford Cat Club of America, remarked that “The Commissioner” was the most beautiful short-haired feline she had ever seen, and that he was undoubtedly the most valuable cat of his breed in this country. He is chock full of life, very gentle, and has an affectionate disposition. Undoubtedly he will fall heir to many honors at the cat show in Detroit next winter.

Pittsburgh Daily Post, April 6, 1902
By Frederick Moore, Special Correspondent of The Post

Washington, April 4 – The new Capital Cat club has brought out some generally unknown. And to those unknowing, some interesting facts about felines. To begin with, Washington possesses the finest cats in the country. There is one of these creatures the number of whose ancestors many a parvenu here covets. The pedigree of Mrs. Mary Cornish Bond’s prize Persian, Menelik III., dates back thirty generations. Menelik has just returned from a tour covering New York, Troy, Rochester, Cleveland, Chicago, Nashville and other cities, and while his beautiful silken black coat is much ruffled from wear and tear on the sides of the box in which he was transported, his temper, from the wear and tear at the shows, is much improved at being once again returned to his beloved mistress. He took first prizes at each of the cities visited, and brought back meals and vases galore and the sum of $500.

Who would thing there is money to be made in cat culture? These mongrel, maltreated creatures which furnish many a cur canine’s only excuse for life, in that the latter furnish a pastime for cruel men and boys in their chase of cats, and than which they have no more right living – and less, for cats do more to rid us of rodents; who would thing that these poor, persecuted creatures, for which a slaughterhouse is kept actively at work in Georgetown, the year around, would pay the price of the pittance it costs for their existence?

Menelik leads off in value of Mrs. Bond’s 11 cats. He is worth over $1,000 and the others follow at values of from $250 down to $10. The kittens are sold as fast as they can be bred, and even the skins of these long-haired creatures are salable for small rugs at a good price.

Mr. Bond follows a still more curious profession, one that depends upon the cat fancy, but pays, strange to say, even better. It is cat photography.

Cats are the craze here just now. They are as numerous as pugs were some few years ago. The odd fact that a cat photograph gallery is maintained and supported by the leaders in fad fancy brings many another cat-possessor to the institution to see its subjects, its manipulation and its products. The process is so amusing and the products so “cute” that invariably the declaration is “My Tom (or Minnie) must have her photo taken.” The price of photographing a cat is $2 more than the average charge for photographing a baby.

Every woman’s publication and many others in this country and Europe will print a good story on cats if well illustrated. Mr. and Mrs. Bond have a reputation for such stories. You must have seen fancy photographs of the most intelligent-looking cats on sale in the picture, book and novelty stores about Christmas and Easter times. These bring about 50 cents t $1 a piece according to the size and mounting. They are the product of this institution and find a ready market all over the country.

It is no easy task to photograph a cat. Even gentle Persians and Maltese and Angoras, all of which throw themselves wholly at the mercy of man and are fearless when under the protection of their owner, have the same superstitious dread, as it were, that the Indian originally had of the camera. And as it is only possible to photograph them by flashlight one picture is all one cat can ever be made to sit for. It requires sometimes an hour to get a cat in the desired attitude. He is taken at an hour between meals when he is not too drowsy to be playful and not hungry enough to be sulky. He is seated on a broad table with a background contrasting with his color, and petted into a good humor. The attitude and an interested expression, with wide-open eyes, are then “played” for; and these must be gotten together. A fine pose with closed eyes and a gaping mouth would never do. Nor would a good expression if the cat was going through one of its stretching contortions. Mrs. Bond, having the artistic temperament, generally does the posing. All the time that it requires her husband stands with loaded flashlight pistol in one hand and the bulb of his camera shutter in the other, ready to snap the trigger of the one and squeeze the other simultaneously. The same instant that the flash goes off the cat goes off the table just as though it were the ball from the shot.

As the society ball comes to the aid of charity each year so the fad in felines now comes to the aid of the humane society. The Washington Cat club numbers both the fancier pure and simple and the true hearted sympathizer among its members. It has held but two meetings and has already 130 members, local and out-of-town. Dr. Cecil French is president of the new organization, Mrs. Bond is secretary and Miss Eleanor L. Burritt is treasurer, and among the prominent members who own rare and costly cats are Dr. D. C. Chadwick, Miss Bessie McFarland, Miss Emma O’Neil, Miss Faunce and Miss MacKnight.

Next to Mrs. Bond, Miss Burritt’s cattery is the largest. She calls it the Columbia cattery and each of her 19 cats has the surname Columbia prefixed to his given name. Columbia Shamrock, Columbia St. Patrick and Columbia Maggie Kline are the names that have been given to three little puffs of whiteness that were born on St, Patrick’s day. Columbia Puff is a new importation that came over in a cattle ship from London. She is valued at $500 and the duty on her was $30. Columbia Gay has the most remarkable tall in town. It is 14 inches square. The hair on it parts in the middle and stands out on the other side 7 inches. It is 14 inches long.

Miss Burritt was the prime promoter of the cat club. The purpose of the organization, besides the advance of breed and character in Washington cats and the bringing together of cat owners and those interested in cats generally, is to establish an asylum for cats to replace the institution now maintained by the humane society in Georgetown. Washington is going to find a place in next year’s cat show circuit. The exact date of the show here has not yet been fixed upon by the cat club, but it will be in October or November, and the finest display that the country will have will be that at the capital.

BLOODED CATS - Pittsburgh Daily Post, April 20, 1902

While many persons in all parts of the United States have been paying seemingly extravagant prices for the princes of dogdom, others, in most cases ladies, have been making almost equally generous outlays for blue-blooded cats. The cats of high degree are divided into two classes – the Persians and Angoras – and for purposes of exhibition the blooded cats are classified in two divisions – the long-haired and the short-haired animals.

The long-haired cats represent, as a rule, a mixture of Angora, Persian, Chinese and Indian blood, but in America the name Angora is applied to all thoroughbred long-haired cats. There is a fiction to the effect that a cross between a cat and a rabbit has resulted in the evolution of what is known as a “Manx cat,” but this claim is not taken seriously by cat fanciers.

The bright particular star of the feline kingdom on this side of the Atlantic is found in Napoleon the Great, owned by Mrs. Charles Weed, of Woodhaven, L.I., and valued at $5,000. Napoleon has such tremendously long fur that it is necessary to clip it frequently in order to prevent the mass from hiding the cat from view entirely. However, there are many aristocratic tabbies which have cost from $100 to $2,000 each. Ordinarily, the kittens, if they be of the feline aristocracy, sell for prices ranging from $30 to $250 each. At one recent cat show the representatives of feline royalty on view were worth in aggregate more than $50,000.

Juno, a brown and white cat, in the possession of the woman who owns the cat Napoleon, is worth over $1,500, and a white Angora, in which Mrs. D.W. Stevens from Westfield, Mass., takes immense pride, has a valuation of $1,000. Mrs. H. L. Hammond, of Connecticut, has a trick cat for which she recently refused $500, and Mrs. Clinton Locke, president of the Beresford Cat club, an organization made up of Chicago women who possess expensive tabbies, lately sold Royal Apollo, a strikingly handsome white cat, for $135.

It Has a National Organization With Officers in All States Who Are Supposed to Look After Its Interest and Growth.
St Louis Post Dispatch, July 6th, 1902

CHICAGO, July 5. — The trust question has found its way into the ranks of the feline tribe. A kitten trust has been organized in Chicago, and it will have a corner on every pedigreed cat that is bred in the West. This new octopus was formed by the members of the Chicago Cat Club, all of whom are women. It is not aggressive or oppressive, however, and will, according to the sponsors, be of incalculable value to the feline industry of the United States. There are hundreds of persons who own finely pedigreed cats, but have no means of disposing of their kittens, and so become discouraged and go out of business. To remedy this condition and give the unknown fancier a fair chance, the Chicago Cat Club has established the kitten trust, which will be a medium of exchange for the benefit of its Chicago and out-of-town members, who are listing their cats with the president, giving the color, age, sex and pedigree of their animals, and when the sale is effected 10 per cent will go to the club and the remainder to the owner. The club will use this fund in judicious advertising and eventually, if the scheme proves successful, will establish a refuge for homeless creatures.

In certain states and cities the cat market is glutted, while in other sections the demand exceeds the supply and the club proposes to bring the producer and purchaser together by advertising liberally in these territories. Another feature of the movement is to supply cats from the cattery nearest the buyer and thus discourage the shipping of cats from coast to coast which entails hardships besides the added express charges. An effort will be made to establish uniform prices for irreproachable stock, and it is believed that purchasers will feel a greater sense of security in buying through an incorporated club rather than in dealing with private individuals who may or may not be financially responsible.

The Chicago Cat Club is the oldest cat club in the United States, and gave the only exclusive cat show ever held in this country. The club was organized in 1898 in by Mrs Cora A. Norton, whose Royal Norton is the best-known cat in the world. Mrs Norton resigned the presidency at the annual meeting, and Mrs Porter Evans of 4331 Langley avenue was elected. Mrs. Evans is an enthusiastic lover of cats, and is mistress of the Brighton Cattery, where the ruler is Silver Dick, the champion, who has won 10 first prizes.

The other officers are: First vice-president, Mrs J S. Watson; corresponding secretary and treasurer, Mrs. Ella B. Sheppard; recording secretary, Miss Jennie Van Allen. Mrs. Cora A. Norton is chairman of the board of directors, and the other members are Mrs. A. E. Ebert, Mrs. J. S. Watson, Mrs. Porter Evans and Miss Van Allen.

The following state vice-presidents were elected: Mrs. Alice G. Brown, Melrose, Mass.; Mrs. F. A. Loomis, Emporia, Kan.; Mrs. H. J. Cummings, St. Louis, Mo.; Miss Alice Cohen, Milwaukee, Wis.; Miss Ella E. Ives, Detroit. Mich.; Mrs. Isabel Mattingly, Angora, Ind.; Mrs. Edith K. Neel, Urbana, N Y.; Mrs. E. W. Nettleton, St. Paul; Mrs. O J. Meharry, Altadena, Cal.; Mrs. O. C. Reeves, Dayton. O, and Mrs. A. W. Maht, Joy, Tex.

PUSHING PLANS FOR THE GREAT CAT SHOW - The Evening Times, July 11, 1902
Washington Club Holds an Important Meeting.

At the regular July meeting of the Washington Cat Club matters of vital importance to the feline population of Washington were transacted. A choice of one of three lots, one at Brookland and two at Fort Myer Heights, was offered by one of the wealthiest and most charitable of Washington ladies for the erection of structures suitable for a cat home on condition that the club raise the necessary funds for improving the same and for keeping them free from debt. No doubt was expressed but that the buildings would be erected at an early date through the generosity of the club's many warm friends.

