1994 - 2025 Sarah Hartwell

This list is not specific to any registry or country. New breeds appear constantly - and at a faster rate than ever - by hybridization, mutation, perpetuation of variants of established breeds and as more and more countries standardise their own local cat varieties.

Where possible the date is that of breed recognition, bearing in mind that different registries have recognized different breeds at different times using different names. The name listed may differ from the name you are most familiar with; I have tried to include clarification where I feel it is required. If your registry is one which recognises individual colour divisions as "breeds", please note that the date listed is that for the type and not for the colour. Omissions are due to lack of available information. For unrecognized, experimental or historical breeds/types, it is the date the breed/type was first reported or first bred selectively. Some of these have since vanished and some cannot be precisely dated. Some natural breeds have two dates - date of origin and date of recognition.

This list also includes some mutations which had the potential to become breeds but were not developed (numerous Rex variants) or where the attempt failed (Australian Curl). The recent trend towards mix-and-match cross-breeding, species-hybridization, trademarked breeds and advance publicity makes the maintenance of this list difficult hence later entries may have date ranges e.g. 1990s, 2000s. Over time some dates are updated to reflect recognition or cessation of a previously experimental variety.

This list is for general interest only and should not be regarded as definitive. It is not, nor will it ever be, specific to any single country, registry or governing body.

Brief breed descriptions may be found at Cat Breeds (Recognized/Unrecognized, Common/Obscure), Variants, Mutations, Hybrids, Archaic/Alternate Names

