In "The Variation Of Animals And Plants Under Domestication" Charles Darwin noted: "The Genetta has bred both here and in the Jardin des Plantes, and produced hybrids. Others have also reported civet/genet hybrids.


Angolan/Miombo Genet (Genetta angolensis) x Rusty-spotted Genet (G. maculata) hybrids were known as Mozambique Bush Genet (G. mossambica). Crested Genet (G. cristata) x Servaline Genet (G. servalina) x South African Large Spotted/Cape Genet (G. tigrina) hybridise freely and extensively and may be a single species. Other hybrids reported are Common Genet (G. genetta) x Rusty-spotted Genet), Common Genet x Pardine Genet (G. pardina), Common Genet x South African Large Spotted/Cape Genet, Rusty-spotted Genet x South African Large Spotted/Cape Genet, possibly Rusty-spotted Genet x Pardine Genet (overlapping ranges).


Masked Palm Civet (Paguma larvata) x White-whiskered Palm Civet (Paguma leucomystax) – these are now considered a single species, though older texts refer to them separately and mention hybrids.

Tainguen Civet (Viverra tainguensis) x Large Indian Civet (V. zibetha) – these are now considered a single species, though older texts refer to them separately and mention intermediate forms.


Slender Mongoose (Galerella nigrata) males are reported to hybridise with Black Mongoose (G. sanguinea) females where their ranges overlap, but the reverse cross has not been reported.

An Indian Grey Mongoose (Herpestes edwardsii) female was crossed to an Ichneumon/Egyptian Mongoose (H. ichneumon) male at Edinburgh zZoo resulting in three sets of twins and a set of triplets in the 1960s.


Although not often considered, Polecat-Ferrets are hybrids. The Ferret is a domestic Polecat (albino or leucistic) and can be crossed with the Polecat to give offspring with intermediate features (Polecat is a European mustelid related to the mink).

The European mink (Mustela lutreola) and European Polecat (Mustela putorius) can hybrizie naturally, forming fertile hybrids. Prof Thierry Lodé found fertile hybrids, but hybridisation is regarded as exceptional rather than commonplace.

Lodé T, Guiral G & Peltier D; "European mink-polecat hybridization events: hazards from natural process?" Journal of Heredity 96 (2): 1-8. 2005

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