The president reported that a very fine and thoroughly up-to-date lethal chamber had been constructed under his directions and that the same is now ready at the city pound at the foot of Twenty-third Street, with the consent of the Health Officer and of the Pound-master for the reception of unfortunate felines to whom existence has become a hopeless burden. Since the city derives no revenue from its cat population, it is to be hoped that the Pound-master will not be annoyed by requests to call for strays and incurables, but that such will be carried to him at once.

The greater portion of the club's attention last night was given to drawing up a criticism of and lodging protests against a new code of rules, recently published in the pet stock papers, for the purpose of governing all future cat shows held in the United States. These rules were drawn up by the combined efforts of two, the oldest and one of the youngest, cat clubs, to the total exclusion of the Washington Cat Club, and at least six other cat clubs in good standing in the United States.

The Washington Cat Club, like our fore fathers, protests against taxation without representation, and objects to being forced to adopt rules in the preparation of which all cat clubs have not an equal voice. These rules, it argues, are not formulated to fit the peculiarities of the cat case, but are only the old rules (which the cat fraternity have never been able to enforce, and which they admit to be inadequate) disguised, with a sprinkling borrowed from foreign regulations and a rehashed version of the generally accepted rules governing dog, horse and chicken shows. Rather than submit to anything of this kind the Washington Cat Club proposes to hoist the sign “no trusts,” to promulgate and enforce its own rules, to conduct its own independent shows, to draw only its own local prizes, to designate the standard of its judging and to reclaim its own championships and officially to recognize no others.

The Inter Ocean, November 30, 1902

“Madame, we sacrifice cats to save babies.” This was the manner in which a noted physician and scientist is said to have defended certain vivisectionary practices to the tender-hearted woman who would have condemned them.

And this albeit in a somewhat different manner – is what Mrs. Clinton Locke, president of the Beresford Cat club of Chicago, has been doing for years. Mrs. Locke dearly loves her cherished cats and kittens, but she loves sick little children, ailing women, and dependent invalids still more. All of Mrs. Locke’s cat money goes for charity and the sick babies, perhaps, are most potent to charm it to humanitarian uses. Every time a fresh call is made upon Mrs. Locke’s sympathies a fine cat or kitten is presently missing from the Lockehaven cattery. The sacrifice is a real one, for the mistress of the cats and cattery holds each separate pet and treasure in especial tenderness and affection.

There is scarce a charity of charitable enterprise of Chicago or vicinity but could tell grateful tales of Mrs. Locke’s frequent generosity in this connection, and the number of men and women saved from suffering or started up in the lucrative industry of cat culture because of the pretty Lockehaven inmates and their kindly owner would run into the hundreds.

Beginning of Odd Charities.

The beginning of Mrs. Locke’s “cattish” charities dates back twenty years. At that time a personal friend, a great traveller, brought to her a fine blue cat from Persia. The career of Wendella, as the pretty puss was named, in honor of the giver, marked the beginning of the cat-loving fad in Chicago. She proved a most attractive and lovable pet, and was presently joined by other fine cats, imported from England. Almost before the pioneer of the cat fancy in Chicago was aware of the fact or of her distinction, other cat-loving women, admiring and envious, were endeavouring to start catteries. Mrs. Locke, with numerous charities weighing upon her heart and brain, always saw and recognized an opportunity to make money in behalf of these beloved institutions and efforts. With every cat or kitten sold a check was promptly sent to some needy place or person; the only exceptions ever made to this rule have occurred when other fine cats have been imported, for the good of the Lockehaven cattery and collection, and, indirectly, of the beneficiaries for whose sake the cats were sold. To hunt up the records of the hundreds of choice cats now to be found in Chicago would be to trace Mrs. Locke’s cats and kittens to all parts of the city. And still, although Mrs Locke is now disposing of many of her cherished pets and treasures, because of the ill health and encroaching duties that render it impossible for her to longer care for so many, the Lockehaven cattery is will worth a visit for the sake of the fine animals it still contains.

Handsome Lucy Claire.

Lucy Claire, duly accredited as the handsomest “smoke” cat in America, and an envied champion because of her four first prizes, three of which were won in Chicago, with the fourth hailing from Cincinnati, is still the undisputed star of Chicago’s feline society. Had the challenge cups to be offered at th the oncoming show of the Beresford Cat club been sooner provided, Lucy Claire would have carried the m off long ago, with her remarkable unbroken records.

Ripple, a handsome orange, is another noted Lockehaven beauty. Ripple belongs to the rare Manx family. Bobolink, a Lockehaven Manx kitten, one of Ripple’s children, and now the property of Mrs. Samuel Harvey of Chicago, bids fair to be almost as interesting as his noted and handsome progenitor. Jessica Kew is the only child of Daffodil, another famous Lockehaven beauty and prize winner, a rare cream this time, and Laddie Kew, the equally famous cream prize winner owned by Miss Lucy Johnstone of this city. As the “littlest one” of all her feline pets, and treasures, Mrs. Locke has a feeling for the diminutive Jessica shared by none of the others, unless perhaps it be the cat mummy presented to her in Persia ten years ago, and which she smilingly describes as “my oldest cat.”

This mummy, which was presented to Mrs. Locke in Cairo, was taken from the tombs of Zagavig, in Egypt, and verified by Brusch Bey, head of the museum at Gizeh, is over 4,000 years old. It, too, has been made to serve charitable purposes quite frequently, and before long will probably do so again. It is planned to make this cat one of the unusual or “freak” exhibits of the present season Beresford Cat Club show.

This show, which will take place on Dec. 17, 18, and 19, is to be given in the hall above the new Coliseum Annex. Already entries have been made from many other states and cities, and the prizes, medals, and other emoluments arranged to reward the efforts of the cat lovers and exhibitors of Chicago and elsewhere will be many, varied, and well worth contesting for.

Lady Marcus Beresford of England, in whose honor the Chicago organization, which is the largest of its kind in the world, was named, will send two medals, one each for the best long and short haired domestic cat, respectively, exhibited at the show. There will be twenty-two cups to be competed for, twelve of these to belong to the challenge variety, which must be won three times to become the property of the owner. As the same cups are to be offered at the cat show as those at the pet stock show in January, Chicago owners and exhibitors will have two chances this winter to compete for and retain these coveted challenge cups. Many of the Beresford Cat club members are planning to show at this later exhibition also, and the authorities of the pet stock show have given ten medals to be competed for at the Beresford Cat club’s exhibition.

Mr. E. W. Jefferson of Chicago will offer a cash prize for the best and handsomest stray cat rescued and exhibited by a small boy or girl of Chicago. Mrs. Clinton Locke, Mrs. Fred Everett Smith, and others will give prizes of $5 in gold for fine cats in various classes, Mrs. Locke also offering several cups for various classes, and the list of other generous and devoted prize givers will be very long. Mrs. George M. Pullman, Mrs. Frank O. Lowden, Mrs. P.A. Valentine, Mrs. J. Ogden Armour, Mrs. H.O. Stone, Minnie Maddern Fiske, Mrs. J. Whitcomb Cotton, Mrs. Henry Blair, Mrs. Elwood H. Tolman, Mr. William G. Hibbard, James W. Childs, and W.H. Truesdale of New York, mrs. W. P. Cowen, and Mrs. B.P. Robinson are all numbered among the well-known men and women who are to give prizes.

A.J. Bourland and E.S. Vidal, late of England and Canada, are to be the show judges, and a number of prominent and distinguished visitors are expected, among them Mrs. F.J. Sarmiento of Detroit, whose cats are noted beauties and prize winners; H.I. Jones, who will bring a number of fine cats with him, and Mrs. E.R. Pierce of Cincinnati, who being intensely and devoted patriotic, believes that there are no finer cats than those of her cherished domestic, or “Maine,” variety, and who will exhibit a number of these at the Beresford show.


THE glorification of the common or “alley ” cat represents the latest feat attempted by the devoted humanitarians and animal lovers of Chicago and elsewhere. [By “alley cat” they meant the short-haired cat.] The common cat, argue these determined, progressive enthusiasts, is just as pretty, graceful, and altogether desirable, naturally, as its more aristocratic kinfolk with huge ruffs, plumy tails, pedigrees long enough to serve as blankets; the more demonstrative affection displayed by the feline aristocrats, to continue the argument, is merely educed and drawn forth by generous and long established petting. Extend this cordial treatment to the common cat of the streets and alleys by making it popular, and it will show itself quite as well worthy of petting and cherishing affection as the dainty beauties of the longer fur. The cat loving enthusiasts mentioned begin the work of apotheosising the common cat with the transformation of its colloquial name. The “alley" cat becomes a “garden" cat at the outset; the new name signifies the altered social status soon to be.

Chicago has more than once been termed a “cat's paradise.” It is certainly a strong center for the furthering and radiation of the “cat fancy" — to adopt the phrase of those most deeply interested in cat culture or the deification of dame puss. So it is only fitting that the apotheosis of the common cat should receive a distinct if not initiative impulse in Chicago That certain well known and tender hearted women of the city should promote and assist this impulse is most natural, too.

Mrs. Clinton Locke, president of the Beresford Cat club, which is the largest organisation of its kind in existence, surpassing even the famous Cat Club of England in numbers and successful accomplishment, is a long-time and loyal friend of every member of the cat family. She loves every kind of cat, from the cat mummy numbered among her own most cherished possessions down to the wretchedest small stray kitten to be found. Although her own taste runs in the direction Of the rare and artistic Persians and Angoras, for which the “Lockehaven” cattery is famous, Mrs. Locke is warmly and devotedly interested in fine and rare short haired cats also, as witness the famous Manx and Siamese cat beauties that she personally maintains; and the common, neglected. oft times misused cats of the long standing unpopularity and bootjack connection she loves dearly as well. For this reason Mrs. Locke takes great interest in the "Chicago Refuge for Homeless Dogs and Cats," originated and maintained by another tender hearted Chicago woman and Beresford club member. Mrs. Charles A. White.

Mrs. White, whose nature acknowledges a responsive thrill to the suffering of all animals, determined last summer to make possible a sure and safe refuge for homeless animals in Chicago if this could be brought about. So the hospitable doors of the “Refuge” at 80 Twenty-sixth street were thrown open in due time and order, and 800 dogs and 200 cats in round numbers were brought to these doors between the last day of July and the 1st of December, 1902. Good homes were found for a majority of these once miserable creatures, and to the good work of the “Refuge" a number of well-known and prominent Chicago women, among them Mrs. J. Ogden Armour. Mrs. R. W. Patterson, Mrs. Clinton Locke. Mrs. J. K. MacKenzie [Mrs. Locke’s daughter], Mrs. Charles P. McConnell, Mrs. R. L. Gifford, and Mrs. W. R. Linn, have from time to time lent aid.