About the Messybeast Breed List

Birman (Burma, early or France 1930s) [origin disputed]
Khao Manee or Khao Plort (Thailand, early)
Egyptian Mau (Egypt [alleged], early, recognised Europe 1953)
Norwegian Forest Cat (Norway, early)
Persian (Iran [alleged], early; developed in UK from Turkish Angoras, 1800s)
Russian Blue (Russia, early)
Siberia Cat (Russia, early)
Turkish Van (Turkey, early)
Turkish Angora (Turkey, early)
Kuril Bobtail (Russia, early, recognised 1990s)
Japanese Bobtail (Japan, 6th - 10th Century, recognised 1971)
Chartreux (France, 14th Century)
Siamese (Thailand, 1350 - 1767, recognised 1871)
Korat (Thailand, 1350 - 1767)
Burmese (Thailand, 1350-1767, recognised 1936)
Vichien Mas (Thailand, 1676)*probably Siamese
Chinese Lop (China, 1796) *vanished
Edinburgh Tailless (Edinburgh, Scotland, 1809)*vanished
Cornwall (or Dorset) Tailless (Cornwall/Dorset, UK, 1837) * probably Manx
Manx (Isle of Man, UK 1837, USA 1933)
Maine Coon (USA, 1860s)
Abyssinian (Ethiopia [alleged], developed in UK 1860s)
British Shorthair (UK, 1870s)
Malay Cat (Malaysian Peninsula, 1881) *vanished
Mexican Hairless (USA, 1902) *vanished
Malayan Persian (America, 1924)
Himalayan (UK 1920s/USA 1930s & officially 1950s)
German Longhair (Germany, 1929; restored 2008)
Kashmir (USA, 1930s, UK - considered identical to Persian)
Karakul (USA, 1930s)
Peke-Faced Persian (USA, 1930s) *vanished
Prussian Rex (East Prussia, 1930s) *vanished
European Shorthair (pre 1936 (Danish sources), 1949 FIFe)
French Sphynx (France, 1938) *vanished
Balinese (USA, 1940s, recognised 1961)
Ohio Rex (USA, 1944) *vanished
Australian (Australia, 1946) *vanished
German Rex (East Germany, 1946/1951)
Colorpoint Shorthair (UK, 1947 [recognised 1955])
Oriental Shorthair (UK, 1950s)
Tonkinese (Canada, 1950s)
Cornish Rex (UK, 1950)
Italian Rex (Italy, 1950) *vanished
Havana Brown (UK, 1952)
Longhair Japanese Bobtail (Japan, 1954)
Bombay (USA, 1958)
California Rex (USA, 1959) *vanished
Oregon Rex (USA, 1959) *vanished
American Bobtail (USA, 1960s)
British Angora (UK 1960s)
Cymric (Canada, 1960s)
Javanese (USA/UK, 1960s)
Ragdoll (USA, 1960s) [trademarked]
Snowshoe (USA, 1960s)
Devon Rex (UK, 1960)
Scottish Fold (Scotland, 1961)
Bengal (USA, 1963) [leopard cat hybrid]
Ocicat (USA, 1964)
American Shorthair (USA, 1966 - official recognition, previous DSH)
American Wirehair (USA, 1966)
Exotic Shorthair (USA, 1966/7) *developed from 1950s onward
Sphynx (Canada, 1966)
Somali (USA, 1967)
Tiffany/Chantilly (USA, 1967)
Dutch Rex (Netherlands, 1969) *vanished (another appeared 1985)
California Spangle (USA, 1971)
Singapura (Singapore, 1971)
Victoria Rex (UK, 1972) *vanished
Spotted Mist (Australia, 1976)
Sokoke Forest Cat (Kenya, 1977)
Mexican (Mexico, 1978)
Sieburg Rex (Germany, 1979) *vanished
American Keuda (USA, 1980)
Bristol (USA, 1980s)* [margay hybrid] absorbed into Bengal breed
American Lynx (USA, 1980s) [bobcat hybrid]
Colorpoint British Shorthair (UK, 1980s)
Coupari/Longhair Fold (UK, 1980s)
Tiffanie (UK, 1980s)
Safari Cat (USA, 1980s)
Malayan (USA, 1980)
Mini-Persian (USA, 1980s) [when breeding program began]
Pixie-Persian (USA, 1980s) [when breeding program began]
Toy-Persian (USA, 1980s) [when breeding program began]
American Curl (USA, 1981)
Burmilla (UK, 1981)
York Chocolate (USA, 1983)
Celonese (Sri Lanka, 1984)
Ojos Azules (USA, 1984)
Seychellois (UK, 1984)
Dutch Rex (Wirehair Rex) (Holland, 1985)
LaPerm (USA, 1986)
Nebelung (USA, 1986)
Si-Rex (USA, 1986)
Toy-Bobtail (Russia, 1986)
Selkirk Rex (USA, 1987)
Russian Hairless/Don Sphynx (Russia, 1987)
Wild Abyssinian (Singapore, 1987)
Limau Kohlum (Singapore, 1987)
Rexed Maine Coon (UK, 1988)
Oriental Bobtail (UK, 1988)
Toybob (Russia, 1988)