The beneficial effect upon popular attitude and opinion toward and concerning stray or common cats to be in this way furthered has attracted the good will and assistance of many other persons of humanitarian and sympathetic tendencies toward the haven, in which unhappy dogs and cats are sheltered. The common “alley” or “garden” cat will receive special notice and attention at the fourth annual exhibition of the Beresford Cat club, to take place in the hall over the new Coliseum annex on Dec 17, 18, and 19, and among the many beautiful and varied prizes provided for the cats of high degree and family a special prize for the best “waif cat" to be found in the “Chicago Refuge for Homeless Dogs and Cats" at the time of the show has been arranged.

The prize, which consists of $20 in gold, is offered by Mrs. Minnie Maddern Fiske, through Mrs. Clinton Locke, the Beresford club president and a personal friend of Mrs. Fiske. The latter, who cares nothing for the haughty, aristocratic, pampered beauties of the feline family, carries an aching heart often because of the sorrows, sufferings, and trials sustained by the neglected cat of common origin, unpedigreed extraction, and, all too often, homeless lot. For the sake and betterment of cats of this order Mrs. Fiske would expend much arduous endeavor and energy with gladness and good cheer. The prize mentioned, offered in addition to a donation of money, is intended to serve as an expression of her belief and emotions toward and in behalf of the miserable “poor pussy” of the vacant lot, the rear garden, and the hungry, hunted, haunted life. On the occasion of her next professional visit to Chicago Mrs. Fiske will give a benefit performance for the assistance of the "refuge" mentioned, and will manifest her warm sympathy and interest in other and equally unmistakable ways.

W. J. Jefferson of Chicago will do the “alley” or "garden” cat a good turn at the coming exhibition also. He has offered a sliver cup for the best domestic cat exhibited end this prize will go to the small boy or girl of Chicago who can show the finest and handsomest stray cat rescued from homeless, neglected wretchedness and brought into fine condition by intelligent, loving care Mrs. Theodore Thomas, president-founder of the Anti-Cruelty society and a Beresford club member, is also interested in stray cats and the "Reluge," and will offer a prize at the forthcoming show.

Mrs. Samuel Harvey is still another Chicago woman and member of the Beresford organisation who believes greatly in the future of and the transformation of the common “alley” cat. A devoted cat lover always, Mrs. Harvey feels that in the common, ordinary, short haired cat an ideal pet and friend of the homelike household exists. Beginning with a single common cat — still called “Kitten,” although long since a sedate old grandmother — her collection of fine and affectionate felines has increased until it now numbers many unique and attractive specimens of the cat family. Each one of these varied and various pets and treasures loves its devoted mistress with a real and sincere devotion, and Mrs. Harvey declares that each one manifests this devotion in a personal and particular way. “Kitten,” for instance, never falls to bring her mistress food when that mistress is ill or indisposed; up on the bed, food in mouth, she springs daily, and the food must be supposedly eaten before she will take her departure — in search of more. Other cats and kittens are no less individual and original in their manner of showing love and affection, according to this well qualified authority.

Mrs. Harvey, who has always loved and trained cats and who now possesses some of the fine Manx cats reared by Mrs. Locke in addition to her commoner but no less beloved stray pussies, believes that cats are quite as affectionate and demonstrative, rightly treated and encouraged, as are dogs. And she believes, further, that a little propaganda work will open the eyes of the hitherto thoughtless and unseeing men and women to the really fine and admirable qualities, possibilities, and character of the common pussy, and that when this happens the future of the common Pussy will be bright.

S.S. Finley, a Chicago photographer, is another individual who hopes much for the common cat in the future. “Jack,” a splendid specimen of this kind of cat, is remarkably loving and intelligent, and to the children who frequent the studio in which he often poses and which he helps to make cheerful ” Jack ” is even more.

Milwaukee Journal, Dec 10, 1902

The cream of Milwaukee feline society will send a delegation to Chicago to attend the Beresford Cat Club show December 17 to 19, inclusive. This is the fourth year that the Beresford club has put its kitten members on exhibition, but the first time the cats have had a show all of their own. Hitherto they have been shown in connection with the National Fanciers and Breeders' association, with poultry, pigeons, dogs and other pet stock. Now, however, kitty is considered quite important enough to have an "onty-donty own" exhibition, and the Fanciers association will retire into the background until Jan 19, when they will take five days for their own show. Not all of Milwaukee's best cats will go to the Windy City. Some owners are afraid that the cats might grow homesick, others would miss the cats too much themselves, and others are afraid that their pets would not receive such good care as at home and consequently return in poor condition. For, in spite of all the precautions of the managers, some diseased cats are usually admitted, and skin diseases, eye humors. or something of the sort are sometimes contracted by visiting pets. But people who have find cats will sometimes run a little bit of risk for the sake of allowing others to admire their pets.

Miss Cohn, 828 Walnut-street, will send her big white maltese cat again this year. In 1899 it was the prize winner, receiving a gold medal for being the finest white short haired cat in the Chicago show. He weighs twenty-two pounds, and his coat is as fine as silk, and as white as snow. Among the Persians and Angoras and Maine long-haired cats he looks very neat and prim. Royal Norton, Mrs. Leland Norton of Chicago owner, is the sire of several of Miss Cohn's fine Angora cats, among them the Princess Mariela, a whit with a great sweeping tail, who with her little 6-months-old son, August, will be entered in the cat show at Chicago. Miss Cohn had the great misfortune to lose four of the beauties which she had planned to exhibit within three hours on Sunday afternoon. They were Chico, the father, and three little brothers of August, all pure white Angoras. By accident they were shut into a cold entry, and they took cold and died within three hours. Miss Cohn counts herself lucky in saving the other two.

THE WASHINGTON CAT CLUB – The Evening Star, 17th January, 1903
At the regular monthly meeting of the Washington Cat Club, held Tuesday evening, a decided Increase In membership since the show held In December was noted. The club expects, with increasing membership and an entertainment to be given in the near future, to have the necessary funds to establish the home for cats, which is regarded as an absolute necessity during the summer months. A report was made to the club by Miss Hurritt, the delegate sent to the New York cat show. Miss Burritt was of the opinion that the New York exhibit did not exceed the Washington show, either in the number of entries or in display. Cats of high degree, and even short haired cats, brought fabulous prices, ranging from $60 to $500.

[SIAMESE] American Register, 17th January 1903
The most delicate and expensive of all cats is the Siamese. This is called the royal cat, because it has long been bred in the family of the king of Siam. It is a short-haired cat. which looks curiously like a dog. Its coat is pug-dog color, and very short, firm and silky, more like a dog's than a cat's. It has black paws and nose, and a kink in its tail. Mrs.. W. S. Hofstra, president of the Atlantic cat club, makes a specialty of the Siamese, of which she has the finest specimens in this country. The Siamese is very hard to raise, and Mrs. Hofstra has just lost five beauties, including one whose parents were presents from the crown prince of Siam. The little brother of this kitten went to the queen of Portugal, who is a fancier of Siamese. Mrs.. Hofstra's Siamese pair, Tiln [Tilu?] and Ma, formerly belonged to Lady Marcus Beresford. Lord Beresford has one Siamese which stays in his room, and attaches itself to his master like a dog. Lady Beresford is the great cat fancier of England and Lady Decius [Decies] and Lady Alexander are other titled dames who have exhibited in every cat show.

MRS. C. B. SARMIENTO. OF DETROIT, one of the exhibitors at the recent Madison Square cat show, has a “cattery” which cost $4,000. It stands on the grounds of her residence, of which it is a perfect reproduction in miniature, and with which it is connected by an underground passage. – The Scranton Republican, 21st February, 1903

MRS. COBB'S ANGORA – The Palmyra Spectator, 26th August, 1903
The Angora cat, valued at $200, belonging to Mrs. W. H. Cobb, died yesterday. The animal wan one of the finest in the country and was a sister of the Angora that captured the first prize at the Chicago cat show last spring.

Why does not Kansas City have a cat show? Does anyone imagine for a moment that there are not enough cats of high degree in town to make a showing? If such be his impression he is vastly mistaken, for Kansas City, in addition to being horsey and doggy, is likewise catty, and cherishes dozens of high bred feline beauties that would grace any cat show in the country. All people are not lovers of cats; some are utterly indifferent to their inscrutability and subtle mysteriousness; some have the most violent antipathy for them, while to others they are just a little the brightest, smartest, cunningest, dearest creatures in the world. In fact there is no animal that inspires so much love and so much hatred as a cat.

To a cat lover the position of a cat hater is quite incomprehensible. He cannot understand how anyone can resist the soft advances of his graceful furry darling. To him a cat is an ideal pet, lovable and loving, whom nothing can shake from its firm position in his affections. Cat lovers like these are what has given Kansas City some of the rarest and finest cats in the United States. Neither trouble nor expense has been spared by these enthusiasts to raise the standard of their breed, to purify the strain, and to produce cats that are perfect in their way. To this end cats are imported and are sent to New York or Chicago to be bred. They are cared for as tenderly and lovingly as if they were children, and the little kittens are given attention and training that many children go through life without.

The rarest cats in Kansas City, and probably the most valuable and handsomest are owned by Mrs. J. C. Mitchelson. Mrs. Mitchelson is no longer living here, having moved to Hartford. Conn., early in the spring, but most of her cats are still here being cared for by Miss Nettie Jamison on Brooklyn avenue. Mrs. Mitchelson's specialty in cats is the Silver Persian, a very rare und delicate breed, whose very delicacy makes them highly prized by fanciers. The most recent addition to Mrs. Mitchelson’s Silver Persians is Sprite, an English beauty who has only been in America four weeks, and who presented her mistress with four silvery little baby cats the week after her arrival. Sprite is one of the handsomest and most perfectly marked Silver Persians in America, and each one of her babies promises to equal her. Mrs Mitchelson paid $100 for her in England, but she is valued at almost twice that sum in America. Sprite is a devoted mother and is greatly distressed whenever her children are moved from their accustomed nest. She is, however, too well bred to protest, or to do anything else that borders on the violent. Whenever her children are picked up she stands by at a respectful distance, waving her great silver plume of a tail with an air of the utmost dignity, and only occasionally uttering a soft “meow” to reassure the little wriggling squirming bundles of fur from which her anxious eyes never waver.

Another English cat that Mrs. Mitchelson imported was Lucette whom she has with her in Hartford. Sparks, who is also in Hartford, but who lived so long in Kansas City that he ought still to call it home whether he does or not, is a male Silver Persian, and the father of most of the other Silver Persians in town. But Mrs. Mitchelson's love for cats is not confined to Persians for she has some beautiful Angoras. A pair of half grown kittens, Walula and Romona, who are in Mrs. Jamison’s charge, are as cunning specimens of kittenhood as one often sees, and remind one of Miss Agnes Repplier’s famous description of a kitten. “It is the most irresistible comedian in the world. Its wide open eves gleam with wonder and mirth. It darts madly at nothing at all, and then, as though checked in the pursuit, prances sideways on its legs with ridiculous agility and zeal. It makes a vast pretense of climbing the rounds of a chair, and swings by the curtain like an acrobat. It scrambles up a table leg, and is seized with comic horror at finding itself full two feet from the floor. If you hasten to its rescue, it clutches you nervously, its little heart thumping against its furry sides, while its soft paws expand and contract with agitation and relief,
“And all its harmless claws disclose
Like prickles of an early rose
Yet the Instant it is back on the carpet it feigns to be suspicious of your interference, peers at you out of the ‘tail’ of its eyes and scampers for protection under the sofa, from which asylum it presently emerges with cautious, trailing steps as though encompassed by fearful dangers and alarms.”

One of these kittens, Romona, is something of a curiosity. Blue-eyed Angoras are not unusual, though they are as a rule deaf whenever they have blue eyes, and brown-eyed ones are quite ordinary but Romona combines the virtues and beauties of both, having one bright blue eye blue as the sky, and one deep brown one.

Rosalind is the name of a charming tortoiseshell Angora that Mrs. Mitchelson has, and that is a full sister to Mrs. W. A. Nettleton's Orlando. Mrs. Nettleton is a comparatively recent convert to the cat cult, but is one of the most enthusiastic in town. She has several varieties of Angora, but is proudest of her beautiful silver tabby, Orlando, who is a son of the famous Prince of Orange. Orlando is as proud and beautiful as he is disdainful. When he is scornful, with his magnificent ruff standing out around his aristocratic little head, and his splendid plume tall waving derision, he is as superb a king of catdom as one often sees, Orlando's mate is, properly enough, named Rosalind. She too, is a silver tabby, but with more white on her than Orlando. Mrs. Nettleton has several cats, among them some young kittens which she confidently expects will develop into the pride and joy of her cattery.

Mr. and Mrs. Ivory Miller are the most accomplished cat fanciers in Kansas City, and have an especial building fitted up, for taking care of their pets. There are shelves around the walls, with nests for each cat; an especial place for the cats with kittens; covered runs for rainy days and open grass runs for other times. Here Mr. and Mrs. Miller care not only for their own cats, but also for those of their friends who are going away, or who for some reason or other want their cats looked after. In the summer their home is a regular cat boarding house.

The Millers run the whole gamut of Angoras. They have Nixiline, a magnificent white one, with a pedigree that would put a Colonial Dame to shame; Cynthia, who is as black as Nixie is white, and Polly, who is a soft silvery blue. All three of these beauties are very busy just now looking after the wants of young and very interesting families. Nixie has six snow-white babies, each one as perfect a little cat as its mother is a big cat. Their father is Swamscott, a Chicago cat of lineage distinguished enough to make him worthy of the honor. Cynthia has a pair of eyes that are as big and as yellow as the rarest topazes and a coat so long and fine and silky and jetty black that it offers an irresistible invitation to be “wooled.” Cynthia’s two kittens are as black as she is, with round litle amber beads for eyes. Polly, the third of the trio, is Maltese in color, but with a fur that in length and texture was never equaled by any ordinary cat. The father of her four adored children is Paris, a famous Chicago cat, who views the world and his own honors with supreme indifference bred of generations of superiority. He is pure white in color, with a magnificent ruff, and eyes as blue as turquoise.

Each one of these three mothers represents a value of more than $100, though Mr. and Mrs. Miller are so attached to them that an offer of that sum would not tempt them. The kittens are worth from $10 to $15 each, the value being regulated according to the different points. By the way, you must not think for a moment that a long tail is a good point, for it is not. The shorter a cat's tail is, the better cat It is from the breeder's point of view.

One of the most interesting cat families in town is that owned by Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Hannum, on Wabash avenue. Their cats are of the Orange Angoras, probably the rarest of the different Angora varieties. The most valuable cat in America is an Orange Angora, Napoleon the Great, whose owner has refused $4,000 for him, and who has never been beaten in an exhibition. The Hannums have three Orange cats and four fascinating little kittens. The oldest cat is Chubs, who was in his day a fine fellow, with splendid marking and coloring, a huge ruff and as regal an air as ever a cat wore. Chubs has, however, passed his days of glory. The years are creeping up on him, and with them have come bad habits. He fs no longer careful of his appearance, his personal habits are not above reproach, and his nature has undergone a complete transformation. From being the proud and haughty ruler of a cat kingdom limited to those of the blood, he has become the friend and associate of any old cat that comes along. He will go out prowling with any back yard degenerate in the neighborhood, and has been repudiated by those of his kind who in the days of his ascendency delighted to acknowledge his sway.

The other two cats are Sunshine, as bright and radiant as her name sounds, and her equally radiant daughter, Sister. Sunshine is just now engaged in looking after the wants of a youthful and exceedingly active family of four silky, orange-hued kittens, but she still has time to rule her grown up daughter with a rod of iron, a rule that not even the advent of a family of kittens that converted Sunshine into a grandmother could disturb. When Sister's kittens came Sunshine’s interest in the event was not even second to that of the young mother herself. The new made grandmother stayed right in the box with her daughter and took care of the new born babies, licking them and caring for them, and relieving her daughter of all responsibility. As soon as the little ones were nicely settled in their nest Sunshine went to her own box where her two babies, themselves less than a week old, were nestled, and removed them to the box with her grandchildren, so that she might bestow her attentions on both families without favor. As the kittens grew up they did not know one mother from another, and the mothers themselves were not able to tell which children belonged to which. When it became evident that Sunshine realized the responsibilities of a grandmother quite as much as those of a mother, Sister immediately made up her mind to profit by the fact, and so shirked every duty that she possibly could. She was fond of her children, but she found it much more interesting to bask in the sunshine, the admiration of every passer-by, than to curl up in a dark box where no one could see her and be wooled around by three or four hungry little kittens. On several occasions Sunshine very obviously remonstrated with her daughter on her failings as a mother. She would leave the children long enough to hunt up the recreant Sister and march her back to the box, where the kittens were screaming at the tops of their shrill little voices, then stand there and watch until Sister climbed into the box, settled herself down and gave her attention to satisfying the wants of her family. Then Sunshine, with righteous virtue radiating from every orange hair, would walk solemnly away and proceed to do a little basking herself.

One day when Sister has neglected her children beyond all decency, Mrs. Hannum herself took a hand in the disciplining of the conscienceless mother. She scolded her roundly while Sister sat there meekly, radiating wronged innocence from her upturned amber eyes to the tip of her plumy glistening tail. Sunshine took it all in, severely, and without a particle of sympathy for her child. Finally she became exasperated beyond measure by the apparent indifference of Sister at the disgrace of being scolded for such an offense, and unable to contain herself longer, advanced with stately dignified steps to her unruffled daughter, boxed her ears roundly a couple of times, and in two or three short incisive expressions in cut language gave her to understand that she had had just as much of that foolishness as mortal cat could stand. Sister turned and gave one look at her infuriated parent, then with lowered tail and drooping head climbed into the box with her children, and did not leave them the rest of the day. From that day on she was a model mother.

The father of all the Hannum kittens is the Prince of Orange, one of the champion Orange Angoras in America. Each kitten is valued at from $15 to $20, and the mothers, though they are not for sale at all, are worth about $125 apiece.

Miss Cora Moss has a pet cat so beautiful and so haughty that he is the pride as well as the ruler not only of the household but of the entire neighborhood where he lives. He is a Persian of a rich red color, almost an Irish setter red, and with perfect points and markings. When he is in coat he has a very large full ruff and a tail so plumy and graceful that it alone would warrant his regal air. Just now he is shedding his winter coat n preparation for the summer, but in January and February when he was at his best, he was quite the handsomest specimen of high born cat In Kansas City. Miss Moss got the cat In England nearly eight years ago when he was only 3 months old. She brought him to America herself, and herself nursed him through the trials and troubles of becoming acclimated. America did not agree at all with Duke, as he was christened, at first, and he fairly ran the gamut of cat diseases, having everything that cat is heir to. While this was going on he lost his hair, and was about the most forlorn and miserable specimen of a kitten that one can imagine. When he began to recover, however, he lost no time about it, and soon grew to his present size, which is very unusual even for a Persian cat.

The vicissitudes of Duke's kittenhood made it impossible to teach him the tricks and “parlor stunts” that most cats of his birth and breeding have at their paws’ ends. He is, however, handsome enough and fascinating enough to get along very well without them. He realizes perfectly just what a beauty he is, and he expresses a well bred surprise whenever anyone seems for a moment to differ with him. He expects, more than that, demands, all the perquisites of sovereignty, and he is not at all particular who or what those same perquisites may disturb.

Miss Helen English has a cat that, while it lays no claim to distinguished descent, is yet, just a little the smartest “common cat" in Kansas City. Miss English has had him for years and is devoted to him. She has no end of pictures of him, and wears one especially charming likeness in a locket. Like all cats whether their birth be high or low, this one has a never ceasing craving for catnip, and can find it whenever it is in a room. Miss English often puts bits of it in her desk drawers when the cat is not in the room. As soon as he comes in he begins sniffing about and in a moment locates the very drawer where the tid-bit is concealed. Then he paws at the drawer and works with the knob, mewing continually to get someone to come to his assistance.

Miss Rettina Welch. of St. Joseph, has a Maltese cat that has all the virtues of its kind, coupled with same of the frailties of man. It is a confirmed tippler. It first looked on the wine when it was red in the form of egg nog. Miss Welch gave it two or three spoonfuls of the mixture without thinking of the effect it might have on the little creature. In a short time the kitten obviously “felt funny,” presently it began to act funny. It tried to get to its cushion on a chair, but could not make it, and finally fell over on its side on the floor. After an effort or two to regain its feet it settled down into a deep sleep, from which it awakened hours later with eyes as big as its head probably felt. From then on the kitten was crazy about liquor of any kind. It could detect the odor instantly. And would fuss around and meow frantically until it was either put out of the room or given some. If it was gratified in its desire it would lap it up eagerly and keep on lapping as long ag the supply lasted, or until it was physically incapacitated.

CAT SHOWS AND CATTERIES – Pittsburgh Weekly Gazette, 21st June, 1903

Cat shows and catteries are all the fad and any place that cannot boast an annual cat show nowadays must take a back seat, for these shows are not only stylish, but records are kept of aristocratic cats and their pedigree, and great is the pride of that city or town that can boast of the largest and choicest variety of feline inhabitants. All cats are eligible for these shows, medals are given for various classes and the finest cats as well as the children’s pet kitten and alley Tom have a fair chance. Cats of all color and sizes; native and foreign; cats of all degrees of nobility; cats from Asia, from Persia, from the Isle of Man, vie with cats of lesser repute, such as garden cats, house cats and alley cats. All shows are held under strict rules and at some the medals and ribbons of the Beresford Cat club of America are awarded. The pussies are arranged in little cages up and down the hall. Their coats are washed and brushed up, their little houses are fixed comfortably, a private detective guards them and everything except freedom contributes to their comfort

It is amusing to see the cats submit gracefully to the inspection of admiring crowds. Some purr, others pout, the Angoras beat their tails against the bars of their cages while the kittens allow the visitors to stroke their warm fur. The proportions to which the cat fad has grown has interested the National Fanciers Association and this dignified body has spread its protecting wing over cats as well as pigeons and poultry. That the fad has grown is emphasised by the beauty and value of exhibits and by the fashionable names attached to entries, while all day long during cat shows, a string of smart turn-outs deposits society women and a goodly number of men at the cat show’s door. For months before and after the exhibition society talks cats and many whose knowledge is limited purchases the long-haired beauties and launch enthusiastically into the pleasure of a cattery and the nucleus of a cat family. Men no longer scoff at cats as a feminine weakness, for men are among the largest breeders of fine cats, and are prominent exhibitors, while merchants and business men offer prizes.