Karellian/Karel Bobtail (Russia, 1990s?)
Dakota Rex (USA, 1990s)
California Toyger (USA, 1990s)
Ussuri (Russia, 1990s)
Petersburg Hairless (Russia, 1990s)
Aegean Cat (Greece, 1990s)
Thai-Bobtail (Russia, 1990s?)
Nebelung (USA, 1990s)
Missouri Rex (USA, 1990s)
Snow Cat/Alaskan Snow Cat (USA, 1990s)
Mandalay (New Zealand, ?1990s)
Suqutranese (UK, 1990) *vanished?
Munchkin (USA, 1991)
Urals Rex (Russia, 1991)
Foldex (Canada, 1992)
Mei Toi (USA, 1994) * became Mei Toy Munchkin
Ragamuffin (USA, 1994; previously IRCA Ragdoll)
Poodle Cat (Germany, 1994)
Bohemian Rex/Czech Curly Cat (Czech Republic, 1994)
Templecat (Tsuncat/Birman Shorthair) (NZ, 1995)
Toy & Teacup Persian (USA, 1996)
Chausie (USA, 1995?) [jungle cat hybrid]
Pixie-Bob (USA, 1995)
Serengeti (US, ?1996)
Malaysiana (Malaysia, 1996)
Altai (DBE) (Kazakhstan, 1997) Australian Curl (Australia, 1996 - discontinued 1997)
Savannah (US, ?1997) [serval hybrid]
Savannah (UK, 1997) * renamed Serengeti
Marbled Mist (Australia, 1997)
Tibetane (Netherlands, 1997) *by independent clubs
Renegade (US, ?1997)
Curly Coated Manx (Australia & New Zealand, 1998)
Australian Rex (Australia, 1998)
Poly-Bob (USA, 1998) [linked to Twisty Cat]
Twisty cat (USA, 1998) [detrimental deformity]
Skookum (USA, 1998 [previously LaMerm])
Kanaani (1999)
New Zealand Shorthair (NZ, 2000s)
Machbagral (USA, 2000s) [fishing cat hybrid]
Pantherette (USA, 2000s) [leopard cat hybrid]
Kucing Malaysia (Malaysia, 2000s)
American Polydactyl (USA, 2000s)
COURICS (USA, 2000s) [trademarked]
American Ringtail (was Ringtailed Sing-a-Ling) (USA, 2000s)
Elizabethan (USA, 2000s)
Vienna Woods (USA, 2000s) *now part of American Shorthair
Minskin (USA, 2000s)
Mokave Jag Cat (2000) Iowa Rex (USA, 2001)
Jungala (USA, 2001)
Ruffle (USA, 2001)* vanished?
Panthurette (USA, 2001) *vanished? [wholly domestic]
Britanica (Europe, 2002)
Viverral (USA, 2001)
Hemingway Sphynx (USA, 2002)
Napoleon (USA, 2002)
Hawaiian Hairless (Hawaii, 2002)
Prairie Rex (Saskatoon, Canada, 2002/3, all neutered due to genetic problems)
Wooley (Brooklyn Wooley [Rex]) (USA, 2003)
Hoosier Rex (USA, 2003, but were all neutered)
Cheops (Canada, 2004)
Punjabi (Belgium, 2004?)
Tennessee Rex (USA, 2004)
Chinese White (China, 2004/5?)
Dragon Li (China, 2004/5?)
Nanus Rex (USA, 2005)
Ashera (USA, 2008)
Bramble (USA, 2007)
Caracat (USA, 2007)
Arctic Curl (UK, 2008)
Helki (USA, 2009)
St Helen Cat (Agia Heleni) (Cyprus, 2009)
Cyprus Mountain Cat (Aphrodite's Giant Cat) (Cyprus, 2009)
Cuban Blue/Azul Cubano (2010)
Lykoi (USA, 2010)
American Satin (Oregon, USA, 2019) Topaz [DBE] (Ukraine, 2016)
DBE breeds (numerous experimental breeds starting 2010s)
Transylvanian (Romania, 2022 (breed standard))
Celestial [DBE] (France, 2016, LOOF recognition 2023)
Azul SH/LH [DBE] (Germany, 2023)


A wide variety of "basic" genes are now available to breeders as building blocks for future breeds. Hybridization with wild cats introduces even more variation.

Curled (Rex) Coat
Wirehair Coat

Curled Ears
Folded Ears
Dominant Blue Eyes
Curled Tail
Short Legs
Miniature Size

Solid Colours
Mink Colours
Patched Colours
Tabby, Spotted and Ticked
Tipped and Smoke Colours

For more detailed information go to:


About this List of Breeds
This file was originally started for my own interest back in the 1980s. Information on currently recognised cat breeds is readily available in books, from registries/governing bodies (GCCF, FIFe, ACFA etc), breed societies or on the Internet. Breed recognition and breed descriptions vary between registries and countries. This "layperson's list" contains general descriptions only and is not (nor will it ever be) specific to any single registry, breed society or cat-breeding country. It will not be linked to, nor name, any breeder pages or cattery pages as this would compromise its independence. It comprises information and trivia from diverse sources worldwide including historical texts and personal correspondence. I wish to express my gratitude to the various contributors who have helped me keep it up-to-date.


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