The cat industry in this country us best represented by the Beresford Cat Club, named after Lady Marcus Beresford of Bishopsgate, Windsor England, who was the originator of the National Cat Club of England. The American Beresford Club is five years old and was started by Mrs. Clinton Locke, wife of the well-known Chicago clergyman of that name. Mrs Locke has been known for years [as] one of the best known breeders of Angora and Persian cats in this country. She is fond of pets and tried keeping various kinds before settling on cats. The canaries sang too loud, the parrots talked too much, the doves, cooing was maddening; dogs barked and were cross to strangers. Then she tried cows, calves, Texas frogs, squirrels, alligators. “Each came to dwell with me,” says Mrs Locke, “and finally the beloved cat was decided on as the pet par excellence.” So she started a cattery of her own. The fancy was not purely personal, for much charitable work has gone along with her cat culture, and St. Luke’s Hospital, church missions and clergymen's families have been benefited from her Locke Haven cattery. Finally Mrs. Locke became such a believer in the industry for women that the growth of the club and the awakening of general interest is due to her enthusiasm.

The Beresford Cat Club now numbers nearly 300 members. It includes the names of many noted men and women, some of whom are so active in business life one would not dream of their interest in so domestic a thing as the cat. Mme. Henrietta Ronner, the famous cat painter of France belongs; so does Miss Agnes Repplier, the writer and lecturer; Mrs. Helen Winslow, the editor of the Clubwoman; Mrs. Ballington Booth, Minnie Maddern Fiske, and Horace White of the New York Evening Post. The club cares for sick and houseless cats in an infirmary kept by a doctor. It owns a cat refuge for friendless and disabled cats, and a feature which appeals strongly to the public is the effort to provide cats for invalids, cripples and poor women and those in need of some wav earning a livelihood. The club adheres strictly to its standard of pure breeding, though the common alley cat is by no means despised and prizes are offered for the best specimens of the common pussy. Children are also given prizes to encourage them in their interest in the felines. Some of the cats in this club are valued at $5,000, and many possess fanciful names, such as Sappho, Napoleon the Great and Lord Regent.

The uninitiated has no idea of the variety of cats bred and valued for their fine qualities. There are Angoras, Persians, Chinchillas, Abyssinian, Australian cats, Manx cats with no tails, little hairless cats from Mexico, cats with blue eyes, yellow eyes; blue, gray, black, orange and tawny cats. They are all gentle, intelligent, sensitive, aristocrats. One of the most valuable kind of cats is the coon cat. This term does not imply that these cats are any cross between the coon or a cat, but they are a species brought to America by the early French settlers of Canada. Thence they were brought to Maine, which is the only part of this country where they are numerous. They feed upon milk, liver and corn and catch mice like any other cat. They need a great deal of fresh air, are nervous and do not care for water. If they take a dislike to anyone they spit and snarl like a wild cat. Persons meeting them in this condition do not care for further acquaintance. Still they can be most tractable and are so beautiful that the Angora must take a back seat when they are neighbors. The difficulty in bringing these cats from Maine by express is that they are liable to die on the way. For this reason transportation companies will only take them at their owner’s risk. One man in North Anaen. Maine, raises these pets and asks from $100 a piece up for them, and a few years ago Bar Harbor shipped about 5,000 of them yearly. They are to be seen in every Maine village and enjoy a deserved popularity.

Another species of cat which is a favourite among fashionable women is the Siamese, with its curious markings and discordant voice. In many respects they are unique among cats. They follow their owners as a dog would, are affectionate and meow loudly as if trying to talk. They have much vivacity, but lack dignity and in color vary from a pale lawn, through all the shades of brown. Two varieties are popular, the temple cats and the palace cats with the only difference being that the palace cats are darkest. The only sacred temple cats that ever left the land of their birth were given as a special favour to his physician by the King of Siam. They were named by their owner Romeo and Juliet and are now the property of Lady Marcus Beresford. These cats are very expensive, moderate specimens selling for $50 and finely marked ones as high s $300.

The story of the development of the Whylo [Whyo] cat is somewhat curious. This cat is a large tiger, weighs 16 pounds or more, is somewhat like a bulldog in chest expansion, with [??] face and front legs bowed. At the time the famous Whylo gang was flourishing on the East side of New York, a politician named Mulqueen found a wretched cat which was being teased by boys and had no home. He detached the tin can [tied] to its tail and cared for it. The cat appreciated his kindness by following him everywhere, and Mulqueen named him after the famous gang and named him after the famous gang that had defied the police for years. He did not guess the name and breed would exist long after this gang was a thing of the past [Note: the cat was found in 1895, was reported in 1900 but the breed vanished soon after].

Many amusing stories are told about cats, and some possess strategic ability that would make them great commanders were they born in a more exalted sphere of life. A man in New York takes oath that his cat is a sweetheart of a dog across the street. The two attained their majority before they ever met, they romp together and enjoy each other’s society, but the dog was never known to call except on Sunday, though the cat’s master has repeatedly tried to coax him over on a week day as a test. A cat as a mascot is a favourite choice, and the pacer [a type of horse-and-buggy racer popular in the USA], Joe Patchen, eats and sleeps with one. The cat goes along in the special car provided for the horse, and is considered to bring much of the good luck which fallen to the lot of one of the greatest of horses.

All these stories as regards cats’ abilities and the good luck attending them are believed by those interested in the cat clubs and the animals at large. The Washington Cat Club has recently gone to the length of securing a house and lot for cats and they guarantee to care for unfortunate cats which are left behind in the care of servants while their owners go into the country in summer. Many people object to leaving their cats at the show rooms all night when they are entertained in a cat show, but this has been obviated by the deposit of $10, which will allow pussy’s mistress to take the cat home and return her in the morning. As a consequence many a handsome carriage drives up at dusk for Miss Pussy Cat, who is thereby saved the horror of spending the dark hours in uncongenial company.

CAT AGENCY. The Daily Republican, 23rd October, 1903
It is said that an agency is about to be formed in England for the purpose of buying high class cats for America. This, comments an American cattarian, would no doubt be an excellent thing, but it will be difficult to secure reliable buyers. There is no danger that English breeders will not offer their best stock to America, but they are more than likely to ask extortionate prices. First class prices for second and third class stock, are, it seems, quite the rule for such transactions.

[NEW YORK] CAT SEASON NOW ON – Democrat and Chronicle, 6th November, 1903
Business is Booming in the Feline World and the Dealers Are Happy.
From the New York Commercial Advertiser. The cat season has opened. Cool weather and the return of the plutocrats to town have sharpened the demand. Fancy stock of the feline family is bringing high prices, and the fad of keeping Angoras, which is comparatively new in this country, has grown to such an extent that the demand exceeds the supply. Angora or Persian cats range in price from $10 to $70, although occasionally a pure white specimen has been known to bring $500. English cats are better bred than the ones in this country, and many London Angora cats bring as high as £100.

Angora cats were probably brought to this country more than one hundred years ago by old sea captains on vessels trading with the Eastern countries. The coast of Maine was then their home port. Most of the cats sold now in the market come from Maine or the New England states, although a few fancy stock are still imported from Germany. The Angora was originally pure white, with a long, bushy tail, with hair coming from the smooth ears and from between the toes, and with very long whiskers. Most of these white cats have beautiful blue eyes, but like all animals with these two characteristics a large percentage are deaf. The Angora in this country may be found with all the colors of the common cat - buff, black, white, red, yellow and mixed.

The white Angora is very delicate. Therefore It has been crossed and recrossed with the common cat to make it hardier. Among the farmers in Maine that make a business of breeding these cats the idea is prevalent that the animal is a cross between a coon and the common back-yard-fence variety; consequently they are named “coon cats.”
Farther west than Chicago the Angora cat is more or less of a novelty. Last year a man bought a white Angora in this city for $25, said a local dealer, and took It home with him to San Francisco. It was so admired and he was so continually pestered to sell that he parted with it this spring for $500, and when he was here lately he purchased another.

In the Isle of Man there is a breed of cats without tails. These are generally known as “Manx cats.” Very few come to this country, however, but when sold bring from $3 to $5. A rare animal in this part of the world is the Siamese cat. It has a slick, hairless tail, and sells for about $25. Some other rare cats are the Chinese, with pendant ears, and the rabbit cat.

[ PITTSBURGH] COSTLY CATS OWNED BY PITTSBURGERS – Pittsburgh Daily Post, 29th November, 1903
Angoras Valued at $200 Are Family Pets – Fanciers Enter Their Felines in the Coming Show at Chicago.

There are cats and cats, sagely remarked a lover of the cat family. There are the great black Tom-cats which walk back fences and frighten superstitious folk when they cross their path. There are the peaceful gray Maltese which rug against one’s sleeve and gently purr their lives away by their own firesides. There are the spotless white cats which wear blue ribbons and sit in state in drawing rooms. There are orange and black striped cats used to mascot Princeton football games; there are vast numbers of “common or garden” cats which catch mice and rats and otherwise fulfil their natural destiny. There are countless kinds of cats.

They have always had, and will continue to have a place in history. As the most privileged friends of kings and popes, prophets and poets. The little “gods of the hearth” have lived in legend and literature. Mohammed’s thoughtfulness for this cat is proverbial; Pope Gregory the Great has given his cat immortal fame. Of a later day Southey’s cherished Rumpel, with his imposing list of titles, and Bentham’s cat, first christened Langbourne, afterward knighted and still later made known as the Rev. Sir John Langbourne D.D., have become household names.

But cats, like dogs and garments, change in style and it is the costly Persian and Angora cats which are today topmost in favour with the wealthy mistress. In New York, Persian and Angora cats have become a fad. Madison Square Garden but recently attracted large numbers of fashionably gowned women to its Angora cat show, and society women of Chicago are already entering their feline pets in the show of early December. As yet Pittsburg women have not as a rule displayed any great amount of Interest in rare cats, although there are a number of men and women who own handsome specimens of the two most valued species of the cat tribe.

Attorney General Knox is the owner of several handsome Persians and Angoras, one of which he had specially imported. Mrs. Edward H. Small's handsome black Angora “Benny” is the admiration of all beholders. Benny, like other valued Pittsburg cats, was brought from Maine. He is a handsome big cat, with white breast, and great bushy tail. Wild and somewhat untractable on his arrival in the city, he has come to be, in several years’ training, a dignified and well-mannered cat, with a gentle and affectionate disposition. Mrs. C.T. Neals, C.H.Carnahan, J.C. Moore and Miss Cook and Mrs. A.O. Backert, of Knoxville, also possess fine Persian or Angora cats.

Mrs. Luella Hodges, of Knoxville, the owner of the Wahanita Cat kennels, is the owner of the largest number of valuable cats of anyone in the city. Mrs. Hodges makes a specialty of breeding and raising “silver” and “smoke” Persian cats, all of which are pedigreed and registered from imported stock. Mrs. Hodges, who is a member of the Beresford Cat Club of America, and of the Atlantic club, has taken a number of prizes for her stock in different cat shows. The Persian and Angora cats, though closely related, are different, she says, in that the Persian cats have much finer and silkier hair and stand a step higher in the cat’s social scale.

The smoke and light silver colored cats are the rarest and most costly of Persians. The “smoke” cat, of which Mrs. Hodges boasts a splendid specimen, has long silky hair, perfectly white at the roots, getting darker and darker until it is black at the tip. The perfect “smoke” cat has ear tufts, chest and ruff of a light silver color. The eyes are orange usually, though sometimes blue or black, and the long furry tail may be as much as eight inches across. Dusky Pilgrim, entered when seven months old by Mrs. Hodges in the New York cat show, was sold by her last year for $250, the highest price paid for a cat on record in this country.

There are a number of perfectly silver cats in the kennels, which are extremely rare. They are light in color and practically unmarked. The long, soft, silky hair hangs in tufts and clusters about the head and ruff.

Mrs. Hodges first became interested in raising cats about three and a half years ago. The first valuable cat she owned was a Persian, which was procured from Mrs. Thurston, of Newport, R.I. The cat is the mother of Silverlocks, Dusky Pilgrim and Little Pal, all of which have achieved distinction for their beauty and rarity in various exhibitions. Two of the cats in the collection, Roma and Silverlocks, and Little Fritz, who was raised in the kennels and now owned by Miss Cook of Knoxville, will take the trip to Chicago and be entered in the cat show there for the dates December 2, 3 and 4. Fritz is a beautiful shaded silver cat, with clear green eyes and a good coat. He is particularly playful and affectionate, and has a wonderfully wise expression for one of his youthful age and frolicsome habits. Roma also is a handsome cat of light silver color, with a little more marking on head and forelegs. Nita, a bright playful little kitten, prized at $150, has no markings whatsoever.

Contrary to popular opinion, Angoras and Persians are quite as intelligent as ordinary housecats. Their dispositions are gentle and their habits and tastes quite as domestic. As mousers also they equal their less aristocratic cousins, though through feat of poisoning they are seldom allowed to range around in search of such game.

To keep these long-haired cats in good condition requires constant care. The long, silky hair must be brushed and combed every day. Especial care must be taken of the pretty coats at shedding time, as the fur is likely to mat. Well-prepared food is also necessary for the pampered little creatures. Mrs. Hodges says that she has found one meal of raw or cooked ground beef a day, varied by a meal of fish once a week and plenty of vegetables and milk, their best diet. For the cats in her kennels the milk used is either scalded milk or condensed cream adulterated [diluted].

Mrs. Hodges has found much pleasure and satisfaction in raising her favourite animals, yet that the trials of the cat fancier are most discouraging is illustrated by her story of the cat Southampton. Southampton was a valuable Persian cat, which Mrs. Hodges entered at the Cleveland exhibition. He was the sensation of the show among the breeders of “silvers,” and won the first and two special prizes. High prices were offered on all sides for the cat, when he died on the last day of the how of an illness contracted on the journey.

It is not very generally known that Mr. Evelyn Fellows Masury, the State Regent of the D. A. R., has a very beautiful collection of cats. They are real live cats, of the pure Angora breed, and aside from revolutionary affairs of State and household cares, are Mrs. Masury's dearest joy and greatest comfort.

Great fluffy, soft eyed, languorous creatures are the five big beauties who rejoice in the names of Daffy, Dilly, Rosaline, Coraline and Violet, while the three little babies, their children, are not only tiny, but "just too sweet for any-thing.” Violet is a particularly beautiful Angora. He is not yellow and brown or orange like the others, but is a deep royal purple, hence his name. For him alone Mrs. Masury has refused a big handful of money, but his would-be purchaser wanted Violet to take a prize at a cat show, and Mrs. Masury thinks too much of her pets to allow them to be exhibited.

"It always seems to me,” she said, “as if cats and dogs must suffer fastened in their little cages, with no room to roam around, at cat or dog shows, and I never could send any animal I was fond of to one of these exhibitions, no matter how much money it would bring in.”

Twenty-eight proud Angora cats have graced the Masury home since the day a year or so ago, when their mistress took the first of their number into her heart. Of these 28 some have gone to Rhode Island, some to New Hampshire, and in fact there isn't a State in the New England group which hasn’t one of these rare and valuable “revolutionary" cats.

[SAN FRANCISCO] HIDEOUS CRIME – The San Francisco Call, January 9th, 1904
[The case of an owner of famous exhibition cats who sat a toddler on a hot stove to punish him]

An unparalleled tale of cruelty came to light through the arrest of Mrs. Victoria Ferslow last night by Officer McMurray and Secretary White of the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children. Because her two-year-old grandchild Harold soiled his clothes this woman removed the garments of the child last Sunday and placed him on a red-hot kitchen stove. The delicate flesh of Baby Harold was frightfully seared by impact with the hot metal and a scar he will bear with him to the grave resulted.

With an air of nonchalance, this unnatural woman admits that she is responsible for the baby's burns, and in extenuation of her inhuman conduct states that she was unaware that the stove was so hot. [. . .] Yesterday afternoon Rev. A. Takain, an Armenian Christian minister, who has been employed by Mrs. Ferslow at her home, 711 Grafton avenue, doctoring sick cats and dogs, reported the matter to Secretary White. A warrant was immediately secured and the arrest followed. [. . .] Mrs. Ferslow who is well known to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, conducts an establishment at the address given, where, according to Secretary White, many dogs, sore-eyed cats, invalid chickens and homeless waifs are cared for. She formerly lived on a small avenue off Twenty-fourth street, and the society, upon investigating complaints received, found that two children, together with dogs, cats and chickens, inhabited one room. The children were taken from her at that time, but subsequently returned and the removal to the Grafton-avenue residence followed.

Mrs. Ferslow, who is a woman 40 years of age and shows no signs of mental derangement, was not averse to telling her story to the authorities [. . .] without a trace of nervousness or feeling [. . .] When the subject of her cats was brought up Mrs. Ferslow with great pride referred to the fact that three of her feline pets, Royal Blue, King Rex and an Australian cat, had carried off the honors at the last dog and cat show. She denied the allegation that she possessed and sore-eyed cats of mangy dogs, and also denies that the children lived in one room with the animals at her former home. She proudly states that she kept a baby farm at one time and has raised more than 500 children.

[ROCHESTER] CAT FANCIERS MAY HOLD SHOW – Democrat and Chronicle, 10th January, 1904
Whether or not there will be a cat show in Rochester this season is a question. Several members of the Rochester Cat Club are anxious to hold one, but they realize from past experience the amount of work that accompanies such an exhibition. This city is the headquarters of the Lockhaven Cat Club, members of which are scattered throughout the country from the Atlantic coast to Chicago. Its president is Mrs. Alfred Jackson, of Meigs street, Dr. Emil Knight is vice- president, and Miss Edith Lawrence, secretary.

The Rochester members suggest that some organization of a charitable nature combine with them in carrying on a show, as they would cheerfully share the profits if they could divide the work. As far as high breed cats are concerned, the Flower City has its share. In various homes there are felines of an ancestry that reaches back so far that their aristocracy is beyond doubt. The pretty creatures also bear evidences of this, for, as the old saying goes, “blood will tell.” Various letters of inquiry have been received asking If Rochester will not have another cat show, as outsiders wish to participate.

Mrs. Jackson's cats are of the Persian variety. They are black, having the thick, long, glossy fur peculiar to both Persians and Angoras. This family now is composed of the mother, Lady Floss, and her offspring, Prince Chub, Cupid Psyche and Daphne. Lady Floss traces her ancestry back to great great grandparents. Her father is Black Prince, of the Wagner kennels, at Sandusky, Ohio, known to cat lovers of both this country and England. All generations along the line have been prize winners. Her consort also lives at the Wagner kennels.

There is something about these animals that betrays their superiority. They are scrupulously neat, even, to the dishes from which they eat. The family of Lady Floss is registered and very valuable. Many Persian cats, when only a few months old, bring at least $30 or £40.

Master Sargent Force, of East avenue, formerly owned a family of Angoras — brown Tabbies. These have the long hair while their coats are of a brownish stripe on a lighter background, the breast being lightest of all. The genuine tabby Angora should have orange eyes.

The owner of these cats called the collection “The Olympian Cattery.” It will be noticed that those at Mr. Jackson's have Grecian names, while those of Master Force have received theirs from the Latin mythology. The parents were Jupiter and Juno, the latter having “departed this troublesome life.” Their children were Hermes, Venus, Pluto, Thalia, etc. Pluto has been sold to a judge in Portland, Me. Other members of the circle have been scattered, Hermes recently died, until now Jupiter alone remains.

There is also an interesting and very handsome collection owned by William G. Woodcock, of Lincoln street. The mother is Thalia, just mentioned as daughter of Jupiter and Juno, the father being Mrs. Jackson's Prince Chub. Thus, in their children, the Persian and Angora bloods are united. In their fur they favor the Persian. This is exceptionally fine, and scattered all through are the gray hairs, considered as the indication of high breeding. Thalia’s three kittens are young, and their names have not yet been decided upon. One of their peculiarities is the stripe of hair about the neck like a collar, which is sometimes called a “ruff,” and is found in Persian cats. The mixed breed is worth from $10 to $50. according to age.

Cats of Persian and Angora blue blood are very intelligent. “They know as much as a dog,” declares one owner. They also have some other canine characteristics, among which is their power of scent. They are gentle, and very affectionate. While their purr sounds like that of ordinary cats, they mew but very little. In the use of their mews they sometimes handle what they find, like squirrels. Those of Mr. Woodcock's collection have broad “hind feet.” The Persians and Angoras have tufts of fur between their toes. The former have more slender faces as a rule, than the latter.

The appearance of the two varieties is very deceiving. Either may be black, white or any color, and both have long fur. It has been said that a difference can be noticed in drawing the cat’s tall through the hand. When If It comes out long and slender, the cat is an Angora, but if bushy, it is a Persian. The owners of these animals declare that they understand what is said to them.

Lady Floss has been over the road between Rochester and Sandusky, O., her former home, Seven times and is well known to the United States Express men, in whose care she always travels. Prince Chub took a prize and received an H. C. at the cat show here last winter.

Other owners of high bred cats in the city are Mrs. Pressy, of Oxford street, and the Misses Perrin, of St. Paul street.

The Tacoma Daily News, 5th March 1904

THE cult of the cat is the recent thing in America, but in England fine cats are raised by wealthy amateurs and for sport and by many others for profit. For some time the Maine cat farms have flourished and of late the rearing of these animals for sale has been established in a better and more professional basis in many parts of the country. Women owning country and suburban homes find cat-raising pleasant and profitable. The business is one that may be begun on a very small scale or a tolerably large one, as the disposition and purse of the individual dictate. Until the subject has been thoroughly studied and the physical and mental nature of the cat is well understood common sense indicates that the cattery be kept small.

There really is a great deal to learn about cats. The varieties of commercially valuable cats are few, but questions of color and other points must be carefully considered. On them, depend the value of a cat, which, being purely ornamental, has only these things to be presented in its favor. Practically, the long-haired cats, the Persian and the Angora, are the only two that are raised for profit. In essentials these cats are one and the same; the difference being in the texture of the coats. They come from the high mountain places of Turkey, and the cold tablelands of central Asia. In Turkey the cats are called Angoras; those brought from Asia are called Persian. Cat fanciers usually speak of both as Persian, especially in this country, where it is the preoccupation of breeders to eliminate the Maine “Angora” strain. The Maine cat is not a pure breed, the original stock, brought into the state by roving seamen, having become decidedly mixed, until now they form a species of their own, the name of “Angora cat” seeming to describe them appropriately. They have long noses and shaggy coats, as well as other objectionable points belonging exclusively to short-haired cats. Some beautiful cats are bred in Maine, but they are exceptions and are valueless for breeding purposes.

Persian Cat a Frowsy Exquisite. The Persian cat is an exquisite little animal. The commonest color in Persia is white, and perfectly white cats with sapphire blue eyes are highly prized the world over. Rarer than these are orange, silver, tortoiseshell and black. A deep bluish gray called chinchilla, another called smoke and a marked brown known as brown tabby are commercially valuable. Solid colors are valued above mixed, and the color of the eyes has much to do with the price of the cat. An orange cat should have orange eyes; black cats may have either green or yellow, while the value of a white cat with amber eyes is much less than another with blue. The coats of well-bred Persians are exceedingly heavy and long, the silky fur forming an immense frill around the neck, so voluminous that adoring mistresses often have to provide feeding bibs for their pets. The head is short and the jewel-like eyes wide apart, large and full of intelligence. The tail is a brush, sometimes measuring more than ten inches across. Persian kittens are charming little puff-balls, more lively and playful than ordinary kits, while the grown cats are far more amiable, intelligent and companionable than the plebian animal whose home is commonly the barn or the back fence, who picks up a living as he can and whose disposition and manners have become matters of heredity.

Most of the choice cats in America are from English catteries, which are recruited from Persia and Turkey. These English cats are usually perfectly reliable stock, the sporting instinct of the Briton being even larger than his commercial sense. Many of the catteries are owned by women of wealth, who have no interest in their pets aside from the desire to win cups and prizes and who would not own, much less sell, inferior Specimens.

No Duty on Pedigreed Cats. It costs something like $5 to bring a cat across the Atlantic, and there is no duty on pedigreed animals brought into the country for breeding purposes. The price of young cats from the best stock ranges from $5 to $40 in England, but exceptional cats often bring much higher prices. There is no telling what would be asked for a perfect black Persian without a single white hair. It is hardly probable that such a rare animal exists out of Persia, if indeed it exists there. Prices in this country are in a somewhat chaotic state. While there are not many perfectly reliable catteries in America, it is quite possible to buy fine animals here. The amateur should avoid advertisements, but should seek the advice of expert judges, who will be able to direct her to the right dealers. There are plenty of cat clubs in the country and they are often valuable sources of information, although it must be owned that expert cat knowledge is extremely rare even in the cat clubs of this country. Everyone has heard of the famous hoax played at one of the New York cat shows by a well-known inveterate joker. He sent a fine short- haired cat, oddly marked and colored, but without either distinguishing features, gave it a fantastic name and' a luxurious basket and put a value of $10,000 on his entry. The cat had a colored servant to wait on it zealously and grew violently agitated if spectators ventured to touch it. It received prizes galore, to the chagrin of the judges when the true story came out.

How to Start a Cattery. The first step in establishing a cattery is to buy under advice a 6-month-old spring kitten, or a pair, which is better still. Choose a color and stick to it. Only in very large catteries should several colors be raised. Next read every bit of cat literature available, especially English books and papers, and study the individual needs and the idiosyncrasies of the cats at hand. With only two cats it will not be necessary to build a cattery, but a room in the house will have be set apart for their use. Every cat loves a soft cushion and a hot fire but these two luxuries must be denied them from the first. They do not require heat at all. Their native habitat is much colder than America or even England. It is necessary to provide beds of clean dry straw or similar material, plenty of water to drink and fresh air to breathe. Cats are successfully raised in city apartments, but one feels sorry for them. It is natural for them to climb and to run over the green grass and they must suffer mentally, if not physically, when deprived of these advantages. Some owners give nothing but chopped raw meat, while others recommend a mixed diet. A cereal with milk in the morning, cooked meat or fish with vegetables, everything served warm, is approved by many professional catters. Cats learn to like almost any food. A beautiful animal owned by a literary woman in New York is fonder of raw tomatoes than any other vegetables and will go through his entire repertory of tricks for the reward of a tiny scrap. They like sweets, such as soft custards and rice pudding, creams and condensed milk. Salts is an essential, whatever food is given. Butter and olive oil are relished.

Wooden Shed the Ideal Cat Home. An ideal home for a collection of cats too numerous to be kept in the house is a low wooden house in a cool but sheltered corner of the yard. It has windows that swing out and plenty of doors. The sexes are kept separate and each has a fine run fenced with wire, the top of the fence curving inward to prevent the cats from climbing over and escaping. Each cat has its own little corner with comfortable beds. A stream of shallow water flows over a gravel bed through one end of the yard. Where did the idea originate that cats drink little water? They love it and need a great deal. Cats do not have to be bathed unless in the case of white ones, the coat becomes very much soiled. They must be brushed regularly to keep their long hair in good condition. On the whole, they do not require nearly as much care as dogs, which have to be taken out for exercise and in some instances must have their coats clipped. The pleasantest feature about raising cats, aside from the pleasure of winning prizes and adding to one’s income, is the fact that cats may be handled and petted without injury. In fact, they need a great deal of petting in order to develop their qualities prized in a good house animal. Since most if not all the kittens sold will become pets the catter will seek to train her kittens to be amiable, to love children and to cultivate the social amenities generally. Persians and Angoras easily learn simple tricks, and these of course, add to their value and assure them a ready market.

(By the Countess de Montaigne.)
The Rock Island Argus and Daily Union, April 6th, 1904
St. Louis, April 6. — The universal cat show, to be one of the features of the Louisiana purchase exposition, is attracting attention in every known land. The sinuous, purring creatures, that were domesticated before man began recording history in enduring form, will be assembled from every clime, and they will make the bid of their existence to win favor in cultured homes.

By the ancient Egyptians the cat was regarded sacred and worshipped with solemn ceremonial. Cats were frequently entombed with royal personages. Perhaps, like the Indian who expected to hunt in the hereafter with his trusty dog, those who enjoyed the companionship of a beloved cat hoped to adorn some celestial abode with some furry feline darling.

The cat as a domestic animal has enjoyed a certain prestige among savage and civilized nations and is intimately associated with the pleasures of home. For centuries the common tabby, the tortoise shell and the hybridized Maltese were deemed all sufficient for ratting purposes. Good looks were not especially considered. Nowadays the cat need not be useful, but must possess ornamental qualifications. No woman with esthetic tastes is willing to harbour an animal who does not have both breeding and beauty.

In modern times the cult of the cat arose in England. Lovers of the domestic animal decided that it was as worthy as the dog.

The first cat show was instituted by Harrison Weir at the Crystal Palace. Since then a better classification has been given and a larger number of cats exhibited. The interest manifested rendered it advisable to inaugurate a permanent organization, and the National Cat club was founded in 1887, with Harrison Weir as its president. Upon his retirement Louis Wain, the eminent cat painter, succeeded him. The two principal shows of the National Cat Club of England are held annually in the Botanical Gardens, London, and in the Crystal Palace in connection with the Ladies’ Kennel club. The cat club was founded by Lady Marcus Beresford in 1898. This lady has done much for the cat. It was she who conceived the idea of holding cat shows for charity. The one inaugurated during the Boer war netted a considerable sum for the families of those who had fallen in the Transvaal.

The first cat club in America was organized in 1899 in Chicago, with Mrs. Clinton Locke as president. It was named in honor of Lady Beresford. Its growth has been phenomenal. In 1900 the first show was held. The succeeding two were held in connection with the National Fanciers’ association. In 1903, however, the Beresford Cat Club gave independent exhibits and issued a stud book.

In 1902 the Atlantic Cat club of New York was founded, with Mrs. W. F. Hofstra as president. The Washington Cat club in the national capital was organized for the purpose of providing a refuge for homeless cats, with Miss Eleanor Burritt as president.

The Lockhaven Cat club of Rochester is the outcome of the shows given by the alumni of Wells college. Mrs. Alfred Jackson is the president.

The Connecticut Cat club sprang into existence in 1903 at Stamford. Mrs. Homer Cumming being the presiding officer. The Michigan Cat club followed, and although the youngest of them all, is an active, growing organization. The first show given by this club was a great success and characteristic of the energy of the club members. Mrs. William Chapman is now the president.

These six clubs have joined the national association and have elected delegates to serve on its board of directors. It is hoped that the shows given under these auspices will in time be to the cat what the American Kennel club is to the dog.

These clubs will hold a cat show from Nov. 8 to 11 at the Louisiana purchase exposition. The classification is attended to with as much strictness as in bench shows, and competent judges, who are generally women, will be asked to serve as judges. This world's fair cat show will be the greatest event in the display of cat clubs, and thousands of persons will come especially for this event.

Cat raising, like dog breeding, is fast becoming the fashion, and women of means are engaging in it. It is quite a source of income to the farmer's wife and cat farms are becoming common. It is not, however, an unalloyed joy to raise cats. One must be careful to see that the breeds are not mixed. The kittens must be daintily fed and trained like children to be gentle and affectionate. The virtues of cleanliness must be inculcated. The hair must be combed and brushed until it glistens like silk, and the general health looked after. By the farming out method any quality of cats can be raised. The demand is steadily increasing. The smart set only care to acquire pedigreed animals.

The variety is increasing day by day as intercourse with foreign nations increases. There are the Russian, Persian, Indian, Abyssinian, the Siamese, the Manx, the coon cat, each having its own peculiarities and beauties. Fifty- years ago the fine imported cats were known as French cats. They all came from Paris and were mostly the white variety. It is a curious fact that blue-eyed white cats are ordinarily stone deaf.

The rise of the Angora is remarkable. It was brought from the place of that name in western Asia. The length and glossiness of the hair is subject to deterioration when bred in America. The Angora cat has a small head, not too long a nose, large eyes of a color in harmony with its fur, pointed ears with a tuft of hair at the apex. The Angora is of a gentle disposition, and with its dainty coloring and luminous eyes is admirably adapted for a domestic pet. Prices range lower than formerly, but like a blooded horse or dog are governed by the pedigree. From $5 to $500 is asked for pure-bred Angoras.

[CONNECTICUT] CATS FROM OVER SEA. BLONDINA, SUNNY LOCKS, OF HIGH DEGREE. Hartford Courant, Connecticut, 23rd April, 1904
They’re Silver Persian ladies, Rare.
To Tariffville Journey the Pair
Sir Thomas Tintagel They See
In Mrs. Mitchelson’s Cattery
A Duty High was Paid on Both
That’s All.
Let Hercules himself do what he may
The cat will mew and dog will have his day – Hamlet..

Blondina and Sunny Locks, two silver Persian cats of high degree, arrived at the Hartford Custom House yesterday morning consigned to Julius Copperberg, but really the property of Mrs. Joseph C. Mitchelson of Tariffville. They came direct from London to New York on board the steamer Minneapolis and came from New York to Hartford by express. The crew of the steamer said the kittens were good sailors and train hands on the “Consolidated” road said that neither was car-sick. One mew was heard while going through the tunnel.

Notwithstanding the long journey, the cats were in fine condition on their arrival here and were taken by Mrs. Mitchelson late in the afternoon to her home in Tariffville. Mrs. Mitchelson did not care to say how much duty she paid for her pets other than that it amounted to 20 per cent of their value. She did not care to set a price on the Persians. It is known, however, that gentleman Persians readily bring from $200 to $300 and ladies from $100 to $200. Blondina and Sunny Locks are ladies. Had certificates from the authorities that the cats were imported for breeding purposes accompanied the animals, no duty would have been required paid upon them. There did accompany the kittens their pedigree certificates, issued by the National Cat Club of England, the headquarters of which is at Oaklands, in Beckenham in the county of Kent.

Blondina is of a chinchilla or pearly grey colour and she was born in July 1903. Her sire was Cambyses and Lady Sukey was her Dam. Mowgli and Victoria were respectively her grandsire and grandma. Blondina was bred at the Silverton Rectory cattery and by Miss Frances Dean, a well-known cat fancier of England and was purchased by Mrs. Mitchelson from Miss Frances Simpson. Sunny Locks has a silver coat too, with a slight tinge of orange in it. The sire of Sunny locks was Torrington Sunnyside and her dam was Fluff, both famous cats. For her grandsire she boasts the celebrated Bundle, a champion in the cat shows of England. The grandma of Sunnylocks was Torrington Owlet. Sunny Locks was born August 13, last, and was bred by Mrs. Deacon. Although less than a year old each of the cats is finely developed and of remarkable beauty. Their coats are long-haired like the Angoras but the Persian cats are of rarer breed.

After receiving the cats Mrs. Mitchelson took them to her home in Tariffville, where they will be added to the attractive collection of curiosities which she and Mr. Mitchelson have gathered from all parts of the world. Mrs. Mitchelson said last night that she imported last fall one of the four finest male cats in England of the silver Persian variety, by name, Tintagel. Blondina and Sunny locks will be his companions. In the cattery, which is one of the attractive features of the Mitchelson estate, Mrs. Mitchelson keeps no other cats than silver Persians, which she says are one of the choicest breeds in the world. They are remarkably intelligent and especially noted for their affectionate disposition. They are good mousers too, when a chance to hunt is given them, but they are kept more for ornament than for use in keeping a house free from mice. Mrs. Mitchelson took several prizes at the New York Cat Show last winter. She expects to enter her silver Persians in the cat show at the world’s fair.

[ROCHESTER] QUEEN IRENE IN TOWN – Democrat and Chronicle, 24th July 1904
Mrs. Alfred Jackson, president of the Lockhaven Cat Club, has just received, as a gift, the finest female silver tabby cat in the United States. Queen Irene is the cat’s name. Her father is the famous Chinchilla, Rob Roy, of England. When six weeks old, Irene was purchased in England for $100. She has been exhibited twice and took first prize each time. Queen Irene is now about two years old and weighs nearly eighteen pounds. She was formerly owned by Mrs. C. L. Wagner, of Sandusky, O., owner of the famous Wagner kennels, who gave the cat to Mrs. Jackson.

Feline Aristocrat Will Be Delight of All Admirers
Mrs. Leland Norton Has Small Fortune Invested in High Bred Animals
Los Angeles Herald, 12 December 1904

The only $3000 cat in the United States has come to live in Los Angeles. Three thousand dollars for one cat seems a high price for any person to pay when back yards are full of Tommies and Tabbies willing to become household pets, but Royal Norton, the famous Angora, is quite different from plebian cats. He is an aristocrat to the tips of his polished claws. Royal Norton is owned by Mrs. Leland Norton, the most noted cat fancier in the country, who brought him here recently from Chicago. This distinguished Angora, the most valuable cat in the world, is American bred from pure Persian or Angora stock, and has been pronounced by such English judges of high repute as T. Ferrer Rackham to be an absolutely perfect creature of his kind. He pays his mistress a royalty of 20 per cent on his value, or $600 a year, in the sale of his offspring, the kittens selling readily at $100 each. He is royal in proportions as well as name, comparing in size to a medium Spitz dog. He is pure white and he strides around with lordly tread, sporting an enormous bushy tail and long, silky hair that almost brushes the ground as he walks.

When he left Chicago in the early autumn he had on his summer coat, which the mild California climate has not compelled him to change for a winter one, nor to show the best he can do in deep, heavy fur and spread of tail. Royal Norton's portrait has been made familiar to readers of magazines through advertisements of a food for infants, and to the public generally in various calendars; indeed, he has been photographed so often that now when he sees a kodak and is told to come and get his picture taken he at once perks up his head and assumes his most fetching pose, apparently proud of the privilege of looking pleasant for a snap shot. It is not certain that this big, handsome fellow will be a completely happy cat in his new home in California, unless perchance he should find his way to Mount Lowe some frosty morning after a cold rain, for he is extremely fond of watching the snow fall and of frolicking with snow balls, nor does he forget from year to year that the soft, white substance is his favorite plaything. He may be consoled, however, in the fine wheeling weather the winter climate here affords, for he climbs to the seat of a bicycle when he sees one and begs like a child to be given an airing by this method of locomotion, to which he is most partial, but as his appearance on the street attracts unpleasant attention treats of this kind are rare.

Red Diana is another beautiful big Angora Mrs. Norton has brought to Los Angeles. She is of a bay horse red, a color probably never seen here before in fine cat stock. She could not be bought for $500 so highly is she prized by her owner. Little Chiffon is a fluffy, small, white creature who has made her second trip to California. She is the mother of Little Orange Blossom, a roly poly tangle of silky tawney hair, similar in color to Red Diana.

Mrs. Leland Norton, the owner of the famous cats, has become a resident of Los Angeles. She was the founder of the Chicago Cat club. She inherits her love of animals from her father, who was also a lover and judge of fine stock. On an eastern trip fifteen years ago Mrs. Norton saw an Angora cat that had been brought from Switzerland. She searched New York and the eastern cities to find one like it and failing she sent to the Orient to some missionary friends who were about leaving for the United States and asked them to bring her a pair of cats from Persia. These were named Echo and Madge and were the beginning of the Drexel kennels, which have since achieved an international reputation. The two cats increased to forty, these all dying but four. Mrs. Norton imported more stock and from a social fad the enterprise grew into a profitable industry. The demand for Angora cats was always greater than the supply and the business increased until the Drexel kennels, named for the boulevard, covered 300 feet of space and the owner has netted $5000 a year. Her success has stimulated the breeding of fine cat stock in this country and cat shows are now as common as bench shows of dogs or exhibitions of other animals.

Her Chicago kennels contain eighteen fine specimens, in which is Robin Hood, a handsome tortoise-shell male, the only one of his sex in the world. His colors are red, black, yellow and white. Tortoise in female cats are common, but exceedingly rare in males. Mrs. Norton imports Angoras from Persia, Turkey and India; from the latter country she brought a pair of fine black Persians, Mascot and Bessie, now owned in California. Her special aim in breeding has been for the genuine, rare French red. Persians and Angoras are practically the same and may be of any color.

American-bred stock is superior to that of England, Mrs. Norton says, as the English inbreed too much, aiming for color more than quality High-bred cats, she maintains, are no more tender and difficult to raise than short-haired animals, unless they are made so by the treatment they receive. Royal Norton and his companions are fed cream and perfectly fresh raw meat, or kidney twice a day and are given all they want to eat. They are not coddled in the least, nor allowed to lie around in the house. Mrs. Norton demonstrated her love for all felines when she established in Chicago a cat refuge for homeless, neglected animals, and through her indomitable efforts Dr. White was persuaded to set apart a section of his veterinary hospital for stray and ailing pussies.

Mrs. Norton organized the Chicago Cat club at her home on Drexel boulevard in January, 1898. In that year she was the moving spirit of the first cat show held in that city. One of the special attractions of the cat show was Miss Frances Willard's fine Persian, "Toots." This Angora lived to the age of 11 and survived the great temperance reformer eight years. He was kept in the Drexel kennels until he died. The most famous cat on exhibition was Cristobal Colon, who survived the naval engagement of July 3, 1898, when Cervera's fleet went down in Cuban waters. Cristobal was brought from Spain by the sailors on the battleship Cristobal Colon. When the vessel went down under the guns of the Oregon the cat was rescued by the American marines and remained on board the United States battleship until he was sent to Capt. Clark, her commander, at St. Joseph, Mich., where he now has a home at the government reservation. Mrs. Norton applied to Capt. Clark for a loan of the historic cat 'for a week. Cristobal was sent carefully arranged in a basket, on which was this inscription: "To all good Americans — Treat me kindly and give me food, as I am a prisoner of war from the Christobal Colon, being forwarded by my captors, the crew of the Oregon. to the gallant commander, C. E. Clark, whose brave efforts forced the Colon to surrender July 3, 1898." When Christobal returned home he was accompanied by one of Royal Norton's fluffy kittens, the gift of his owner to the commander of the Oregon. Among Mrs. Norton's most precious possessions are superb oil paintings of Royal, Toots and Madge, done by Miss Gertrude Estabrook, Chicago's famed rose artist, who was also the purchaser of the first kitten sold from the Drexel kennels.


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